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How to Become Riku -=The Mother of all Codes=-

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Redzonic, Nov 17, 2007.

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  1. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    trust me he's talking to redsonic he got banned remeber

    also the new guy (his names naruto0389) has this on his signature

    so there's plenty for lurker to be mad about
  2. Lurker77

    Lurker77 New Member

    I'm not red sonic.
  3. DjC

    DjC New Member

    yeah i know ur not. because i remember u joining this site be4 redsonic showed up. and i think we've seen the last of redsonic anyway so dont worry
  4. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    someone at khvids thinks im redsonic
  5. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    yeah KH220 what up with that:confused:
  6. DjC

    DjC New Member

    oh really! he does huh! ever since he learned about hacking he thinks hes bad a**! well im gonna talk to him about this. he has tested my patience. IF ANYONE MESSES WITH ANSEM THE WISE 59 OR I SHOT ANSEM UR MESSING WITH ME! and when u mess with me ull want to unregister at all forums that im on. i have ZERO tolerence with people saying this persons redsonic! ur lucky i wasnt online when he said that cause i wouldve caused a flame war! i cant wait for KH220 to get online! im gonna have another enemy ^^
  7. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    WHOA DjC STEADY THERE remeber why were here to find the riku code not to start flame wars

    but i still don't understand why KH220 would say that
  8. DjC

    DjC New Member

    NO! like i said i have 0 tolerance for this crap. were going no where with riku. and to be honest with riku isnt that great. besides we'll all get tiered of him in about a week. yeah it would be nice to have him, but if u use the words RIKU and CODE in one phrase the code vault gos INSANE! thats why i think that only coders should be allowed to talk about riku. everyone is there complaining on how longer will it take and its real hard for the coders. its not easy at ALL. riku is very fustrateing. and everyone else makes it sound like all u have to do is place his digits in soras slot and BAM theres riku. its NEVER gonna be that simple. but we cant just sit here and make random codes expecting them to work. its usless. his digits should be renamed to freeze. lol. well im still gonna talk to him like it or not. but ill be nice about it. but if he gos all crazy on me then of course im gonna do the same. but for now, i just wanna learn how to hack. and whats up with black numbers. he comes online says something and leaves for like 2 weeks. lol i hope that we'll see him again.
  9. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    speaking of the code we have the live dump again
  10. Lone21

    Lone21 New Member

    lol i agree he has been acting like that im on DjC side
  11. Lone21

    Lone21 New Member

    sorry for duble post but i dont know how 2 quote more than 1 thing lol well.....ya Riku aint that great and if ya cant find the code after this long then quit looking....
  12. DjC

    DjC New Member

    yeah and khkid thought he had riku but it had too many lines of codes. even though we have a live dump, doesnt meen riku is gonna be playable i say hes a 50-50 chance of being playable. riku just gonna be like roxas, everyones gonna want it, they get, and there bored of it.
    i didnt know u had an account at kh-vids?
  13. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    i think riku is a 50-50 chance too & yeah people is going to want it then get bored of it soon.
    but i never get bored of games/codes that easily cuz its fun using them :D
    oops, gotta stay on topic :p
    ahem *clears throat* :rolleyes:
  14. DjC

    DjC New Member

    lol well im happy with the play as world soras wherever u want code. its finally fixed and we can play as them ANYWHERE!
  15. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    cool, give me the code :D
  16. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member


    Play as Tron sora:
    11C95618 00000656
    Drive as Tron sora:
    41CFA404 00050000
    00000669 00000000
    41CEF7C0 00160001
    0000077B 00000000
    only use the:Starseeker,Hidden Dragon,Hero's Crest,Monochrome,Follow the Wind,Follow the Wind,Photon Debugger,Gullwing,Rumbling Rose,Guardian Soul,Wishing Lamp,Decisive Pumpkin,Sleeping Lion,Sweet Memories,Mysterious Abyss,Bond of Flame,Fenrir,Ultima Weapon. the other ones will chrash the game
    Play as timeless river sora:
    11C95618 00000657
    Drive with timless river sora:
    41CFA404 00050000
    0000066A 00000000
    41CEF954 00150001
    0000077B 00000000
    only use the:Starseeker,Hidden Dragon,Hero's Crest,Monochrome,Follow the Wind,Follow the Wind,Photon Debugger,Gullwing,Rumbling Rose,Guardian Soul,Wishing Lamp,Decisive Pumpkin,Sleeping Lion,Sweet Memories,Mysterious Abyss,Bond of Flame,Fenrir,Ultima Weapon. the other ones will chrash the game
    Play as Halloween sora:
    11C95618 000002B5
    Drive as Halloween sora:
    41CFA404 00050000
    000003E6 00000000
    41CEF2A8 00130001
    0000077B 00000000
    only use the:Starseeker,Hidden Dragon,Hero's Crest,Monochrome,Follow the Wind,Follow the Wind,Photon Debugger,Gullwing,Rumbling Rose,Guardian Soul,Wishing Lamp,Decisive Pumpkin,Sleeping Lion,Sweet Memories,Mysterious Abyss,Bond of Flame,Fenrir,Ultima Weapon. the other ones will chrash the game 
  17. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    thanks for the codes ansem_the_wise_59
  18. heartless riku

    heartless riku New Member

    i have a play as riku code for gameshark. But if you go to disney castle or attack on the ground the game freezes. You can attack in the air though. His menu is a shortcut menu with attack, fire, thunder, and jump. He is okay. But people will get bored with it eventually. If anyone wants the code just say so.:D
  19. Soras Other #13

    Soras Other #13 New Member

    Why do you wanna play as Riku anyway? I hate even having him on my team
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