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Inuyasha:Birth Of A New Half Demon(Roleplaying)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Oct 10, 2009.

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  1. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Korin jumped down out of the tree and laid next to Asorian."Asorian do you think we will be safe in this forest?"Korin said."Of course we will now go to sleep"Asorian said as she laid her head back down on her pillow.Korin looked around and saw all the Deku kids laying in the tree's."I guess that guy was right"the deku kids would get mad if i took there bed.
  2. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "hehehehe, sleep tight travelers." The fireflies soon lit up the treestops. The sound of music could be heard in the far distance. The wolfo's howled to the music. More fireflies light up the forest and showed the various woodlen animals. Majora had tried to fall alseep, but the mask kept him awake. He had mange to keep a control over its dark powers. Though everyonce in a while it tried to rise up, but it always failed. Everytime, though it got stronger, this time it did not win. Though it doesn't mean the next time it wouldn't. Majora jumped through the trees watching over the animals and creatures that homes were the forest. Once his patrol was done he came back to the women and child. He watched them, in the middle of the night he went and had made hamics from tree vines and leaves and placed the two in each one. "hehehehe." Majora then climbed up a tree and pulled out his flute and played a soothing song for the deku kids various creatures. Other skull kids throughout the forest joined into his song.
  3. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Asorian had awaken from her sleep she stretched and yawned then began doing pull-ups on a near by tree branch.Asorian was about to wake Korin up be she had decided to let him sleep since he had worked very hard yesterday.Asorian kept doing pull-ups.As Asorian was doing her pull-ups Korin was sound asleep dreaming about his family.
  4. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Arashi left the gate and checked around the rest of the village. He was looking out for his fellow villagers and friends. While walking he saw some villagers running to him. "What the?" They looked troulbed. The group of troubled villagers stopped in front of him and said "We need your help lord Arashi." Arashi looked at them and said "Whats wrong?" The villagers then replied "Kaiko is gone." Arashi had a grim look on his face.
  5. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Majora stopped playing his music and climbed over to the tree the women was by and hung upside down in front of her. "hehehe, why do you insist on doing pull ups? I would also like to introduce myself while I am here. I am Majora protector of this forest and a demon. What is you name and what brings you thorugh my forest? We rarely get visitors out to this forest, though I usually turn them back for their own protection."
  6. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "I need to train the boy over there"Asorian said."Oh and im Asorian....Im a half-demon"Asorian said as she stopped doing pull-ups.Asorian Looked at Majora."So your the protector huh...then why is that wolf destroying your forest?"Asorian said as she woke up Korin and ready her sword."Korin you ready?"Asorian said."Yes"Korin said yawning.Then Korin had seen the wolf demon pushing tree's down."whoa!!"Korin said."So we are fighting that huh?"Korin said.Asorian looked at him with a serious face.
  7. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Arashi ran out of the village in a huff. He was scared abut Kaiko. "What happened?" He kept running until he saw a group of wolves together. Arashi looked at them and said "What are you wolves up to?" They turned around and looked at him. They snarled and charged at him. Arashi then sighed and said "Ok." "If thats how you want it." He then grabbed the wolves's tails and threw them deep into the forest. He then ran deep inot the forest to see Kaiko.
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Teini & Marina was eating at a table along with their other relatives. Inuyasha & Miroku was stuffing their face in the food, having Sango & some of the others disgusted. "When will he'll ever start acting like his own age?" Sango was embarrassed by Miroku's manners. "You ask me. I don't think that Inuyasha will ever grow up if you ask me." Kagome was starting to get irritated by him. "Grandmomma Kagome? I hope you don't get upset with him." Inuyasha then turned at Teini & stopped eating. "Don't worry. Your grandma is not going to be such a royal pain. If she does, she'll start becoming like Kaede." Kagome then turned blue & started to use her powers to turn into a ghost. "Inuyasha. You went & made this old lady feel like chewing on your bones." She send a terrible chill in Inuyasha while Shippo hid behind Sango. "SHE'S STILL SCARY EVEN AT THAT AGE!!!" Inuyasha then stood back up & started to yell. "It's because of you that our granddaughter will end up being all old & musty like you!" Teini then felt offended & stood up. "GRANDPAPA!!! SIT!!" Inuyasha fell down to the ground & was in pain. "SIT!!! SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT!!! I WON'T END UP BEINGOLD & MUSTY!!" Teini ran outside crying while Inuyasha was having trouble trying to get up, having Kagome stomping on him. "Oh no. That's not right." A few minutes has passed & Marina was ready to leave with her family. "BYE TEINI! I'll see you later!" "BYE!!!" Teini was smiling & was waving back at Marina, but then she started to get tired & decided to go to bed...
  9. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Asorian and Korin were ready to battle.They ran towards the Wolf demon and blocked him so he couldn't get away.Korin was about to get slashed but had dodged the demon's attack.As the demon was trying to attack Korin Asorian slashed the demon from behind."Korin Watch out!"Asorian yelled as the Wolf demon mauled Korin in his chest.Korin had went flying into a tree.Suddenly the Korin's blade began to glow a light purple.Asorian's sword began to glow red.Asorian hadn't noticed that her sword was a different color.Korin got back up and began attacking the Wolf demon rapidly suddenly it fell to the ground.
  10. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "hehehehehe, I haven't stopped it, because it was fate that brought it here for you to train the young laid." Majora watched as the two sprang into action and took on the wolf. Majora did not interfere the battle that was taking place for it was not his place to interfere at all. Majora did though when the time was right. When the wolf fell to the ground unable, Majora appeared in front of it. "Hehehehe, that is enough. Let the creature go on, you have brought it down. There is no reason to end its life, just for the experiance of killing something. Now I must ask, what will you train him now to do? I may be of asstiance."
  11. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Arashi was deep in the forest. He looked around for Kaiko. "Where is she?" He kept looking around until he saw a woman with black hair, black eyes, and is in black white clthing trapped in a spider web. Arashi gasped. "Kaiko!" He then ran to helped his friend.
  12. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Your assistance would be great Majora you could teach him agility since your so fast"Asorian said.Asorian looked at Korin he not one mark on him.Korin looked at Asorian and Majora talking from afar."So Asorian what im i going to be training today?"Korin said smiling.Asorian looked at Majora."Majora will be training you in agility"Asorian said smiling as she grabbed Korin's hand and put him infront of Majora.
  13. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Arashi ran as fast as he could. "Kaiko." "Don't worry, I'll save you!" Kaiko opened her eyes and looked at him. "Arashi... you came to save me." Arashi looked at her when he got there. "Of course I did." "You're the village's preistess and my friend." She then blushed when he said that. "Now, lets get you out of there." As soon as he was about to grab her, a giant spider demon showed up. "Where do you think you're going?"
  14. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Asorian had left the other's and went back into town.Asorian went back to the hut she had been to the first time they came.Asorian was just about to buy the food when a arrow went through the cloth on her shoulder.Asorian turned around to see a cloaked man."Who are you!"Asorian yelled out to the man."I am the Demon Hunter"The man said as he readied himself to shoot another arrow.Asorian look at the man and began running towards him.Asorian pulled out her sword and jumped into the air.The Demon Hunter shot another arrow and had missed.Asorian slashed and a powerful blast came out of it and hit the demon hunter.Asorian had thought the man was hurt so she began to walk back into the wood.Suddenly a arrow hit Asorian and went straight through her.Asorian tried to pull it out but it just began to hurt more.
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Teini started to roll around the bed, getting uncomfortable as she's sleeping. "Wha... where am I?" Teini started to have a nightmare as she saw herself standing in front of a well in a dark shelter. "What is this place?!" She saw that the well was glowing & a demon jumped out & grabbed her, taking her into darkness. While she was trying to get away, a half demon came & defeated it. "Who... who are you?" Teini jumped out of the bed, shocked at what she saw & was relieved. "That person... it's her again. Where did I see her. I don't remember." Teini jumped out of the bed & started to walk outside, wondering. "I AM THE DEMON HUNTER!" Teini was shocked as she heard a yell from far away. "What was that?" Teini went back into her room & grabbed her bow & arrows as she ran out of the house in her nightgown, running towards where she heard the voice. She kept on running until she saw a man with his own bow & arrows & a demon who has a arrow stuck in her & that she can't get out of it...
  16. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Asorian fell to the ground."Help!!!!"Asorian cried out.Asorian tried to get up but she couldn't.The Demon came up closer to her about to Finish her off."Farewell Demon!"The Demon Hunter yelled as he pulled out a arrow the had a purple tip.

    Korin had heard Asorian crying out.Korin ran as fast as he could.When Korin had finally gotten there he had seen a man standing over top of Asorian."Get away from her you punk!"He yelled to the man.Korin pulled out his blade and was ready to attack the man when he had seen a girl in her night clothes running with a bow.
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "*Gasp* Is it... is it you?" Tieni ran in front of Asorian & infused her powers into the bow as she reflected the arrow back at him. Teini stood back up & looked at the man with fear in her eyes. "Stay back. I need you to leave her alone. What did she ever did to you?" Tieni was looking at the man, but not realizing that she was showing a similar power that Kagome carried that makes demons want to desire that power that used to reside in a object...
  18. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Asorian looked at the girl."Please help me"Asorian said softly as she fainted.

    Korin ran up to the man and slashed his arm."Leave her alone!"Korin yelled getting ready to strike again.The Demon Hunter looked at him."Pitiful fool you can't hurt me young demon!"The Demon Hunter said as he was about to shoot another arrow at Korin.Korin look at the man and was afraid.Korin stood there frightened.
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Teini was was worried about Korin getting attacked & ran towards him. "NO! DON'T HURT HIM!" As the arrow was released, Teini stood in front of the half-demon & raised her right hand as she closed her eyes, obliterating the arrow. "Don't worry! I'll make sure thta the two of you are safe!" Teini ran straight for the half-demon struggling with the arrow in her & took it out of her, releasing her...
  20. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Korin looked at the girl."Who are you"He said looking at her.Korin looked at Asorian."No master your hurt"Korin said as he ran over to her.Asorian opened her eye's to see Korin standing over her.Asorian tried to stand up but couldn't she was badly wounded."Korin help me up please"Asorian said.Korin helped her up and walked her back to where they had slept."Hey lady come on im going to need your help"Korin said to the girl the had helped him.The Demon Hunter was knocked out.Asorian looked behind them to see a human girl."How did she get here Korin?"Asorian said to Korin softly.
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