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Kingdom Hearts 3: Fate Decides

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Remedy, Mar 28, 2011.

  1. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    "Can you at least remove the ice first? How do I fight without a keyblade?" Riku said as he tried summoning way to dawn. It fell on the ground in front of him, and he kicked it out the window. He tried using dark cannon to break the ice, but Sid's words held true as his ice, and he could not channel it. "What do you expect me to do, crush them with my head?!?!?!?" He exclaimed. He even tried to chew it off, but obviously he failed. He tried summoning Way to Dawn pointing upwards so he could smash the ice on it, but all that happened then was it slipped and fell sideways. He even tried using yen-sid's book to smash it, but that failed as well. He decided against trying to smash it with yen-sid's head, as that would be too dangerous.
  2. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    "Well that was so rude of him! He did not even answer your question Daxma! Don't you feel hurt?" NitonXao asked sarcastically.

    "Oh but of course! It brings tears to my eyes that we cannot see our brother soon!" Daxma shouted. He and NitonXao always do this. "Well, no changing it now. Let's get going. I'm ready for some action."

    "Alright. But don't forget, you know how I fight. You're going to have to take the girl. I have the boy."

    "My, my NitonXao. You're so generous!"

    "Naturally! It's a gift! Now, let's get the hell out of here. I'm eager for some action." NitonXao and Daxma then opened a Dark Corridor and walked through it, entering Disney Castle. "I swear if Malix screws up again, he will not like me the next time I see him."
  3. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    Malix made his way into the castle, having defeated most of the guards outside. He saw quite a few in this chamber, and it seemed they realized what had happened. He sent tendrils into the heads of many of them, crushing the faces of others with the keyblade. He took the sword of one of them, and stabbed five others in the face. It seemed this wouldn't be too hard after all. He took the guise of a guard, and walked forward into the next chamber. The guards let him pass by, but he doubted they would allow him into the royal chamber. He took out a few with his surprise attacks, but soon they were all alerted. He took his own form and killed a few with his tendrils. He stabbed two more, and killed a civilian for the fun of it. He then took the form of a royal messenger and entered the royal chambers. He killed the door guards on the inside quickly, and dragged them back past the door. He then walked in again, quickly transforming into a speck of dust.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    YouTube - dive into the heart EXTENDED kingdom hearts 2.wmv

    "I guess that the ice spell had froze his mind so fast that he had forgotten that I had took the spell away already." Yen Sid started to become disgusted at the bleeding of Riku's hand and started to heal them. "This is what happens when you become stubborn." Yen Sid then looked out of the window, feeling disturbed as the room started to fill up with fog. "As you dream, you will find a silhouette. If you can defeat it, then you are able to bring forth the keyblade's ability to fly to other worlds. If you cannot, then you will have a hard time and you will have to resort to the star shard or to a weaker, lesser form of a gummi ship." Yen Sid then turned around and his hat started to glimmer. "Let us start the first test!" Sora started to slowly fall down to the floor and fell asleep, snoring.

    As Sora woke up in the dreaming, he saw a dark version of himself. In Riku's awakening, a yougn lady with an organization cloak was waiting with the Kingdom Key in her hand.
  5. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    Riku summoned Way to Dawn, and used strike raid on the organization member. He wondered what this test was about. At first he thought Roxas, but he had two keyblades when they fought. With his keyblade still being out there he sent dark aura towards the opponent, and summoned a dark barrier before the stranger could retaliate. He doubted this would be easy, there would probably be more to do before this was done. But it didn't hurt to get a strong start. He suddenly wished he had kept the oblivion keychain he had given sora. Oh well, way to dawn would work for now. He let down his barrier, after all, he would need to conserve his MP.
  6. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    NitonXao and Daxma were both walking around the castle for 20 minutes. They ehard screams from the guards saying an intruder with a Black Coat is killing them all off.

    "Hehe...I'm impressed. Malix seems to be doing well," NitonXao said as they were walking tan open courtyard. "This seems like a good place to fight. Daxma, you create strong winds. I'll burn this garden. That should alert the Apprentices."

    "Sounds good. Is Xelo were here he could create a flood though," Daxma explained.

    "Stop complaining. It'll owrk with just the two of us trust me." So then NitonXao and Daxma did NitonXao's plan. NitonXao was summoning fire from his hands, and Daxma was controlling the strength of the winds. As NitonXao was burning the garden, Daxma's wind made the fire stronger. "What's this?" NitonXao noticed a door in the garden. "Looks important. I think I'll burn it with Blackfire." NitonXao created darkness from one hand, fire in the other, and fused them to mkae Blackfire. Everything inside the door was burning as well.

    "How long will this take!?" Daxma shouted. The fire and wind was making a lot of noise. Then they heard a fire alarm.

    "Sounds like they'll be coming soon!"
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nikki looked at the boy and back over at the king and Will when suddenly a guard came running in out of breath and panic. Nikki looked up at the guard.

    "Your majesty, there are intruders... in black robes... they're killing everybody..." The guard stated. Nikki looked at the guard surprised. "I thought you should know." The guard stated as he fell forward an arrow located in his back right between his shoulder blade and spine. An obvious missed shot from what must have been a far arrow, but it didn't make the situation any better as the guard laid on the ground.

    Nikki looked at the other boy and clenched her hand into fists. Could this boy be part of those in the black cloaks? And what could the black cloaks mean? Nikki closed her eyes and saw a figure fall forward in front of her wearing a black cloak. The figure only laughed before everything else went black for her. Nikki opened her eyes quick as the alarm went off.

    'What was that? Who was the man laughing in the black cloak?' Nikki thought to herself. She shook her head realizing they had to focus.

    "You, who are you?" Nikki asked keyblade ready to fight. She stood in front of the king as if to defend him.
  8. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Falix strode into the throne room, a large sword across his shoulders and a hood hiding everything but his blinding grin as he strode up to the soldier and impaled him on the sword. As the soldier twitched weakly the man kicked him off and lifted his sword, a blue orb in a hole near the handle of the sword started to glow as ice lifted out of the ground like it was shot out of a cannon, knocking Nikki aside. He then pointed his sword at the boy. "Your mine, let's go!" He barked, charging the boy.

    Will watched as Nikki was thrown aside like a ragdoll and the man charged him. Will brought his kingdom key up just in time to take the blow with his blade but it knocked him aside as if he was as light as a feather. As he hit the wall he groaned and slid to the floor, keyblade landing a few feet away from him. As he slowly started to stand he realized that the man was no longer after him.

    Falix left the boy against the wall. Second he had Mickey through the portal then he could fight the boy, but for now Mickey was his main goal. As he lifted Mickey by the scruff of his neck he grinned. "Sorry, your majesty, your going somewhere very enjoyable..." He chuckled, raising his left hand to start to create a portal.

    Will saw the man lift Mickey and his anger flared. He rolled forward, grabbing his keyblade and jumping towards the man. As he striked he noticed the keyblade slash across the man's back and making the man drop Mickey to the floor. Will grinned and repeated the man's taunt angrily. "Your mine, let's go!"

    The man felt the blow and smiled. "That's more like it..." He said, voice smooth as satin as he spun and swung at the boy, large sword swinging towatds the boy's head. The blade flew as if it was light as a feather.

    Will ducked the heavy blade and it sank into the wall. Will looked over to Nikki as he swung at the man. "Nikki, defend the king!!!" Will roared, uppercutting at the man's jaw with the keyblade.
  9. xXAnTiFoRmXx

    xXAnTiFoRmXx New Member

    Syrick was dizzy after trying to drive the gummy ship he almost crashed but in the end landed safely. "...I...am not driving one of those again..." he opened the door and walked in to see a bunch of dead guards. "What...happened...here..." he unsheathed his katana and ran up the stairs into the room where everyone was. "Um..." he saw a guy with a huge sword and two with keyblades. He then recognized the cloak and attacked Falix. "Your an organization member !" said Syrick shooting dark aura at Falix. "CAN SOMEONE TELL ME JUST WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON !!!"
  10. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    Malix took a human form (though not his own, instead that of king mickey) behind Syrick and said "They are taking this castle. There is another me in here somewhere. Don't harm the other me, but take out those defending him at all costs. He has fooled the guards that he is me! This castle is lost if he succeeds!". This seemed a clever enough ruse, and if it worked then the human would do some of the work for him. "Mickey" Ran off, knocking guards unconscious instead of killing them to keep up the illusion. He hit most on the head with a copy of mickey's keyblade (which of course was not really mickey's keyblade) but some he kicked over in a fashion that was very difficult for someone so short.
  11. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    "This boy seems friendly!" Mickey said as he saw Zol fall on the ground. He looked at the face of the boy and saw nothing but confusion.
    Zol stood up after the messanger was shot down. He looked down at his own dark clothing.
    "No! I am not part of this group with the black cloaks, I am just a traveler! Although..." Zol said pulling out his wips and letting them fall to the ground, "You guys seem nice enough, I'll fight by your side!" HE said turning around as one of the members ran in with a large sword. He began battleing with the two teens and then took the mouse.
    "Will! Nikki! Take these!" Mickey said as he flung a golden keychain at Will. The keychain bursted into a golden keyblade with a sliver hand guard. He threw a star decorated keychain at Nikki, and it bursted into a blue keyblade decorated with yellow stars.
    "Put them to good use!" The king squealed as he felt him self being pulled through a dark corridor. Soon he was on a cold stone floor in a dungeon.
    "Enjoy your stay..." said a man with a black cloak on and a hood in his face. The man then dissapeared into a dark portal.
    Xalias had used a dark portal to get right behind Mickey. HE snagged the mouse as he threw the two keychains, and threw him in the dungeon.
    "Enjoy your stay..." Xalias said as he left through a dark portal. He was dropped right outside the doors of the throne room where he saw the nobody in dark clothing.
    "If he doesn't join us... guess I'll just have too beat him." Xalias said as he closed in on the boy.
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    YouTube - Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded Music Guardando nel Buio [Anti Sora Battle]

    "HEH!" The woman used a light spell and shot many light orbs at the dark auras, starting an explosion. She then took the Kingdom Key and put it in front of her. The weapon started to push her back and she staggered as she knocked Riku's weapon to the side. "What is wrong, Riku? I thought you could do better than that. And you call me a scam?" The woman started to charge towards Riku and jumped into the air. She then used the corridor of darkness and went behind Riku. "You may use darkness but the darkness does not exist within your heart anymore." She then spin and used Sonic Blade, aiming to connect with Riku and to unleash five more attacks followed up with Blast.

    "I just can't believe it. You, the buffoon who is destined to save the world? HA! That is not true." Sora looked back and saw that the area started to grow darker. "Wha...is that..." "YES! All you in the flesh! Well, the darkness that is left within your heart anyhow. Don't you know how close I was in taking over your body and making it my own?! I was so close in obtaining new life! New power. I hunger for more! No matter." The Anti-form started to smile as he pointed the dark keyblade at Sora. "All I need is to engulf you in darkness and I will be able to be free, free to roam this world! Besides, you cannot even control the darkness even if you wish!"

    "My heartless! Ugh. You talk too much." Sora's heartless started to laugh maniacally and took his battle stance. "Why should you help the universe?! You are nothing if it was not for me. Think about it. You had to rely on the powers of darkness a few times in order to help others, even though you have no memory of it." "What?!" "That's right! Whenever you pour out your heart to gain more powers, you would go into a shadow form. You should love it!" Sora then took his battle stance and was ready to throw the first strike. "It...it doesn't matter. Power is good, but... I use my powers to help my friends! My friends are my power! Not you!" The Anti-Sora started to smile with his green eyes glowing and was preparing to shoot out white keyblades at him. "Well then. I might as well devour all of you and send all worlds into despair." The Anti-Sora started to shoot the white keyblades straight at him while Sora was running towards his enemy, readying himself to use a fire spell.
  13. xXAnTiFoRmXx

    xXAnTiFoRmXx New Member

    "Wha...that was king mickey ?!" Syrick said cursing himself for not doing something about it. "Um...my name is Syrick I'm the son of Riku...could someone tell me whats going on..." he said still confused. "There are a bunch of dead guards outside...is the castle under siege or something." Syrick was trying to imagine what his father would do in a rough situation like this. "Um...I guess your the good guys so I'll fight with you..." Syrick said running to Will and Niiki's side. "I guess you can fill me in on what's going on later.
  14. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    "How unfortunate. Wasn't Falix's job supposed to be to kidnap the King and US handle the apprentices?" NitonXao asked, watching the garden burn. It was his favorite thing to see.

    "You know Falix. He's very interested in the boy. So I guess I'll be the only one of us two fighting," Daxma explained. NitonXao then sighed.

    "Well that's pretty damn boring! Falix always does this. I swear, one day..."

    "Hey think about it this way. You'll be able to enjoy watching my fight!"

    "Yeah, yeah whatever. Still no fun when I can't fight." Daxma grew tired of his brother's complaints.

    "So what should we do for now?" He asked.

    "Simple. Only thing LEFT to do. We wait. Enjoy the fire."

  15. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    Riku glided behind his opponent, and fired a dark cannon directly towards her back. "Your just a test. I have conquered REAL threats before, I won't fall to some supped up illusion." Riku said as he struck out at her with a dark slash. "So I know your just an illusion, but who the H*** are you supposed to be?" He asked. They say that to know your opponent is to win the fight. Riku doubted this, but it couldn't hurt. Plus he was curious. Riku looked forward to winning this fight, a glider would be cool. Riku knew that he could win this fight, it was just a matter of when. He bet sora needed his help about now. Too bad he couldn't help. Oh-well, it was an illusion.
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The lady started to fly forward as the dark cannon hit her in the back but she was able to teleport with a portal to avoid another attack by Riku. ""Event Horizon!" The woman started to chuckle as her keyblade was enveloped in light. The lady started to do devastating combos, slashing at Riku real fast and knocking him back and forth. She then called down pillars of light to try and get rid of Riku. "You are truly nothing without your darkness, yet you still try to practice it without the element growing within your heart. Why?"

    "PROTECT!!" Sora used reflera in order to deflect and knock the white keyblades back at the heartless. The heartless started to smile and evaded into the ground. It then popped up from the ground and created three replicas of himself. "Lickety-Split!" The real Anti-Sora disappeared while the replicas headed on to attack him. Sora was then surrounded by dark flames. "Wha...huh...eh....aaah!" Sora used the firaga spell to knock back the replicas and to destroy them, but Sora still took damage from the dark flames as it exploded on him. The Anti-Sora then returned back to its human form and pointed its weapon at Sora. Sora stood back up and started to charge at the heartless once again.

    "START FRYING!" The Anti-form started to shoot out lasers with its keyblade as Sora started to run towards him and closed in on it to avoid damage. The heartless try to block, but Sora rapidly used slingshot on it, followed by Flash Step. The heartless started to slide towards the ground and started to smile.

    "I will survive and you will die. That is all there is to it!"
  17. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Falix watched as the boy caught Mickey's keyblade and let his anger go. He grinned as he prepared for the onslaught from the young apprentice. "That's it, get mad, fight me with everything you got! Don't hold back for your friend, don't hold back for this peasent traveller, don't hold back for your king you failed. Fight with no remorse and no weakness." He said smoothly, lifting his sword in front of him.

    Will felt his anger rise as he caught Mickey's keyblade and watched him dragged through a dark corridor in the same instant. As he felt his anger rush, he turned towards the man and heard what he said. And he knew he would fight that way somehow. As he charged and whirled with the keyblades the man blocked easily with the flat of the blade until he started uppercutting with them, knocking the sword up and striking the man multiple times heavily before kicking forward, knocking him back.

    Falix smiled as he slid back from the kick, blood filling his mouth a little. He spit and grinned at the boy, taunting him again. "Good boy, keep fighting, don't let them hinder your abilities." He barked, twirling the sword behind him as he reached into his pocket to remove a brown swirling orb from his pocket to set below the blue orb that he had used earlier. As he slid the orb in he grinned and lifted his sword, making ice surround him and the boy. It was clear so the others could see the boy fight, yet they could not help him. It was a straight duel between him and the boy, and he was loving it.
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nikki looked up at the king after getting thrown and ran forward as fast as she possibly could right before she saw the king quickly get pulled into the dark corridor. A keychain was thrown into the air at her and she caught it as it turned into a keyblade.

    Nikki knew she'd make it before she stopped gaining a memory flash back.

    YouTube - Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Vanitas Sentiment Battle music EXTENDED
    A mouse holding a blue keyblade with yellow stars, the keyblade extended out to the side stood infront of her laying on the ground. A figure in front of the mouse.

    The mouse turned around slightly saying something.

    Just like that the vision was over. Nikki stood up from her position on the floor. She noticed the king was gone however she could feel it... she could feel the darkness force who took the king.

    Nikki looked around and then saw the person going behind the boy.

    "Look out!" Nikki shouted as she quickly bolted off into a run and jumped over the boy the new keyblade she had and her own keyblade appeared in front of her. She made a cutting notion in the shape of an 'X' at the man to knock him back.

    "Where did you take the king?!" Nikki shouted at the stranger angered.
  19. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    "Because! The world is made of light AND darkness. Whether you use the darkness or the light, it's what you do with it that matters!" Riku shouted as he put up a dark barrier to block the attack. He sent several strikes of dark lightning at his foe, and used glide to fly closer as he used strike raid. "Now tell me what you are and why your my test!" he said as the strike raid was about to connect. Way to Dawn was powerful enough that this shouldn't be TOO hard, but this opponent was better than Roxas it would seem. And he had lost to roxas the first time. Still, he had dark magic just like the second time, but now he had a heart with less darkness. This should be interesting.


    Malix walked through, killing every soldier he saw. Now lately there were just a few once in a while. He began to make his way towards the throne room, where they were surely all collecting.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2011
  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "You are a scam!" The lady took the damage from the lightning, forcing her to teleport in order to avoid getting hit from the strike raid. "If that is so, then you should've had the courage not to use the powers of darkness and to fight without it for once. Balder's death." Xion started to smile as she surrounded Riku with the small spheres of light and started an explosion around him. She then jumped up and charged up her attack, Ragnarok. She successfully released the attack and the beams of light that came from her keyblade came together to form a large sphere that is able to crush and destroy any guards/barriers and to take Riku down to a critical state. " Maybe I should take your memories and make them my own."

    "Last Secret!" The Anti-form started to do massive combos on Sora and did a big finish on the hero to make him roll backwards. "Uuungah..." "Is that all you have to show me? Heh. what a joke." The Anti-form started to walk towards Sora and had his keyblade over Sora's shoulders. "This marks the new era of my hunger!" Sora was tired of the heartless' arrogance and did a retaliating slash to knock the heartless back. "So...you want to have a swift sleep." The heartless went up into the air and started to taunt and mock him, shooting a gold version of the keyblade straight at Sora.

    "Nah! You need to eat something light." Sora jumped forward and grabbed the gold keyblade and fused it with his own. Sora started to swing forward and a light came forth, paralyzing Sora's heartless and turning it back into a Shadow. "What?! Why..." Sora started to use his trinity limit, Break, and started to do several slashes at the Anti-Sora, sending it back into the darkness. "This... my anger...rage...I need. devour...I will...always... come back..." The Anti-Sora started to look up into the light and disappeared but Sora ended up going into his Anti-form. Sora still was able to realize what the heartless meant and was able to control the darkness. "My friends...are my power..."

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