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Grimoir (The RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Sep 2, 2010.

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  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Twila looked at Marisa confused of the two boys running ahead of them. She crossed her arms.

    "Somethings not right." Twila thought aloud.

    'You're telling me, the gryphon isn't suppose to take over, I guess it shows those two boys are weak, maybe I should take over...' The darker voice of Twila sounded in her mind.

    'Dark!' The nice one retaliated. 'First off, I'd never let you, and they're not suppose to, if any of us two take over Twila, it'll be me and it would be to speak to our gryphon brothers.' The nice one continued.

    'Do I have a say in matters? And what the heck is a gryphon?' Twila thought mentally adding to their conversation as she ran after the two boys ahead of her.

    'We'll explain when we stop to rest, until then, Dark, you're closer to Prince, you might be able to make contact with him.' The nice version stated.

    'Aye, will do.' The darker one stated.

    Twila felt her head throb quickly and opened her eyes to see a little girl that looked like Twila when she was a little girl. The difference was this little girl had black hair and midnight blue eyes. She wore a black dress going to her knees. Hanging around her neck was a cresent moon shaped pendant.

    The little girl was ghost like and could only be seen by Twila and the gryphon(powers). The little girl ran ahead. Twila ran and looked at the little girl confused. She saw the little girl run up next to Will.
  2. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will spun, dragging his sword on the ground to stop. "Ah Dark, who finally let you out of your cage?" He cooed, spinning his sword to be ready for any voidlynx that may show up. But he kinda cackled at Dark. "If I remember right you were the troublemaker that got caught!" He barked, impatience showing clearly.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Dark couldn't help but laugh.

    "By my twin sister, why do you think my powers were weaken, we were once the chaos gryphon until I lost powers and my sister gained more light powers. Thinking of Light, she sent me to tell you that you're not suppose to take control of your wielder, he is to be in control and you teach him how to use your powers before returning home." Dark told him.

    Twila ran slightly puzzled but soon caught up to Will and the other boy.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The attack had exploded and Foma flew backwards; He landed near a boulder but was closer to the other people. He then looked up and started to limp his way towards a girl (Twila) and was panicking. He looked at the two of them but his pendant just glowed once more and his eyes changed colors, turning bright purple. He then turned back around and looked at the lady in purple robes.

    "This force; Takai will be amazaed at how much I was able to round up the wielders." She then looked at the girl (Twila) and smiled. Let us see if you are just as swift as he is."
  5. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Gryphon walked over to Twila and sensed a very familiar power from her. Smiling he looked (up) at them, "Is that you, my sisters?" Before he could get an answer, he saw someone (Foma), limping towards them. He ran to their side and attempted to help him out. Alas, he was much to small to do anything, "Hey! Help me!"
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Twila stood confused and her head thumped again another little girl who looked like Twila, as a ghost stood next to her. An exact copy of Dark, except this girl had white hair, a white dress, and light blue eyes.

    "Ok what's going on?" Twila asked confused and looked at the little girl who looked up at her upset and apologetic.

    'I'm sorry, Twila, but we need to fight this girl and get the other's out of here and I'm the only one who could do that besides my brother, Light." She explained.

    "Who are you?" Twila asked.

    "My name is Lunar Light, that's my sister Lunar Dark, we are creatures called gryphons. We give our powers to mortals liike you and we also watch over you. My sister and I are twins and we both give you our powers, we give you the twilight powers." Lunar explained. "I'm sorry about this, but..." :unar stated before disappearing. Twila grabbed her head and fell to her knees.

    She restood up. Lunar Dark/ Dark looked over.

    'Look who decided to take over." Dark retorted.

    "Dark, get out of here, We can't enter the City of Elden, go to the mountain range north of here, all of you. We need to wait till the others gather as well." Twila spoke however it was obvious it was not Twila but Lunar.

    She looked at Foma. Her hand glowed of light.
  7. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked at dark. "The boy gave me control. Aye, he shall have some powers but their true abilities shall come out when I am at the fore." He growled, readying to fight the woman. Her smell was familiar, yet he could not tell where he recognized it from. But it did not make him happy, which in turn made Will's temper shoot up. "Who are you!!!" He roared at the woman, readying his daggertail to fight.
  8. GC4life

    GC4life New Member

    Marisa was catching up to the others when suddenly, she tripped and was knocked unconscious for a bit. When she got up she stumbled around for a bit. Then she again focused on catching up with the others. She ran as fast as she could when she found Gryphon and two other people (Twilla and Forma). She recognized one of them, but she didn't know the other.
  9. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    (We need to move this along)
    Gryphon (the confident one) stood beside her, "Are you alright?" he asked. He looked at the monsters quickly approaching. Holding up his hand, a shield appeared between them and the monsters, "That won't hold them for long," he informed them. The white lion cub suddenly ran up to them, clearly annoyed, and growled at them as if to say 'get moving.' "Let's go then," Gryphon said to the cub and the others.
  10. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will stepped in front of the others, towards the woman in purple robes. "I asked who you are, now answer!" He barked, spinning the daggertail slowly at his side. He readied his sword because the smell of the woman reminded him of a battle long ago, one he could not remember. Yet it made him angry. Why was she here threatening all of them? How dare she even think about doing this to his friends? No, they were not his friends but William's friends...
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The lady in the robes started to to shoot out powerful arrows made from the magics of the voidlynxs and they were aiming at Foma and the gang real fast. Foma eyes started to shine and his powers started to activate; the arrows stopped in midair but he accidently affected the weight of William and the others. "I am not here for your pleasure." Foma's voice came out different as he spoken. He then sent the attack back at the lady in the robes and she were appalled by him.

    "My my. He have awoken to early. Still, I can sense some flames within the other male though." She started to hum as her left hand started to glow. She then started to shoot the glow up into the air and magical bolts were formed one after another. She then smiled as all of them started to circle around William and then threw her left arm down to initiate the command to send them flying down.
  12. GC4life

    GC4life New Member

    The voidlynxs appeared and Marisa readied herself for battle. She started to attack the voidlynxs and was quite successful, until one of them attacked her and she got hurt. "Stupid monster" she said as she killed it. She was bleeding a bit, but still kept fighting, even though the pain aggravated her to no end.
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