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Interesting/Weird Dreams

Discussion in 'General' started by Goldfish, Feb 24, 2009.

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  1. I had a dream that I was falling through pudding. . .don't know why though (-_-")
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I had a dream when my best friend was doing bad things & chase me with a samurai sword & I was jumping on top of houses to get away from him. I'm not telling you the rest of what happened in that dream. was very upsetting.
  3. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Waking up at 3AM :eek:
    In my backyard just now, now feeling cold and itchy from laying on the grass...
    I had a dream about living on the clouds. It was my sanctuary, knowing everything about it. Suddenly some Zombie pirates (they just had to be Zombies) started to raid my sanctuary. Knowing the place and using my ultra fast quick Ninja Senses I made traps in the clouds. For some reason I made the traps extremely violent. One of the traps s_l_o_w_l_y diced one of the zombie pirates by slicing at its feet and slowly continually slicing all the way to the top of its head. I eventually got rid of the zombie pirate horde and continued living in the clouds =S
    Not sure what it all meant, Not sure how it related to me being cold and itchy. I just wanted a hot shower to warm up and stop the itchiness from the grass...
  4. DawnBlade

    DawnBlade New Member

    The other night I dreamed that I was on bus going on a school trip, and for some reason Riku was there. Everyone was talking to him and he was being really nice (as always), I started talking to him (which was weird cos he was at the back of the bus and I was at the front), and then everyone said that he loved me and that we should go out together (?).
  5. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Haha! Go for it! Cause that kid is "Dy-No-Myte!" XD
    Anyway, my most recent which I can remember consisted of the world turning into an anime. I've had this one a few times, it's probably my favourite with all the exciting things happening. (during the dream) I wake up, go for a walk (My outfit has already been put on =O) and the adventure begins! This time I was a boring ol' business/salary man but was easily distracted and found himself into trouble involving Ninja's (That's right, no zombies that time :D). I was killed but found myself looking alive again back in my bed. Everything afterwards I can't really recall. But I woke up feeling good that day.
  6. I had a dream that Sora stabbed me for taking his cream puffs. Then my cat jumped on my head . . . Weird stuff . . . Weird stuff.
  7. keyblademaster777

    keyblademaster777 New Member

    i had a dream that i woke up,and then i woke up. i was like, wait a minute, didnt i just wake up?
  8. Amazing . . . my other dream last night was inappropriate so . . . so yeah.
  9. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    What can I say, Vampires, Living with Vampires, becoming a vampire, Slaying my kin... As long I see a reason for why I had these dreams shall keep me unoccupied about them ^^
    Perhaps too much Vampire Night Anime...
  10. Oh wow, evilness.
  11. keyblademaster777

    keyblademaster777 New Member

    i had a dream that i was in this academy and some vampires were trying to destroy it. so we spied on them in some ruins.me and my friends were monsters too.i was a vampire then my friends were a werewolf a succubus and something else. then some creepy girl was chasing us so we had to seperate and then we regrouped in science class.i still dont know what i did about the creepy girl.
  12. I had dream last night that I was with Kairi and then with Larxene. I liked Kairi, but moved to Larxene when I saw her. Then I got Larxene pregnant, so I moved back to Kairi. Then they found out and we all killed each other with knives . . . Kind of like School Days.
  13. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Quite dark, Real surreal yet somehow it was pleasant with all the colours.
    I kept seeing swirling colours, then I started pulling something apart. That something was a Voodoo Doll, I started off by pulling off the legs, suddenly my legs came off. No pain but a variety of colours came out, it was representing the blood but the colours made me happy. I then pulled off one of its arms, the same thing happened. with one arm left, I decided to eat the doll. I suddenly disappeared...
    And that's when I woke up =S
  14. Had a dream that a friend of mine and I . . . did stuff. I told her and she hit me very hard . . . I didn't even want that dream.
  15. keyblademaster777

    keyblademaster777 New Member

    i had a dream that all my friends( school and internet. ALL OF THEM) were on a road trip(in cars).then we stopped in woods and jason started to chase us! then when we escaped we stopped for a picnic but then jason found us again! he wanted to travel with us but i never trusted him! and i never got in the same car either! then when we dropped him off he tried to kill us again! luckily we had drove off before he came back with a machete.(barely)
  16. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    A dream of flying. Usually these pick up as good fortune.
    I was just flying over mountains, oceans and canyons.
  17. Resident Evil 5, I'm in it, with firends, nough' said.
  18. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Barney getting killed & getting ripped to shred & smelled real bad while I was riding on a toy train. Don't ask me why. That was long ago, when I was little. -_-_-
  19. keyblademaster777

    keyblademaster777 New Member

    i had a dream that i was mello. first i started out with his original wierd hairdo. and then i suddenly got his scar and second hairdo.(i like that one better.) i even had his cool jacket. and my parents didn't notice. plus i was in a train station.
  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I had a dream that I saw Tea & Yugi from the Yu-gi-oh show kissing each other, then it switched to me fighting against a monkey, to getting swallowed whole by Xemnas. -_-_-
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