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KH3 evil Sora

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3' started by Venhot2, Feb 10, 2008.

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  1. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    YOUR KIDDING ME! Thats madness! IT CAN'T! IT WON'T I'LL KILL THESE PEOPLE FOR THIS! I'VE BEEN SEARCHING AND SEARCHING ALL NIGHT FROM 8:00 TO MIDNIGHT LOOKING FOR WHEN KH3 COMES OUT!!!!!!!! WHEN I DID I WAS SOOOOOO HAPPY TO FIGURE OUT IT CAME OUT IN 4 MONTHS! AND NOW YOU TELL ME IT COMES OUT IN 2012???????????? GGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAH!! Wait now i get it...........You know how everyone thinks that Birth By Sleep is kh3? Well thats probably when BBS comes out not KH3.............BUT THIS MAKES ME SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ANGRY!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna go cry in a corner ok.
  2. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Drama Queen? It is just a game. Come on now. Chill relax and do something fun.
  3. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    I'm not a drama queen i'm a drama king....lol kidding i was just so exited when i heard it was coming out in 4 months and now i find out it comes out in a few years?!?!? *Sniff* Grrr.....Sorry i get a little over dramatic sometimes i just really thought it was coming out in 4 months but that was before i knew everyone thought BBS was KH3...........Now what do i do? ug I was counting the days on my calender how many days until KH3 comes out and now.............IT'S NOT COMING OUT FOR THREE MORE CALENDERS! Ug......See i get really moody sometimes......And really this is weird but...........I have nothing better to do then play video games.....Thats right......I play games almost all day. I have nothing better to do as i said before. Darn it i yell to much.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2008
  4. xHotsumax

    xHotsumax New Member

    if sora does be evil and we do have to play as another chracter they should change the fighting style
  5. rikuchie

    rikuchie New Member

    if sora become the evil so he must has new keyblade
  6. Soras Other #13

    Soras Other #13 New Member

    KH3 is coming out in a few months, what makes you think they haven't started yet? The fact they've released no information? Just builds suspense, yup yup yup
  7. obliviondemon

    obliviondemon New Member

    if sora become evil, why he become evil?
  8. fishy smells

    fishy smells Member

    Sora should be a good guy
  9. worbs

    worbs New Member

    i thin kthat sora should have an evil twin
  10. Kairi10

    Kairi10 Member

    i think that itz a good idea but it would be even more confusing<da storyline dat iz
  11. worbs

    worbs New Member

    point takin but i think it will add a bit of fun to it and later on in the game sora has to fight his twin whom has exactly the same abilitys and attack power as each other
  12. Namine3.0

    Namine3.0 New Member

    I never thought Sora ever would turn evil but it would be interesting
  13. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    the evil twin thing would be cool,and would make the story so confusing that Solid Snake would even be confused by it.
    to be honest,i cant see sora himself turning evil.what i can see though is his anti-form taking over his body for a part of the game,and you have to play as riku,mickey,kairi,or mabye even roxas or some new/character i havnt said that could be used.probably end with sora fighting his anti/heartless self.
  14. SoraXaroS

    SoraXaroS New Member

    You SUCK!!!!!!!

    you need to get off the proverbial pot dude billions of sites with teasers dude seriously i mean it take the following phrase on google kingdom hearts 3 and you get tons of pics and teasers im sorry but you need to take a look around dude
  15. The_Unknown_Master

    The_Unknown_Master New Member

    ok dude, nothing has been released by the square at all about kh3. they havent even thought about it because of how busy they are with other game, those pics are fan made dude, its not that hard to tell.
  16. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Yeah, hopefully we will find more info on the game.
  17. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    I'll answer your question,nothing has been told about KH3,it might not even exist.
  18. annyssrr

    annyssrr New Member

    I doubted that Sora is going to be an evil. It must be a lie.
  19. soraheartless97

    soraheartless97 New Member

    evil sora would be awesome

    ited be awesome if sora was made semi-heartless then had to fight riku and roxas and hi i just joined but what in kingdoms heart 3 sora got turned into a heartless saving everyone and everyone mourns but keep fighting and in a few months sora comes back with 2 keyblades one with a heart for the hand gaurd thingie on the keyblade and of course the handle but one side of the heart is black and the other red now when the heart meets at the end of the guard thingie there are two tendrils entertwining one black one red now at the end a little before ittheres one black spike and one red spike both pointing in the same direction and th other keyblade is the same but with a reverse color scheme
  20. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Which is true. Maybe around 2010 we will hear about KH3.

    It depends, on if Nomura wants the game to revolve around an evil Sora.
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