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Kingdom Hearts 1 Help/Advice Thread

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 1' started by Ventus, Jun 20, 2009.

  1. ShelbyCarter

    ShelbyCarter New Member

    Yes, when you beat ansem at the end of the world they roll the credits and it takes you back to the last place you saved which should be "final rest", from there you can do whatever you want. Unfortunately it does not save any of your level ups =/
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Which weapon did she choose at the very beginning of the game? Did she choose the staff, the shield or the sword? Which weapon you choose depends as to which abilities you will learn in order. Since the "Block" skill is more of a defensive skill, she would easily learn it faster if she had chose the shield. If not, she would learn it later.
  3. thexwarlord

    thexwarlord New Member

    These are a few very random questions.. they have to do with lore. I am the kind of person where if I don't understand something, I can't just ignore it. These questions have to do with when you go back to Traverse Town after completing Deep Jungle.

    1. Why does the bell ring when you talk to Cid? Who rang it? Or does it ring at timely increments?

    2. Why are Leon and Aerith in the sewer? Are they hiding from the Heartless.

    Last edited: Jul 9, 2012
  4. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    I don't remember the answer to the Bell, it's been a while. For the second, it is Leon's personal training area.
  5. ShelbyCarter

    ShelbyCarter New Member

    Thanks, she finally did learn it it just seems like it took way longer than necessary. According to her she picked the sword, and then gave up the staff but who knows I wasn't there!
  6. KING Nik

    KING Nik New Member

    Long time since I played KH. Im going to get this 1.5 HD Remix edition thingy for PS3 and got hyped for this again. When I first played this back in the PS2 days, I didnt know that what you choose in the beginning ( Sword, Shield, Staff) would mean anything special. I have been watching some Lets PLay vids on youtube and the guy said that if you choose Shield, you would get more space in to your inventory where you take potions and stuff. Is this true, and could someone Tell what all these choices does... And have someone tested these things?

    And When wakka and others ask questions, could someone explain how they affect later in the game? I've heard that theres 6 possibilities to answer and how do they affect?

    Sorry if I wrote unclearly :D Im not english.
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    The weapon you choose and sacrifice in the beginning has a slight influence on your stats. Pick the sword and you start out with one more point in strength. Sacrifice the sword and you start out with one less point in strength. Shield is + or - one defensive point. Staff is + one block of magic or - one AP point. They also do something to your accessory or item slots but I'm not sure. And they also change what level you learn an ability at. My best example would be that picking the sword causes you to learn Scan at a later level compared to the staff or shield.

    As for the questions, what answers you pick influence leveling. One set of answers (All of the first options I believe) makes it easy leveling up until 40. Another set makes it easy leveling after 40.
  8. yzw035

    yzw035 New Member

    Nice reading!
  9. born_naughty

    born_naughty New Member

    Where do I go?

    Okay, so I'm practically new to the whole Kingdom hearts universe. I just bought Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix on PS3. I've been playing for a couple off hours and now remember why I never got far on PS2. My main issue is that the game never gives any clues on where to go. I'm constantly stuck, never know where to go. Just walking around and opening doors hoping for the next cut scene to come up.

    Can anyone help me? If there is some kind of help fuction or guide in the game please tell me because I have absolutely no idea what to go on, ever. Ever.

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