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Grimoir (The RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Sep 2, 2010.

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  1. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will heard a silence as he entered the woods. It was never this quiet during this time of day. As he drew his sword the voice in his head chuckled. "Not long now my friend until we meet." The voice cooed. "Who are you anyway?" Will thought as he strode along the path that lead deeper and deeper into the woods. "Just call me the dark prince... As you have ran from your birthright one day you must take it, William m'boy..." It cooed, fading slowly as he entered a clearing, pondering what the voice had just said. He turned to Twilia. "Where do you think we should go?" He asked, waving his sword towards the five empty paths before him.
  2. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    "What did you do to my journal?" Toki said as he grabbed it. He quickly flipped through to see that it was still the same as when he last opened it. He put it back in his pocket and grabbed his blade. He glared at his foe before spitting out some blood from his mouth. The knee to his gut had really hurt. Rather than charge in this time, Toki held back. He got his stance ready and waited, he wasn't going to move until he was attacked.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Twila stopped and looked at the paths. She was thinking about other things. She looked at Will.

    "Well maybe we could head to the City of Eden." Twila suggested shrugging really not quite sure which path to take to go there.

    Can you feel it?

    Twila stopped and looked around. A female voice rang through her head.

    Can I feel what? Twila asked.

    The power flowing through you, it's almost ready, ready to burst, how you use it is all up to you.

    Ok... and what power should I be feeling? Twila asked.

    The power of light and darkness, the power from the evening, right when light and dark touch on the horizon

    Twila stopped and thought about the voice realising it was her own voice. 'I'm definately going crazy...' Twila thought to herself.

    No you're not

    Twila stopped and looked around getting frustrated by the voice, the voice so similar to hers.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "This is my chance!" Foma started to close his eyes and started to point at the enemy, making the same, strange language appear before him. He grabbed the words and say the chant as he charged up his M.W.S and pointed the weapon at him. "ETHER RAY!!" A big blast of purple beam started to come from the weapon and hit the enemy in the chest, making it fall forward while trying to escape from Draco's weapon. "DO THE FINISHING BLOW!!!"
  5. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Feuan sighed, and then smiled, "Do I have to come over there and get you?" he chuckled before sinking into the ground, becoming what looked like a green spot on the ground. The spot remained still at first, then quickly moved towards Toki, going under his feet and stopping behind him. Feuan sprung forth from the spot, taking Toki with him as he launched himself into the air. Feuan spun Toki around once before throwing him back into the ground. Feuan landed on the ground and looked at Toki's body as he laughed once more, "I have orders to kill you, but I don't think that's Takai truly wants. Still, orders are orders, so tell you what: you can't defeat me, so my suggestion is to run. Perhaps if I lose you, I'll have to kill you later. So what do you say? Deal?"
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2010
  6. GC4life

    GC4life New Member

    "On it" said Marisa. She started to sprint after Gryphon, but one of the monsters got in the way. She defeated it easily, but it did slow her down. She still went on, but she looked behind her and saw an entire hoard of monsters following her. She did her best to get rid of them, and then she started chasing Gryphon again.
  7. grandia20

    grandia20 New Member

    Syaoran runs into battle with Toki and stands back to back with him. "Let's have some fun. Whoever kills more wins." He barrel rolls over a voidlynx's head and cuts him and two others in half with his blade, while strangling another with his whip.
  8. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will turned to Twilia. "Are you all right?" He asked her, putting his hand on her shoulder, concern showing in his eyes. As he went to speak again bandits ran from the middle path. As one twirled a weapon called the daggertail, one that Will knew was rare and few between the other three started towards Will with swords at the ready. As Will readied his sword the man with the daggertail wrapped around his left arm, cutting deep into his flesh as he cut one bandit down with a howl of rage. The blades hurt but he could fight past that. Yet the fact that it was wrapped around most of his arm tightly up to his shoulder worried him. "Twilia, run!" He barked. "No, she will stay just as you will, because you are both about to become so much stronger." The voice in his head roared back. As it shouted Will realized it sounded like him. As he realized this his eyes opened wide in suprise.
  9. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    OOC: this is going nowhere...

    IC: A strange voidlynx entered Elden city, he felt an odd sense of...boredom. His voice echoed over the city. As he pulled out a torn book engraved with the ancient words meaning "Negate". "You pitiful creatures...have bored me, and in doing so shall suffer...At once everyones grimoirs ceased activating as a barrier Started in the center of town. As it expanded it pushed all living things non-voidlynx from the city with such force they were blown across the continent. satisfied with his victory the voidlynx dissappeared into a portal, laughing uncontrollably.
    * OOC Edit: i did not realize this to be takai, i apologize for power playing, the effect is the same though.

    MEANWHILE: Kira had awoken from a strange dream she had just had. Draco had pinpointed her location and saved her. But it was just a dream, In the background That strange voidlynx carrying an axe was arguing with the man guarding her. She liked him, he was nice to her despite not letting her go. "What makes you think i'll let you do that to her Sgaroth?!" Sgaroth smiled drawing his axe. "Because...she is forbidden and that makes it even more irresistable Asuma, Heh, heh, heh...".
    Without a second thought the voidlynx man Known as Asuma drew his blade and appeared behind Sgaroth. His eyes widened Sgaroth Imploded leaving blood scattered across the cell room. Asuma looked up at Kira, his eyes full of resolve. "I will protect you...My sister..".
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2010
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Lucious looked around and felt himself being pushed back. He looked towards the center of the city and lost his gripping on the ground as he was pushed away. As he was thrown back he quickly caught himself with his wings. He looked at the city over ran with the dark creatures. Voidlynx.

    Twila looked over at Will fighting and told him to run. She shook her head and pulled out the extendable staff. She swung it as the short little rod extended into a staff.

    "I'm not running away from anything." Twila said to him. She ran towards one of the bandits as it swung at her. She blocked the attack with her staff. She swung again and swept down to the ground. She mnagaed to knock him on the ground and pull his sword away.
  11. grandia20

    grandia20 New Member

    As Syaoran goes flying he starts thinking about what it would've been like if he had been there to save the gang. After he's done daydreaming he turns in the air and grabs the closest tree branch then starts dropping from branch to branch until he gets to the ground. "Now let's see, where am I?"

    He looks around and sees moss on a tree. "So I came from the north which means I'm south of Elden. Well, I better get on my way. Maybe there's a town nearby with some lovely ladies in need of help." He gets a giant smirk on his face.
  12. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will ripped his sword from the bandit's throat as he yanked the daggertail embedded in his arm to pull it from the other's hand. As he started twirling it he lifted his sword, slicing the handle off so he had all blades. As he wrapped it around the bandit's throat he pulled, yanking the bandit towards him. Will grinned as he thrust the sword down into the man. He looked to see all dead but one who Twilia had knocked down. He strode over, wrapping the daggertail around his left hand. "Who sent you?" He barked, pointing his sword at the man's throat.
  13. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco Heard the shout, and thrusted his daggers into the brain of the creature. It Fell to the ground motionless...

    Draco then felt a giant force fling him from the city. Once his body reached the forest outside of the city walls, Draco grabbed, and held on to a tree. Strangely Draco began to think about the girl called Mira then. He didn't know why but he felt like he should find her, and the other people he saw fighting the voidlynx. At that moment the force stopped and Draco fell to the ground. He landed and then got up and checked where he was. He looked around, and saw that he actually had gone further than he expected. He made his way back to Eldin. He felt that this was the first place he should start looking for them. "But First, REST." He thought to himself, as he sat down against a tree...
  14. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "WHERE ARE YOU?! No! I didn't have the chance to ask your name!'' Foma started to panic as Draco just went and was whiskered away. All of a sudden, Foma started to find himself started to go through the same process that Draco was going through and saw that he was going to be thrown over the wall Foma started to scream real loud as he felt the force and closed his eyes but his hands started to glow once more, enabling him to balance himself and ended up flying towards a barrel inside the city instead by the castle wall.
    YouTube - Exdeath Orchestrated

    "OOOWWEEE!!" Foma started to move around in the barrel and was flung forward. He started to feel dizzy as he tried to stand up. he started to look up into the sky with complaints. "this is like a nightmare!! All I wanted to do is to relax. Can't a turtle can at least find his shell more suitable in any weird ol' place?!" All of a sudden, he started to see that something is blurry up in the sky and started to open his eyes even more. A small portal started to open and a lady with a long, elegant robe started to come out, her hair so long that it can shine; only that it casts a shadow over the city. "It's here... I can sense it. Takai will be pleased..."
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Twila ran over looking at the bandit. She stood next to Will staff in hand still waiting for the bandits answer.

    Lucius looked and saw a boy he saw fighting in the scene walking through the forest, he was going back towards the city. He quickly headed towards him. He wrapped his wings around him to hide the face he was an angel the best he could.

    "Hey!" He called to the boy(Draco). "Where are you heading, the city is dangerous right now." Lucious called to him.
  16. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    The bandit smiled and said. "I am not from this universe yet I know that neither are you two... or at least part of your soul isn't." He chuckled. Will looked at him and said. "What do you mean?" The bandit grinned. "Haven't you both realized you have special abilities that noone else has? You boy are stronger and faster when you get angry, like a fire burning stronger at the smallest aggrivation. And you girl, a good sweet little girl while also a fighter who learns and adapts quickly, both sides of you as different as light and dark. You both are special..." He cooed.
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Twila stepped forward.

    "What are you talking about? Light and dark, anger? None of that makes sense, plus how can we be from a different universe. I've lived here my entire life, my soul included." Twila said to him. She swung her staff as it became a small little rod again and she attatched it to her waist and looked at the bandit.
  18. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    The bandit smiled at her and said. "You shall discover soon as your true abilites are revealed. The boy shall discover soon I can tell but you are harder to read my dear. Now you might want to go save your specialn city before it falls any farther." He said, fading into nothing more than a discolored patch in the dirt. "I think we should leave and go back to the city..." Will said, shuddering slightly. He had predicted stuff about them, even knew about their pasts like Will's anger.
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Twila looked ahead and she could feel a dark pressence ahead. What was ahead though was the capital.

    "It's the City of Eden, I'm pretty positive of it, somethings up." Twila said. But she worried about their city.

    "We should probably go back and warn Master." Twila told Will. "Then investigate the City of Eden." She further explained her plan.
  20. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will felt a presence and he looked around. "I don't think we have time Twilia. We need to go now before everything is lost. We both have trained well and would be ready for this. Besides, Master is most likely already there fighting." Will said, letting his left hand release the daggertail to ready it for a battle. He knew if they went into the city it would be the fight of their lives. But the question was, against what?
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2010
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