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Interesting/Weird Dreams

Discussion in 'General' started by Goldfish, Feb 24, 2009.

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  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XDXD YOU GOT HIT IN THE HEAD!! @_@_@_@ Demyx singing. Whoa.
  2. IcecreamLink

    IcecreamLink Banned

    your dead The Graceful Assassin!
  3. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    I have weird dream today. I was appear in dark room, where its only dark and almost can't see anything. Then shortly after, someone with white cloak appear and brought 3 treasure chest. The inside of it is Golds, Books, and Sword.

    Then he was asking to me, "Which one is important to you?" with a voice that i know, but i can't remember who it is.

    Then he pushed me to dark abyss and suddenly i awake.

    Really weird...
  4. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    I woke up this morning feeling uneasy as if I had left something behind.
    In my dream I dreamt that my wallet burnt up and thinking about it now, I have left my wallet at my mates place...
  5. keyblademaster777

    keyblademaster777 New Member

    i had a dream that i was at a vampire wedding,me and some random people were being chased by zombies,i got stuck in a wierd house owned by frankenstien's monster, that i lived next to a family of werewolves,and all of my friends who were smart turned stupid.
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I had a dream where I had super powers and this super hero team sort of like teh Teen Titans, but not the Teen Titans and it was all ages even a 5 year old was in it, and I was learning my power, we had to take on this electric dude and I absurbed his power and his entire being into my body (my piower was energy, there's a story behind that). Well later on Power began taking over my body, except I didn't know, because I saw him and no one else could and he was forcing me to beat up myself and then they thought I would be safe (the super heros) by attatching me to a chair that had my weakness on it and I was taken over completely.

    Then I woke up at 4am, then went back to sleep. It continued

    The next thing I know is I'm fighting power and we get down to the river and I hang on the edge of the cement sidewalk, it was the siding of the river. I had my arms sticking out over the water and the electricity of Power flowed out and went in the river and seperated killing power and his power that was in me went out.
  7. keyblademaster777

    keyblademaster777 New Member

    i had a dream that me and some of my friends went to a rich preppy school. there was a cave and if anyone tried to go inside they would get punished. then my teacher was solid snake. and when i finally snuck into the cave everything i wanted was there. then we escaped from the school later.
  8. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    I was fighting an evil king using Yugioh card and i won. Then i walked in a place that similar to Ending of Kingdom Hearts 1 (where only roads) but instead savannah, its rocky mountain and desert with red sky like what i thought about Mars. i walked into the road and found a split road into two. And i heard that i must walked into the left one, where i arrived a combination of my aunt and my grandma's house. I walked closer to the voice and found a place that similar to watch post in beach, i climbed it into stairs and helped my friends from that place. My friends were getting out from there except A and B (just pretend that he's A and he's B ) and me. Suddenly the door gone and left wall only. I was trying to find a way out but eventually i found out that the door appeared again. Me with A and B getting out from there and i asking B to call my friend that was with the other (just pretend C) but he didn't answer it. So we run and run to chase them by getting back into the split road and pick the right road. Then i awake up.
  9. keyblademaster777

    keyblademaster777 New Member

    i had a dream that my whole school went on a field trip. but then this annoying person(who thinks everybody likes her) was in the same car with us(it was like halve a nightmare and halve a dream;cuz i don't like her too much) then we went to a toy store and the gi-joe and autobots were fighting cobra and the decepticons and we were part of the battle. but as L said:"the good guys always win!". and that's what happened.
  10. keyblademaster777

    keyblademaster777 New Member

    oh. and i also dreamt that i was hanging out with Gambit.(in a secret government base) i guess he was stealing something. But it was great!
  11. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    I have the same dream every year! :eek:
    I didn't notice it until I was about 13 but It's weird. Around my birthday every year, I have this dream that starts out with me riding motorbikes with my brother (the usual July thing to do for us) and then suddenly my brother gets the feeling we should turn around and go home. When we get home, we find my home ransaked and my father missing. We try to call our mom/911 or something but neither of our phones will work. Just then, we hear something behind us and we turn to see something that I really cant ever remember because it changes every time: A man with a weapon, an animal of some sort, etc...
    The point is, we turn to run and I trip over some of the rubble of my house and fall. Thats when I wake up.
    I've told my bro about this before and he basicly just says 'hm... sucks to be you.' -_-
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I had this after my friend from Japan left to go back to Japan in Kingergarten. However I just had this yesterday for some odd reason.

    When I was younger, I was younger, but yesterday I was older. I find this secret cave and I go down in it. I travel through this underground tunnel around the world meeting international people, gaining special powers from each nation, then right before I wake up I get to Japan and I have to fight these pokemon(did I mention this friend was what got me hooked on pokemon, me and her would battle pokemon cards all teh time, however since we were young we made up our own rules) Right before I would go up in Japan, I'd wake up. So I never do find her.
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