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K-ON Rise To Fame RP

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, Jul 6, 2014.

  1. Helena Roliet

    Helena Roliet New Member

    Mira had completely zoned out after giving her note to Alex. Her mind was mostly on the blackmail, but also how badly she wanted to find a club that would keep her out of the house. Feeling a nudge, she snapped out of her daze to see that Alex had poked her.

    "Ready to head out?"

    Still too tired to put in the effort for speech, she nodded, standing up and slinging her backpack over one shoulder. As she did so, she noticed now that the girl who had bumped into Alex earlier was in the desk behind him. Were they friends?

    Mira waved at the girl, trying her best to smile. The whole being friendly and sober at the same time thing was pretty new to her. "Hi! I'm Mira. I saw you this morning when you bumped into Alex. Want to come along with us to check out the clubs?"
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Even with the big-boobed teacher, Krystal found the class boring. Though she eventually found herself elected Class Representative, because she was the only one willing to volunteer, or rather, the teacher admitted, it was more payback for the groping session from earlier then anything, and Class Rep would allow her to keep an eye on Krystal and hopefully keep her groping to a minimum...

    "Class dismissed. You can now visit the club faire to potentially join a club for the rest of your time here! Have fun, and Krystal... I've got my eyes on you."

    Krystal sighed annoyedly but nodded in response to her teacher. Leaving the classroom, Krystal decided to sing on her way to the club faire, and so sing she did as she walked past Classroom 3A on her way to the stairs, rather then go by 3C. It seemed shorter in her mind.

    Wake me up! Wake me up inside. I can't wake up! Wake me up, and save me! Call my name and save me from the dark!

    Her favorite song, Bring me to life, by Evanescence. She loved the song dearly and she believed that it fit her perfectly. So she sang the entire song aloud. Not a care in the world as to who heard her. Though she noticed the occasional stares of people mesmerized by her voice. She didn't think of herself as a very good singer, but many people have told her otherwise.
  3. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Seeing now that most of the class had already started to go outside and began their search for a club, Ken had trouble deciding which would be the best for him.

    Something that involves not doing anything drastical, I suppose.

    "Hi! I'm Mira. I saw you this morning when you bumped into Alex. Want to come along with us to check out the clubs?"

    As Ken heard Mira talking to the two people that had been sitting right behind them all this time, he flipped a coin to decide how to proceed further.

    The Gods of Fortune don't smile on you today, paper lady. He thought as he cleared his throat whilst standing up from his chair. He then approached the group and wrapped his right hand over Mira and greeted them.

    "Hello, Kenshin Yamamoto, your classmate apparently. I take it that you've already met P.T. Mira?" He said and placed his finger on his cheek to signal her to honor their foul agreement. "If it's not too much to ask, might I join your interesting little group for the while until I find the most suitable club for me? A few new friends wouldn't be much trouble either in this cold and cruel world!" He expressed almost valiantly.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2014
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Mel set her book down and shook her head.

    'So that guys her boy friend, definitely the wrong crowd to get involved with.' She thought to herself.

    Furthermore she didn't see herself joining a club, she just didn't want to be involved, but she sighed.

    "I'm Mel, as for a club I don't think I will be joining any." Mel explained standing up. She glanced down at the map grabbing it and her Manilla folder and side bag.

    "I don't mind walking down with you though, it's close to where I'm heading."
  5. Helena Roliet

    Helena Roliet New Member

    I want to puke. First she was groped, now she was being held like she was Kenshin's girlfriend, and now, to hold up her end of the deal, she had to kiss the sick bastard on his cheek. At this point, Mira was further in the direction of rage than anxiety. Who in the hell did Kenshin think he was?

    Now that all were together, and they were going to go down to the faire, Mira let her and her "boyfriend", as it would appear, lag behind. Making sure that none of her new would-be friends were paying attention, she turned in towards Kenshin, and kissed him on his cheek. My humility knows no bounds.

    So bad she wanted to punch Kenshin in the throat. So badly she desired for this day to finally end. What had she done to get herself stuck in so many awkward places? She eyed Mel, and she unknowingly donned a slight frown. Mel was so pretty, much more attractive than herself--especially the Mira without any modifications. Why couldn't she have kissed Mel or Alex today? That would have at least been without humiliation. Poor Mel, exposed in front of so many strangers.

    I definitely don't regret having seen her like that, though... Mira thought. She was a mess, and she knew it.
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "I'm Mel, as for a club I don't think I will be joining any

    Alex turned around while adjusting the backback onto his back. " Mel you don't really have a choice haha, all students are required to join a club at some point ya know, but like im sure there will be something here for you" Alex didnt have any particular thoughts about this day except for the fact that he was expending far too much energy. He needed a place to relax, listen to music, and play video games. So knowing that he had his sights set on a Club that was a bit more low scale with not much effort put into it.

    " So Mira-" He was cut off as that blonde rough looking kid strolled in and placed his arm around Mira. " So that is her boyfriend huh, hmmm i see so she's probably involved with a rough crowd i better be careful"

    "Hello, Kenshin Yamamoto, your classmate apparently. I take it that you've already met P.T. Mira?

    " Uh....P.T. Mira?? i um, " He was confused but he decided it was probably none of his business. A bit taken back that the girl he just met has a boyfriend oh well it was probably better this way. He took a long stretch then beckoned them all to follow as he walked out the door. Once they were outside there were so many clubs outside dressed up and having a good time. The football club was all geared up tossing students around like rag dolls. The infamous Film club were standing with a shadow of darkness looming around them. Rumor has it all they do is drink Sake party and film the parties. Then there was the Photography club full of iconic girls who wished to be models and upcoming students that were interested in photography.

    " Woah so many clubs here! this is awesome!" He walked to the Gourmet club and grabbed a few sticks of Spicy Chicken and brought them back to the group for each of them to have. " Here you go guys, So like what do you guys think you're into? I think i might cho-"

    Alex was quickly pulled away by two very attractive busty females. " Oh hello their Cutie pie! Would you like to be in the Film Club? We'll make all your fantasies come true!!!" The were slowly pulling him into their booth and forcing him to sign his name.

    " Help!!!!"
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Mel stopped and thought for a minute and sighed. She didn't want to but the kid was right.

    "I guess you're right." She said following the group. Make just needed to find a club that wouldn't be active. If she couldn't well she'd start it herself- the sit and wait to transfer schools club.

    She followed Alex as Mira and Kenshen walked behind. Mel glanced back at Mira give him a kiss. It was a little awkward so she kept her attention away from the couple. Walking into the courtyard with the club fair it was quickly overwhelming.

    She looked around in a bit of shock at all the clubs before facing forward and seeing Alex hand her a stick with chicken on it.

    "Thanks." She said smiling only to watch as girls quickly grabbed Alex.

    'This school certainly is an interesting place' she thought to herself. Her old school everybody was a family, nice and gentle with one another and passionate about their art. Here it was, she didn't know what it was.


    Mel was pulled from her thoughts looking at the girls trying to force him to sign up for film club.

    "Erm... Excuse me," Mel spoke up, "But I don't think he wants to join." Mel spoke out. Only getting devil stares back from the girls as she shrunk away some.

    'Way to go, Mel, not only did you flash a whole restaurant this morning but now you're suddenly getting girls pissed off at you.'

    "Uhhhh... umm... Can you let him go, please?" She said this time in a softer voice.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 9, 2014
  8. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Heading out with the group towards the fair, he could see the silent anguish on Mira’s face when she tried to adjust to the situation at hand. He was an asshole for tormenting this little girl by any standards, but a story worth telling to the whole posse later tonight was totally worth it. Still waiting for Mira to proceed and kiss him on the cheek, he noticed how she was trying to slowly adjust their pace so that they would eventually stay behind – the poor girl was frightened if anyone else would see what she was about to do. Mildly raising his brow, he quickly scoped through the fair and noticed that the people around them were too concentrated on the stands which almost demanded the passing students to join their club.

    Sigh, I guess I’ve got to make up my mind as well about what club to choose eventually.

    After this brief thought about the fair he was quickly pulled back to reality when he felt a slight tuck on his rolled up sleeve levering him towards the girl shorter than him and soon Mira’s lips on his cheek.

    Mission accomplished.

    The girl had submitted to Kenshin’s will with so much ease that it was almost humorous. He knew that this would be an interesting semester by having almost-a-lackey willing to do whatever he wanted because of that silly little secret that she’d kept for so long. But for now, there wouldn’t be much more that he would benefit from this setting, he patted the girl on the pack while slyly taking out a cigarette out of a pack from Mira’s backpack and inserting it to rest behind his ear.

    “Well, today has certainly been… intriguing”, Ken said and chuckled. “Remember though, I want that pack the first thing I see you tomorrow or I’ll spill the beans faster than a hot knife slices through butter”, he continued. The girl’s fate was completely on his hands.


    His thoughts now completely shifted toward the boy that they had followed to the fair that was being dragged into a stall with a large symbol of a movie wheel, so it was definitely the students that were into longish, boring movies. The setting was quite humorous to Ken, as two girls with no muscle whatsoever were almost carrying Alex into the booth, and the new girl trying to step in, only hearing a slight muttering coming from her direction.

    "Uhhhh... umm... Can you let him go, please?"

    This is almost too good.

    Kenshin, now leaving Mira’s side stepped towards the two older girls now eye preying Mel. They weren’t paying any attention whatsoever towards him until he was right next to them, now starting to wave his head in their direction rapidly.

    “Shoo, nerds, shoo!” he shouted, and tackled the other girl slightly so that they both would tumble into each other letting their tight grip of Alex go. Grabbing Alex from his the back of his shirt and lifting him up with little effort, being modestly built up for a boy of his age. He then leaded Alex a few steps back from the booth while the girls gnarled and took their leave disappointed by not gaining another member to their shady little club, and a little scared of what just happened.

    “There you go, try not to get in more trouble. And eh, Mel was it? You really need to learn to take a more believing stance about yourself… I doubt the girls even heard your murmuring, hah!” Kenshin said to the two of them chuckling, still feeling extremely comical about the whole situation.
  9. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    After the bell rang, Kayla lingered behind her departing class. Somehow, despite her open volunteering to fill the role of class representative, she remained unnoticed, or at least unacknowledged by her peers. And here I thought that kind of stuff was supposed to be big social rep around here; guess that was a load. Her head shook. Carefully, she removed herself from her seat, as the familiar-looking people crowded around the desk of a girl next to the seat behind her. Drifting off to the side of the classroom nearer the exit, she listened in on their conversation, catching most of their names before they left, taking their conversation to the hallway; the whole while contemplating where she had seen them before.

    With their departure, Kayla was the last student in the classroom. Not wanting to be left behind, she made for the exit, stopped only by Miss Kaname catching her at the threshold.

    "If you'll excuse me, dear," the teacher said, "I don't believe I got your name before. What is it?"

    "Oh." Kayla turned around to face Miss Kaname. "Kayla. Kayla McKenna."

    "Ah. Yes. Another new student. And from some distance away, yes?"


    "Well then, I'm all the more appreciative of your stepping up to be the class representative. Now, off you go. You won't want to miss the club fair."

    "Yes ma'am." Kayla nodded, turned around and walked out the door. The hallway was almost entirely empty by that time, and she made her way quickly down to the courtyard without much hassle. "Well, this is different," she said, noting that the scene there was very different from what she was used to. At her old schools back home, clubs were always advertising themselves, but only ever through fliers and pamphlets strategically posting around the building where people could easily ignore them if they had no interest. But a whole fair? And being required to be in a club? That was something new. Fortunately, she knew what she was looking for in a club, and had contingencies for if she didn't find her first choice.

    Without hesitation, she walked along the corridor of booths, stands and demonstrations in search of her interests.


    She heard the call coming from the Film Club's booth a short distance away. Clamoring through the inevitable gathering of curious onlookers, she saw one of the boys from the classroom, one that she had noticed in the diner earlier, being hassled by Film Club members. She edged a bit closer to the scene as the girl Mel stepped up trying to help her friend only to be shutdown. Kayla made to move even closer to the action and step in; back home she had a way of dealing with trouble and commotion that seemed to work pretty well. But she stopped just short of the scene when another, older looking boy charged in, throwing the film club girls off of the other.

    "And eh, Mel was it? You really need to learn to take a more believing stance about yourself… I doubt the girls even heard your murmuring, hah!”

    "Unfortunately we can't deal with all of our troubles by tackling them to ground," she pitched in, audibly, but still with her calm air.
  10. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Alex was lifted back to a standing position and dusted himself off while adjusting his backpack. This Ken guy seemed tough, almost too tough "Better not get involved with this guy" he thought to himself. While fixing himself another girl walked up, he actually recognized her from class. "She's the class rep". She made a remark towards ken but Alex just took this chance to walk away and look around the fair. Mira meant being around that ken guy or her boyfriend so he certainly wanted to distance himself a bit. All the clubs he wanted to join were no longer accepting members. From anime club, to radio club.

    " Well it's really no rush we don't have to decide today....but it might be good if i did Ugh!!! i don't know!" He had his hands on his head not paying attention and bumped into something or someone rather. " Pardon me young lad i'm sorry." It was the Dean of the school. " Still searching for a club huh? better hurry up before all the good ones are full." Sir i would but there doesnt seem to be anything i like."

    " Well son, there is one other club that has no members and no one is advertising for it. The club room is old and has not been used in quite some time.

    Alex thought to himself this was the perfect opportunity. Old, quiet, no members? This was the perfect chance to lazy around and play video games and listen to music all day. His card's couldn't have been drawn better than this.

    " Oh i'm sure it's no problem Sir!"

    Out of the briefcase the dean was carrying he took out a form, it was a club application.

    " It's titled the Light Music Club, Here is the form, the only catch is that you have to have at least 4 members for this club to be considered official. Once you have 4 members come to my office and you will recieve the keys to the clubroom.

    Alex took the form and read it over while the Dean had now walked off, possibly to oversee the fair. " Light music club....guess it means i get to listen to light music. or maybe listen to my music lightly. Or maybe it's one of those clubs where you..ahh it doesn't matter i'll just get four freinds to sign the paper so i can get on with this." Alex pulled up a Desk near a tree and decorated the tree with a piece of paper that said " light Music Club" Proping his feet up on the desk he leaned back confident that he'd get 4 random people to sign it.

    " My days of relaxation are coming sooner than i thought!"

    Some time passed, and no one came. each student would walk up to him and he'd give the same response " Sign it"

    Laying his head on the desk in shame. " Why won't anyone join me!! T_T"
  11. Ava Mareinus

    Ava Mareinus New Member

    [OOC: Sorry for the fairly long first post. I just wanted to get some detail out there and catch up to where everyone else is XD]

    "Knock, knock sweetie. Time to get up. You've got a big day ahead of you!"

    The voice of Leliana's mother was accompanied by a series of knocks on the closed door of Leliana's room. It was the morning of her first day of the new semester at school, and there was no way that her mom was going to let her be late. If she didn't get up soon, there was sure to be more nagging and knocking, something Leliana could definitely go without.

    "Alright mom, I'm up! I'll be ready soon," she called back loudly, hoping it was enough to satisfy the voice outside her room. Her hopes were confirmed when she heard an "Okay!" and the sound of feet going down the stairs that were right outside the room.

    Unknown to her mother was the fact that Leliana did not need to be woken up. She was already up by the time the wake-up call came, and had been so for a couple hours. Not for any particular reason, really, except the normal first-day jitters. Leliana had been woken up multiple times during the night by the butterflies in her stomach because even though she was fairly excited for the new semester, she was also really nervous about how the first day was going to go. First impressions were important, and she didn't want to be the one to leave a bad one when everyone else was out there making friends.

    Sitting up on her bed, Leliana looked at herself in the mirror, seeing a head of long, unkempt red hair staring back at her from every direction, and chuckled. That's definitely the look I should be going for. She stood up, picked out some clothes for herself, and hopped into the shower of the bathroom right next door to her own room.

    Two hours later, Leliana was all prim and proper and ready to go. And just like clockwork, she heard her name being called from the bottom of the stairs. "Leliana!" She froze for a second, before calling out hesitantly from the top of the stairs "Yes...dad?" Coming from the corner of the bottom of the stairs, she saw her father's hand holding a spatula before she saw the smiling face looking up at her. "I made you breakfast for your first day! Come down and eat some, you're going to need all the energy you can get," he shouted up before walking back. Leliana breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed today was one of the good days. Maybe today won't be so bad after all.

    Leliana sat down at the breakfast table to a plate of freshly made chocolate-chip waffles and bacon with a glass of orange juice. Her father had actually remembered her favorite food; she was impressed. She enthusiastically ate the food on the plate, savoring the tastes as much as she could. Once she was finished and rinsed the dishes off in the sink, she said goodbye to her parents and started walking towards school with her bag in hand.

    As she got outside, she heard a voice behind her. "Hey! You can't just walk off without talking to me, that's rude!" Her brother Leon ran up beside her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, matching her stride. "First day, huh. You excited? You should be. The school is pretty awesome, and most of the teachers are pretty cool too. They all loved me, so you should be good too." Leon had graduated from the same school the year before, and as such had taken it upon himself to impart all of his wisdom upon his younger sister over the past couple weeks.

    She gave him a sly look as they continued walking down the street. "They loved you? I find that hard to believe when you're such a pain for everyone else," she remarked jokingly.

    "Ahhhh!" Leon dramatically clutched his chest with his free hand, "Your words wound me. I'm not that bad! Anyway, do you remember what I told you, especially about those clubs?"

    Leliana answered immediately, "Yes, yes of course. How could I not, with you repeating the same things for the past month." She quoted. " 'Join a club as soon as you can and make friends. Just make sure it's not those weird film club girls. Because they're like, really weird.' Don't worry, I got it."

    Grinning, Leon replied. "Alright, that's a good girl. Now you go have a good time and let me know how your day was when you get back!" He hugged Leliana tightly with his one arm before letting go and running back home. Leliana smiled, and shook her head slightly. He's silly. Admittedly, she loved the silliness, but she would never tell him that. Still smiling, she continued walking to school without any other incident and arrived just in time to get ushered into the gymnasium for the opening ceremonies.

    After the welcoming words and looking herself up on the boards, Leliana found her way to her classroom 3A on the third floor with little trouble. As she walked in, she was cheerfully greeted by a woman that was pretty obviously the teacher based on how she was dressed, and the fact that she was standing behind the teachers desk. "Hello there! I'll be your homeroom teacher this semester, Miss. Kaname. Can I have your name please?"

    Not usually one to chat up teachers the moment she walked in a classroom, Leliana was taken aback for a moment, before she responded "Uh, sure. I'm Leliana. Leliana Daehn."

    "Ah! Daehn, huh? By any chance, are you related to a Leon Daehn?"

    "Yes I am. He's my older brother."

    Miss Kaname's face beamed with joy at that comment. "Oh, your brother, is he? Fantastic! He was such a good student, I really enjoyed having him in my class a couple years back. How is he doing now?"

    "He's doing just fine."

    "Oh that's great, I'm glad to hear it. Tell him I said hi, alright?"

    A little embarrassed by the attention she was getting, Leliana quickly responded "Of course I will, no problem. I'm going to go ahead and take a seat now, if that's okay. I'd like to get ready before class starts."

    "Of course, of course! Pick anywhere you like that's free. I'm happy to have talked to you, and I look forward to teaching you this semester." With those words, the cheerful Miss Kaname turned to some of the other students walking in, giving Leliana the que to quickly walk over to a free seat amongst the many students that were already sitting in the middle of the classroom and rest. So, I guess Leon wasn't kidding when he said that the teachers loved him. This is going to be a fun semester, I can already tell...

    Leliana spent the short class period actively spacing out, thinking about what club she would join. There wasn't anything that Miss Kaname was saying that she hadn't already heard in fewer words from her brother. At one point, she was jolted out of her day dream by Miss Kaname calling out to a student a couple seats over to turn around and face front, and then again when the role for Class Representative was established, but other than that, Leliana wasn't paying much attention. Maybe I could join the game club. That would be fun. I like games. Although that club is probably already filled up. I wonder if there's a calligraphy club. That would be fun, it's been a while since I practiced. Hmm... I guess I'll just have to see what's available when I get out to the courtyard. I'm sure I'll find something.

    Once she was out at the courtyard, Leliana realized quickly just how important these clubs were to the members of the school. The senior members of all the clubs were out greeting and talking to the newer students, each trying their hardest to get the students to join their specific club. Some of them were pretty aggressive, and she even saw a little squabble happen over at the film club stand. Normally, she might have gone over there and helped out the girl that looked like she was being harassed, but she wanted to stay away from the film people as much as she could as per her brother's advice. And anyway, someone else had come along and stopped it, so it wasn't any big deal.

    Eventually, Leliana did find both a game club and a calligraphy club, though they were both filled to the brim with students. And there weren't really any other clubs that she saw that seemed both interesting and had vacancies. This is harder than I thought it was going to be. I can't seem to find anything that fits.

    With a sigh, she walked outside the main circle of clubs, hoping to maybe find something that she might have missed. After a couple glances, she was ready to give up, when at the last second she saw a tree about 30 yards away with a paper that said Light Music Club, and just a single desk with a single person, who had his head laying on the wood. She walked over and looked at the papers on the desk. It seemed that nobody had signed up for it at all. For a moment, she evaluated the decision of talking to this person who seemed rather unenthusiastic about his own club, or just going and finding something else. Well, it's not like there will be any harm in asking. Everything else I saw didn't really fit the bill for me. And I do quite enjoy music...it won't hurt to try this, I suppose.

    "Excuse me," Leliana called out to the person sitting at the desk, but they didn't seem to hear her. She raised her voice a little and said again, "Excuse me." That time, the person brought their head up and looked at her. "Hi there. Could you tell me some more about this Light Music Club?"
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Yep yep! I'd like to know more about this club too! I've searched high and low for a music club but they've all been full. I was so bummed out but then I saw this girl swing by and mention Light Music Club and I got real excited!"

    Krystal turned to her right and sighed, her teacher Michelle, was walking by, so as to keep an eye out on her. 'Phooey... I guess this girl won't get some this time. Oh well, always next time!' she thought to herself as she leaned in and looked at Alex curiously. "Tell me all about it yep yep!"
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Excuse me..

    a small voice murmured but Alex didnt really pay much attention to it.till the voice rung again. Lifting his head up to see who it was it was a young girl, very attractive and seemed to have a question that needed answering.

    "Hi there. Could you tell me some more about this Light Music Club?"

    " Wait..you're actually interested?!!?" Alex said with a confused look. He didnt want to seem dimwitted in front of her but he gave the best answer he could. " Well um, it's a club for people that like music i guess. I don't have any signatures and in order for me to establish the club i need at least four. So um if you're interested...sign i guess?"

    But right after that another girl walked up. She seemed awkwardly chipper. " Er..um yea same thing i'ts a Club for music enthusiasts." When that wasn't the case but he'd rather give some form of answer or nothing at all. " If you just want somewhere to get away from class for a while, sign it i guess but i'd greatly appreciate it because i can't start the club without at least 4 signatures this includes my own.
  14. Helena Roliet

    Helena Roliet New Member

    Class rep was about, Kenshin made a scene, and Mira was fed up with the happenings of the day. After she saw Alex leave, she took that as an opportunity to do the same. This is going to be a long school year. Mira searched for the nearest restroom, and when she found it, she made her way into a stall. Slamming the pin on the door and leaning against the stall divider, she fought back tears.

    Mira didn't even know why she cared anymore. She had potential, back when her mother was around, but all of the time spent trying to ruin her chances had done it's toll. If she kept up like she was, maybe she'd be a hooligan, like Kenshin. No, Kenshin probably has friends. Taking in a deep breath, and swallowing whatever pride she had left, Mira made a decision. She pulled the stuffing from out of her bra, and tossed it in the toilet. Looking down at herself, Mira felt disgusted. I must be losing weight again... she thought, truly knowing that it had never stopped. Her baggy shirt deflated, no longer pulled taught, and she looked like a child wearing her mother's clothes.

    Mira left the bathroom, and made her way away around the club faire. None of them interested her, really, until she saw a familiar looking blue-haired boy and a couple of girls beneath a tree. Alex is starting a club? Mira approached, and heard Alex spouting off info about the club. Mira recognised one of the girls, the one who had groped her that morning, which made her shudder slightly. The girl wasn't in unattractive by any means, but she sure as hell was too grabby.

    "Hey, Alex, I'll sign up, too."
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: I was going to wait on Cameron's next post, but I'll go ahead and post then.


    Mel glared a bit at the guy as he started to insult her or perhaps critically critique her. That was until she heard somebody else's voice,

    "Unfortunately we can't deal with all of our troubles by tackling them to ground,"

    Mel looked over as she saw it the new class representative. She smiled as the girl, calmly fired back at Kenshin.

    'Now that is good leadership, fantastic class representative, I guess the class got lucky.' Mel thought to herself as she glanced around only to notice Alex ended up completely disappearing. She looked over at the two others also noticing Mira slipped away. She then nodded to herself before slipping away herself to walk around the fair glancing at each booth.

    "Book Club." She stopped and smiled walking over, a club to read books and hopefully that was it, that's all she needed.

    "Oh hello?" A girl, a senior, looked over at Mel smiling, "I've never seen you around before."

    Mel nodded glancing on the table to see if there was a signup sheet for the club, but to a bit of a worried shock, there was none.

    "Yes I'm new around here, just for the year, I'm guessing you're full?"

    "Yeah, I'm sorry, if we have any openings I can let you know..."


    "Mel." Mel looked at the girl, she seemed quite nice and friendly and she was about to agree until she overheard a familiar voice talking.

    " Well um, it's a club for people that like music i guess. I don't have any signatures and in order for me to establish the club i need at least four. So um if you're interested...sign i guess?" Mel looked over so did the other girl.

    'Wait, Alex? When did he... he was literally just..."

    "Sounds like he needs some club members, a bit cute, 'eh?" Mel's attention was brought back to the girl talking as her face flushed pink quickly.

    "I... uh... umm..."

    "Go join, judging by your necklace you would enjoy it as much as you probably would this club." Mel reached up and grabbed the treble clef music necklace she had on before glancing over at the table also seeing Mira approach. Mel nodded, and turned to face the book club president to only be shocked to see her disappear already and her booth cleaned up.

    "Right..." She muttered to herself glancing back at the quick made booth that Alex currently found himself sitting at with the other girls signing up.

    "Alex? Would you mind if I joined?" Mel spoke up walking over looking at him and waiting for a response before she signed the paper to join.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2014
  16. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    (OOC: Sorry about the delay, I have been pretty busy during this weekend working on the external and the yard of our cottage, and even went to a pub with my parents; drunken writing is really not my thing lol)

    "Unfortunately we can't deal with all of our troubles by tackling them to ground"

    After the brief scene where Alex was being dragged by the two older girls towards the signing, class rep had shown up right after now trying to reprimand Kenshin’s rough behaviour. He raised an eyebrow glaring at the girl for a moment before actually even recognizing her as he had not really paid attention in the class when the class rep was chosen. He was slightly irritated by this girl’s remark about his actions amidst the other students whilst some of the film club’s younger members giggled behind their hands on the background.

    “So you’re saying that a fist can’t solve a problem more efficiently than poorly chosen words?” Kenshin remarked, obviously pointing out to Mel who had tried approaching the two girls more peacefully. Noticing now that both Alex and Mira fled the scene right after, he was now left alone with Mel and the class rep, noticing that at least Mel was highly frustrated at him because of his choice of words a few moments earlier.

    Stepping next to Kayla, he tapped slightly twice on her shoulder.

    “You’re kinda cute, wanna grab coffee some time? Keep maintaining the world peace and congrats on your position as the official hippie on our class”, Kenshin stated and laughed as he left the two girls alone.

    As he slowly made his way through the fair and kept browsing all the stalls and booths, all bustling with students trying to gain a spot in the club as it was a necessity, he sighed.

    The hell am I doing here? I could be at home finishing that beat or hanging out at the club… agh, this is enough.

    He continued walking towards the end of the fair, finally reaching the school gates and leaving the proximity. He was not interested in daily activities with people he didn’t know or wouldn’t likely get along with without a stormy argument.

    Checking through his messages on his smartphone, he noticed one from an unknown sender without a title.


    “Busta, a client is very displeased. The packet you were supposed to deliver this morning didn’t reach its destination. If you still have it, deliver it to these coordinates at 02.00 AM.”


    The packet that Kenshin brought with him to school was supposed to be dropped off to the boys locker room after the ceremony, and he’d totally forgotten about it while tormenting Mira. Not that it was peculiar enough to drop it off at a location so filled with people, but he knew not to question it as there was money involved. He sat down on a nearby bus stop inputting the coordinates o his GPS and was surprised that the drop off point was just outside the school.

    Why would anyone want the stuff delivered to the school? Can’t be a student, most people around my age are at home at those hours… well, better not to stress about it.


    01:57 AM

    The streets were quiet. Kenshin had been sleeping through the remaining time before the package was supposed to be delivered and had been waiting on one of the branches of a tall oak, eyeing the proximity of the entrance. Only drunken businessmen and couples had walked by, and there hadn’t been a soul to be seen nearby that would stop at the coordinates given.

    Sigh, can’t really remember a time when I last wanted to just go to home and sleep.

    After five minutes, a tall and built-up figure was approaching the delivery point. He wore a long coat and a beanie – perfect attire to look suspecting to the police at this hour. Kenshin chuckled at the sight, but knew this had to be done quickly. He dropped off to the street around the corner but managed to slip his grip around the package and it cracked open.

    Shit, shit, shit!

    From the package emerged a strange but somehow familiar name on some little containers.

    D-Anabol? What are these… steroids?

    Kenshin had been delivering pills and mild relievers before, but this was completely new. Steroids weren’t illegal in a sense as anyone could order them from the internet to their door, so this client had to be a person at least of some importance. Not thinking it for a moment longer though, he closed the package as tight as he could and walked towards the figure waiting at the spot. He seemed nervous as he kept glancing from side to side and was spooked by the sight of Kenshin with his hood on.

    “You the guy?” He asked from the man who was at least a few feet taller than him.

    “Y-y-yes. I’ve got the money here, just give me-“ his speech was suddenly interrupted as his beanie slipped off from his head and Kenshin was surprised by the outcome. It was the school’s P.E. teacher Mr. Kawasaki. The teacher stumbled on the hard concrete in panic trying to put his beanie on with little success. Examining the situation, Kenshin suddenly realized that this was perfect, almost too good to be true.

    “Mr. Kawasaki?”

    “Y-y-y-you know me?” The man questioned with a tremble when his name was called.

    “Yes, actually, I’m one of the students as you can clearly see if you’d just stop shaking for a moment. I think we can both work this out without me telling anything to the Dean and proceed our evening peacefully as pigeons if you agree to my terms.”

    Kenshin knew that blackmailing a client was strictly forbidden and was a punishable action by any standards, but poor Mr. Kawasaki didn’t.

    “Let’s see… ah, yes. You’re the supervising teacher of the basketball club?”

    “Y-yes, what of it?” The man answered with a great tremble in his voice.

    “Let’s make a deal. You sign me up to that club, but in all reality, I’m free to come and go as I please and if I miss a, let’s say, a class or two, I’d still be there. You know what I’m saying?”

    “Yes, yes, anything you say! Just don’t mention this to the Dean!” He pleaded.

    After the exchange was made, Kenshin now counting all that he’d made, he stopped again at the same bus stop that he had dropped off earlier yesterday. Soon, the bus to the slums arrived and he stepped in familiarly greeting the driver who was always the same during these hours. Taking a seat and plugging his headphones into his ears, he glanced at the rapiply moving scenery.

    Lady Fortuna favours me way too much.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2014
  17. Ava Mareinus

    Ava Mareinus New Member

    " Well um, it's a club for people that like music I guess. I don't have any signatures and in order for me to establish the club I need at least four. So um if you're interested...sign I guess?"

    Before Leliana could properly process what this representative said, another girl came up and really excitedly starting talking about how much she had been looking for a music club. Leliana was a bit taken aback. This girl seemed way too energetic. I guess that's just how some people are about their passions.

    "If you just want somewhere to get away from class for a while, sign it I guess but I'd greatly appreciate it because I can't start the club without at least 4 signatures this includes my own."

    Leliana looked skeptically at the club head. This doesn't really seem like a well organized club. More for fun it seems, than anything. I wonder if it'll be okay if I join. But before she could voice any of her opinions, a black haired girl showed up suddenly and addressed the guy sitting at the table as Alex, and said she would join. The way she looked at the first girl indicated she was slightly unhappy with her. Alex, hmm? Why does that name sound familiar...

    And then, oddly enough, a third girl arrived and, just like the girl before, addressed Alex by name while asking to join the club. Leliana was surrounded by people that seemed to know each other. Suddenly, it hit her. These guys are in my class. Alex was called out by the teacher today. And it looks like they're all friends or know each other one way or another. Would it be okay if I got in the middle of them?

    She looked behind her at the rest of the clubs that were still up and talking to other students. There weren't really any other clubs that she could join. Granted, she could always wait to see if a club had openings later on; people always dropped after about a week or two, according to her brother. But then again, he did say to join a club as soon as possible. Leliana sighed. Well, I suppose it's not a terrible idea. Maybe I could make friends with these guys, and it'll give me something to do. I do like music after all.

    She turned back and looked at Alex. "Alright, I'll join the club. You got a signature." She bent down a bit and took a pen from her bag to sign the club membership sheet. I really hope I don't regret this. Hopefully it'll be at least a semi-solidly functioning club. She neatly scrawled her name on the sheet, and stood back up. Turning towards the other girls that had arrived, she held out the pen in her hand and asked, "Did you guys want to sign too?"
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Alex stood up and slid the paper to them. " Well feel free to join guys, i'll just have to give this form to the Dean and we can get the keys' to the room. I don't have any problems with you guys joining, i don't really have many ideas mapped out for this i just thought it'd be a good way for us to get away from things during the day and do what we can to relax, which happens to involve music" He said with a sly grin.

    Most of the clubs had all began to close up shop alot of students had chosen, and for those who had not their were going to be flyers placed outside for them to join something.

    " So since we're all ehre why don't we introduce ourselves i mean, we've been bumping into one another all day. I'll go first" Alex took a long stretch and a yawn.

    " My name is Alex, i like to play video games and watch anime and eat pancakes and pastries"
  19. Ava Mareinus

    Ava Mareinus New Member

    " Well um, it's a club for people that like music I guess. I don't have any signatures and in order for me to establish the club I need at least four. So um if you're interested...sign I guess?"

    Before Leliana could properly process what this representative said, another girl came up and really excitedly starting talking about how much she had been looking for a music club. Leliana was a bit taken aback. This girl seemed way too energetic. I guess that's just how some people are about their passions.

    "If you just want somewhere to get away from class for a while, sign it I guess but I'd greatly appreciate it because I can't start the club without at least 4 signatures this includes my own."

    Leliana looked skeptically at the club head. This doesn't really seem like a well organized club. More for fun it seems, than anything. I wonder if it'll be okay if I join. But before she could voice any of her opinions, a black haired girl showed up suddenly and addressed the guy sitting at the table as Alex, and said she would join. The way she looked at the first girl indicated she was slightly unhappy with her. Alex, hmm? Why does that name sound familiar...

    And then, oddly enough, a third girl arrived and, just like the girl before, addressed Alex by name while asking to join the club. Leliana was surrounded by people that seemed to know each other. Suddenly, it hit her. These guys are in my class. Alex was called out by the teacher today. And it looks like they're all friends or know each other one way or another. Would it be okay if I got in the middle of them?

    She looked behind her at the rest of the clubs that were still up and talking to other students. There weren't really any other clubs that she could join. Granted, she could always wait to see if a club had openings later on; people always dropped after about a week or two, according to her brother. But then again, he did say to join a club as soon as possible. Leliana sighed. Well, I suppose it's not a terrible idea. Maybe I could make friends with these guys, and it'll give me something to do. I do like music after all.

    She turned back and looked at Alex, who had just slid the paper over. "Alright, I'll join the club. You got a signature." She bent down a bit and took a pen from her bag to sign the club membership sheet. I really hope I don't regret this. Hopefully it'll be at least a semi-solidly functioning club. She neatly scrawled her name on the sheet, and stood back up. Turning towards the other girls that had arrived, she held out the pen in her hand and asked, "Did you guys want to sign too? By the way, I'm Leliana. Nice to meet you guys."
  20. Helena Roliet

    Helena Roliet New Member

    "My name is Alex, I like to play video games and watch anime and eat pancakes and pastries."

    "Did you guys want to sign too? By the way, I'm Leliana. Nice to meet you guys."

    So many attractive people my age, all gathered around this table ready to sign up for a club. Mira was desperate not so much for making love, or even falling in love, as she was for finding friends (though something more than that couldn't hurt). Mira took the pen from Leliana, and signed her name as neatly as she could. Her self image fragile already, Mira had to make everything she did the best she could.

    "I'm Mira Alain. I like music, reading, board games--anything you can do inside, really. It is a pleasure to meet you all!" She then held the pen out to whomever should take it next. Be it the silent and collected beauty, or the admittedly cute yet overly spastic molester. Mira did not mind either way. It was her goal now to befriend them all, to finally let somebody see who she was. It all started over pancakes and cigarettes.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2014

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