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Inuyasha:Birth Of A New Half Demon(Roleplaying)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Oct 10, 2009.

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  1. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Majora stop at the forest line and watched as the villagers ran up to them. He then looked down at his feet and walked back into the forest, he forgot how it was to have people love you. He had been away from love, a family, friends in a long time. He lifted his head back up and notice the sun had gone down. The forest critters had already gathered around Majora to wait to be given orders. It was the first time he was in charge of the Festival, the last one was run by the old forest protector. "Hehehehehe, well what are you waiting for?! Star decortaing this place up!" The critters snapped into action, deku's worked on putting flower vines everywhere, while the wolfos went around diggin g up the sparkle mushrooms that released pleasant smelling and sparkling gold dust. The monkies started hanging the ruby, emerald and sapphire chimes, while spiders wove beatiful slik designs. The skull kids started rubbing glowing orange moss on the trees while also putting sap ornaments on the trees. The Festival was ready and the villagers were now asleep. "Hehehehe, alright everyone, into the village. Do the same as you've done here. Why should we only bless our forest? The humans deserve a share to." The animals gave a little cheer so they wouldn't wake the village. The critters were quick about decorating the village, they had to be quick and quiet not to wake the village. The wolfos brought the food into the village in baskets made for them by the skull kids to make it easier to carry stuff. Everything look perfect, all the villagers homes were decorated nice, and it being Autumn made all the scereny better with the orange and red leaves. The stage in the center of the village was step up, Majora hopped up on top of it and: some Deku's wth pipes, a few gorons with drums, a couple of Zora's with fish guitars, and last but not least the rest of the skull kids with flutes. Majora counted to three and the music came and spread itself throughout the village.

    Zelda feat Barcode Brothers "Flute"
  2. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Everybody was at the stage that Majora was plyaing on. Arashi and Kaiko ran quickly to check it out. "I can't wait to check it out" said Kaiko." Arashi smiled and said "Neither can I." They kept running until they were at the stage. They looked up and saw Majora playing his flute on the stage. They were amazed by his music. Arashi then said "So this is what he meant."
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2009
  3. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    The song finish and the people had finished gathering wondering what was going on, mumbes could be heard throughout the crowd. Majora stepped forward. "Hehehehe, welcom everyone! You may be wondering what is happening nd I will tell you. Every hundred years the creatures of the forest gather together and hold a festival to praise the gods for blessing our forest and to ask for another blessing. This year I decided to include you! Now eat up and celebrate! This is a time of peace!" Majora started another song and a female zora got into her place. http://downloads.zeldapower.com/mp3/majorasmask/cd2/253-staff_roll.mp3
    Everyone seem to be catching on and a dancing group start. Deku's sat atop the stage and fired deku dyed deku nuts to add some fireworks. The music stopped once more and Majora pulled out a stick and waved it around at the musicans. the band then started playing http://downloads.zeldapower.com/mp3/ootlt/21 Hyrule (Princess 'Z' Trigger Mix).mp3
    The festival was fluroshing, the song evetnually came to a end. Majora turned to face the crowd and notice the two from eariler. He got a big grin underneath is mask and waved his stick again. http://downloads.zeldapower.com/mp3/ootlt/22 Saria's Song (Spooky Groovy Remix).mp3 The song started out slow, but once it got to the good part he did a back flip and landed behind Arashi and Kaiko and a spotlight shown on top of the two as Majora dance around the two, Urging them to go on stage.
  4. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Arashi and Kaiko looked at the crowd and then to each other. Arashi looked at Kaiko nervously and said "Do you want to dance on the stage, Kaiko?" She then blushed and said "Uh... s- sure Arashi." They then smiled and held hands. They then went on the stage and did a slow dance. They looked deep into each other eyes and listened to the music at the same time.
  5. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Majora hopped on stage once the other two were on. He decided to mix it up again he cut the band short and went on the next song. He got a deep voice and put a tube up to his mouth underneath his mask to make his voice travel through the village. He then started singing and the banb pick up quickly. YouTube - She's a Lady The crowd got a big kick out of that one and Majora went stage diving while continuing to singing the song with the band playing the music. This was definitly going to be a festival that the god would never forget.
    EtherealSummoner likes this.
  6. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Arashi and Kaiko kept dancing while looking into eachother eyes. Arashi then said "This is a perfect moment, isn't it?" Kaiko giggled and said "Yes, it is." She then sighed and said "I wish that this moment would last forever though." Arashi smiled and said "It will Kaiko." "It will be in our memories and hearts." "It will never be gone."
  7. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Asorian woke up and began breathing heavy.Korin woke up also."Asorian you ok?"Korin said as he stood up and yawned."Im fine ok im a half demon so ill be ok and i recover fast"Asorian said as she tried to get up but fell.Korin went over and helped her up.Asorian looked at Korin"If you where older you could be my boyfriend"she said.Korin began to blush a little
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