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Kingdom Hearts 3: Fate Decides

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Remedy, Mar 28, 2011.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nikki looked over at Zol who seemed very sure of himself about Port Royal and shrugged. She didn't know, she still wasn't even completely back in her own world yet. She rested her elbow on the arm of the chair resting her head in her hand. She closed her eyes thinking back to as far as she knew of her own life. When she's done this before it's been fuzzy though strangely she now could remember it clearly.

    The Key EXTENDED birth by sleep - YouTube

    A girl laid on the ground, her body beaten up badly with scratches and more. She arms were spread out with a blue keyblade in her hand. A man with a long grey beard walked up upon the girl and knealt down.

    "Hey wake up..." The wizard shook her awake. The girl slowly opened her eyes, they were a deep dark blue color. The wizard jumped back startled slightly and shook his head picking up the body of the girl as the keyblade disappeared.

    The wizard ended up transporting somewhere else, a tower with another man and mouse.

    "Merlin!" The mouse exclaimed as the wizard holding the girl set her down leaning her against the wall.

    "Yen Sid, this girl, he has Master Hikaru's keychain." Merlin stated. The other man, a sorcerer stood up and walked over to the girl and knealt down in front of her and looked at her and looked shock.

    "Mickey." Yen Sid stood up and faced the mouse. "Could you allow us some privacy." The mouse, Mickey looked at the girl and nodded going in the other room.

    "X..." Yen Sid spoke to the girl. "What happened?" The girl didn't look at Yen Sid but continued staring at the ground.

    "So that's X?" Merlin asked. Yen Sid nodded. "I didn't see Rozel." Merlin stated.

    "Mickey." Mickey came back in. "We need you to take in this girl. She has no memory from her past." Yen Sid spoke.

    "Oh! Well hello, my name is Mickey!" Mickey exclaimed.

    "Nickey...?" The girl spoke trying to say Mickey's name but said it with an N.

    "Well it's nice to meet you Nikki." Mickey spoke.

    Night of the Dark Dream EXTENDED Birth by sleep final mix - YouTube

    Nikki sat with her eyes closed obviously in deep thought and bothered by something.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "The only play that you two will be in is the story of a tragic event." Ultimecia threw both of her hands forward, casting Fade, sending a white mist that then turned into powerful orbs. Everything surrounding them started to light up. The orbs then came together and exploded to hurt Daxma and NitonXao. Her ice copy then cast Blizzaga on the two after Fade has exploded that surrounded them in a chilly wind and attempt to trap them in a block of ice. "Your souls are mine."

    Riku walked inside the castle to see that everything has been decorated. As he walked in, he saw a young boy starting to run out of the room. He then turned around to see Riku. "Oh. Are you a friend of Sora's? You sure do look like one of his friends." The boy started to run up to him and started to pull on him. "Yea. Why?" "Belle talks all about this story about a friend that Sora has been looking for a long time. I think you might be him. Come to the ball! It is about to start!" "And what's your name?" "Heheh! I'm Chip!" Riku started to get dragged along by Chip and they walked up the stairs to go inside the ballroom, only to see some guests and the Prince and Belle at the middle. "Riku!" Belle started to walk towards him along with the Prince to greet him. "How are you doing your majesty?" "Oh Riku. Just call me Belle." "What brings you here?" " I am here to look for Donald and Goofy along with their king. Me and Sora has been looking for them." "Donald and Goofy? They are missing?" The Prince started to look up at the ceiling as he started to remember.

    "Everything is sure is quiet." "Now that you mentioned it, Beast did say that he saw some heartless roaming about and an odd-looking char..." But before Belle can finish, many invisibles and gargoyle satues broke the window and started atacking...
  3. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    The explosion surrounding NitonXao and Daxma was indeed power. The Blizzaga increased the risk of them being killed. But, they weren't hit. NitonXao appeared behind Ultimecia while Daxma appeared in front. They dodged her attacks by going through dark corridors. Daxma wrapped Ultimecia with his Flails, causing the spike-ball ends of them to hit her in four different spots, including the face. NitonXao then placed his Keyblades in an X formation and struck Ultimecia's back.

    "It's time we shut up and play the story for real["/COLOR] NitonXao said.

    "I'm ready for the conclusion of the final act," Daxma added.
  4. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Zol watched as Will and Nikki hopped in the Gummi Ship. After he got the ship into the air and going, he noticed Nikki beside him holding her head in her hands. She seemed to be thinking very hard.
    "You okay?" he asked Nikki. He said as he was just setting the ship down in a clearing at Port Royal.
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Ultimecia started to fall downwards towards the ground while her ice copy started to fly upwards towards NitonXao. Ultimecia had her eyes closed as she was trying to concentrate her attack after the taking of the attack. She disappeared, leaving feathers behind. "I think it is time to meet you up close and personal." She appeared behind NitonXao and grabbed him from behind his neck. "This time there is no escape." She started to charge up one spell while she was getting a dark green spell ready in her left hand. She struck him from behind with the Virus spell, poisoning him and making him lose strength. She then dropped him for him to fall down towards the ground while the ice copy threw another Thundaga spell at him that is unavoidable.
  6. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    "Tch..Sh...shit," NitonXao quietly said while falling. Daxma jumped and grabbed NitonXao and gently placed him on the ground and placed a Wind Barrier around them so the Thundaga attack wouldn't hit them.

    "Don't be so careless you idiot! We're playing for real now!" Daxma shouted.

    "Yeah, yeah." Daxma reached in his coat for some potions and antidotes and gave them to NitonXao. NitonXao drank them and he was slowly recovering. "It'll take a minute or two to fully recover so cover me till then."

    "Got it." Daxma walked out of the Wind Barrier and split his Flails into eight double-sided Flails and grabbed two of them. The rest floated around him, spinning. "I'm your opponent only now! Don't be doing any bitch moves!" Daxma jumped and charged at Ultimecia.
  7. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Xalias sat impatiently in the hidden away castle in the underworld.
    "Where the heck are those two buffoons?" he asked himself angrily. He got up and walked over to a pedestal in the middle of the room. He placed his hand on it and the emblem of the organization glowed on his hands. He held his hands to his mouth and whispered angrily into them.
    "NitonXao, Daxma, castle, now..."
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Deep in thought..." Nikki replied to him. She stood up an made her way to the door and opened it stopping in her track as a bunch of Brittish soldier showed up.

    "You're all under arrest!" A British general called out before Nikki could react the soldiers attacked and grabbed a hold of everybody on the ship.

    Shackles were attached as they were led to the prison at Port Royal each thrown in their own separate prison cell.

    "Let us out, we didn't do anything!" Nikki exclaimed. She crossed her arms when she notices a bunch of dogs trying to get the attention of a dog with the keys.

    OOC: where's curtis
  9. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    NitonXao and Daxma heard Xalias' voice in their heads.

    "Damn...NitonXao!" Daxma shouted.

    "Yeah. I know. Well, I'm recovered. It didn't take as long as I thought," NitonXao said as he stood up. "Let's give this woman a...parting gift."

    "Hehe, let's." Daxma wrapped Ultimecia with his two primary Flails and let the rest attack her, making her hit by spikes. NitonXao then jumped into the air and out of the Wind Barrier and placed his Keyblades in an X formation. He lunged at Ultimecia and slashed. He then smiled.

    "Later." NitonXao and Daxma left through their own Dark Corridors and arrived in front of Xalias.

    "Sorry we're late. We got held up by that old hag. If you didn't interrupt, we would've killed her."
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Utlimecia started to smile as she dodged all of the attacks and felt bored. "How sad. And I thought that they would put up a better fight." She then disappeared along with her copy, leaving feathers behind... it doesn't matter. My rule is spreading...

    Dragonfable - "I Was Not Meant For This..." - YouTube

    Sora and Will started to run through the alley, making their way until they were within the crowd. As they looked up, they saw that Elizabeth was up in the podium standing next to the sorceress Mohana and on the left side of her was Count Beckett. "Elizabeth..." "Wait. Look at her. She looks as though she is under her control." "Sssh..." The crowd kept on cheering as the witch was ready to start her speech:

    Hunger For the Throne​

    Children...lowly life forms, how you worship me. I once was high up in the air but I have fell down from my spot. You have persecuted me and try to deny me my power as I slither my way into your hearts. Now, you are my servants, my soldiers, my citizens who will help me achieve remarkable feats across all the lands. You celebrate my comeback, lusting for pleasure. You attacked me across generations and generations as I attack your King. I cannot be denied my power for I am higher than the Almighty. Where is the snake that have deceived many nations? The demon is still eternal, hungering for the power that he thinks is his and is his alone.

    "Uh... Lady Mohana..." The witch lifted up Count Beckett with a absorption spell that stole his soul. "Your time here as an ignorant count ends here. My reign begins today." She then threw his body to the side. "Now let us commemorate this night at the parade..." "Did you see that Will?" "Beckett..." While Lady Mohana walked from the podium, she started to smile in the hallway. " No keybladers here. My first world under my spell. Now for a sacrifice." She started to clasp her hands together and threw them up, making all of the statues to move up and kidnap Elizabeth...
  11. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    OOC: (@ Nicole) Good question

    Zol was too awstruck to even speak, much less move when the soldiers showed up. They quickly took him captive, and dragged him all the way to the jail cell. Roughly, he was tossed in and shackled to the wall. Zol observed though that Nikki, was not.
    "Well doesn't this just suck?"
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: Until Curtis shows up, I'll play his part I guess.


    Nikki looked over at Zol before hearing something smack the wall, turning her head to see Will punch the wall in frustration.

    "This isn't helping us find the king!" He exclaimed frustrated.

    "We can't do too much." She said to him looking around before sitting down on the ground and sighing when cheering was heard. Nikki looked up at the window where moonlight shined in. She quickly jumped up and looked down into the fort at Port Royal and could see a massive crowd of people.

    "Zol, Will! It's that witch from Land of the Dragons!" Nikki exclaimed shocked. She turned around when something caught her eye. She looked at the door noticing the key hole.

    "I got it!" As the girl, X, threw her keyblade in front of her and a beam of light shot out at a door and a click was heard and the door opened.

    Nikki stood there looking at the door as she stretched her hand out in front of her and her keyblade appeared in her hand. She moved it in front of her pointing at the keyhole on the door. A small beam of light shot out and the door clicked and slid opened.

    "Use your keyblade, Will! We need to go find out what's going on in town." Nikki said running over to Zol's cage and unlocking him with her keyblade.

    She turned back around seeing Will out and smirking.

    "That works well, I'll need to remember that in the future." Will stated. "Let's hurry, perhaps we can find out something about the king." Will stated.
  13. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Zol felt relieved as the shackles loosened their grip on his wrists and ankles. When he heard mention of the witch, he remembered the situation that they were in. He followed along, whips dangling at his sides into the jeering crowd. Zol took a few glances around to make sure that there were no soldiers around to drag them right back to the jail cell. There weren't. As he pushed his way to the front, he caught sight of her, the witch was back once again. He shoved his way past the last few townsfolk and walked straight up to her.

    "Why don't you just buzz off, huh?" Zol said to her in disgust.
  14. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Kingdom Hearts Music - Vs Chernabog - YouTube

    Lady Mohana was too busy thinking about her parade that she did not bother turning around to see who was talking to her. She disappeared, leaving behind feathers and three Lance Warriors to take care of Nikki, Will and Zol. The two statues that she had to captured Elizabeth also charged in behind and were ordered to not only devour Elizabeth but also the keyblade wielders. "ELIZABETH!!!" Will and Sora started to run in from behind but they also notice the trio. "Nikki...Will...Zol? What you doing here?" The statues were preparing themselves to use Magma Breath on everyone as Elizabeth was unconscious.

    While they were about to fight, the parade had just started and the Lady Mohana was sitting on her throne on top of the float. Jack Sparrow was under her control, holding out his sword and a evil-created keyblade for him. "Just like this world, everyone else shall worship me... there is no one who will be able to get in my way now!"

    Rku and the Prince was fighting but after the fight, they were injured. Riku stood back up as the Belle was able to work alongside with Mrs.Pot to take care of their wounds. "I just cannot believe this...this is the second time that this had happened." The Prince was in an uproar and left out of the ballroom. Belle and the others were upset and Riku just stood there helpless. "If only we can just have some peace..." "Riku. Will you please stay with us for a bit?I don't know if we are able to hold any events if the heartless keep on attacking. It seems as though the heartless are following a leader. They have never been this strategic before." Riku accepted Belle and her friends request and went after the Prince, who was in his bedroom.

    "Riku. Tell me. Is it ok for a soul to enjoy as much as life can give to it? is it ok for me to be human? I have accepted love but I have gave up my strength for it. I still want to protect..." "Beast... you must accept your friends. If you do that, then you will get stronger. That is what I have learned." As Riku and the Prince were talking, the heartless was getting larger and larger outside the castle. " Now... go, take the Prince, kidnap the princess and make my rule known." As the heartless was preparing themselves to attack, Belle was in her room.

    Kairi was up bright and early as she was finishing taking a bath, eating and changing clothes. As she did this, she started to leave out of town and started to take a walk around town. "Sora, Riku... please be ok." Wakka, Selphie and Tidus was already waiting and they caught up with Kairi so that the four can go right back to training.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2011
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nikki looked all around at the enemies surrounding them and noticed Sora and some other guy.

    "Sora!" Nikki exclaimed. She dodged an attack just in time. She shook her head she moved her hands as her keyblade, a kingdom key and the King's keyblade appeared in her hand.

    "Let's socialize after this." She said before attacking.
  16. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    "No Matter," Xalias said calmly to the to of them, "Although, you did disobey orders. Daxma I do believe I told you to stay in Wonderland? Did I Not? And you NitonXao, the Colosseum?"
    Zol raised his whips, "Why is it like this everywhere we go?" The first lance warrior charged straight at him. Zol leaped over the head of the warrior, and landed behind him. The whip caught the soldiers arm. he turned the heartless around by yanking the whip.
    "Thundara!" Zol shouted, blasting the the Heartless in the chest. It dissolved in a flash of light, and a large heart appeared above it. As it started to float up Zol made a mad grab for it. But the heart quickened its pace and went out of reach.

    "It is not your time yet. Wait and you will be rewarded." A voice said in Zol's head. A tear ran down his face and he nodded his head.

    "What's it like to feel?" Zol whispered to himself.

    Last edited: Sep 5, 2011
  17. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    "Well, that witch known as Ultimecia ruined what we were going to do. I was going to kill the Queen of Hearts, but she sent Heartless to take her away and the Heartless fought me," Daxma explained.

    "As for me, I got Hades to agree to work with us, and then I killed Hercules. But her Ultimecia's Heartless come out of no where and knocked Hades away from us as far as they could. The she took control of Hercules' dead body," NitonXao added.

    "Then we went to the Land of Dragons. I forgot exactly why, but we found Ultimecia. As well as those kids from Disney Castle. NitonXao and I tried to severely damage Ultimecia and the girl, but things didn't work out as planned."
  18. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Will was taking on another Lance Warrior with his gun while Sora was fighting against the statues. He shot a firaga spell but the statue absorbed the magic and used Magma breath once again, hitting him. "Augh. This isn't going anywhere!" He started to use Retaliating Slash and flew back towards the statue, knocking it down. The second one swung its sword at Sora but he used Reflectera to stop the attack and send a counter-magic attack. "POWER!" "SORA!" Chicken Little came out of no where running with a baseball bat. "Let's go!" Chicken Little started to whistle and brought all of the enemies attracted to Sora. The statues were preparing themselves to use Resonance, a magic attack to hit everyone but Chicken Little interfere with their team-up attack by throwing fire crackers. "Let's do it!"

    As the boy used Magnera to bring all of them together, he and Chicken Little went into FPS mode, shooting many baseballs and firecrackers together to stun and damage all of the enemies. Sora then used Thundara. Sora fell down to the ground tired but Chicken Little whistled once more, healing everyone and then disappearing...
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2011
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Will summoned both keyblades out and fought mainly with brute strength fighting against one statue. He landed on the ground realizing it was taking no damage. He growled before jumping up and attackIng the head and landed watching the statue plumit to the ground.

    "Attack the head!" Will shouted.

    Nikki was fighting another heartless and defeated it watching the heart float away when she noticed Zol grab the heart of one of the heartless before letting it go.
  20. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    OOC> Sorry, forgot to check this one lol.<
    Will kicked the statue over and turned, taking another statue down quickly before turning towards the float. "I swear I'm gonna kill her..." He barked, anger coursing through him. As he swept another statue down he kicked off where the head used to be and flew at another statue, tackling it down and knocking it over, Will landing on top of it. As the statue hit him with a bit of magma breath he roared in anger and slammed his keyblade into it's head.

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