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Good News Bad News Thread

Discussion in 'Archive' started by FinalForm1, Feb 17, 2008.

  1. Demyxx

    Demyxx New Member

    BN: Mate you copy everything offa me anyways!! xD
  2. GN: That is not true :p
  3. Demyxx

    Demyxx New Member

    BN: Mate you know its true! KMT
  4. GN: I know it's not, lol.
  5. Demyxx

    Demyxx New Member

    bn: SKEEN!! >.<
  6. GN: I don't know what skeen is.
  7. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    GN: I dont think anybody does.
  8. BN: I have Bad News now.
  9. No.III Xaldin

    No.III Xaldin New Member

    BN: i've gotten a warning from this thread
  10. GN: You'll listen to it.
  11. annyssrr

    annyssrr New Member

    Good new: Today is Saturday.
  12. Bad News: I have no plans for the rest of the weekend.
  13. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    Good news: You went on a date with you girl friend.
  14. Yeah, on Friday I did. It was nice.

    Bad News: The waiter spilled the water on me X-)
  15. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    Good news: The waiter gave you a free water bottle XD
  16. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    GN: You guys get free pie. :D
  17. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    Bad news :The pie was poisoned
  18. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    GN: I gave you all anidotes and there worked by 100%. You're all cured.
  19. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    Bad news: The antidote made us Zombies.
  20. GN: I was the only not infected and cured everyone.

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