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Interesting/Weird Dreams

Discussion in 'General' started by Goldfish, Feb 24, 2009.

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  1. Shoot, I had a dream about three weeks ago that all the females in the world vanished T_T all because of a bunch of jerk guys.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Well, I will tell you of a dream that I once had, but just this once. Snakes are obeying this wizard who is my dream enemy ever since & he always be chasing me no matter what. The T.V. be always white & someone be laying in the chair dead. I don't be seeing the wizard face, but he always be speaking in a language that I don't understand.
  3. keyblademaster777

    keyblademaster777 New Member

    ive been also having dreams were im not me,but im someone else! and its the guy from these short stories i make up!
  4. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    I was back in High School (ewwrrkk) and for some reason we had a cafeteria (there was no Cafeteria in my previous school) where I ordered some Ice Cream (too much ice cream lately). The Cafeteria lady shouted some words at me (sounded like gibberish) and suddenly turned into a dog (?). I left the scene drinking a milkshake (?) and ran upstairs of one of the school buildings. At that point I looked over the edge and saw that everyone was a Zombie (?!) and saw 3 other kids who were still humans fending off the zombies. Finally realizing who they were (couple of my best mates) I yelled out to them, they never noticed me... So I jumped off the second story of the building landing lightly on the ground. I was able to run on the side of walls and jump off some zombies to my friends (absolute ninja there =D ) where they had a bag filled with musical instruments that represented each of us somehow. A guitar, drumsticks, a sitar and a microphone on its stand. I used the mic (cos I own them in Sing Star ^^) as a sword, the Guitar was an axe, Drumsticks were Nunchaku's and the Sitar just shot out beams (?). Anyway, sticking together and using the "weapons" we fought off the Zombies and decided to quest our way to the source of the happenings. I woke up after that (darn, the best part) but it made me think what was the source of the zombies in that dream, I expected the Cafeteria Lady who turned into a Dog but with the weird things that were happening in that dream, it was all just magic I guess... =S

    Sometimes I have these dreams which continue each night almost like a saga (not frequently though) so I may update this particular dream in future perhaps...
  5. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    My dreams are always really strange, and very emotionally intense and they last for hour's, basically whenever i sleep i dream. Ill share one with you i had about a week ago.

    Well i was walking home after school, as normal i was about 10 minutes late(talk to friends after school). Anyway i was at this part of the road which curve's, its where i normally cross so i have to cross halfway to see if anything is coming. Coming down the road was one of my teacher's. He honked the horn and rolled down the window so i went and had a chat with him, and for some reason felt really intimidated. I began to run in the opposite direction of my house. Thinking he was following me i ran into a Cull De Sac, and stopped to catch my breath. I look at the brick wall at the end of the street and it began to ripple and turned into a silvery colour. Thinking it was curious i walk over to it, and i saw what i thought was my reflection. Anyways i raised my hand to touch it and my reflection followed. As i finger's touched the weird thing the hand of what i thought was my reflection came out of the mirror and pulled me in. It was my teacher and struggling to get my wrist out from his hand i feel to the ground., bringing him on top of me. Anyway when we landed it physically hurt me? Then he disappeared and there was this beautiful man with long blond hair and perfect crystal blue eye's. He reached his hand out to me to offer to pick me up and said "Stand up. Let's go to a new world." Taking his hand he pulled me into a embrace and i said to him "My favorite world."

    A bit more happened before i woke up, but i can't remember it clearly, so i wont type it.
  6. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Well my Zombie/School/Musical Instruments etc dream was random and wasn't specific to anything but anyway...
    I remember Last Year graduation, we were doing "silly" things and eventually I fell asleep from all the fun (and other influences).
    During my dream I was having nightmares about my hair falling out, being chopped off etc (my hair is who I am >.< ) and it wasn't too specific.
    Eventually I woke up looking at everyone just giggling and suddenly laughing. Having just woken up I decided to go to the bathroom to "try" to freshen up. Looking in the mirror I was shocked to see that my left bang was chopped off =O
  7. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    I had a nightmare quite recently. It was one of those dreams were you wake up all of a sudden sweating or crying. Don’t know if I’m the only one who gets those.
    But it was set in Switzerland and it was well weird. It should have been like a Hollywood horror movie. There was this lake, and in the dream the lake was the main focus. And apparently loads of people had died in it, including my father’s son( although I don’t have a brother.)

    And loads of weird ghostly stuff started happening like near the lake. And towards the end the dead son came alive and my father was really happy. But he was treating him like he was still alive, when it was so obvious he was dead and evil.
    And it ended on me saying “Dad, he’s not alive. Dad, he’s not alive.” But my dad like completely ignoring me.

    It’s really hard to explain this dream, but it was weird T_T
  8. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Well I had a weird dream last night. I dreamt that I had three kids, boys, and it felt so real. I actually felt warmth and affection towards them. Kinda sad when I woke up.
  9. I had played Left 4 Dead over my friend's house and we played it for a long time. It was about 3:45 AM that I fell asleep while playing Fable II and I had a dream about Left 4 Dead. In the situation, I was with a group of three others. Me, a random girl whose name was Claire, a boy about, my age was named Kim, and another girl named Jamie. We were in the worst possible.

    We were in Tokyo Japan, without any type of communication and were fighting off the zombies. However, I was taken by them and then transformed into a Hunter. Thing is, I could control myself. So, I reunited with the group and fought with them. I had to kill myself to be sure they made it off the country.

    But, even though I was hit in the explosion, I didn't die. So then, I was human again, but with the skills of a Hunter. I wondered on and on for ten years, fighting off the Horde, other Hunters, and Tanks, Smoker, and Boomers, and even a Witch.
  10. Terra

    Terra (Previously RoxasXRiku)

    I have a ton of weird dreams, but I'll just share a short one for now.

    There was this girl, who used to be Michael Jackson's girlfriend (not the current looking MJ, the better looking one of the 80's), but MJ died, and she was haunted by his ghost. This may sound comical but in the dream it was more in the horror vein, and not because it was MJ.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2009
  11. . . .Wow, that's new.
  12. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Waking up this morning, I felt a tear slide down my cheek.
    My dream consisted of me swimming but I dove too deep underwater. Realizing I needed air (duh) I tried to surface, I swum my hardest to resurface but all attempts were futile as I was swimming in the same spot. I started to drown, unable to breathe. It felt too real, the feeling of your lungs about to burst, I started to cry underwater.
    I woke up jumping out of my bed breathing really deep and heavily with that tear on my cheek...
  13. keyblademaster777

    keyblademaster777 New Member

    i had a dream that me and my friends were in this victorian mansion trying to solve a mystery. then when i found a clue(a book) these vampires started to chase us! seems that for some reason they did not want us to solve the mystery. then me and one of my friends almost died but then a rosary saved us.later a the vampires were chasing us and i told every one to go up some stairs. i was last trying to hold back the vampires but when i tried to go up the stairs one of my friends was going slow! then my dream ended. right before he got me.
  14. Hey I Had The Same Dream!
  15. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    I dreamed of someone of whom I do not remember much about. We were kids, about 2-4 sitting on the beach. I told her I was going to get her something that was washed ashore. The item lay in the rolling waves, I told her I would get it for her. Upon reaching the item, a huge wave crashed on top of me. I was washed away and drowned as as well...
    It was depressing to be separated again, But being able to have a dream which is able to help me reminisce about someone from my once child hood was also relieving.
  16. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    My most recent dream, I was helping my young sister (who is a girl scout) deliver cookies. We ended up at an ex-girlfriends house, and she jumped and hugged me and such, and then Yosemite Sam (the looney toon) attacked her and I ended up fighting him. IDK if my mind was high or something but god, it was wierd.
  17. keyblademaster777

    keyblademaster777 New Member

    i had a dream about some girl who was obsessed with justin timberlake! she was all poor and stuff and they were acting like they had known each other for years.
  18. I had a dream that I met with all of my friends 20 years later during a crappy zombie breakout (the zombies weren't even hungry) and I remembered everyone while they didn't remember each other.
  19. keyblademaster777

    keyblademaster777 New Member

    i had a dream about some kid who wanted me too read harry potter too him off the internet!
  20. One~Destiny

    One~Destiny New Member

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