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Keyblade Academy Chapter 1 - The Remnants (OOC/SU)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Become, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Name: William Johnson
    Age: 16
    Year: 2nd
    Appearance: Like Sora but longer hair and taller, always wears a black hoodie and blue jeans.
    Keyblade: Fenrir
    Personality: Kind and caring but a short temper. Very laid back. Is very defensive of his friends and will do anything for them.
    Magic: Can use light and darkness to an extent but rarely uses them since he doesn't want to be labelled a freak. Can use fire and ice very well, uses no other elements.
    Aquisition: Will was born in a broken home, way off on a distant planet. His mother was a kind, gentle hearted woman. She also was an embodyment of light. His father was the exact opposite. He was a tempermental alcoholic who would beat Will and his mother. He was also an embodyment of darkness. Then one night it got out of hand. His father had knocked him mother across the room and she grabbed a knife to defend herself. He knocked the knife from her hand and choked her to death, the light heading for it's nearest host, Will. The father saw Will watching and went to strangle him too but something unexpected happened. The darkness entered him, draining his father of his life force. When his father hit the floor two blades appeared. The oathkeeper and oblivion. Nothing tied Will to this world anymore so the light directed him to a familiar place, his mother's childhood home. He has been at Radiant Gardens since and this happened three years ago.

    >srry if it's a little sloppy, using the wii...<
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2009
  2. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    Thanks for accepting the invite Curtis. :-]

    Now we just got to wait for Zhyriad to accept my Remnant and your student.
  3. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Is my sign up ok? Cause it's hard doing this on a wii...
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Here's that profile I said I'd make. This one'll be a Remnant.

    Name: Motx

    Age: 20

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Personality: Depressing. Doesn't show much emotion (Not because he's a nobody).

    Weapon: [​IMG] Not the scythe in his appearance pic

    Magic/Powers/Abilities: He's a copy-cat. Because of his desire to understand what exactly he is, and what his somebody is like, Motx is able to sense another person's powers. From sensing their powers, Motx copies them and is able to use them. But he isn't perfect at any power he copies. He needs to learn how to use them just like whomever he got the power from.

    He currently knows Curaja and has the ability of flight. He also has copied the swordfighting styles of several people and combined them, creating his own unique style of swordplay.

    Biography: Motx awoke one day on an unknown world. He didn't have any memory of anything beforehand. He looked around. He saw a name etched in a nearby tree: Motx. He took that name, sensing some familiarity and recognizing it in some strange way. As he wandered about the world, a stranger appeared to him. The stranger said nothing, only handed Motx something. A crystal sword. The sword glowed when Motx touched it. The sword opened up doorways to other worlds. Using this sword, Motx traveled throught the universe, trying to learn of his past. He still searches, doing anything that he hopes may give him answers.
  5. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    My Appologies for the lateness of my profile. I was sent a notification for this AGES ago but things kind of have been too busy for me to Roleplay much of late. Anyway I will create a student and if there is need for anything else I can take on a second character as well. Just let me know <3

    Name Sarah (Her Real Name is a Mystery)

    Age 18

    Gender Female

    Year 4

    Appearance [​IMG]

    Personality Sarah is beautiful, strong, kind, and competitive.... actually REALLY competitive. She practices more than most students in the Academy and doesn't really take the time to make extremely close friends. Some say she's really only happy when she's in a good spar or fight but that really isn't true. There is a whole nother side to Sarah that rarely anyone knows. A part of her that nearly died and that is explained more in her Bio. She is very strong willed and deturmined and she rarely speaks to anyone. There are few that she considers friends. She is a bit sarcastic and quirky and all in all has a very unique but kind of strange personality.

    Magic/Powers/Abilities: She has memorized just about every spell in the books to perfection but half the time when she tries to use one spell, the opposite effect happens therefore she doesn't rely on magic except rarely.

    Keyblade Name and Appearance:
    Keyblade Name: HopeGiver
    Keyblade Appearence: [​IMG]

    Acquisition: Sarah's past is a complicated one. She was born on Destiny Island and her mother died there. After her mother's death when she was five, she and her father moved away from Destiny Island and went to Twilight Town but they were only there for maybe two years before her father said they had to move again. Sarah didn't understand until she was older that her father was suspect for killing her mother and that he was a suspect for dealing with black arts and Heartless. Her father finally told her the truth when she was twelve that he was a nobody and that he had once been searching for nobodies like him. He could tell when heartless or nobodies were around like a sixth sense and he was looking for a group called the "Remnants" He wanted to join them at some point. Some of the things Sarah has seen while following her father through the darkness are thing she would never tell ANYONE but they may have changed her forever. She got separated from her father somewhere in the darkness and found her way back into the world of light but whe she arrived back in Radiant Garden, she was attacked by a very odd type of Nobody she has never seen before. She couldn't control them like her father had been able to. She was nearly killed in the ordeal when she was saved by a stranger who killed quite a few of the Nobodies. About then was when she recieved her keyblade. She defeated the rest of the nobodies on her own but she never did find the stranger who had helped her... she never even got to see their face.
    Since then, She at first tried to use the keyblade to go back and find her father. But by the time she found him, he was different. The darkness had changed him somehow. She stayed with him for a month before she had finally had enough of how different he had become. The two fought and were separated again. She doesn't know if he's still alive and she continues to tell herself she doesn't care.
    She stumbled onto the front steps of the Academy when she was 14 and was taken in by the teachers. She pretends to not remember her past or her name so she was given the name "Sarah" by Kairi. She hasn't spoken her birth name in 4 years.
    Somehow in her fight with her father, she took a very powerful blow to her head. Now she has trouble remembering things even now and she has trouble with spells. Spells she tries to use rarely turn out the way she wants them to. Usually if she tries to cure someone she sets them on fire.
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Iguru Arashi

    18 as of the start of the RP (It'll be his B-Day!!!)




    As once quoted by Sora, as well as many other members of The Academy, Arashi takes things a bit too seriously. He is never really one to be seen kicking back and relaxing, unless it is at the end of a hard day's work, and even so, his idea of relaxing is by taking time to meditate somewhere or another. He is enthusiastic about battles, whether for training or for the sake of maintaining order among the worlds. It is not so much that he enjoys fighting, but he sees it as a necessary evil to take part in such events. He approaches each new day with but one goal in mind: To live it better than he lived the previous day.

    While having learned most, if not all of the spells which The Academy has to teach its new students, Arashi has especially excelled in the Aero and Lightning based spells. He can shift the air particles around him with near perfect proficiency, creating air based shields, power full wind gusts, focused air currents of high pressure to crush his opponents, or wind gusts powerful enough to carry him over spaces. and can even spread and/or condense the air around him, resulting in either a drop or increase in temperature. By focusing on the charges of the particles themselves, he can instigate a chain of discharges, creating lightning.

    Keyblade Name:
    Eagle's Crest

    Keyblade Appearance:
    The appearance of Eagle's Crest is somewhat unique from the various other keyblades. It looks more like the wing of an eagle than it does a key. The hilt is a shining gold color, with a claw like hand guard on the front, gripping it at the bottom. The blade itself is brown (with a mix of white in some spots) in color, with a serrated edge making up the visage of the feathers of an eagle's wings.


    All peoples, in all worlds, have their own form of a rite of passage, a task that a child must endeavor in order to become an adult. These rites happen at different ages for different cultures, and are always of some different nature. Once the child has completed this task, they are no longer a child, but an adult, and are treated as such by their people. But in all cultures, the task is never easily taken on. It is always something that tests the child in some manner: Physically, Mentally, Morally, and of course, Emotionally.

    In Arashi's own civilization, upon a world dominated by mountain ranges, with few cities, and only small villages dotted in various locations around the mountains, the rite of passage was one that tested all four of those aspects. Every winter, the young boys, usually 13 years of age, were sent out into the mountains with nothing but the clothing which they wore when they departed, and a single hunting knife. With these materials, they were sent out into the range for a month. Their goal: survival, while respecting the natural world around them.

    The children were pressured to stick in a group, for the sake of teamwork. They took this to heart, and together with roughly five others, Arashi managed to hold out for several weeks. Yet in the last week of the survival test, the group faced a terrible decision. They were hungry, and few animals had strayed upon their path of travel, other than an injured eagle. The other five in Arashi's party contemplated killing the eagle, and having it as their last meal of the test. Yet Arashi saw that the injuries it had taken were well within repairs. To kill it, he argued, would be an immoral act, according to the values of their people.

    After a lengthy argument, he convinced the others to allow the eagle to be mended, and set free. They were furious with him for having cost them their only food, and that night, knocked him cold, and left him to die. Yet death was not his fate. A day in the cold saw Arashi found by a man from another village, who had sympathy for the young boy, and brought him into his home in a village on the opposite end of the mountain range. Arashi would only stay there for a week after his test was to be ended. It was in this time, that a strange occurrence took place Arashi started to have dreams of himself receiving a "weapon". He woke from one of these dreams, with a strange "metallic wing" in his hands.

    Long story short, he was returned with this weapon to his village, where he was greeted by his father holding for him a message, which informed him of his acceptance into The Keyblade Academy. He enrolled at the age of 14, and was admitted in for a four year period. He has come some ways since that day, and has even concluded why the Keyblade chose him as its wielder.​


    Medea Lazareth (Maleficent's Apprentice)




    From her days at her mistress' side, Medea has sprouted a personality similar to Maleficent. She can be a calm, and calculating individual, and normally speaks in a dried and bored voice, except when truly enraged, and even under such case, her voice still has the slightest air of a lacking interest. Her anger threshold appears to be set further back than her mistress', and she rarely loses her cool, unless she is seriously humiliated. She is, by all means, as cruel, and uncaring for others as Maleficent, and Maleficent is the only person that she has shown any hint of affection for.

    This wand is a device that is practically overloading with a raw magical force, from which derives a surreal energy force which Medea can bend, and alter to fit her purposes. Yet it can only maintain its form as raw energy, and nothing else.

    Medea's magic is of a... more unique form. She is a practiced follower of the arts of witchcraft, specifically in the area of incantation based magics. Such magic involves the use of sacred words, calling upon the forces of the surreal to create the effects of said incantation.

    Through use of a crystal ball found around her neck, she can call upon these same surreal forces to gain a glimpse of those events unfolding around her. But this has its limits. For one, she is unable to see into the rooms of a buildings, and what she can see, she is given only a visual, and cannot hear what happens within what she is viewing, and is thus, left to only judge what is being said. She tends to follow some code of honor, and rarely uses the device to spy on others, accept on her mistress' orders, and usually only utilizes it for defensive/preparation purposes.

    Ten years ago, while Maleficent was in the world of Halloween Town, reviving Oogie Boogie, she came across a young girl whom she had, at the time, not had much interest in. The young girl's name was Medea Lazareth, a local witch girl, and an orphan in the town. Her parents had apparently been sent away, and perished during the heartless invasion that had occurred a year prior. She had, for some reason or another, been spared of this fate, but it was to her regret. She was forced out onto the streets of the town, with no one to care for her, and nothing but her natural born magic to support her self with.

    By the time Maleficent had found her, she had been nearly drained of her will to live, with but a spark of survival intentions left to keep her going. While the sorceress had initially spurned the child from her presence, a brief show of her magic against a swarm of heartless (also used to keep her away), alerted her to the girl's potential as an apprentice. One with no parents, no friends, could easily be drawn in for such a line of work. With little more hesitation, she took Medea in under her wing, teaching her of her magical powers, and helping her hone her abilities.

    They have been in the student mentor relation for ten years now, and Medea has become far more developed as a sorceress. But at this point, could it be possible that the student has surpassed the mentor?

    This black cat strayed across Medea's path some time ago (about five years back) as but a kitten. She and Medea have been, essentially, great friends ever since, and Astriella has been able to help with many of Maleficent's plans. She especially useful, in that she is a cat that has the anthropomorphic ability to speak as a human does. She is never often found with Medea in public, and only comes out at night, to cause misdeed of more subtle sorts.​
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2009
  7. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    I added to the personality and changed keyblades but I can't do images on the wii so my appearance is kinda gotta be like that until I get access to a cpu...
  8. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    Alright, I'll fix up the bios. ;-]

    But still, we'll only have three remnant members- at this point if we don't get any more people to join everyone will have to make a remnant.
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD Don't worry. I can make two more remnants & then I'll make Pete & another villian. XD That makes five characters that I'm in control of, but it won't hurt.
  10. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    At this point, I stand to have Maleficent take the role of Remnant leader, unless I see a better candidate for it, or possibly, I'll have her (again), under a higher order.
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ??? Why do you need Maleficent to be the leader of the Remnants I wonder? So weird since those part of the Remnants are nobodies & Maleficent is in control of the heartless.
  12. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The Remnants are not just nobodies. They are a mix of nobodies and others who just want to take down Sora and The Academy.
  13. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    so when do we start this?
  14. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I'll try to get the IC up within the week, provided that the other RPs developing aren't overwhelming people. Canon characters needed that aren't taken will be played as NPCs, primarily controlled by myself, though I'm willing to share when needed, or if someone decides to take up another, then they can play that one. In any case, those that don't get taken will be under my own control until they are taken, if such an event occurs.
  15. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    Is this RP gonna happen?
  16. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Name: Rikon
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Year: 3

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Personality: Nice,sometime self centered,playful.

    Magic/Powers/Abilities: Darkness Lightning and Fire. Ability to Teleport

    Keyblade Name and Appearance: Way to Dawn and Oath Keeper

    Acquisition: Rikon was walking in a dark forest when a bunch of Nobodies began to surround him.Rikon had no idea what to do so he grabbed the stick that was next to him and began attacking the Nobodies.I wasn't affecting them.Then suddenly all the Nobodies attacked him.Suddenly the stick Rikon had in his hand became a the Keyblade Way to Dawn.
    Rikon was just on his way to school when a heartless shadow showed up. Rikon tried to summon Way to Dawn but nothing happened.Suddenly Rikon was attacked.Rikon was on the ground and then twenty more Heartless shadow had shown up.Rikon stood up and began running through all the heartless but he couldn't make it through.Suddenly a Bright light flashed and Rikon had the Keyblade Oathkeeper in his hand.

    This is my character if Roleplay is still going on....
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2009
  17. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I intend to get it started as other things in the RP section get to a point where people can split the focus.
  18. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    ok.......when you make it let me now ok
  19. モンスーン

    モンスーン New Member

    This RP still ready to go, and are there spots available? Im more than happy to make a remnant if we could start soon :]
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2009
  20. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    It is still open. And I'd also like another canon teacher, if it's possible.

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