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Kingdom Hearts 3: Fate Decides

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Remedy, Mar 28, 2011.

  1. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Falix continued to stare at the blank sky. "What about Mickey's current apprentices? The girl is calm and cautious, she would not give chase easily, yet the boy, William will hunt for his precious king with bloodlust greater than Riku did. Are you sure this is a bright plan with that boy in the middle of the battlefield like he is, Xalias? With his past he may let his anger take over and search for us until he either falls completely or has every one of us at his feet." He said slowly, eyeing the heart that was floating in the sky. "And twice of those hearts come from Sora and William than you Malix." He growled roughly, turning towards the rest of the group.
  2. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    "Here's an idea: why don't we turn the king into a heartless? He should have a strong nobody, and if we take pictures we can fool the keyblader to think we still have him whole. A new member doesn't sound half bad." Malix remarked. This way, he would have a new guy who he could give a little "helpful guidance". This new organization was too weak. He knew he could do better, if he got the chance. "And maybe take the mini queen with too, so that we have a bargaining chip if he catches on." He added. If he worked hard now, he could establish himself as king of all hearts when KH was finished.
  3. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Falix chuckled. "We do that we have Riku, Sora, Donald, Goofy, William, and Nikki coming after us, William calling for your blood mostly since you wanted to it and because he would feel as if he failed Mickey." He said, stretching slightly. "I believe I should be the one to start the seige on Disney castle since I'm the only one who doesn't seem to bicker with any of the others in the organization. Xalias do you agree?" He asked their leader. He drew his sword, twirled it, sat back down, drew a sharpening rock, and started grinding it against the sword like he always did.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2011
  4. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    NitonXao was shocked at Malix's idea. Moreso, he was impressed.

    "Well, well Malix. That's a damn good idea. Maybe if we could get Sora and William to actually fall for it and come here, we could kill them and get their Nobodies. Forming William's, and Reforming Roxas," NitonXao explained.

    "There's flaws with both of your ideas guys. Malix, your plan has many flaws. Mickey won't be easy to turn to a Heartless. And if we succeed, his Nobody could possibly have all his memories and STILL want to kill us. And NitonXao, what if we do reform Roxas? He could have his past memories and might try to kill us as well. We're going to hsve think this through," Daxma explained. He had an idea right away. I got it. Xalias, how about we get a new member right away? Mine and NitonXao's other brother, Xelo. You remember him don't you?"

    OOC: This line is a request to add a new character. tell me if I can add him while IC
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2011
  5. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    "Well, I say the benefits outweigh the risks by a ton. All we have to do is send in a sufficiantly powerfull heartless, and mickey is a heartless. Memories can be taken apart as well, if you know how. I'm sure there is a way to remove mickey's memories. Or rather Kyimecx's memories. " He said, conjuring the name up from the usual patern for nobodies. "Mickey would be desparate to get his heart back, and would do whatever we want. Roxas would be a problem, but last time he had no memories, why should he now? Lawlixim could be convinced by the new mickey. And if mickey has his memories, the mini queen will be even more of an asset."
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Heheheh. Uh... I do not have them anymore. I... left them with Kairi. Or maybe I had lost them during that last battle. Well, there is nothing to worry about. All we have to do is to help those who are hurting and we will be back home before you know it. easy as pie, right?" Sora then saw Yen Sid's castle ahead and put away the wayfinder. This is going to be fun. No need to worry." The train then stopped and the train door opened.
    YouTube - Kingdom Hearts: Destiny Islands (Pokemon Black and White Remix)

    "Heeey. What's up, ja?" "Guess what?! Kairi said that she is willingly to help us with the team!" "Awesome. I think that would make up a full team. Now it is just us four, Olette, Pence and Hayner. They are busy practicing in their town so I think we will be good." "Yea! Well Kairi. We better get you started on the basics!" Kairi nodded and then went into the water with Selphie, Wakka, and Tidus. Selphie started to panic but Tidus just chuckled and grabbed her left arm to let her know that she will be alright. "Alright! Let us practice real hard and we are sure to win, ja?!" Kairi started to go into a stance and was listening to Wakka's lessons. "OK! This is our fifth annual blitz game. Not only that, the eleventh annual struggle tournament is also underway! We must be discreet and prepare ourself for any moves that the other team will make."

    Kairi stood there and listened to them and started practicing with them for a few minutes. "Looking pretty good Kairi. You are not half-bad." "Two minutes and forty-five seconds! I can hold my breathe underwater for that long." Kairi started to wipe the water from her eyes and smiled...
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2011
  7. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    Riku tossed around Way to Dawn. "Remember, there are still heartless here. Be on your guard." Riku said as he walked up to the castle. Rather than going all the way up the stairs, riku used his high jump to climb up the edges of the castle. He eventually got to the window of Yen Sid's room, and climbed in. He yelled down to sora "Hey, what are you waiting for?" mostly jokingly. He waited for sora to get here. Yen wasn't in this room, so riku decided to look around. He saw a book, but tossed it out the window, as he saw it was covering other things. He didn't find anything important, so he decided to just be patient. He hoped that the book didn't hit sora.
    OoC: @BWM Advanced RP rules state that you need six lines.
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    OOC: ??? What in the world are you talking about? I have more than six lines because of Kairi.

    "*Sigh* How rude. Oh well. I guess I will just have to take the other way." Sora walked and pushed the door to go inside. He started to look up and then felt more desperate. "Never thought that I had to go through this again." Sora started to walk up the stairs and was taking his time. He slashed away at the nobodies, though they have weakened. This made it a little bit more easier on Sora and he was able to take them on but at a tiring pace. "Gosh...Riku should just take the stairways like everyone else. I should not be the one doing all of this exercise." Sora kept on walking up the stairs as he fight and finally made it to the door. "Gosh..." "HOW DISRESPECTFUL!"

    A blue mage came in and whacked Riku upside the head with the same book that Riku had threw out of the window. "Instead of throwing away people's property, just leave it be!" Yen Sid used a blizzard spell and frozed up Riku's hands so that he can never use them for a while and that he cannot channel dark magic through them. "Now... I see that you have returned."
  9. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    OoC: You only had the sora lines before.
    "Yeah, we have returned. Hey sora, I forget, why are we here again? You already have your clothing and gummi ship." Riku said as he threw way to dawn out the window in a gesture of goodwill but also used attempting to smash the ice. it did not give way, but way to dawn still flew out. Maybe Sid was going to give them a new keychain something. "Sora, a little help?" He asked as he held out his ice covered hands, "Cast a fire spell or something." He pleaded. Of course, he had been kind of rude. But there was no way he could get back down the building with no hands. Unless of course he used the stairs. Nah, the h*** with that, he would find a way to get out of this ice.
  10. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Mickey looked up as William walked into the room.
    "Late I see... again?" Mickey said looking down at the red carpet, "Anyways let us begin our practice for the day. Nikki would you like to join us?" Mickey summoned his keyblade into his hand and pointed it towards the girl sitting in the corner.

    Zol continued to walk through the streets after the strange encounter with the cloaked man.
    "I wonder... if that machine I found could do anything." Zol said to himself as he neared the spot where the strange machine was. He opened up a large gate which led into a small bright colored ship lay in the center.
    "It looks like it could fly... but what if I get hurt during flight? Well if you never take chances, you;ll never discover! Let's do this." Zol said while running into the ship. He flicked a few switches and the engine roared to life. The Gummi Ship lifted to the sky and began to soar through the air.
  11. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will grinned at the king, twirling his keyblade down. "I'm only a few minutes late this time, your majesty." He chuckled, looking over to Nikki. "C'mon, I wanna start!" He shouted, grinning widely at his friend. He twirled his keyblade anxiously, wanting to start with their training so he could go practice his sword fighting with the guards again. He normally could beat any of them easily but they had given him a new challenge last where he had his choice of weapons and he fought all the guards that were up to it. He failed the last two and the bet had been for the loser to move all the swords to the sword racks from their belts. It had taken him most of the night and the king hadn't found out but Nikki knew cause she had found him asleep in the armory the next morning.
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nikki extended her arm as her keyblade appeared in a quick flash light. She grinned over at Will resting her keyblade on her shoulder.

    "Anxious are you?" Nikki teased him before walking over. "I guess , even know I did most my training this morning. I'm definitely up for more." Nikki smiled over at the king taking her stance next to will keyblade at her side.

    "I'm ready whenever you're ready for us, your majesty." Nikki told him.
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Uuuuh... ... ... sorry Riku. I don't think no spell would be able to help you. Plus, what do you mean that I have the Highwind? I do not have it anymore, remember? Besides, that is Donald's and Goofy's ship anyways and we do not owe it." Sora then looked back at Yen Sid and bowed down to him. "Forgive Riku your majesty. Um... the letter... it says that we had to see you. Is there is something wrong?" Yen Sid still sat in his chair as he was reading through his book. "Yes...I had something for the two of you to do." Yen Sid then stood up from his chair and looked out of his window, fearing that something would arise. "I need... I need the two of you to prove to me with something. A little test of your power."

    Yen Sid then looked back at Riku. "Riku. Even though you do not belong to darkness, you still is able to use the darkness within your heart. Be forewarn. You will never be able to travel the corridor of darkness no more. Trying so will harm your heart. A big risk." Yen Sid then raised his right hand and had the Way to Dawn in his hand. "It is crucial that you stop being so stubborn. Now that both of you do not have the corridors or the gummi ship to travel, you have two options." "Two options? What are those options?" "Well... you could try to use the star shard. Still, I recommend that it should not be used. It randomly transports the user and I do not think that both of you are able to properly use it." Yen Sid then went stood next to his seat and threw Riku's weapon at the ice, breaking it and letting Riku have control over his hand. "Then... what is the other path?"

    Yen Sid raised his hand and showed two vehicles in a hologram-form. "The other is the glider. An ability that a keyblade may possess to have."
  14. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    “Okay!” Mickey said, “Let’s get started then!” Mickey glanced at both his apprentices. Although they had been training together for a long time now, they had never dueled each other.
    “You both are going to fight, just for warm-ups! And to see which of you will get me keychain!” Mickey said dangling his keychain in the air. It was the golden key with a silver hand guard.
    “Don’t worry! I’ll just go back to using my star seeker key!” Mickey explained, “Now go!” ***********************************************************************************
    "What's that?" zol said to himself as he neared a world with a large blue castle on it, "Looks good enough why don't I land there?" Zol slowed the ship down and softly landed in a courtyard with many shrubs.
    "I wonder who lives in a place like this?" Zol said as he neared a large door which led into the castle.
    "Now, we need to strike, right now." Xalias said as he had a strange sense that someone strong had just arrived at the castle, "We need to get in there before anything else can happen. Falix you take the King. Daxma and NitonXao you hold off the apprentice, and Malix you take out any soldiers yah hear? What I'm doing is none of your concern, use dark portals, we leave now." Xalias explaind as he summoned a dark portal and dashed through into a large courtyard.

    OOC- Organization people may now post again.
    Curtis don't freak out while reading this post XD
    while mickey is getting kidnapped, he is going to throw you his keychain and Destiny the Star seeker keychain.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2011
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nikki looked at the king completely surprised. She couldn't believe he was just going to willingly part with his powerful keychain.

    "But your majesty, as I'm fine with fighting Will, parting with your key chain? You've had such a history with it to my understanding." Nikki stated still in complete disbelief of what he was willing to easily do.

    Nikki looked down at the keychain on her own keyblade as it dangled on the end of her blade, she couldn't imagine parting with it. Without a keychain, you had no keyblade. She looked back up at the king.

    "Are you sure?" Nikki asked.
  16. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    "Absolutely sure!" Mickey said to Nikki, "You both show much promise, almost as much as Sora! Trust me whoever wins, sure does deserve it!"
    Zol walked down the halls of the castle, there were massive windows, bright red carpet, and even beautiful paintings on the walls. What puzzled Zol the most though, was that all the portrais were of mice! He had never seen anything like it! Halfway down the hall he came to a huge door. Zol pushed on the door expecting it to open slowly, but instead it opened rather quickly. He fell to the ground after the surprising speed of the door opening, and looked back at the door. It seemed there was a hidden smaller door inside the giant door. He looked inside the room to find two teenagers and a mouse all talking.
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nikki looked at the king surprise and before she could protest about how Sora was pretty much a chosen master and Will and her were just apprentices, she was startled to hear a thump as if somebody had fallen to the ground.

    Nikki didn't jump but turned around and looked behind her to see a complete stranger laying on the ground looking up at them. She had her keyblade up showing she'd defend the king if this was some sort of invader. Nikki looked at the boy though and something seemed off about him.

    He first off didn't seem like a possible threat, not a dangerous threat at least. Secondly he appeared to be lost. Confused almost. A traveler? Nikki then thought about those in town, most weren't like Will and her. Occasionally a visit from Yen Sid and the Radiant Garden Restoration Committee would be seen in the castle, however never this person has been seen in her eyes before.

    "Ummm..." Nikki started quietly to herself thinking on how to reply to the current situation set upon them all.

    "Who are you and what are you doing in Disney Castle?" Nikki asked once containing her composure.
  18. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    Malix brought kingdom hearts into his keyblade before he opened a corridor of darkness, stepping through it casually. He summoned his Keyblade, and walked up to the castle walls. There were two guards in front of the castle its self, but he smashed their faces easily with his newfound power. He sent tendrils up on the top walls of the castle, using them as a grappling hook to get on top. From there he could either use his tendrils to kill guards, or attempt to use his keyblade as a projectile. He could just re summon it if he missed anyway. He killed an archer up top, and decided to use the bow. He aimed carefully, wondering how hard this could be. He had no training with the bow, but he figured it would be easy enough. He aimed at a guard, but missed. He aimed a second time, but still the kill eluded him. Finally, third time was the the charm and the arrow struck true. Still, it would be easier to simply use his tendrils. He struck down a few with a broad sweep of them, and strangled two more. He then jumped from the wall, bringing his keyblade down on a group of them to soften the landing. He struck three more in the face, and chewed the throat off a fourth.
  19. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Falix grinned and jumped off the edge of the castle, into a waiting portal below. As he hit the portal he landed in the castle's garden, his large sword out and ready. "So, where are these apprentices and the King?" He growled, starting forward quickly. He twirled the sword anxiously, hoping he would be able to fight the boy apprentice, knowing he had a large amount of potential if his anger took over.
    Will turned and almost went after the boy but stopped himself. "Good question, not many people justs stride into the castle so where are you from?" He asked, twirling his keyblade anxiously. He wanted to fight Nikki and try to get the kingdom key d but he also didn't know if this boy was a friend or an enemy. He would fight Nikki with everything he had, but after they figured out what this boy's business was.
  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Gliders? Gliders?! Cool! Our keyblades can do that?!" "Yes but it is risky. I do not know if you can handle this. Sora. Riku. Now is the time." Yen Sid raises up both of his hands and the room was clean. "This is only part one of their mark of mastery." Yen Sid closed his eyes and stared to speak out real loud. "If you cannot defeat the opponents, the forgottens, then you cannot achieve this power. "Are you ready?" Sora looked back at Riku, wondering if Riku will accept the challenge. "I am ready. But still," Yen Sid looks back at them. "Do not worry. This is only a beta testing of your powers and to see where you are capable of doing. Nothing more." Sora closed his eyes and took out his keyblade. "I...I am ready. The king wanted us to help other people's suffering so if unlocking one more part of the keyblade's potential is needed, then I am all for it."
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2011

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