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KH V.s. FF

Discussion in 'Square-Enix Games' started by Flare, Jul 4, 2007.

Which one is better?

  1. Kingdom Hearts Owns

    24 vote(s)
  2. Final Fantasy Pwns

    18 vote(s)
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  1. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Sora should stop at three...Cuz more of Sora..means bad game!!!!

    Unlike FF, they change characters, places, plots, etc. so it different everytime, well X-2...hehe. um...
  2. I'm not saying we are going to have thirteen games i just mean that if you give it the space from ff1 to kh1 from the release of kh1 in that year you can say that ff must be better.(does that make any sense?) And besides numbers mean nothing!If you have 200 4 hour rpg's would you say that meant they were better than the 4 Elder Scrolls games and their expansions?
  3. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Actually, FFIX is my favorite FF. And X-2 by far my least favorite. I'll grant you that the battle system was good, but the rest of it fell so far short that I couldn't stand it.

    As for the poll, I voted for FF. However, you really can't compare them. They're two different games. FF is an RPG. KH is a platformer with RPG elements. say what you like, the way you play it, that's basically what it boils down to. I find them both to be very enjoyable games.

    As for the longevity of the series, KH will never last as long as FF has or will. Nor should it. Each FF is a different game, or at least each new numerical entry in the series. Therefore, you can continue as long as you can think of new original stories that people will like. KH on the other hand is a single story. And even if they begin to switch characters, there is only so far you can or should stretch out a story. Eventually, you'll do all you can do with it, and you should let it die. The question is will they, or will they drag it out like the land before time?
  4. Nao KoKi

    Nao KoKi New Member

    Have you played most of the FF games? KH1 was made in year 2002, the same year FFXI came out. So excluding FFX and downwards, and going from FFX-2 and upwards, there are still more FF games. Also, I don't see a great story when you have to borrow Disney and FF characters to create the story itself. Take away the Disney and FF in the games, and you won't have much left of KH, except the measly Heartless.

    The thing I like about the FF series is that it's more creative and original in story aspects. From my viewpoint, KH is what I like to call a Gary Stu fanfic, where you add in your own characters into an original story and make your own story by using the originals' blueprint. I still can't accept the fact that in KH1, a little boy could own Cloud/Squall/insert other heroes that have way more fighting experience, when he just recently learned to wield a keyblade and barely has much fighting experience other than doing sword whacking with his fellow peers. Unbelievable, KH really brought down the reps of FF/Disney characters.
  5. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Actually, FFIX is my favorite FF. And X-2 by far my least favorite. I'll grant you that the battle system was good, but the rest of it fell so far short that I couldn't stand it.

    As for the poll, I voted for FF. However, you really can't compare them. They're two different games. FF is an RPG. KH is a platformer with RPG elements. say what you like, the way you play it, that's basically what it boils down to. I find them both to be very enjoyable games.

    As for the longevity of the series, KH will never last as long as FF has or will. Nor should it. Each FF is a different game, or at least each new numerical entry in the series. Therefore, you can continue as long as you can think of new original stories that people will like. KH on the other hand is a single story. And even if they begin to switch characters, there is only so far you can or should stretch out a story. Eventually, you'll do all you can do with it, and you should let it die. The question is will they, or will they drag it out like the land before time?
  6. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    FF for the win. The storyline is deeper, and since each game is it's own world, I don't get bored of it. The KH series really can't go on indefinitely, although SE will probably try. I liked the more mature themes and the game play was better suited to me. KH is great, but doesn't come close to FF in my opinion.
  7. SkylerOcon

    SkylerOcon New Member

    I did vote for Kingdom Hearts, but I love Final Fantasy too.

    In honesty, there have been rumors (and Square hasn't denied them) that the final Final Fantasy game (I believed somebody said it would be XV) would be released at a time very close to the final Kingdom Hearts game and both games would be tied very close together and you would need to play both to get the full story.

    In other words, like it or not, there's a chance that KH and FF may join together for both of their final forays.
  8. .:.:EMILY:.:.

    .:.:EMILY:.:. Member

    That would be cool if they joined the two games! but also kinda annoying, because alot of people may not have the time to play both series, you know, with work and stuff.
    although i like both, i voted kingdom hearts, coz i like the whole shadows and disney thing.
  9. rencoinfreak

    rencoinfreak Banned

    i choose kingdom hearts. i never liked final fantasy.. '_'
  10. Xehanort_Riku

    Xehanort_Riku New Member

    I gotta say i really like kingdom hearts apart from the disney dudes and final fantasy r pretty awesme the worst final fantasy i played on was x-2 the best in my opinion is ff8
  11. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Holy crap its 50/50 here...

    FF is much better, and has a longer list of fans.
    Not to mention, I love turnbased games, so It'd obviously be MY first choice.
  12. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    I love Final Fantasy, I've always thought it was a great game. But sadly, I found KH way more addicting and pretty much everything about KH (story, characters, plot, etc) is appealing to me. Kind of like Megaman. lol Except a lot more convoluted.

    I think part of the reason I didn't like FF was because of the turn based. I usually really like turn based (like Golden Sun, Pkemon, Riviera, and the like) games, but I dunno, something about FF just made it really hard to get into. I can see myself sitting down one day band just playing it non-stop to really understand it more and get a feel for it. xD
  13. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    I prefer Final Fantasy in general over Kingdom Hearts because Final Fantasy seems more organized. KH is very sparratic during battles in which your allies are essentially useless and as long as sora is ok then it doesn't matter if donald or goofy die. FF on the other hand is a team effort with all 3 team members working together.
  14. SlashVorlex

    SlashVorlex New Member

    I had to go with Final Fantasy. It was because Final Fantasy in my opinoin had a lot of good based line stories with great charcters and their games are a lot better then the Kingdom Heart games.
  15. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    KH wins since the graphics and gameplay is better than FF. But Final Fantasy have a better storyline to me.
  16. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    i prefer kingdom hearts, but final fantasy comes in a close second. kingdom hearts has got a card game, a manga, an anime in production, and i'm not sure about this but i heard something a while back about a kingdom hearts section in disney world that may be built. so yeah it seems like kingdom hearts is better and it's a game that anyone can play.
  17. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Love both but FF is better, from VII to XII. ^^
  18. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Kingdom Hearts hands down.
    Final Fantasy XII was terrible and I dislike the series now because of it.
    Final Fantasy X is the only game I've enjoyed and I don't play anything before X because I'm not an obsess
  19. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    I love FF but there are some really crap FF's like XII and well erm there was...Ah!That's it!Only XII was crap but if it wasn't for the stupid battle system XII would be cool.But 7,Crisis Core,10,10-2 and AC were really cool games/Movie.
  20. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Square if you're reading this keep it traditional will you?
    What's wrong with the original battle system?
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