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Kingdom Hearts 3: Fate Decides

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Remedy, Mar 28, 2011.

  1. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Xalias summoned his lances at the last second tto block the young girl's attack. He jumped backwards to avoid getting hit.
    "Where did you take the king?!" The girl shouted at Xalias.
    "Heh, wouldn't you like to know?" Xalias said in a mocking tone to the girl. He then saw his keyblade weilder walking aimlessly down the hall.
    "Go back to base! You have done your job Malix!" Xalias told the member of the organization, he then turned back to Nikki, "Now, where were we?"

    Zol watched the girl leap gracefully over his head to block the attack from a man in a black cloak.
    "THose cloaks... that night in the alley! The man was wearing a cloak like that one!" Zol said looking at all the men in cloaks, none were the same size as the man he had seen. The man he had encountered was big and burly, with a deep, booming, and scragely voice. Zol turned to see the girl and man getting ready to fight. Zol drew his whips and ran to the girls side. He looked at the man across from the both of them. Silver hair, grey eyes, and a flaming lance.
    "Let's do this!" Zol said, directing the comment towards the girl.
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nikki looked at the boy surprised but nodded.

    "I'll give you one more chance to answer me, where did you take the king?" Nikki asked dual wielding the two keyblades. She stood ready to fight and pounce at the man. Whoever this man was, he had a thing of darkness about him but he also had light. Nikki thought about her studies with the king.

    "Your power, your inner power... twilight? Are you that of the nobodies?" Nikki asked the man. It would make sense to her, his cloak much like those of the nobodies in her studies that supposedly attacked a year ago or so ago.

    Nikki looked at the man unsure how to go about doing things. Nikki knew the nobodies of an enemy that would need obliterated but this man knows where he took the king. Nikki had to defeat this man but still keep him alive to gain the information she needed about the king.
  3. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    "I've had it! Xalias said you and I were supposed to deal with the Apprentices! And now he and Falix are fighting them!" NitonXao grew impatient and furious. As he yelled, fire launched from the ground behind his back and into the air. "I'm leaving. My plan was a waste of time!" He then left through his dark corridor and into where Xalias, Falix, and the apprentices were fighting.

    "This should be interesting. Hopefully he doesn't do anything stupid to get himself killed," Daxma said to himself. "Still, he's right. I wanna fight those damn apprentices. This is boring." Daxma then did the same as NitonXao. They were all in the same room now.

    "Xalias! I thought me and Daxma were supposed to handle these apprentices!? Sorry but I'm eager for some action!"

    "He's right. We even burned their precious garden to draw them out! Please don't allow that to be in vain." Daxma joked. He then made a small chuckle.
  4. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    "It would only be fair for me to use the darkness since you seem so bent on using the light." Riku said as he sent dark cannon to destroy all of the orbs of light. "If you want me to fight without the darkness, put away your light!" He said as he sent a dark aura attack at his opponent. "Xion... Is that who your supposed to be?!?!? Of course your not REALLY xion, but is that who your supposed to look like? He said as he threw a strike raid while the dark aura was going out. This was a cowardly test, yen sid should have just given us the gliders and used our journey as the test. He needed to end this fight soon, or else.
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "It is too late." The woman's Ragnarok attack still continued and it deflected the strike raid. It then hit Riku and almost pushed him over the edge. "How sad. Who knows? What if I am Xion." The woman then took off the cloak and revealed a face. "Or maybe I am you. Or maybe Sora or Kairi or Ansem. It is all depends as to how you see me." The woman's face kept on switching back and forth. " Why should my powers be called of the light when I am merely a puppet? You cannot even take down a puppet. Now that you are at your critical state, it is high time that I finish you right here and there." The woman started to walk closer to Riku slowly, getting ready to finish off Riku since the Ragnarok attack weakened him.

    Sora woke up from his Awakening and saw Yen Sid, still looking over out of his windows with his eyes closed. "This...this is not good..."

    "KAIRI! Looking pretty good!" Kairi slashed at Tidus with Sora's wooden sword, winning her second match. " Man! How did you learn how to fight like that?!" "Riku must've showed you how, ja?!" "Heh. I am not that good though." Kairi looked back and saw that it was about time to be sunset. "OK! We will practice again tomorrow!!" "AAAW! But why?!!" Selphie started to complain because she do not want to get up at 6:00 in the morning just to train. "Kairi!" Kairi just giggled and laughed. "To tell you the truth, I think that we should practice at a later time... like... 11:00." "Ok then. Will do! See ya later!" "Do not forget the basics Kairi!"

    Tidus and Wakka waved at Selphie and Kairi as they were about to take their boats back home while Selphie and Kairi stayed behind on the beach. "Thank you so much Kairi. If it wasn't for you..." "It was nothing." Kairi then started to feel fainted. "Her soul....why does it resides within you? Beware. Your friends will soon face a terrible nightmare." " KAIRI! BLOCK HER OUT!" Kairi started to fall unconscious and Selphie started to panic. "Kairi?! Kairi?!!"

    Meanwhile...at Disney Castle...

    The Cornerstone of Light started to shine brightly. A young girl in white was standing within the sacred relic of Disney Castle and was worried. "NO! Kairi! The King!"
  6. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will blocked another blow from the large sword as he slid below the man and hooked his leg with the keyblade. As the man fell Will dropped the keyblade in place of a more traditional weapon as he spun the man so he was face up, straddled him, and started puching him in the face. Will felt his fists connect a few times before the man kicked him into the air and a few feet away.

    The man chuckled a little at the boy's cheap shot move. "I thought you'd fight better William." He barked, jumping up and spitting blood to the side. As he wiped his mouth on his sleeve he was happy to see that his sword had no damage and his hood had not fallen. The he grinned and said. "Let's see how well you fair without your precious keyblades, eh?" He growled, sprinting towards Will.

    Will saw him coming and backed into the wall, waiting until the last second to run up the solid wall of ice and flip over the man, rolling back towards his keyblades, grabbing them before dashing forward. As he reached the man he jumped, spinning quickly in the air and slicing at the man's back repeatedly, landing on one knee with the kingdom key over his shoulder and the kingdom key d in front of him, ready to strike if needed.

    Falix felt his sword clang off the wall of clear ice and he grinned as he felt the boy's keyblades bounce him off the wall of ice repeatedly. He felt the boy fall behind him and he smiled, knowing the boy was tiring out. "What's the matter William? Is fatigue replacing your anger?" He barked, hoping to dig more fight out of the boy.
  7. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    Riku needed to step up his fighting. He grabbed a hi-potion out of his pocket an downed it quickly. He dodge rolled behind Xion and dark slashed towards her in the back, putting up a dark barrier prepared for her retaliation. "Stop using your FAKE light then! Xion, if you don't want me to use the darkness, then you have to fight the same way!" He shouted. Maybe he could win if it came down to a direct fight. She was too good at using light magic. He would need to take her by surprise if she kept fighting like this. If only sora and him were in one challenge together. Then they could use their limit "Eternal Session". Still, no use wishing right now. He had no chance to win if his mind kept wondering like this.
    Malix opened a dark corridor, and returned to the castle, placing kingdom hearts where it belonged, plus the other hearts he had collected. He took the form of Xalias and flew up to said leader's spot. Hopefully xalias would be the last one back.
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Then you have failed the test." The woman's face then changed into Riku's and started to smile. "Why do you call my powers fake? When you went and acquired powers from that rich, it was surely was fake power and you was succumbed to it. You went on and tried to resist the darkness, trying to make sure not to use it, yet you ended up using the power anyways." The woman lifted up her keyblade after staggering from Riku's attack and was charging up another attack. "You should know better. No enemy would hold back." The member then teleported and was ready to use Event Horizon, aiming to end the fight. "You will never succeed. Your memories are now mine."

    "Congratulations Sora." "Master Yen Sid. How come Riku is still sleeping." Yen Sid turned his head back and started to ponder. "Riku has started to become real stubborn. Ever since he has came back to your home, he started to become ignorant. To actually tell a person not to use their powers and that he would do the same, it will never work." Yen Sid then looked back at the window. "Since Riku cannot travel through the corridors of darkness like his fighter can, for it will surely corrupt him, he needs to learn how to use the darkness that does not taint his heart anymore in a different aspect. His darkness is strong but his stubborness will slow him down." "So... you mean..." "If Riku does not unleash and utilize his own powers to change the tide and to use the test to his advantage, then he will fail...or worse." Yen Sid then went back looking outside of the window. "What he may think is an illusion...is not an illusion. He accepts that as a fact and he will open the next step in saving the people from their demise."
  9. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    "I'll explain once we get back to base Daxma and NitonXao!" Xalias then turned back to the girl, "One last chance to answer!!!" Xalias mocked in a high pitched shrily voice, "Whatever, see yah later kido's..." Xalias chuckled, turned and walked through a dark portal. He was at the Organiztion's new base in the underworld. He opened a large gate and walked across a large court yard. He ripped off his black cloak as he walked through the door, revealing street clothes underneath the uniform.
    "Come on!" Zol yelled as Xalias had walked through the corridor, "We could have beat him!" He said turning towards the girl, "Anyways now that he's gone... I never got to introduce myself to you guys, my name is Zol. I only fight, for what's right. And that is all i really know about myself. Anyways enough about me, who are you?" Zol said holding out his hand to shake hers.
  10. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    "Ah, so you're the one Xalias has been following?" NitonXao cut in. "Since you introduced yourself, I may as well. As you heard, my name is NitonXao. And this is my brother Daxma," NitonXao finished. Daxma then bowed.

    "Pleasure to meet your hatred," He joked. "Now then, me and NitonXao have been itching for a fight. And we burned your precious garden to draw you out, but then that was ruined. Now then, I think I'll fight..." He then pointed at the girl. "You!" He then brought out his two double-sided Flails and launched himself at her.

    "So with that being the case," NitonXao said, looking at Daxma and the girl. "You're going to be my little punching bag!" He shouted, pointing at Zol. He then brought his Oblivion and Void Gear Keyblades. "Let's see why Xalias is so interested in you!"NitonXao ran toward Zol, ready to strike.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2011
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nikki moved quickly putting up the two keyblades blocking the attack and pulling back her star seeker and striking at the organization member who attacked her.

    The attack was meant to be used to push him away, but with the attack making rarer with the enemy made it a real bonus.

    Nikki held er ground and looked at him.

    "Picking on little girl, hmm? I thought for sure one would have more dignity." Nikki stated. 'If he replies to this like I think, that means he is a nobody.' Nikki thought to herself. She looked over at Zol and his opponent.

    'Xalias, so that's the name of the king's kidnapper.' Nikki thought to herself.
  12. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    "Me? Have dignity? Unfortunately for you, I'm not like my brother. He doesn't fight girls, which had me to be left with you," He said. He brushed off her attack. "Now, without further adou," He then readied his Flails again. "Let' get back down to business!" He started an attack. "Wind Raid!" He started spinning his flails repeatedly. After 10 seconds, wind swirrled around his Flails as he was spinning them. he then threw them at the girl. "Now if you don't mind, I'd like you to tell me YOUR name before I kill you! I was ever so kind to tell you mine. I suggest you do them same! If you don't, it would break my very heart," Daxma said. He laughed at his own joke as the Flails were locked onto the girl.
  13. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    weird double post timing. please delete this
  14. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    "Thats it! Even if you are an illusion, it doesn't matter. You need to die either way. And I seriously doubt that you are. So lets stop pretending, shall we? Anything that can keep me from my goals is real enough!" Riku said as he rushed forwards with a dark sonic attack. He needed to truly USE the darkness. You can't be corrupted by it if you don't let it take over, he needed to stop holding back! He unleashed all the darkness he possibly could as he rushed forwards in his sonic. He also sent dark lightning forward as he rushed and held out his key in a dark slash. To ass to the dark mayhem, he fired a dark canon and dark aura. This had to END the fight. She would no more stop using her light then I would end the darkness, and she started first.
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    YouTube - Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days - Xion's Theme [Extended]

    The woman realized what Riku was doing and turned her attack into the final limit. She only took the hit from the dark sonic but she was able to use the final limit to stop the rest. The woman then smiled and started to teleport behind Riku. "You barely passed." The woman stopped changing the face, showing that the woman is actually Xion. "I'm sorry. I was your test." Xion then put away the Kingdom Key and looked away from him in the Awakening. "The only reason as to why I was your test is to have you stop being so stubborn and to have you to utilize your strength." Xion then looked up to Riku and had her hands to his face as she was fading. "But still...do not think for a second that you will keep on trying to control it. You should even realize it yourself that the witch thought that she had control over the darkness, not realizing that the darkness was eating away at her and was manipulating her. Do not even think for a second to be stubborn enough to go so far with the power that it ends up using you..."

    "Where...where am I? Kairi started to wake up, only to find herself in her own Awakening. There, an image of a woman with a keyblade and other two keybladers as a part of the floor. "Kairi. Listen to me. Whatever you do, you must hurry." Kairi was wondering what was going on as she walked forward. As she took another step, three pedals rose from the ground. "Are you strong enough to be her inheritor?" Kairi shook her head and did not know what to do. Each pedal holds three stars. One was orange with gold, one was emerald with silver and the last one was sapphire with silver. Kairi did not know what to do but she started to look and felt a bond with the sapphire and silver. "How come it feels as though I seen this before?" Kairi grabbed the star and the star reacted to Kairi, transforming and turned into Brightcrest. She was shocked at this and light started to glow from it and turned everything into pure white, transporting her to the next station of her Awakening.

    As Kairi opened her eyes, she found herself in another Station of Awakening but saw a castle surrounded by clouds of darkness. She cannot even reach it but as she looked back, she saw that there were strange, small blue crystals coming from all over. They started to go past her and started to form, creating a pure, blue enemy, twitching with its eyes in anger. "Who are they? They are not heartless or nobodies..." Kairi ended up having a flashback and she ended up hesitating...
  16. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    As riku woke up, he summoned his keyblade in reality. "Well that was odd. I won by... basically giving in to the darkness? Well, she did say in the end not to go so far with it as malificent, but still. So who did you fight sora? Not ME I hope." He joked as he re-summoned way to dawn. "So now my keyblade can become a glider?" He asked as he experimentally tried to summon it as one. He was successful, and floating just outside the window was a keyblade glider. [​IMG] (riku's glider. Remade from an existing one.) "Well that's cool." He remarked. "So sora, now are we ready to go?" He asked, impatient to leave this old geyser's (yes, as in the jet of water, not geizer.) castle.
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nikki quickly jumped up dodging one of his flails before knocking down the other with her keyblade. She looked up at him.

    "Just so were clear, I wont be dying any time soon." Nikki stated glaring at him.

    "And I guess it's only fair to tell my name to the person I defeat." Nikki said to him before running forward with both her keyblades and slashing towards him.

    "My name is Nikki and I am the king's apprentice." She said to him.
  18. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    "Nikki huh?" Daxma said. His Flails returned to his hands as Nikki attacked him. "And do you really think you can kill me?" Daxma began to laugh. "I find it funny. Only because," He then used the chains from his Flails to wrap around her Keyblades, stopping the attack. He then ripped the Keyblades out of her hands and kicked her to the wall. "Because it shouldn't be so damn easy to take your Keyblades from you!" Daxma then threw his Flails while wrapped around the Keyblades and put a wind barrier around them. "Let's see how you fair in hand-to-hand combat. Little girl." Daxma laughed again.
  19. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    "Nikki huh?" Daxma said. His Flails returned to his hands as Nikki attacked him. "And do you really think you can kill me?" Daxma began to laugh. "I find it funny. Only because," He then used the chains from his Flails to wrap around her Keyblades, stopping the attack. He then ripped the Keyblades out of her hands and kicked her to the wall. "Because it shouldn't be so damn easy to take your Keyblades from you!" Daxma then threw his Flails while wrapped around the Keyblades and put a wind barrier around them. "Let's see how you fair in hand-to-hand combat. Little girl." Daxma laughed again.
  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Just you wait." Yen Sid started to smile as the room turned back to normal and he turned aroudn to sit back into his desk. " First off, you did not give in to the darkness. What you did is that you got rid of your stubborness...a little and you have showed that even though you do not have most of the powers that you used to have, you have shown great potential that you can still use and control it. Still, it is best that you do not use it too much. You have been forewarn." Yen Sid closed his eyes and started to feel more resent. "We must hurry. There is no time to lose." "Uh...is something wrong?" Yen Sid raised his right hand and made his book to flip through the pages, showing an armor.

    " Yes. You have the ability to travel through worlds now with the keyblade. That does not mean that you are free of any risks. The pathways, the lanes that you will now use, will be used to travel through the worlds. To tell you the truth, gummi ships are a slower, but more reliable way to reach to different worlds while the corridors of darkness are the most quickest but dangerous ways to use them. The keyblade glider is a mixture of all of them combined. The Lanes Between, as you two traveled on them for a while, have strong powerful darkness within them. The gummi ship are able to protect you but since there are no shields on the keyblade, you will easily succumb its powers. And as for you Riku, don't you even dare try to embrace it." Sora face-palmed himself and was confuse. "So what do we do?" Yen Sid had a creepy grin. "Not to fret. If the two of you are able to use your very own keyblade armor, then you will be able to fight off the darkness, even in battle." Yen Sid then raised both of his hands and started to send Sora and Riku to another place. "I will send both of you to a world only known to me and... a few others. The two of you will fight a boss there but do it quickly. I have set the arena to spew out strong darkness to show you as to why the darkness is dangerous."

    Sora and Riku ended up at the Mirage Arena, seeing that the whole area was filled up a dark fog. "Oh man! Why is it so hard to breathe?!" A Powered Armor heartless started to shake the ground was ready to begin the battle. Yen Sid stood up from his chair in his castle and looked out of his window. "Disney Castle...I have so much fear for you your majesty."

    Kairi started to protect herself from the weird enemies, using everything that she has learned from training. Kairi ended up screaming and started to develop a fear for them, not knowing why she was having any memories of the enemies at all. She was able to defeat most of them but a few went into the ground and then jumped up. Kairi started to have a fear for them and she raised up her keyblade in front of herself. The foes wanted to attack, but started to hesitate at her and jumped back. Kairi then opened her eyes and slashed at them. "Why?" "The witch's soul must return. It is better for you not to have yourself involve with this. Why the curiousity of a mortal need to be extended even more?" Kairi then saw another road opening up and she did not know what else to do.

    Kairi kept on walking on the glass road, preparing herself for anything else that would come her way.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2011

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