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Discussion in 'General' started by axelvs.riku, Nov 3, 2007.

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  1. hey im about to get a 1979 gibson les paul studio.. and its souped up to.. it sounds so sick...
  2. Sora-Riku

    Sora-Riku New Member

    I'm a trombone player!! And also piano and trumpet, bass guitar, drums and clarinet!
  3. whats wit all these people in the freakin world

    how can u possibly handle that many interments

    i respect that but seriously
  4. KnuXl3s

    KnuXl3s New Member

    Last edited: Aug 12, 2008
  5. xrawrxmassacre

    xrawrxmassacre New Member

    well i play the clarinet for marching band.
    i'm currently teaching myself guitar and piano.
    i also sing in choir and for fun
    (trying to set up a band)
  6. Unsure

    Unsure New Member

    The drummer and the singer are two hard things to find for a band.

    It seems a lot of people are going bass and guitar. Duno, but that's what I think.

    I love drumming though. Woo!
  7. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Well, I had a band with my friends, I was the singer... But we had to quit when the drummer moved away.. u.u
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