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Halloween 'Bash' Registration

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Moogle, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Name- Abigail Nurse-Raven
    Age- 16
    Personality- Fearless, quite, emotionless, perhaps a tad selfish(she cares for protecting herself and not protecting others)
    Species- spirit-witch
    History- Abigail is a spirit who roams the mortal world, as a spirit. She died a long time ago back before the United States came to be, though she lived in the colonies.

    Abigail was a puritan living in Salem. As a young child, she was a happy friendly girl towards everyone, but when her mother died of an unknown death, when she was 5 years old, her life fell apart. She became a depressed emotionless girl. Her father remarried to a widowed woman he had an afair with, Abigail's mother unknown about it. Abigail hated her father when she found out when she was 8 years old.

    Abigail hated her father because of it, and all of Salem knew that and all of Salem also knew why and sided with Abigail. A year after Abigail found out, her father passed away, or rather he disappeared in the woods. Abigail didn't care too much, but that then left her with an evil step mother and her own son.

    Abigail's life became horrible then, at age 12 she was raped by her older step brother and she soon became pregnant. Though for her young age she couldn't support the baby and the baby died before child birth.

    Abigail went against every word from her step mother and with that her step mother locked her away. Abigail hated that especially since she could no longer attend church, the only place she felt close to her mother at.

    When Abigail became 15, people began to become accused of witch craft. It was also then that her step mother became very ill and Abigail was raped again by her older step brother. Abigail once again had a miscarriage. Unknown though, her step mother wanted that child and when Abigail miscarried she accused her of witch craft.

    Abigail was trialed of murder of her father, two babies, and making her step mother ill. Her step mother then made Abigail really mad and even stated that she murdered her own mother. Abigail testified against it, but she was an angry child by the time of her trial and people suspected her believing everything especially since for 3 years she has not gone to church at all. Abigail couldn't remeber the ten commandments or any prayers neither. Abigail was basically fighting a loosing battle and on her 16th birthday, she was hung.

    Abigail awoke as a spirit, an angry spirit at that. She discovered powers she had over the mortals(and other powers too). Once dying she did go on as a spirit and proudly announced herself a witch, a witch of venegence.

    Abigail killed her step mother in her sleep. Once her step brother had a child she killed him too and every child down the line was cursed, if multiple children were born, only one would live past their 16th birthday, the mother would die at age 5. After the only child that survived turn 35(the age she killed her step brother), he would die. It went on like that, and would continue to go on like that.

    Abigail became a witch, a spirit witch. She discovered she had other powers and she is now taking part in the Halloween Bash.

    Other History- As she was not a real character part of the Salem Witch Trials, for the sake of this if it ever comes up, she is a third cousin of Rebecca Nurse(her mother's second cousin).

    Abigail has powers similar to powers of the accused witches in Salem, which included...
    *- flying(on a broom)
    +- burning/fire
    *- force choke(if you read the Crucible, thing of Goody Osborne)
    +- curse/murder(mortals only)
    *- healing(only on themselves)
    +- turn into animals(her personal favorite, a raven)
    (Salem Witch Trials, other powers taken from movies seen, stories, and the Crucible)

    Other Powers-
    +*- fire(like mentioned above)~ it's not a bright red and yellow flame that is summoned like we're used too, she can summon fire balls a greenish yellow color.
    W- water/poison- this isn't regular water, she can take water from a vial she wears, the water is poison(an acid) it's purple in color
    +- thorns- she can summon thorns up from the ground to entangle enemies in
    *- flight/wind- she can summon the wind and use it like a force, it's this she uses to fly with
    - phasing(a spirit power)- ghosts can fly through walls, so can Abigail

    Weapon- her witch magic(with the *) come from her broom
    witches+broom (image)

    other minor things-
    vial of water(gives poison water power, marked W)- Google Image Result for http://www.crystalsrocksandgems.com/images/silverglassvialpendants.JPG

    pendant(gives power to + marked)- Google Image Result for http://www.whitemagic.com.au/images/products/shadowsmith/jewellery/pendants/triplegoddess/headpeicegoddess.jpg

    I tried not to make her too powerful and gave her some step backs with things, but let me know if anything needs changed.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    My bad. I realized that I still had "Will finish later" on my template. It is done.
  3. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    KS, you're accepted.

    SB, as long as your character pays the appropriate energy for those spells, you're accepted.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I have underline the side effects of most of her spells. It is done.
  5. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

  6. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Zhy, could you please put his powers in layman's terms? I'm having a little trouble understanding exactly what he does. Not that I doubt your character's validity.
  7. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    ... It's kind of a tough job to put it all layman's terms.
  8. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    yes well, as great an RPer as you are, you do tend to have trouble with that one small detail every time.

    usually i can follow it but this time even i'm a bit confused.
  9. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    If it helps clarify things a bit more, all it really means is that he
    A) Maintains a sort of "personal reality bubble."
    B) Manipulates spiritual energy, both of his own composition, and external to himself (where ever it externally exists).
  10. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    that's the problem. still not understanding it.

    when i see "personal reality bubble." i get the idea that he has this space and anybody who enters it is subject to his whim. within the bubble he is god, no exceptions. that's what comes to my mind.

    and the other bit, manipulating spiritual energy; what do you mean? what comes to my mind is his attacks strike at a foe's life force directly and not their physical body. strike the soul without harming the vessal.

    unless i nailed it exactly, you're still not explaining it well enough.
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    The way you describe it makes it too powerful.

    I figured the first ability would be something like Izanagi. And for the second ability, I suppose we would need to define spiritual energy. Personally, I'd consider my character to be composed of demonic energy and not spiritual energy. But either way, that would make one of the two characters have a huge advantage over the other.

    For the personal reality bubble ability, it would need to have an obvious limit. Like a time limit for how long it can be used or before it can be used again, or some kind of strain on the character. And the second ability, the way to prevent it from being overkill is have the other characters not composed of spiritual energy and him not being able to heal himself with it or something.
  12. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Bubble probably was a bad word for it I suppose. It's really more of a spatial-chronic buffer zone (I hope that word works better) than anything. And "Spiritual energy" is essentially the same thing as Chi.
  13. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Specifically, how does it work? Is he able to essentially rewrite reality in this buffer zone?
  14. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    and how would he use the 'chi' for attacks?

    EDIT: cause theirs a lot of ways to use it and i can quote two seperate series off the top of my head that each use it very differently.
  15. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    It's not so much a means of rewriting it... considering that in actuality, this buffer zone is skin tight. He can manipulate himself and such, being that he is largely composed of the very energy that he holds an affinity for. But that would require that his opponent literally be within him. Theoretically, if I've got my mechanics right, he'd be able to manipulate reality more widely if he were to extend himself wholly beyond his body, but in order effectively do so, he'd ultimately have to disconnect his physical composition, and breakdown into pure energy... which isn't exactly practical in most cases.

    In the long and short of it, it's more about being able to exist within a certain space-time whilst maintaining himself against it's effects. If that makes sense.

    If not, I've already been establishing a fallback option... well, two, actually.

    As for his "Chi," I'll mostly be applying it an a semi-dragon ball style.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  16. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    That makes much more sense. I like the character.
  17. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    yeah, now that it all makes sense he doesn't seem god-modded at all. to be honest, compared to the others he actually seems weak.

    anyways, i'm pretty sure Requiem will accept him now.
  18. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Come to think of it... I've been stricken with the desire to redesign him to make him less powerful, but more versatile.
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Will this roleplay still start even though we don't have eight people participating?
  20. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Zhy is accepted, and we're so close to eight people that I might as well pester somebody else on the forums to join. Rest assured, if I don't get anybody else by monday I'm starting this. Somebody will just have to have a by in the first round.

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