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Kingdom Hearts 3: Fate Decides

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Remedy, Mar 28, 2011.

  1. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    Riku stepped out of his glider quickly, not bothering to take off his armor. He heard the two chipmunks talking, but was not really listening. He only started paying some attention when he heard the king's name. Instinctively, he summoned way to dawn when he heard the king was in danger, even if he may not need to fight any time soon. "The king's in danger?!?!? Let's hurry so we can get where he is before he's killed! I owe a lot to him, I'm not letting him go down without at least trying!" Riku shouted. It was all true as well. He couldn't let the king die, even if the others somehow didn't agree. He cast his key onto the ground and tapped into it's power. It slowly morphed back into it's glider form (The Riku transformed one, not the original.)
  2. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Falix grinned at Will and lifted his foot, kicking Will to the ground before stomping on his gut. "Sorry but it seems your reinforcements are here so its time for me to leave. We shall fight again William, it was so much fun!" A portal surrounded Falix, taking him from the hall as guards started coming into the room. The wall of ice around Will crackled loudly before collapsing around him. As he slowly sat up he realized Mickey was gone, and everything around him was war torn, including the people. "No... I failed him..." He panted, slowly standing and clutching his rib.
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "What other boy? Someone your age? I am not quite certain. Maybe you meant Will. Speaking of Will, where is he?" Queen Minnie started to become desperate. "but if the King has been captured, then we must alert and strengthen our security right away! I don't know why the Cornerstone of Light did not stop and kept the nobodies away but this is critical for us to have Sora. DONALD! GOOFY! Where are you?!" daisy then started to spin around in shock. "I haven' seen Donald all day! Especially Goofy!" Queen Minnie ran up to the book stands and started to look through the titles. "Nikki, this is crucial. Tell me. Why did they captured Mickey?"

    Sora followed Chip and Dale with Riku behind him as they ran all the way up the stairs to find themselves in the garden. "Weird that this castle still looks as though it is in one piece." Sora kept on following the two chipmunks to end up in the hall. Sora then saw a seal on the Audience Chamber door. "What...why has it been sealed again? is the queen..." Sora ran towards the library and opened it, seeing Queen Minnie by the books, daisy by the fireplace and Nikki. Pluto turned around and jumped on top of Sora, filled with joy that he was able to meet with him once more. "AAgh! Pluto! Nice to meet you too...And hey your majesty."
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: just to point out Nikki doesn't know Sora, Kairi, and Riku in person


    Nikki shook her head unknown as to why. She turned and look towards the door summoning her keyblade still on alert of what happened and relaxed seeing it was a boy her age and to see Chip and Dale was with him.

    "Your majesty...?" Nikki looked at the Queen for permission to explain what happened. Nikki looked at the boy. She turned and faced the boy.

    "Who are you?" Nikki asked the boy.
  5. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    NitonXao and Daxma arrived at where Xyliar was. They began to explain the situation.

    "Ok so here's the situation Xyliar. Nikki released some random attack Daxma and I couldn't even see. I had Nikki on the ropes, but the attack came out of no where," Daxma explained.

    "As well as that, the Zol character is weak. I broke no sweat and I backed him into a corner in about ten minutes. Unfortunately because of Nikki, I couldn't finish him off. As for Falix, he recently left after his fight with Will. I have no clue where he or Malix are at," NitonXao added.

    "All we know for now is that where we fought has been seeled up by the Queen and the Keyblade Wielders Sora and Riku are there right now."
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "SORA!" Minnie started to run towards Sora with enlightenment, but then looked back at Riku behind him. "And who is this young man?" "Huh? Oh. This is one of my friends, Riku." Daisy started to have her face real close to Riku as she was observing him "Riku. Hm...do you know that...nah. Just because the two of you have the same name does not mean that you are related to that pixie. Now that would be hilarious." Daisy started to turn away from him and went right by the fireplace while Minnie went back and picked up Nikki by the hands. "Nikki, this is Sora and Riku. They are good friends of the King, Donald, and Goofy." 'Hey. Speaking of which, where is Donald and Goofy." "Beh Buh buh be bedededidee... uh...Chip..." "Ok Dale. We cannot seem to find them. We kept on calling them but Donald and Goofy are nowhere to be found." "Huh? Don't tell me that they have been captured along with the King too." Queen Minnie looked back at the books and had her eyes closed. "So... you have heard? The king... the king has been captured." Queen Minnie started to walk right back up to the bookshelves and pulled a book down. "Nikki, please give us an update on what has happened in the castle while me and Daisy and the rest of the citizens were attacked by the nobodies in the town."

    Kairi started to look up at the sky as she was walking back with Selphie in town. "Don't scare me like that. That is the third time you have done that lately. Eh? Kairi? KAIRI! Are you even paying attention to me?" "Huh? Oh. Sorry." "Oh brother." Kairi and Selphie was in front of a mansion as Selphie started to twirl. "Well, give the mayor my thanks. Remember what time that we have to practice for tomorrow now." "Ok. Thank you Selphie." "SEE YOU SOON!" Selphie took out her jump rope and started to jump back home while Kairi turned back around. Kairi then felt something emanating from the volcano up north and can't help but wonder. Kairi went inside the mansion and saw that the mayor was just about to go to the dining room. "Hello Daddy." "Kairi. You are almost late. It is time to eat. Go on ahead and wash up."
    Last edited: May 9, 2011
  7. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Xalias looked down at Daxma and NitonXao.
    "Don't underestimate Zol's power, you will truly regret it." He told them. He looked up at the ceiling, "As for the castle being sealed, I don't really know what to say. We won't be making any attacks soon then... for now we have to wait for them to leave the castle. Daxma and NitonXao, I need the two of you to split up. Daxma I want you to go to Wonderland, stay there and see if anyone ends up coming. NitonXao, go to Hades and offer your services to him. As for me I will be in The Land of The Dragons, fighting against Mulan and the Emperor. Go now." Xalias stated and turned into a black portal.
  8. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    "Got it!" Daxma and NitonXao shouted just before Xalias left. The both stood up and looked at each other.

    "How lame! Xalias knows we're better off fighting together!" Daxma explained to NitonXao.

    "Yeah well orders are orders. I don't wanna get killed just for not following them," NitonXao explained back. "Let's get going. And besides, I get to meet the God of the Underworld. So why not?"

    "Shattap NitonXao. Don't be all high and mighty 'cause you get to meet a God and I get to frolic in flowers!"

    "Haha...flowers." NitonXao and Daxma both left to the worlds they were assigned to.
  9. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Falix pushed passed the other organization members and went into a portal, sword drawn and out. He hit dirt and swung to his left, knocking a heartless to the side like it was a pebble. As he looked up at the decaying tower above him he grinned. "Hollow Bastion... it has been too long." He breathed, turning to see the large crowd of heartless looking at the man who disturbed their resting place.

    Will stumbled towards the door, ribs aching and blood pooling in his mouth. He spit to the side as his keyblade dragged along the carpet. As he reached the main door to the throne room he lifted his hand and tried to push it open and it didn't want to budge. But for some reason, the door was warm. "Must be Minnie's magic." He groaned, starting to pound on the door. "Hey, is anyone out there?" He shouted. As he continued to pound on the door his whole body started to ache from the fight. As he turned he felt himself fall against the door with a thud, fatigue from the fight starting to claim him
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nikki looked towards the two who walked in. She nodded to them.

    "Hello, I'm one of the king's apprentices." She told the two of them before turning back to Minne.

    Nikki looked at Minnie, sighing.

    "I will immediately, but I don't recognize those nobodies here anymore, I'd think it be wise we check out and look for those injured." Nikki delayed the story of her failure, her failure to protect the king. She'd hate to tell Minnie and upset her and seem like a failure to her, but she hated to even more be humiliated and possibly accused by admiting her failure to Sora and Riku, two legendary keyblade wielders she's heard so much from the king about.
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    (I am sorry but even though Ganon has Riku, I will just continue on without him with Sora and will pretend that Riku is with Sora every step of the way.)

    She realized that Nikki was trying to avoid answering or telling anything as to what had happened. While the queen studied and looked through the books, she figured out a clue that may help them. " I think that there may be a reason as to why the darkness was able to come here." Minnie picked up a couple of books on magic, the Cornerstone of Light and the origins of Disney Castle. "Come with me to the Cornerstone. I am afraid that the Cornerstone of Light will not be able to keep up with its defenses unless we solve the past mistakes. Chip. Dale. Make sure that you contact Merlin. "YES YOUR MAJESTY!" As the queen started to walk out of the library, Sora looked down in dismay. "Your majesty... I hope you are alright.Goofy, Donald? Where are you?" Minnie walked down the halls while Chip and Dale continued on back to contact Merlin. Minnie and Sora stood in front of the door that led to the Audience Chamber. Minnie raised her hand and broke the seal, making a small entrance to appear. "Let us make haste." Minnie walked inside, only to see William and an unconscious nobody. "William?!" Minnie ran right next to his side while Sora was behind her. "What happened here?" Minnie started to see that the nobody (Zol) started to fade. "Daisy. Tend to William's wounds." Minnie started to walk up towards the nobody and started to cast a small shield around the nobody, trying to keep him alive...

    "My servants. Go forth. Let their lives be forced to serve me and for me only. Let those persekutors become nothing more than lokusts whom roles are to revere me. All existence denied. All worlds shall worship in one land, one nation, all under one ruler." Someone was commanding the heartless and started to send them throughout the worlds. 11 of the Crimson Jazz's flew into the air in Radiant Garden, getting ready to attack Falix. They started to cast many explosive mines around him in order to blow him up with their fire magic. Other heartless were being summoned in The Land of Dragons and in Wonderland. "May this mark the new era of a witch."
    Last edited: May 9, 2011
  12. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    NitonXao arrived in the Underworld in the Olympus Colusium world. He walked around for 15 minutes down the same path. He was bored out of his mind.

    "This is soooooo boring! How long is the damn Underworld? Where the hell is Hades? I'm tired of this god damn walking!" He said to himself. He walked for 5 more minutes until he arrived into a large open aread. It was a type of bridge that went upwards and below the flooring was a sea of green fluid. He walked to the edge of the platform he was on and looked down. "Hm? What's all that floating down there?" He asked to himself. He noticed there were 'people' floating around in the fluid. They looked like souls, and they were. "What the? Ok, this place is giving me the creeps. I better hurry up and find Hades." NitonXao then began walking to what he saw was a large door at the end of the 'bridge.'


    Daxma arrived to Wonderland next to a bunch of Rose bushes. He did not like the scenery.

    "This is so lame! Why the hell do I need to be in this world? It's so disgusting. Too many flowers," Daxma said to himself. He walked into a garden and noticed that there were playing cards walking around with spears. He looked up and saw a castle. "Hmph, so the rumers were true about this place. I got an idea how I can turn this place into complete chaos. The boss didn't say I had to find a particular person or group. I think I'll turn the Queen of hearts into the Queen of Heartless!" He whisper-shouted to himself. He just realized he cracked a joke he needed to tell NitonXao. "Haha...Queen of Heartless..I gotta remember that."
  13. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will pushed Daisy away as he attempted to stand, falling to one knee after a few steps. He spat some more blood to the side before standing back up and forcing his body to cooperate. "We need to check... check on the cornerstone..." He grunted, using his keyblade to support his weight as he limped towards the throne. He felt near collapse but he failed Mickey, he would not fail Minnie and the others too. But his grief ran deep, and it showed on his pained face.
  14. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    (Well... Zol told me to not only take over his characters but also Riku until Ganon comes back I guess and whenever Zol has enough time.)

    "Stop being such a big baby!" Daisy walked right next to Will and was helping him while Queen Minnie and the others continued to walk on down into the Cornerstone Room. As hey walked inside, all they heard was chanting. The room was very dark and the floors and walls was gone but everyone was still was able to walk on. All that resides was the Cornerstone of Light at its full power; fading back and forth. The portal that Merlin created still resides. "OH DEAR!" The queen ran up to the cornerstone as she observed it. "I have never seen magic like this..." Riku walked next to Zol, the nobody, and was surprised. "Why protect him? And who is behind this? Maybe his friends left him behind to save himself." Sora looked at Will with a disturbed look. "Uh...Will is it? Tell me but how come you and Nikki have the king's keyblade? Just wondering." Queen Minnie kept on studying and then came up with a conclusion. "You don't think that someone is tinkering with the past again don't you?" "Ah, but it is true m'lady." She turned around along with Sora and Riku to see that Merlin had popped up inside the castle, hearing Chip and Dale's request.

    "Merlin?!" "This isn't good. Not good at all." Merlin walked up towards the Cornerstone of Light and he had nothing but the expression of being dreary. "This isn't right. No one else could be able to do his unless..." "Uh... is something wrong?"
    Last edited: May 31, 2011
  15. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Zol staggered to his feet. As he stood up shakily, he recalled the strange vision he had seen after the blast. THE BLAST! He had to check on the others to make sure they were alright. He looked down the hall to see them begin on a search of athe castle. He didn't know why, but Zol felt like he belonged with these people.
    "Hey! Wait up! I wanna help!" Zol said dashing down the hall way to catch up with the others.

    Xalias walked out his dark portal into the Land of the Dragons, where Mulan resided. He knew that she would be a strong force against him and his allies. He appeared at the top of the snow covered peak of a mountain. He looked over the castle where Mulan and the emperor resided.
    "What's enough to get the girl riled up? Kill the emperor? Not a bad idea." He snickered as he slowly walked down the mountain side.
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: Summoner you've yet to change the post. Zol said nothing related to the past. I'm going to sort of ignore your post until you change it then I'll change my post


    Nikki looked at the injured guards and quickly casted cure on them before four magic brooms appeared with two stretchers. She turned and noticed Zol run up to them.

    "Hey you're ok." Nikki said looking at him then over at the queen.

    "I think the cornerstone is fine your majesty. This group of people, they were different. They were nobodies, but they weren't darkness or harmed by light or darkness. In a way I think they were sort of like me, just without a heart." Nikki explained.

    "We need to go out and find the king though ASAP!" Nikki exclaimed. She looked over at Will.

    "We failed your majesty, please let us go find the King. We'll bring him back safe and sound or die trying." Nikki told her.
  17. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will nodded, pushing off Daisy once again to stand. Once he was on his feet he drew a potion and slammed it, dropping the vial to the ground. He felt a little better but it would only last a short while. When he heard what Nikki said his eyes grew dark. "I swear to you, Queen Minnie, I will die trying to save the king." He breathed, kneeling in front of the queen and setting both keyblades at her feet. "My blades are under your guidance until the king is returned safely." He said, voice breaking barely as he quieted. His mind raced as to what he could have done to save the king if he could have defeated that man. The sword he used must have been almost a few hundred pounds yet he moved it like it was light as a feather. He moved faster than any other fighter, and could also use magic without spells? What type of being was this nobody? As his mind pondered the guilt of their failure showed across his face.
  18. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    NitonXao arrived at a large door at the end of the bridge-like path. He opened it and the sound of it opening echoed throughout the area.

    "Man, too damn loud. Now, let's hope Hades is here," NitonXao said to himself. He heard a voice right after.

    "You bet I'm here!" The voice shouted. Then someone appeared from some sort of BlackFire look-a-like. It was Hades. "Now let me ask you this, who're you?" NitonXao respectfully bowed.

    "My name is NitonXao. I've been sent here by my Organization's leader to ask for your alliance," NitonXao explained.

    "You need my help? Not to mention you already bowed for me. But I want to know your strength. Fight me kid. If you're good, I might let you help ME with a problem." NitonXao stood up and smiled.

    "Fight against a God? Sounds like fun!" NitonXao shouted as he brought out his Keyblades.
  19. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Xalias walked slowly towards the throne which the Emperor sat on. He looked at the old man, wondering if he knew what was coming for him.
    "Greetings," Xalias bowed, "your majesty."
    "Who are you young man?" The emperor said, recalling Riku who had been in the same dark cloak before.
    "My name is Xalias, and I have come only to humbly serve you."
    "I don't trust you. I am sorry I must do this. Guards!" The emperor said. Guards bolted towards Xalias with spears in hand, but they were not skilled enough. He raised his hand and the all burst into flames. All of them fell to the ground slowly dying.
    "I guess you leave me no choice, old man." Xalias said holding up his hand. He looked away and snapped his fingers. The last thing he heard as he exited was the pained screams of the emperor.

    "Yeah I'm alright. I was mainly worried about you guys though. Anyways what's the plan?" Zol asked looking between Nikki and Will.
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nikki nodded at Zol.

    "We need to go and find the king and figure out who this organization is." Nikki told him. She turned to Chip and Dale.

    "Can you get us a gumi ship ready to go?" Nikki asked the two chipmunks who nodded.

    "Sure!" they both said together before running off.

    "Your majesty, I promise, we will find the king and do everything we can to save him." Nikki told her. She looked over a Will and nodded. She looked over at Sora.

    "It's an honor to quickly meet you, but we have to roll, I think the queen might need your help first." Nikki stated. She looked over at Zol.

    She just met him, but something was off, it was like she already knew him, deep down in her heart. She ignored it for the moment.

    "Let's go." She said starting to walk off to the gumi hanger.

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