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Kingdom Hearts 3: Fate Decides

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Remedy, Mar 28, 2011.

  1. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Zol snapped back to his senses as he watched the last of the lance warriors fade out. There were still the statues though. Zol ran as fast as he could to the nearest living statue.
    "Thundara!" Zol shouted as he watched a bolt drop into the statues head and shatter it to pieces. He looked around at the remaining few, maybe 7 at most.
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    With the help from everybody, the enemies were all defeated. Nikki turned around and looked over at Sora, Will, and Zol. She didn't know what to do now. The witch disappeared.

    "What should we do now?" She asked them crossing her arms. She closed her eyes to think when she heard a voice.

    'X this world's keyhole is open, you must close it, quickly!' Nikki quickly opened her eyes looking around.

    "Maybe we should split up. The three of you go together, and Zol and I will go together." She stated. She wanted to figure out what was going on, she never had visions or events like she was having before Zol showed up and she wanted to ask him about him grabbing that one heart.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2011
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    OOC: Um... Elizabeth Swann was with the party but was captured by the statues that we had just stopped. The parade is going on with Jack Sparrow.

    "Elizabeth!" Will started to dash for her as she was waking from her slumber. "Will... I am sorry. Mohana. She casted a spell on me before I can even stop her. And..." "It is ok." Sora started to look back at Nikki and was curious. "But what brings all of you here?" Will then looked up and realized that he had a plan. "Ok. I think that I have a plan but it should work. You, Me and Elizabeth will make a plan to assassinate the witch. Will, you will provide backup and will try to attempt to get on the float to confront... wait... JACK?!" Will looked back and saw that Jack is being possessed but also carry a keyblade. "We must hurry. "Sora, Will, Elizabeth, THIS WAY!"
  4. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    "Sure thing." Zol nodded to Nikki, "We'll maximize our ability to take the enemy down like this. Let's go." Zol turned on his heels and headed off down an alleyway in Port Royal, knowing Nikki would be quick to follow. Up ahead in the distance he saw a swirling blue, black, and purple vortex like structure. Three heartless hopped out and the vortex continued to swirl. It seemed to be where the heartless were spawning.

    Xalias listened to the conversation between the kids. He had just gotten to Port Royal and knew he needed to help in the making of havoc. He pointed his lance down the alley to summon a heartless spawn point. The swirling black mass appeared. Xalias hid out of sight and watched as Zol spotted it.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nikki Quickly followed after Zol. She ran downthe alleyway before stopping and looking around. She could feel a slight shiver, almost a recognition of something.

    "Zol..." she whispered when she looked ahead and sawthe black swirling vortex. She felt herhead beginningto hurt but continued to fight it off as she slowly made her way towards Zol, who was looking at the swirl.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Sora, Will and Elizabeth kept on running, going through the crowd until they was able to reach a small tower. They went inside the door and started to take the stairs until they was able to reach the top, standing next to the giant, light bulb. "Sora... I just want to say thank you. If you have not come with your friends..." "Hey. What is all this all of a sudden?" "I am actually afraid." "You have nothing to fear." Will and Elizabeth stared down as the parade kept on going while Elizabeth was in distraught of Jack Sparrow. "Let your aim stay true Will." Will started to get hesitate as her gun was perfectly was targeted straight on the witch. He wasn't sure if he wanted to shoot but he pulled the trigger and the small metal started to fly. The witch heard the gun shot and she flipped her hand upwards, bringing up a shield that destroyed the small metal.

    "You just keep on shooting. I will go down and fight her." Will kept on shooting as Sora started to glide from the tower, seeing as the witch kept on flinging her wrist. The crowd was in an uproar and started to run through the streets, starting a riot. Sora was on the float but in front of him was the Sorceress Mohana and Jack Sparrow. The gun shots had ceased...

    Riku and the Prince was inside the room, seeing that the rose has bloomed. "As they discussed more and more, the Beast was speaking as to how he always feel anger and hatred and how he wished that he did not lose his strength. "Maybe... maybe I should have stayed a human." Riku started to look down on the Prince and started to feel a little bit of sympathy... and respite. "I just can't believe you." "Hm?" "You have been a beast, never knowing how to cherish. You have always felt that way until Belle came. Once she came, you started to know how to love. You even put yourself in grave danger to even save her and your friends. Now that you are not a beast anymore, you think that no one will count on you anymore?"

    Riku started to look outside the window as he was pondering. "I thought that I needed strength... thinking that abandoning the people who was there for me and wanted me in return, I did nothing for them. I allowed myself to end up corrupted. I... ended up never wanting to go back. Still, no matter how much I tried, my friends still wanted me. So... your majesty. Don't you think that you should count on your friends and use the strength that you do have to keep them safe?" The Prince heard his words of encouragement and started to realize that Belle still loved him. "Thank you. I think... I think that I will... I will not return back a beast." "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" The Prince and Riku heard a scream as they saw through the window that Belle was kidnapped.

    "Now... UNLEASH MY FURY!!" Riku and the prince readied their weapons as they ran out, only to see that their paths was blocked.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2012
  7. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will saw Nikki and Zol dissapear and he started to follow them, knocking heartless and nobodies alike out of his way, anger still flaring from the hit he had taken from the lance warrior before he noticed the witch and Sora, Will, and Elizabeth heading in the opposite direction. He wanted the witch, he wanted payback. "She's mine..." He growled, sprinting after them, dragging his keyblades behind him, sparks kicking up from the cobblestones. When he finally reached the float he jumped, flipping in the air and landing next to Sora, blades up and ready.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2011
  8. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Slowly walking to the spawn of the Heartless, Zol began to think.
    "This isn't natural, why is this here?" He thought.
    And just as that happened, Xalias walked out of the shadows holding a flaming lance in hand. Zol leaped back Drawing the whips off his side quickly and holding them at the ready.
    "Slow down buddy. I didn't come to fight."
    A smile cracked across Xalias' face.
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nikki stopped when she saw Salias show up.

    "Zol!" she exclaimed but not Lou enough for him to eat her she quickly ran forward before her head really began to spin.

    She quickly collapsed to the ground, holding her head as her body glowed. Nikki heard a laugh and turned around seeing a person show up.

    "You!" she exclaimed her head hurting more.

    "What's the matter, are your memories coming back, what should I call you? Nikki or X, tell me how's it feel I bet you can sense the danger your weilder is in, have you even figured it out, does he even know?" Nikki looked up at the woman.

    "Shut up..." Nikki whispered

    "Who should I be talking to? Are you Nikki the young apprentice of king Mickey who her and her, a nobody, a keyblade master, and fellow apprentice fell into our trap reawakening the ultimate weapon or X the young keyblade apprentice of a secretive keyblade master killed by us who he and his apprentices fell into our trap where he died, an apprentice became a nobody, and the other one lost all their memories of the truth only slowly regaining back as it became closer to time of the awakening of the ultimate weapon?" the woman said.

    "Shut up!" Nikki slowly stood up.

    "don't you see a pattern here you fell into our trap two times, and soon to be a third time." the woman continued.

    "SHUT UP!" Nikki yelled as her body bursted in light and vanished.

    "Success..." the woman whispered. 'Xalias... The X-Blade has been awakened, Zol should be able to summon soon...' the woman, a secret member of the organization named Xiu spoked telepathically to Xalias. She grinned to herself before beginning to laugh softly looking down the road at Zol and Xalias. "All according to plan.."
  10. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    OOC: I'm aware this is a bump. But I had things going on and was unable to get on the site. Hopefully this'll be okay? I want to finish this roleplay.

    Xalias squinted and laughed at Zol, "Well I have come to make you an offer of course."
    "What kind of offer...?" Zol said cautiously.
    "How about you come with me and join the organization?" Xalias cracked a wide grin across his face. Zol looked back at Nikki who was not even there. Where had she gone? Well she wasn't with him now. Looking back at Xalias, Zol nodded his head.
    "Of course."
    "Good." Xalias' smirk grew as Zol walked into the dark portal Xalias had just opened.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2011
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    dive into the heart EXTENDED kingdom hearts 2.wmv - YouTube

    'So... dark... so...


    Nikki slowly opened her eyes as her body hung limply in free air surrounded by darkness, surrounded by nothing. She slowly went to close her eyes until she felt a hand grab hers.

    "No you don't, I promised you long ago when the time comes I'd help guide you. I didn't fight death and fight my way into a shell to watch you fall to darkness." Nikki opened her eyes again and looked at the man that helped her stand up though she could not tell there was a floor.

    "I know you..." Nikki began she reached up to her head.

    "I know it's hard Nikki..." She looked up again surprise to see King Mickey.

    "Your majesty...?" She said confused as her body began to fall backwards before a hand grabbed her hand. It was the man who prevented her from falling back to sleep again.

    "Do you know who you are?" The man asked her both the king and her waited her answer. Nikki looked at them as tears came to her eyes and she threw both her hands up pulling her hair. She fell to her knees screaming out in pain.


    The man and the king shouted at the same time. Nikki silenced her screaming and leaned forward her hair dropping down in front of her face.

    Destiny's Union EXTENDED birth by sleep wayfinders - YouTube

    "My name is X... I'm an apprentice born from both pure light and pure darkness, but some how both manage to remain together, both in love, they were yin yang connected. I was then born. I was X, pronounced key, spelled with the one simple ancient letter. I was orphaned though with the birth of Kingdom Hearts at the young age of 4, scared and alone. When an old key blade master, a master by the name of Yen Sid, he knew of one other apprentice who just past his Mark of Mastery, at the time the last known keyblade master. I was given to him, he was to train me, train me for my destiny. He became my father. He raised me, cared for me, and protected me. He protected my from Sakura and Sasuke, the two twins that fell to darkness. They bullied me and didn't think I was great enough to become the ultimate weapon, they thought I was weak because I wouldn't fight them. Rozel... he was the only one who cared for me. He was weak and unskilled on his keyblade during duels he was always defeated in a single stroke. He was my friend though, I supported him, I chose him, he would become my wielder... but a month or so after admitting my acceptance and he choosing it, he began to train harder, he became good striking down the twins in one strike, he strike any enemy down in one strike. His keyblade was still not connected to him, but I know why, he can't get a keyblade inherited to him, because I'm... then we were confronted by the organization... he attacked me when I was alone off on a walk while Rozel and master were training. Rozel soon showed up after his training and began to fight the nobody, but Rozel's heart, my own heart felt like it was being shredded seeing the pain he was going through. It wasn't until I screamed out and began attacking that master showed up and pushed me back not allowing me near the man. I wanted to fight the man, the nobody had Rozel's heart. Master though put up a barrier preventing me. When master was weakened and nearly defeated that's when I went and attacked again only being pushed back from the attack of the nobody. It was then when I witnessed masters death and was told of our outcomes. He killed master, took Rozel, now a nobody, and he destroyed my chains... my chains of memories, the chains in my heart, I had begun to live an oblivious life of Nikki. Though even then I'm still X just with no memories." Nikki looked up at them and something changed in her eyes, confidence showed up.

    "I'm confuse though..." She began again.

    "What is it Nikki?" The man asked her. She shook her head.

    "No, please call me X. It is the way you know me and the way I know you, Master Hikaru." The man smiled, Nikki, or rather X had regained her full memories. "I saw you die... how are you here?" She asked him. He smiled at her.

    "X, in your heart I survived. It is an ancient technique keyblade masters use, this ability has allowed our hearts and philosophies live on in our pupils. It only works in damaged hearts or super strong hearts."

    "What kind of heart do I have? Was I damaged because of my memory?" She asked confused.

    "I think I can answer that, X." She looked at King Mickey. "You never met Master Hikaru until you met Zol, that is when you were Nikki. Upon meeting Zol, a part of heart resided in his shell, the part that longed a special emotion. An emotion that allowed you to make friends. When he came back your heart began to become stronger, after all a damage heart cannot become the X-Blade." Mickey told her.

    "X, as I taught you in our lessons, a power of darkness lingers in every heart and much more strongly in yours, that power is a power for destruction and hate, that power is what the organization hopes to use you for. However the light though it may be weak and some time give in, but it is stronger because it uses the power of friendship and love. Something the organization under estimated, even when they created Zol. Tell me X... what did you feel for Zol? What did you feel for Rozel?" X looked up surprised and turned around. She smiled as tears of joy began to fall from her eyes.

    "I loved him, I loved them both, I held them both so dearly to my heart. Rozel was always there for me, and when the X-Blade power of darkness, power of destruction attacked me, he was the only one able to get me out of the dark place. His presence did." X said turning back around as light lit up the area.

    X looked up from her spot on the ground, her heart ached as her memories began to get destroyed. She looked up at the awakening Rozel. She longed to be there to help him, even as a nobody, she still cared about him too much. The nobody knelt down in front of Rozel.

    "You no longer will be Rozel, but rather a newer version of you, a better version belonging to us, Rezol... Zol." X watched as the nobody and Rozel, or Zol the nobody disappeared in a dark portal. She extended her hand out to where it disappeared before her eyes finally began to close with the final destruction of her memory chains.

    treasured memories EXTENDED kingdom hearts.wmv - YouTube

    "I promise to save you, Rozel... I promised, I'm with you now, and I'm not going to let you leave, and I'm not going to leave you..." X said. The area lit up with a bright light.

    "ROZEL!" X screamed, the name a small echo inside Zol's head as a powerful weapon appeared in his hand after his entrance into the base of the nobody organization.

    Zol, the nobody of Rozel, the wielder of X, the wielder of the...
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    “Wretched keybladers.” The Sorceress Mohana raise up her hands as she started to give the signal for Jack Sparrow to go up against Will the keyblader and Sora. “Jack! Captain Jack! Snap out of it! You do remember us, do you? We’re your friends.” “Sorry mate. I never recall such a scruffy wee mutt such as you. Still, it would be nice to use you to sharpen out my blade.” Jack Sparrow started to take his stance, as he was ready to battle Sora. “And that’s Captain Jack Sparrow to you.” “Aaagh… Jack.” “Leave the witch to us.” Sora turned around to see Elizabeth with Will as they were readying their weapons. “But,” “Do not worry about us Sora. We will take her on. You must go on and free Jack from her dark magic.” Sora turned towards Jack as he saw darkness emanating from him. “Alright, you ask for it!” Sora and Jack started to charge toward each other while Elizabeth and the two Wills were going up against the Sorceress. Will pulled out his gun as he was firing at the witch but the Sorceress started to fly up into the air. “Insolent!” She started to close her fists and flicked it towards Will, Elizabeth’s lover, stunning him for a few seconds. “That’s it!” Will the keyblader started to charge towards Mohana as he was ready to strike her.

    “How pathetic.” Mohana lifted her left hand as it started to spark, making the lights on the float flicker. She threw her hands downwards and many small thunderbolts were heading towards Will and his friends. Will the Keyblader kept on running but soon had to go on the defense with his weapon as he was push back. “WILL!” Elizabeth jumped in front of her lover and returned the spell back towards Mohana, having the witch fall back towards the ground after being attack by it. Will turned back and healed Will Turner with Cura so that Will Turner will be able to get back into the fight and then proceeded back at fighting the Sorceress. “So unladylike for a daughter of a governor to go fighting in dirt such as yourself.” “You despicable wretch! How about you try wearing a corset to cover all of that garbage you brought.” Elizabeth and Mohana were ready to do battle but Will interfered as he tries to attack once more. “Bombard!” Mohana threw a Firaga spell that almost knocked him off the float as she was preparing to have a magic battle. Elizabeth took the first turn to attack, casting a thunder spell at the woman.

    Meanwhile, Sora was toe-to-toe with Jack Sparrow, calling on his blizzara magic to hit him. Jack Sparrow started to smile as he took out of his pockets several dark bombs and threw them, blocking the magic while also aiming to blow up Sora. Sora had no choice but to jump into the air. “A lucky dog you are. Sadly, your luck has run out.” Jack Sparrow took out his knives and started to throw them towards Sora with bombs hanging at the end as though they are fiery rain. Sora did not see it coming and he had to use Reflecta in order to lessen and to reflect the damage. A big explosion had started above the float and Sora flew downwards into the ground. “I think I should pirate your weapon right now. I am the rightful owner after all.” Sora smiled as he started to retaliate. “I think that pirates should start washing their mouth before spitting out nasty comments that can come right back at them.” Sora flew towards Jack Sparrow as the captain try to counter with his No Mercy attack. They clashed but Sora released his Slapshot ability, rapidly sending Jack Sparrow into the air and then ending the battle with Aerial Sweep. The Captain fell in the fight and darkness started to leave him; his dark keyblade ended up shattering and returning back into darkness.

    While that battle ended, Mohana surrounded Elizabeth with a wind spell. As the witch was ready to attack, Will Turner threw his sword at her and cut her, allowing Elizabeth to cast her fire spell to knock the witch towards her throne. “Impudence…now all of you must die!” Sorceress Ultimecia delved deep within Mohana as an eerie chill started to swarm around the witch. As the witch raise up her hands, several large ice javelins appeared next to her in a dark appearance. As she threw them, it missed Elizabeth but it struck William Turner in the shoulders. As Elizabeth turned around, she went into shock but cannot do anything but scream. The Sorceress Mohana closed her eyes and had no option but to retreat, teleporting and leaving behind nothing but black feathers. In its place was one of Donald’s staffs.
    Riku and the Prince fought off the heartless that was attacking the castle, fighting all the way into the garden. As they reached their destination, they saw that Belle was inside a demonic heartless named Restless, formed from the spirits that were turn evil just from being inanimate objects for a long time, unable to return to human form after the spell was broken. Ultimecia was aiming to use the heartless in order to possess Belle and to take over the castle. “Bring out my guardians. Stall them!” She summoned two Soul Collector heartless in order to stall the Prince and Riku while she was focusing on breaking through Belle’s light. “BELLE!” The Soul Collectors started to cast Firaga at the two, forcing both of them to jump out of the way. While Prince Adam was fighting one Soul Collector, Riku was fighting another one.

    “DARKNESS!” Riku called on black thunder magic to strike all three of the targets in order to buy more time, enabling Prince Adam to use a Ferocious Lunge and knock the Soul Collector into a statue. Riku used his Dark Aura to start firing dark balls at his opponent but the second Soul Collector blocked the attack with its Blizzaga spell. Riku was able to fool it by using Dark Sonic, slashing and going bypass the Soul Collector. As Prince Adam was fighting his own heartless, the Soul Collector stood back up and was ready to lunge at him. “PRINCE!” Riku threw his keyblade at the monster, enabling it to spin out of control and end up hitting the Restless. As the Restless was trying to possess Belle, it was knocked out and accidentally possessing the second Soul Collector. “NOW!” Riku and Prince Adam teamed up and both of them used Howling Dark Wind, enabling them to stun all three of the beasts. Belle was able to counterattack with her powers, defeating the three heartless and allowing herself to be free. In amidst of the battle, Goofy’s knight hat was found.
  13. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will's eyes grew wide as he saw William fall. He charged, knowing that he would probably not make it in time. Once he was within reach he leaped, both keyblades raised above his head as he screamed in anger and hatred at the witch. As second before landing the blow the witch disappeared, forcing Will to make contact with hard ground as his keyblades met nothing but air. "No!" He barked, looking around for the witch.

    As he stood in an alley watching the float Falix realized how dedicated Mickey's young apprentice was to both finding his master and following through with his instructions, both contradicting themselves. "Very interesting... it seems the boy knows the right path but is willing to take the wrong one if it will help him free the king..." He breathed, opening a dark portal underneath him and disappearing.
  14. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Xion's Theme - YouTube

    The name echoed in Zol's head with a deafening shout.
    "Rozel..." Zol whispered.
    "Hmm?" Xalias looked backwards. Suddenly, millions of images flashed through Zol's mind at once.
    "X!" Zol shouted.
    "What?!" Xalias quickly pulled his lance off his hip. Zol held his hand out in front of him, the X-Blade appearing.
    "I know... you..." Zol squinted at Xalias immediately engaging into battle.

    OOC- More to be posted soon.
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    As the X-Blade was summoned. X found herself standing right by Zol. Nobody could see her except maybe Zol if he looked hard enough, even then she appeared transparent. She looked at him.

    "I know you can do it. Believe in yourself. For the king locked up, for the people killed, for master Hilakaru... For us." she said unsure if he could hear we or not.

    "Let's take care of them once and for all." X spoke looking down at the X-Blade, the blade that was actually her body and could may very well be her prison.

    Xiu appeared and glared at Zol's back.

    'i can tell not all of his memories are back. There's still time to insert the false memories.'

    "Zol, boy am I glad to see you. I thought I'd never see you again. But here we both are together again, you and I both nobodies soon to become some bodies. And I see you can now summon the blade. Such a beautiful weapon, said to fuel false memories, memories of its old wielder." Xiu said trying to prevent his memories returning. She pulled him into a hug before breaking it.

    "oh let me introduce you to everybody. That's Xalias I believe you met once, he was trying to save you."

    X stood there confused and angry.

    "Don't listen to her Zol! It's a dillusion!" X exclaimed

    "oh can't you picture it now, Zol you and I both a couple again, so in love." Xiu said again.

    X stood there wanting to do something but couldn't. She could only trust in Zol and Rozel if his memories manage to break completely through.
  16. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Kingdom Hearts II - A Fight To The Death - YouTube

    More echoes of resounding shout went through Zol's head, causing him to stumble. Xalias, came back and whipped him with his lance, the blade grazing his stomach. Zol's went flying backward's slamming into the wall. X's encouraging shouts went through his head. Then Xiu came into the room.

    "Zol!" Xiu shouted running and embracing him. Zol faltered remembering all the times he had spent with her. They had been the best of friends. As Xiu's hug came, he looked to his right, and saw a faint, flickering image of a girl. A girl he really knew.

    "Get off of me!" Zol screamed, bluntly slamming Xiu with the flat of his blade, "We finish this now Xalias!" Zol dashed towards his opponent, flipping over him, and slashing Xalias in the back with the blade.

    "Gah!" Xalias shouted tripping forward.

    "You think your so powerful don't you?" Xalias said frowning, "You're not. I'll show." Xalias' body burst into flames. And so did the whole room. Zol charged X-Blade whirring. Zol took one large swipe at Xalias' feet, but that was countered with a smash in the face. Zol recoiled as blood dripped down his face. Zol looked to his right one more. The same flickering image stood there. A single tear merged with the blood. He longed to be with her again. Suddenly, Zol's body burst into light. He felt charged with power. He looked at his hand to see electrical charges running through them. It had been the merging of the tear and the blood, which gave him new power.

    "Give her back!" Zol screamed running and shoving the X-Blade straight through Xalias.

    "Agh!" Xalias bent over the X-Blade which was stuck through his stomach. Zol held his sparking hands near the face of Xalias.

    "Sweet dreams." Zol punched Xalias in the face watching him cripple over and disappear into nothingness.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2012
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Kingdom Hearts 3 Soundtrack - Darkness of the heart - YouTube

    X stood next to Zol shaking her head both horrified and feeling at justice.

    "So this is what master meant by those times I'd be tipped in both directions..." She whispered to herself. The body of Xalias began to fade.

    "YOU! YOU WILL PAY!" X turned around seeing Xiu looking angry. Xiu shot something out and it knocked the X-Blade out of Zol's hand.

    "Ow!" X shouted out grabbing her shoulder feeling the pain from the X-Blade being purposely attacked.

    "I bet you don't even know. You're looking for her. But do you know who she is- is she Nikki or somebody else from your deep memories, and I bet you don't even remember her role the two of you agreed to. That weapon plays the important role." Xiu said getting hysterical.

    "You don't know, I'll let him take care of you, Xalias after all was only an imposer. I bet this will be the last time we meet. Your king is that way, and so is your death, perhaps the truth. Do you learn it and save that mouse and die, or will you escape now with the ultimate weapon at your permanent control. I'll let you decide, farewell." Xiu said before disappearing.

    The X-Blade summoned back to Zol's hand.

    "...Zol..." X started to say unsure what to say. She looked down at the X-Blade.
  18. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep - Aqua's Theme (FM) - YouTube

    A tear slowly rolled down Zol's face. He watched as Xiu disappeared into nothing.

    "That way to save the king. And that way for death." Zol spoke slowly, "Let's go then."

    Zol staggered to his feet and fell right back down. He removed his jacket and saw the wound to to his stomach. Blood covered his shirt. Quickly Zol poured some potion on the wound, and watched as the blood faded. Summoning the X-
    Blade again, he dashed down the corridor Xiu had pointed towards.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2012
  19. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will turned towards Will Turner, Elizabeth, and Sora, eyes turning a red tint in anger. "I want her now! I want her head on a stick!" He barked, slamming his keyblades into the float in anger, almost stopping them from moving. Will growled in anger before starting to slam his keyblades together, making sparks from his keyblades as he struck them into the ground as he saw Jack and remembered that he had been corrupted. But to Will's eyes he still was.

    Falix stopped his portal to watch what could only be called Will's murderous rage that he couldn't get a few swings in at the witch. He couldn't blame the young keyblader, he would love to take a piece of her as well, but to go after innocents just because he got there late? It didn't make sense why the kid felt that way, but it also didn't make sense that he felt like he could sympathize. He was part of the organization after all. But then again he did remember the flashes of his past life. They seemed to real to be someone else's but Xalias told him that was normal. "Interesting..." He breathed, deciding to stay and watch the boy more.
  20. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    NitonXao and Daxma walked around the thirteenth floor of Castle Oblivion, thinking. Secretly, they watched all the events unfold. They seemed to be in shock. They never thought that Xalias would be killed so easily.

    "Dammit!" NitonXao shouted. "Who would've thought Xalias would be killed by a child! What should we do now!?"

    "We might as well look out for ourselves again," Daxma replied. We've done it before."

    "Yeah but Xelo and Xelax were with us. It's only us two right now."

    "Yes but if I recall, you and Dark Blood fought the Destiny Guardians by yourself. So why do we need Xelo and Xelax?"

    "It's different this time! We don't fully know their abilities. That Zol kid has the X Blade for crying out loud! How can we compare our powers to that!?"

    "Hmm....Damn. Guess you got a point. It seems we're low on options..."

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