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Kingdom Hearts 3: Fate Decides

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Remedy, Mar 28, 2011.

  1. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    Riku, noticing how simaler this heartless was to guard armor, knew what needed to be done. This kind of heartless could be very dangerous if you didn't take out it's parts first. So since sora doubtless knew this, riku began slashing at the feet, which he felt where the most dangerous due to the sheer force behind them. He let loose a dark slash or two in the mix, but didn't overuse it as there was so much darkness here already. "Sora, after we take out the legs and arms, we should end it quickly with eternal session. Don't overuse your magic!" He shouted. If they didn't heed yen sid's words, who knows what could befall them. He unleashed a dark cannon, but decided to avoid using the darkness here.
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Hmm, hand-to-hand, sorry to say..." Nikki stated as she kicked him back and extended her hand and her keyblade appeared in her hand. In one quick swift motion, a mOtion practically unpredictable, she brought the keyblade down on him.

    "It's not my style." Nikki stated going and blowing a final blow at Daxma.

    'That'll do it, if not I can always awaken the power the king had me working so hard to control.' Nikki thought to herself waiting to see if there was even the slightest chance of him getting up.

    OOC: Guys, this RP needs to come to a halt. Zol'd currently not around, this is his RP and we don't want to go too far ahead of him. So officially no more than I'd say 2 or 3 posts a day. And if you don't need to post Summoner sort of Hannon, then don't post.

    Dog, if I must to sort of keep 'Zol' (Zol's character Zol) around I may control him to sort of get him ahead in combat.
  3. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Daxma was down on the floor. He was damaged more than he thought.. "Stronger than I expected aren't you?" Daxma said. He was pissed. He raised his hands as he got back up. His Flails returned to his hands. He launched at Nikki with his Flails. The chains wrapped around her, and the top and bottom of the Flails(the spike-ball parts) hit her in four different places, including her face. He watched as blood dripped.

    "You pissed me off. If I had the orders, I would kill you right here and now!" He shouted. He thought for a moment. "I've got an idea. How about, I make you my little pet? I think you'll love that don't you think?" He said as he still had Nikki trapped. He grabbed her Keyblades and threw them across the floor and grabbed her hands to they couldn't summon the Keyblades again.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2011
  4. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    "Hmmph? A fight ehh? You're messing with the wrong guy." Zol stated matter a factly. He pulled out his whips once again and allowed the to roll out all the way to the floor. His hands and eyes sparked with electricity as he looked at the opponet.
    "Let the games begin!" Zol said flipantly. He charged at NitonXao, whips lashing at the keyblades which the enemy held. The grabbed the void keyblade and wrappped themselves around the weapon tightly.
    "Looks like you're in a tight situation now arent you?" Zol said as electricty burst from his left hand at the enemy.
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The dark cannon started to fly out and hit the Powered Armor, pushing it back. It started to jump up and down and it flew high up into the air and came down at Riku with a powerful smash, shaking the ground and sending Riku flying. "RIKU!" Sora stood back up, trying real hard not to breathe in too much. He started to run but the heartless flew its Spinning Claws attack at Sora, making Sora to also fly backwards. "That...stung." Sora started to stagger and had a hard time standing back up. " POWER!!" "SORA!!" Stitch came out of nowhere and started to jump all over Sora's face, licking him and was very glad to see him once more. "HIIIIII!" Stitch then did a backflip and took out his ray guns. "Think that you can help me?" "Heheheheheh! Me help friend!"

    Stitch started to run and shoot his guns at the Armor. As the enemy wanted to do another smash attack on Sora, Stitch used his blasters to shoot it down and to prevent it. "AHUM AHUM AHUM!" Stitch started to play his guitar to stun it while Sora pointed his weapon at the foe and shot a blizzara attack. "OHANA!" Stitch and Sora started to switch back and forth with the attack, one starts to play with the music and the other started to shoot energy blasts at the Powered Armor and vice-versa. The Powered Armor then fell down and was immovable. "Riku?" Sora ran towards Riku's side while Stitch ran and slobbered on the two of them, healing them. "UGH! Thanks Stitch. You're the best!" "BYE-BYE!" Stitch dismissed himself as Sora put away the ukelele charm. "Well, I think that was quite easier. A bit too easy. I never did think that this heartless would be so weak than the last time I battled..." All of a sudden, the dark fog started to get thicker and heavier as the ground started to shake. The Powered Armor started to transform itself. The foe's hands became its feet and its feet became its hands. The eyes were revealed from under the helmet and it was ready for another battle. "Not again..." Sora almost fainted as he was still having a hard time breathing. "He never told us that it could do that!" The heratless started to jump up and down as it disassembled itself and used Tornado, spinning at a high capacity towards the two heroes.

    Kairi was still trying to keep herself under control but she still had nightmares of the enemies. "Kairi!" "Wait...Namine?" "You must hurry to the door. If you don't, then she will be in trouble and so will our friends! We must hurry or the maiden will take us away!" Kairi did not understood what was actually was going on but she still decided to press on. "I am on the other side of the door. Find it and I will be able to help you. HURRY! She is already here!" Kairi looked back and saw a small orb behind her. It started to slowing fly towards her from the first station and Kairi did not hesitate. She tried to run but she saw more of the enemies who were there to stop her.

    "I shall take her to the rested place for the souls." Kairi used the Brightcrest keyblade and started to charge forward, trying her best to press her way. She barely was able to fight them off, unable to control her emotions and the irritation. Kairi then saw a door that was summoned that was just a station away. "Your hidden thoughts have called on the memories of these non-existent plagues." Kairi was trying her best to fight them off, slowly defeating each enemy. The ball of light started to slowly transform into a strange, female figurine and it was near Kairi. It reached out its hands to grabbed her but Kairi kept on running and was able to make it to the door. She then closed the door behind her, separating herself and the woman and to have the door to disappear.

    "It is nice to see you again, Kairi." Kairi turned around to see Namine standing there, concentrating. Even though Namine is in front of Kairi, she was also projecting her powers through the Cornerstone of Light. "Namine..." "There's no time. The castle is in danger. We must hurry before it comes." "Namine. Tell me. Why am I here? Where am I? Who are those enemies that I have fought?!" "Kairi..." But when Namine opened her eyes, the two of them had felt a presence. the two looked up and saw a Trinity Armor falling from the sky. Namine was distracted and she only was able to do what she can do: Project her mind to Nikki. ""NIKKI! HANG IN THERE! Help is on the way!" Namine projected a little bit of her powers through the chains and crushed only the chains that was on Nikki's arm but accidentally used the power to crush one of Daxma's memories. Namine then looked back and took a battle stance. "Kairi!" Kairi started to tremble in fear, not knowing what to do...
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nikki heard the voice. She ignored it and looked at Daxma.

    "Your pet, what you going to pet my head or something?" Nikki asked. "I don't think so." Nikki stated angry her eyes beginning to glow. Nikki closed her eyes shut as an unbearable light... no... darkness... no, a powerful force of a power special to her only, the power of dawn.

    The force was strong not only able to harm and badly hurt Daxma, but also anybody else nearby, including NitonXao, Zol, Will, and Will's opponent.

    Nikki stood there after the attacked and swayed slightly taking a few steps backwards before falling back against the wall, her power weakening her greatly.
  7. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    "Sora! Just calm down. All we need to do is stop it from hitting us until it puts it's self back together, then use Eternal Session. I hope you have a few potions, your gonna need to conserve your energy for the limit, so no using Curaga or anything like that." He said as he dodge rolled and glided around behind the heartless, firing a dark cannon into the mix. Then he remembered the summon. He tossed Sora an Ether. "Use this. Don't use your magic till we've done the attack!" He said as he rolled backwards, not really feeling the effects of the darkness as much as sora did. 'Probably because I'm used to it' riku thought as he fired a bolt of dark lightning.
  8. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    "Haha!" Big mistake!" NitonXao shouted. He blocked the electricity with his own fire from his other hand. He then created Blackfire around the Keyblade that was wrapped with Zol's whips. "If I were you I'd get those whips out of the way before they get burned!" NitonXao then thought about Zol's electricity. "Now then, you can use electricity as your element huh? That reminds me of my cousin. So I know how to counteract it." NitonXao just smiled as the Blackfire spread across Zol's whip.


    "What the...what was that? I feel like I forgot something...wait! Damn that Namine! She's trying to mess with my memories! The only person who is able to mess with Memories is that woman. But how? I heard she was fused back into that Kairi girl? Unless...!!!!" Daxma realized what was happening. "Damn! Her power's being released, and It's because of that damn Namine'! "NitonXao! Falix! We need to get out of here! Remember a long time ago when I told you that Kairi girl will soon be able to use the Keybalde? Well I'm getting feelings that she's getting her Keyblade power in her Station of Awakening! And Namine is with her! She tried to mess with my memories!" Daxma shouted. He knows that if another Keyblade wielder appeared, there would be trouble.

    "What!?" NitonXao shouted. "I thought you said that wouldn't happen for another year!?"

    "I guess I was wrong. We need to get out of here now!"

    "Dammit!" NitonXao then kicked Zol into the air and launched more Blackfire at him. "Luckily for you Zol, we won't be sticking around anymore!"

    OOC: Who was in control of Will and Falix? The characters' fight hasn't been really started yet.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2011
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    YouTube - Kingdom Hearts RE: Chain of Memories Music Extended - Struggle Away

    "Riku..." Sora hold onto the ether just in case that he needed to use it. The Alternate Armor started to spin out of control because of Riku's attacks hitting it and making it hit into a wall. While it is regaining its strength, its hands and arms started to trample on the ground. Its legs started use Kick Shower, doing jumping multi-kicks at Riku while its arms started to use Two-Stage Claw, trying to hit Sora and then to thrust forward. Sora used Reflectera to not only to deflect the attack, but to also spray light back against the arms, sending the damage right back at it and to have it to stagger. "FORCE!" Sora used Magnera in order to have the arms and the legs to be lured together. Sora started to run at a steady pace and jumped, using his Trinity Limit: Break. "HYAA! AND TAKE THIS!" He rapidly used the attack as Magnera was still in effect. As he was done with the attack, both parts fell to the ground and it was trying to get right back up.

    "That attack, it felt as though it drained me." Sora looked up as he saw the Alternate Armor's torso regaining its stability. It flipped around and started to charge up an electrical orb. As it was charging up, it was thinking up of a target and decided to choose Riku. It controlled its accuracy, focused its power at him and released the attack. It started to get stronger as it was absorbing the dark fog, ready to hit Riku. "RIKU!" Sora used an ether to regain some of its magic...

    Kairi jumped to the side as the Trinity Armor started to charge towards her. Kairi pointed the keyblade at it and used pearl, a spell that she learned from Mickey before he left the islands. Namine also used pearl and the spell started to juggle and stunning the enemy from both sides. "Kairi. You must control your emotion and face the fear." "But... I just don't want to." The Trinity Armor started to charge up and shot a fireball into the air. It exploded and many, smaller fireballs started to scatter and hit the area. "AAAAAAAH!" Namine also was startled by this but she shot magic from her hands, dispersing as many fireballs as she can. "Halt!" She used M-Blizzard at the enemy, using blasts of ice from memory to try to knock it off of the field. Instead, it held on and was able to withstand the attack. The components then started to spin around the area, trying to hit the two of them. "Get out of the way!" Kairi still had a fear of the enemy, remembering as to how she met them. Kairi couldn't help but dropped to the ground in order to avoid getting hit.

    "Time!" Namine used M-Slow and started to cast the spell on all of the components. As she was done, she was smacked by one of the arms. "NAMINE!" "I'm alright." Kairi looked up and saw that the components came back together again. The armor started to charge forward, ready to use a Swing Punch. "No...I won't allow it!" Kairi took up the Brightcrest and pointed it at the Trinity Armor. "THIS TIME, I WILL FIGHT! I will not stay afraid!" Kairi readied her keyblade and struck back, not knowing that she unleashed Magic Deflector and sent the attack back at it and damaging the armor.
  10. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    "Heh, you think that's enough to beat me?" Riku said as more of a statement than a question, and dark soniced out of the way quickly. "Let's finish this now!" riku said as he started eternal session with sora. He struck the body and other body parts repeatedly with the first striking phase. Sora's turn to strike now. If they didn't function together, they wouldn't win. Riku had unleashed a little more darkness than strictly nessecary with his strikes, but sora's would doubtless be equally charged with light. The prime feature of the attack that increased its power so much was that neither light nor darkness would ever win out over the other. He struck once more, waiting for sora to move on to his part of the limit. Sora then struck with his blade charged with light striking out at the same body parts riku had to help eliminate it. They did this 6 more times, riku occasionally throwing in a dark cannon, then there blades extended as if using limit break, and they struck out dealing good damage. Now sora and riku were spinning around with XIII blades around them, using their limit breaks occasionally. "Time to end this!' Riku screamed as the wind began to blow harshly, and their keyblades barely touched eachother, darkness from way to dawn, light from kingdom key.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2011
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The Alternate Armor started to shake as it fell from the attack. It then rose up to try to charge up to unleash its strongest attack but it wasn't able to, falling down and disappearing back into the darkness. Sora started to fall ill to the darkness and almost fainted. "How amusing." The area started to warp to and fro until they were back into Yen Sid's room. Yen Sid was also accompanied by the three fairies. "SPELNDID! Just wonderful! Don't you think so Merryweather?" "OOOOH! I wish that I can see you fight." Yen Sid looked sternly at Riku. "Well. Both of you have passed. Still, you should've known that you should not push your partner like that beyond their limits. it will bring a quiet death." "Well Flora. What are we waiting for?!"

    Yen Sid raised up both of his hands, striking Sora and Riku with a blast of blue magic to heal them. "It is time." Flora, Fauna and Merryweather started to spin around as they started to chant. "The power of the legends of old flows within your heart." "The shield to withstand danger for your friends flows within your heart." "The power to save everyone from their sorrows flows within your heart." The three pointed their wands up towards the ceiling and the magic came down on them, automatically changing Sora and Riku into their armor. "Is this...is this is the armor?! COOL!"

    Sora's armor was decorated in bright silver while Riku accidently ended up yellow. "oh no! That color just don't fit you dear. Let us try red." "NO NO! Blue!" "RED!" "RED! You making this boy look like a ninny! I SAY BLUE! It brings out the gothic in him." "RED! Blue only make him look more feminine. Red shows courage, I say!" Fauna was a little bit tired at them arguing as they were throwing spells at Riku's armor. She interfered and combined her magic with theirs to make Riku's armor purple. "OOH! OOH! Now that is nice." Yen Sid had his hands behind his back as the boys keyblades turned into the keyblade gliders. "Well then. That is all that I have to teach the two of you. I am well-assured that none of you will falter."

    "I can do this!" The enemy started to bounce around the area, trying to smash Namine and Kairi but Namine interfered as she cast M-Firaga to catch the enemy in mid-air. Kairi leaped into the air and started to attack in mid-air to send it towards the ground. "A fleeting memory." Namine tapped into her powers in order to call on one of Sora's memory to create his keyblade and to send it down, paralyzing the Trinity Armor. "I will not be forgotten." Namine and Kairi started to spin around the foe, shooting pearla, then using a duo Shockwave Thrust at a blinding speed to propel them. "THIRTEEN BLESSINGS!" They clapped their hands as the enemy was surrounded and was juggled around by many variations of the keyblades. Kairi and Namine then came together as they joined hands. "Lovely Memorial." The two tightened their grips on each other and the Trinity Armor started to break apart and was engulfed in flames. The Awakening started to disappear in light and the castle that was surrounded by darkness started to disappear.

    "Oh perfect light...LET US SUMMON IT!" Namine was able to link in with Kairi so that she can focus her powers within the Cornerstone of Light, sending out a burst of light that went out across the castle, wrapping Nikki in light, retain its former security strength against the darkness and to fight off against the nobodies.
    Last edited: May 9, 2011
  12. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    A blinding light met Zol's eyes.
    "Wha-What is it?!" Zol said as he fell to his knees, "I-I-It burns!" Zol fell face down onto the ground. He saw a vision of a girl in a white dress. She had blonde hair down to her shoulders. The girl was fighting a large heartless. Wait! There was another girl with reddish hair past her shoulders, she wore a pale pink dress. The girls fought gracefully together as if the fight was staged. Zol stood up spectated the fight.

    "What is taking those guys so stinkin' long?!?!" Xalias said. He summoned a portal back to the castle so he culd get his three fighters.
  13. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    Riku looked down, and took the time to admire every detail of his armor. it was dark purple, and both thin enough to allow flexibility and thick enough to offer protection. it had thin ridges pertruding out at all major joints, and a large heartless symbol without the X representing the lack of heart on it, simaler to that of the clothing he had worn when posessed by ansem. The right hand had spiked knuckles and the feet seemed to basically BE spikes. The left hand seemed to have extra armor over it that could be used as a shield, but it was thin enough both to allow movement and to be almost completely decorative. "Excuse me, do you have a mirror?" he asked Yen Sid. As the wizard took one from his pocket, Riku observed the helmet. It was shiny dark purple, and had little detail as if it were a sculpting dummy. He saw no glass plate or holes to allow vision, but his vision remained. The only difference in his vision between now and before was that he saw a hint of darkness on the edges of his vision.
  14. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    As Zol began to get up to walk over to the two girls in his vision, the glass floor shattered. He saw the two girls still fighting where the glass once was as he plumeted into the darkness. He fell for what seemed like hours, but in reality was only a couple minutes. His face met with grass as he smashed into the ground, as he slowly regained his footing he looked around at his surroundings. He was at a large metal gate which locked up a mansion. He turned to see an entryway heading into a wooded area.
    "So you came to play my game?" a voice said behind him. The man was wearing a cloak the ones who had raided were wearing.
    "Remove your hood! NOW!!!" Zol said to the man, it was the same man he had seen in the alleys that night in the World That Never Was.

    OOC: For the record Zol passed out from Nikki's attack none of this is really happening it is a vision!
  15. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    "Jesus. That blast from the bastard girl dealt same damage to us. NitonXao, she knocked out the guy your fighting, so there's so point in staying here. Let's get going!" Daxma shouted

    "Ugh...fine. Now this sucks. But Xalias is waiting for us. We've done our job anyway. He'll get pissed so I don't wanna deal with him," NitonXao replied.

    "Nikki! While you are still on the ground, listen to these words. The next time we meet, I won't allow you to damage me as much as you have today. One day, when we meet again, I'll be stronger, and then I'll kill you."

    "...What? Daxma the ain't a movie! Just shut up and let's go!"

    "Ruining my speech? Lame." After Daxma said that, they both left to Xalias' location.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2011
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Very well then. Remember. Be discreet, be cautious, and always stay on your toes. Remember. Only you, Sora, can save them." "Uh...I do not know who to save but I will try. I know that there are people who need my help and help I shall." Sora's Kingdom Key then activated and and changed into a glider. Sora jumped onto the glider and looked back at Riku. "Come on Riku. And Master Yen Sid. Thank you. I am honored." "Keyblade wielders. May the two of you show us a light taht we have never seen before." Yen Sid then turned his back away from Riku and had his eyes closed. "They are ready. They completed part of the test. Still, your majesty. How much I am shaken by the disappearance. The boys will tremble by the thought of what I have felt at your castle."

    Kairi started to wake up as she found herself laying onthe ground. There, she saw herself in the realm of light, in a white room full of pictures, a cabinet, and a few paupu fruits. "Kairi..." Kairi looked around to see that a small glow had sparked above a chair, revealing Namine in a severe, weakened state. "Namine!" Kairi walked up towards Namine to try to make sure that she will not fade away. "I am sorry. I only wanted the three of you...to be forewarned...and for you to stay safe from harm." "What happened?! What is going on? How come I always have these dreams? These visions, you always warning me about someone?"

    Namine looked back the other way with a sad face. " It is...to keep you away from the valkyrie and to keep our souls from being taken." "Valkyrie?bCaptured soul?" Namine then closed her eyes. "When me and Roxas did not return back to the darkness and instead made you and Sora whole in the realm of light, a valkyrie was awakened. I were to originally to go into darkness in an alternate dimension in her sight, but we broken that rule. Now, she seeks to send you back to sleep just so she can awaken me again and to take me with her." "We did not break any rules. Why should we suffer.?" "I am not sure. To tell you the truth, I do not know if this is the same valkyrie." "What do you mean?"

    "You do know that there are realms, the light, the between, and darkness. To tell you the truth, there are guardians, guiders who leads the soul to the respective realms that they are over. I had sense this but I was unable to have any direct interference unless you were around me. That is to also to get rid of the fragmented memories." "Fragmented memories?" "Yes. Fragmented memories. These memories, are memories that you have forgotten. I don't know but, this valkyrie had found a way to use your hidden memories to create fragments of an extinct race, the Unverse, to instill fear and to take away your courage. Yes, they do not exist but they were able to play with your emotions. I wanted to use my powers to get rid of them but that would also mean that you would have to go through a trail and to face them."

    Kairi then remembered as to when she was attacked by the Unverse and when she was holding onto a keyblade of a woman. "Namine," "Please accept my apology. Even though I would fade from being so close to you, I had to connect with you to save the king's homeland." "The king? The king? wait. Are you saying that the king is in danger?" "Yes. So will Sora and Riku. I...we do not have much time. So will Sora and Roxas and Riku." The Brightcrest that Kairi had started to shine as it brought back another memory of her giving away some flowers to a woman. The blue wayfinder that Kairi chose started to shine and the area started to slowly fade. "But...Namine!" "I'm sorry. I need some rest. Kairi... Kairi...Kairi! KAIRI!"

    Kairi then woke up and saw that Selphie was fanning over her...
  17. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    As riku touched the glider in it's previous form, it altered to his touch from it's unactivated form. It now had an appearance of a dark purple motorcycle with a relatively large seating area with room for one passenger. It had wings also, which though remaining still like that of an airplane resembled demon wings. The front of the winged craft held a heartless symbol minus the X and with purple instead of the red on a large curved metal plate. Spikes portruded from both the parts that stuck out the least and those that stuck out the most. It had no wheels, ruining the appearance as a motorbike, and in their place were balls of dark energy. At the front of the glider it curved into a spear like rod with a very sharp tip and a key prong like axe blade pointing upwards. Behind it trailed 1.5 feet of tattered gray rags with what once was a picture of an angel wing shown on it, though it was too faded to easily recognize. As he sat down in the driver's seat it glowed a brighter purple for a single second, as did his armor. (This next part I can edit out if you want, but since BWM never described the Kingdom Key glider I thought I would.) As Riku looked over to his partner's glider, He noticed it bore a strong resemblance to kingdom key. It had a large golden seating area much like riku's purple one, but it held a windshield unlike riku's. The front of sora's was wider, almost like a real airplane (though a small one) and also golden. The back featured a silver octagon with keyprongs that were a larger version of the ones on kingdom key portruding from each side, facing slightly outward. in the center of the octagon was a silver orb of light with golden lightning crackling from each prong towards it. The underside of the glider held a series of small silver spikes. The tip of the glider was much like riku's, but the keyblade prong was that of kingdom key. The front held the insignia of a silver crown. As sora entered it the whole thing pulsed silver for a second, and sora's armor pulsed gold over the same time span.
  18. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    (It is not necessary to have that in there since I can do it by myself but I don't care. Details on the glider had no importance to me.)

    Sora and Riku started to leave from Yen Sid's world and went straight for Disney Castle. "Whoa. This darkness is strong. Luckily that we have this armor. As the two headed out, Sora remembered about a Gummi Station that is hidden underneath. Sora through the pipe and traveled on ahead until he reached the stop station. Sora jumped off of the glider and reverted back to his normal clothing along with his Kingdom Key. "Looks like Chip and Dale made a tune-up on the place Riku. Heh?" "What are we going to do? He is gone! GONE!" "Snap out of it! We have the queen. At least she is still safe. Eh?" Two squirrels jumped on top of their machine with two hands to see who had made a visit. "SORA!"

    Chip and Dale started to scamper towards Sora in dismay, wanting to tell him the whole story. "Hey! Long time no see guys." "Nice to meet ya tew but we do not have enough time to talk." The king...he's...he's.... the two keytackers, they..." "IT HAS BEEN A CAPTURAMA HERE! Blown up here and meteors balls of fire here..." "Huh? Wait. You were saying that the castle has been attacked? What about the Cornerstone?" "WE'LL EXPLAIN LATER! RIGHT NOW, WE MUST TAKE YOU TO QUEEN MINNIE!"

    Queen Minnie started to run through the hallway with Daisy, checking to see as to how the Cornerstone was able to regain its powers back. "MINNIE! Wait!" "There is no time! I have to figure out as to why the nobodies have come here and attacked us.Ah!" Queen Minnie saw Nikki greatly injured "Why do they have the king's weapons Minnie?" The queen did not bother to hesitate and went by Nikki's side. Pluto started to run right out of the Library in fear as he was whimpering for the king. The queen started to focus her magic and used cure on Nikki so that she would be able to stand up. "Daisy. Take them inside the library." Queen Minnie went and cast a seal on the door of the audience chamber so that no one will try to infiltrate the Cornerstone of Light. She then went back to see that Daisy and Pluto had took Nikki inside the library. The queen then looked at Nikki with a sad smile. "Are you alright?"
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2011
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Ooc: you realize chip and Dale are actually chipmunks, right? And what about Zol? Do we even k ow if Will is still in this?


    'Darkness... Light... In complete balance... That's what the worlds are made of...'

    "It's the X. A young and beautiful being, locked away so long ago in side that wretched boys heart. I know now that, that smaller heart who resided in him and many others is truly the birth of the keyblade wars, what will truly give me the ultimate weapon.

    Just you wait X, when I awaken, I will have you for my own."

    Nikki slowly opened her eyes and sat up head pounding. She looked around her surroundings of the library before looking at the concern Queen.

    "Your majesty...?" Nikki looked at her when it suddenly came to her. She quickly jumped up in realization.

    "The king!!!" she exclaimed she looked at Minnie. "Your majesty I'm so sorry, the king he was kidnapped by a man in a cloak and-" She stopped and looked around. "Where's that other boy, Zol?" She asked confused
  20. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    >OOC: Still here lol, just been busy<
    A loud clang echoed throughout the throne room, keyblade and buster sword clanging together with two fatigued fighters pushing the blades with all their might. Falix grinned widely, sweat beading down his face as he panted. "Very nice Will, you are fighting with your emotions! Let your anger drive your blade harder than training ever could!" He barked, pushing harder with the blade.

    Will grinned as the man pushed, making him have to lift the other keyblade and push back with more leverage. "So you want me to fight harder? If you bring Mickey back then I will fight as hard as possible!" He panted, feeling the muscles in his arm protesting as he took two steps forward to push the man back a few inches. "Let Mickey go!" He shouted, almost falling to his knees from strain.

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