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Inuyasha:Birth Of A New Half Demon(Roleplaying)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Oct 10, 2009.

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  1. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Majora didn't even know the first step about teaching a outlander. They had different body structures, but they did have similar ones too. Majora was about to say something when he heard someone cry out for help, his hearing was not very good when it came to telling peoples vocies apart. Though Korin seemed to know it, Majora then went after the cry of help climbing up the trees and then jumping from branch to branch. He got there before Korin and watch what unfolded in front of him. Another person came to save the Asorian, then Korin came in to try and save Asorian, but was stricken with fear by the hunter. Only to be saved by the unknown person. when the people left back for the sight, Majora hopped down and got the knocked out person and brought him back to the sight where the outlanders had slept.
  2. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Arashi looked at the spieder demon. He then said "Let her go." The demon looked at him and said "Yeah right." "Shes my meal." Arashi looked at her and said "Well shes my friend and I'm not going to let you have her." The demon laugh and said "You fool." "I'll kill you before that happens." She then shoots a glob of web at Arahsi and approached him. "Time to die, fool."
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Teini looked down at Asorian & looked back at the Demon Hunter. "We must get her to a safe place. Follow me." Teini showed Korin the way back to the village, taking her back to her house. "GRANDMAMA KAGOME! MAMA! GRANDPAPA INUYASHA!! COME QUICK!!!" Teini ran inside the house as she went to wake them up. Inuyasha jumped out of the bed & went to check what Teini was yelling about, seeing that there was two half-demons. "Oh no. This isn't good." Teini's mom came to check out Asorian & looked straight at Kikyo. "Let's take the two of them in. We must hurry & treat them. Koko! You & me will go & prepare in the kitchen."
  4. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    The spider brought its fangs out got near Arashi. Just as it got close to his neck, Arashi used his fox fire to burn the webbing around. He then kicked the demon in the face and saw it fall back. He then said "Nobody is going to eat her." He then brought out his claws and had them ablaze. "Now, lets play."
  5. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Asorian and Korin looked at them"So.....whats the problem"Korin said scratching his head.Asorian looked around."So your Inuyasha?"Asorian said smiling.Asorian grabbed tessiaga and handed it to Inuyasha."Its your blade from when you used to slay demons"Asorian said as Korin sat her down.Korin looked at Inuyasha."Wow your so ancient!"Korin said looking surprised that he was in front of the legendary Inuyasha.
  6. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    The spider jumped at Arashi with full speed. It had its teeth out towards his neck. He jumped and slashed the back side of its neck. It screamed from the attack and looked at him with so much anger. "How dare you attack me!" "You damn fox." Arashi jumped on its back and put his right claw towards it's head. He then said "Don't you ever say that about foxes."
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Kagome started to laugh at Inuyasha when Korin said that he was ancient & Inuyasha punched him in the head, making a knot starting to grow on it. "ANCIENT?! I STILL LOOK ALMOST THE SAME LIKE 70 YEARS AGO! HOW DARE YOU!" Teini started to giggle at them. Inuyasha look back at Asorian & then was started to steam up. "You... YOU... THEIFING KID!!" Kagome then was annoyed at Inuyasha & was afraid of him hurting Asorian. "INUYASHA SIT!!!" Inuyasha fell down to the ground while she went straight towards Asorian. "I can't believe you went & did that behind his back you poor child. Inuyasha went beyond the village to try & find his sword, but he came back 3 days later. If only your parents taught you how to borrow things. You would be in trouble if Inuyasha founded you somewhere else." Teini's mom came with herbs prepared for Asorian. "Right now, we'll explain everything later. We must get some rest. That includes you too." Teini looked back at Asorian, wondering if she was the one who she met. "Um... you go on ahead & get some rest ok? Good night everyone." Inuyasha snatched the Tessaiga from Asorian & started to walk back to his room. "Yea yea. Good night."
  8. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    The spider was frightened by Arashi. It looked at him wtih frightened eyes. "Please don't kill me." Arashi looked at it for a moment and dropped his hand. He then said "I'm not going to kill you." "I don't believe in killing." He then walked towards Kaiko and grabbed from the web. He then looked back at the spider and said "Now, don't you ever come near the village again." "You got it?"
  9. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "Hehehehe, take this here person." Majora said as he came out of a tree thrwoing the demon hunter at the feet of the Spider Demon. "If he walks up before you eat him, tell him that is what you get for messing with demons." Majora floated by the girl and the fox demon. "Hehehe, what brings you to my forest? Nothing ever happens here, well stuff does, but rarely. I am Majora, protector of this forest and who might you people be? Names would be nice."
  10. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Asorian looked at Inuyasha and smiled.Asorian had tried to walk on her own and fainted.Her wound began to bleed.Korin Helped Asorian up."Umm we have to go Asorian isn't in condition to talk"Korin said.Korin wondered if Asorian would get tessiaga back."Hey lady can you get tessiaga back from Inuyasha,Asorian is going to need it"Korin said to Kagome and Teini.
  11. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Arashi looked at Majora and said "I'm Arashi Kitsujo." He then turned to Kaiko and said "Its ok, you can tell him." She looked at him and shook her head in agreement. She then cleared her throat and said "I'm Kaiko Amano." She then helped Arashi to his feet. The spider was frightened and left in terror. It screamed "Run or he'll kill you." Arashi looked at it run and then turned to Majora. "WHat is it that you want?"
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "No. The two of you must stay here! I insist. Teini, go on to bed." Teini went straight to bed & started to put the covers on her, wondering if Asorian was the the one who always played with her ever since she was a child. "Oh well. Things will go good sometime soon..." Teini fell asleep while her mom was treating Asorian's wound. "you too should go get some rest."
  13. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "Hehehe, nothing at all. just lonely and making sure you get out of the lost woods safely. Not to give you a fright or anything, but people who get lost in the lost woulds end up like me." Majora lifted his mask for them to see his scrarecrowish face and then put it down. "Hehehehe, I am sorry that I could not be of assistance aerlier, I had my hands tied with two other demons, half demons. They had a run in with a demon hunter and one was wounded, but helping hands came to the aid and took them off off to treat their wounds. Though I will make sure you get out of the forest, that spider demon has always been causing trouble. I kept telling him one of these days he was going to get it, and sure enough fate provided me with you young warrior."
  14. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Arashi looked at him and bowed his head. "Thank you Lord Majora of the forest." He then saw Kaiko bowed and said the same thing. She then turned to him and smiled. He then blushed and shook his head. SHe laughed and said "Lets get going, Arashi." He then shook his head and said "Agreed."
  15. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "Hehehe, no bowing is in need or the Lord part, I am just the forest protector. Nothing special, now that is the way we need to start heading to reach your village. Though you must be more careful next time you come into the forest, and if you ever do find yourself in trouble in the forest warn the predator that you are a friend of Majora. That will usually scare off the weaker ones. The stronger ones will be nervous, for I battle with them to earn the title protector of the forest. They lose, but are always looking for another chance at the title."
  16. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Arashi looked at him and said "Thank you again." "DOn't worry, we will." He then turned to Kaiko and said "Lets get going." She looked at him and said "Ok." He then started walking to path that Majora showed him with Kaiko behind him. "I'm so glad we found somebody like him" said Kaiko.
  17. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "Hehehehe, Thank you for the complaments, night is coming and the woods are not the place to be when it comes, unless your in the right part. I suggest we pick up the pace. The wolfos will becoming out at this hour and so with the mountain loins, they are very territoaral. they will not like us in theirs, just how you wouldn't like a stranger in your home. That is what we are, but if we hurry we won't become strangers, but passing bystanders."
  18. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Korin looked at her."No i must watch over my master while she sleeps"Korin said.Korin yawned."Maybe a little nap won't hurt"Korin said as he laid down next to Teini."Teini when you wake tomorrow me and Asorian will be gone,We have thing to do"Korin said as he laid his head on the soft pillow.

    Asorian was looking at Teini's Mom."Excuse me miss how long will this take?"Asorian asked in a weak voice.
  19. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Majora and the two others were moving along the path when Majora notice that the sun had only the tip showing. "Heheheh, Oh my we must hurry! The festival is almost upon us! The gods will not like it if the Festival does not happen this year! Come on the village is only a few more minutes away we should be approaching the clearing as I speak... wait there it is!" Majora pointed towards the little gab, that light was showning through the forest in the dim sunlight. "Hurry hurry, I must prepare for the Festival, it is only celebrated every 100 years by the creatures of the forest. It is to give thanks for the god for blessing the forest and to contiune to bless it more, we celebrate it after the villagers go to sleep. This year will be a surprise though."
  20. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Arashi and Kaiko looked at him in excitement. Arashi then said "Can't wait." THey then headed to the village. Along the way, the group of villagers from earlier came running towards them in excitement. WHile they ran, they cheered "Hooray, you saved her!" Arashi looked embarassed from their chanting. Kaiko looked at him and laughed. "Arashi, are you blushing?"
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