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Kingdom Hearts 1 Help/Advice Thread

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 1' started by Ventus, Jun 20, 2009.

  1. zayzer

    zayzer New Member

    Ok this is my last question for kh-1, because I have done everything esle needed but just these last 2 things.

    There are 2 chests I can't seem to open, one is travers town at the diner where all those tables are in first district.

    The other chest is at the olympic coliseum.

    If you could answer this, that would be wounderfull.
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Cast blizzard on all the candles to put them out, and you'll be able to open the chest.

    I think you have to complete one of the tournaments (Hercules Cup?) to open this. I think the Olympia keychain is inside.
  3. Xetanion

    Xetanion New Member

    KH 1 question

    OK I'm under the castle in Hollow Bastion in that underground room and there are 3 sections of the wall that you can see through and it looks like there is a chest on the other side of it but I can't seem to get to it no matter where i go. Could i be wrong? Is it even a chest at all? and if so how do i get it
  4. zayzer

    zayzer New Member

    well i'm going to go ahead and say it.

    the question the guy above this post has asked seems to be impossible to answer for anyone here because its been over 2 weeks with no answer. I tried so many times to figure out how to get to that chest but i believe its just some kind of error the creators of the game just forgot to fix or something.

    I guess no one will ever get that chest open.
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Is there one of those teleporting bubbles near this chest? I'm not sure if this is the exact chest that you all are describing, but there is one that, in order to reach it, you have to cast a blizzard spell on the bubble, which freezes it and allows you to jump on it. Then you should be able to climb onto a ledge, then hop into the area to get the chest.
  6. Springseed

    Springseed New Member

    Im stuck

    After I finish Agrabah there's should be a whale to go to next. But its not there. I am using Action Replay Max & have tried replaying the game 3 times. One code, I think it was Max life, doesn't allow Donald & Goofy to appear. But I don't know what is causing the whale to not be there.

    Has anyone else had this problem?:confused:
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Have you tried going to the next world you can see on the map? Monstro first appears out of nowhere, if I'm remembering correctly.

    If that doesn't help you, I don't have any more suggestions.
  8. Springseed

    Springseed New Member

    Nothing appears. I'm going to try w/ only the "save anywhere" cheat on. That shouldn't affect anything. Though the only cheats I was using this last time was "save anywhere" "max munny" & "sora's has all weapons or his best weapon"(something like that)
  9. Khfaniscool

    Khfaniscool New Member


    I havent played Kh1 for a long time, can someone tell me where you find Leon in the start? Thanks!
  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Doesn't he just appear when you leave the shop Cid owns?

    Or maybe I'm thinking of a different part. >_<
  11. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    That's correct. Go into the shop and then leave again and the cutscene will appear.
  12. doctorwhovian

    doctorwhovian New Member

    End Of Game

    If I finish End Of The World, can I go back to other worlds?
  13. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Yes, it will take you to your last save when you complete the game and then you'll find some surprises when you go to certain worlds. Check out Neverlands, Agrabah and Olympus after you beat the game.
  14. juliuxking18

    juliuxking18 New Member

    Wich heartless drop the ingredients of Elixir ( i think) and Ultima Weapon?
    ps:If i remember i need to synthetize every item once and then i'll be able to get Ultima,but i dont have ingredients for elixir so i'm not able to get ultima but i want to have the ingredients so it will be easier
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2011
  15. KingdomTarts

    KingdomTarts New Member

    I know Black Mushrooms drop Mystery Goo, one of the required ingredients for the Ultima Weapon itself but its awfully uncommon. It's the only one I know.

    The most abundant source of Black Mushrooms will be found in the Sunk Ship in Atlantica, so just go back-in-and-out of the ship and kill them until you find some Goo.
  16. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    ... ... ...question, I am doing the game over and I am haveing troble in Tarzans world(Mostly because I haven't played it in so long) where do I go to after I rescue all the gorilas and how many do I have to rescue?
  17. KingdomTarts

    KingdomTarts New Member

    From the camp's center head through the Hippo-Hop Area and fight the horde of Heartless in every area between the camp and the tree house, then return, and head through the Bamboo Thicket and fight every heartless between the Camp and future site with your battle with Clayton, once you have rescued the heartless and collected all the Gummi's, a scene should occur indicating that the story will continue.
  18. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    ... ... ...Ok if I have any more questions I know where to come to...
  19. KingdomTarts

    KingdomTarts New Member

    Sounds good. xD
  20. ShelbyCarter

    ShelbyCarter New Member

    Sooooo I have played Kingdom Hearts many times and always it works out the same for me.....somehow my sister is playing she is at level 34 and still does not have the ability Block...????? What the heck is wrong/ how the heck do we fix it....?

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