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Kingdom Hearts 3: Fate Decides

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Remedy, Mar 28, 2011.

  1. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will followed Nikki, the one keyblade over his shoulder as he sprinted, catching up with them quickly and soon starting to pass them. "Let's go, we need to hurry if we want to find him!" He barked, sliding into the gummi hanger before looking around. "Which ship is ours?" He asked the other two, looking between all the different launch pads and brightly colored ships that looked like they were made out of children's blocks.
  2. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    "Well that one's mine." Zol said pointing to a ship composed of mainly green and purple colored blocks, "That's how I got here. We can take two ships or one, your suggestions?"
    Zol looked at the two chipmunks who were rapidly jamming buttons on control panels and giving the ships gas.

    Xalias walked out of the castle to find a small red dragon like creature standing in his way. The dragon had a determined look on its face.
    "Awww, how cute! But, I better be going good bye little fella." Xalias said sarcastically kicking the dragon out of the way.
    "Aye man, who do you think you are, messin' with Mushu like that?" Mushu, the dragon said.
    "Oh, so that's how it is." Xalias said grinning from ear to ear.
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    (Oh. You mean the one with Merlin? I thought I took that out when I took out the part when I used Zol's character. Ok. I changed it.)

    "TIME!" Everything started to slow down in the Land of Dragons. The screaming of the Emperor came to a halt and the attack on him started to reverse. "A land solely for my own purpose. Nice to see that a man is helping me get what I wanted." A woman in red started to change the flow of the attack, keeping him alive but to also keep him manipulated. Let me give this man a humble greeting. The sorceress started to walk down towards the hallway, opening the door to see Xalias and Mushu. "Servants... attack now." She had twelve nightwalkers appear in front of the entrance, charging up to prepare for the full attack. "Disney Castle, this land and all worlds are destined to be under one rule."

    "BLAST IT ALL! Young'uns really need to learn how to listen. Still... I am not so dandy with this. It seems as though the Cornerstone has been manipulated to a degree. Luckily, a stranger had put a stop to it so that the relic can gain back it's former glory. However, from what I am smelling, it is witch magic and I do not believe that Maleficent is behind this." "What are you saying Merln?" Queen Minnie turned back around, trying her best to hold onto her emotions. "Dear Minnie, someone is warping the laws of space. Don't get me wrong but I do believe that the stone's protection will fall again if this continues." Sora then looked at Riku. "So... we just need to find the witch and knock some sense into her. That seems fair." But even so," with Riku in thought. "If time and space plays a role in this, does this means that the witch is tagging along with the nobodies too?"

    Queen Minnie turned back around and pondered. "Sora... Riku... I do not know what to say on this situation but with the disappearance of Donald and Goofy, all I can say is this: Bring back the king." "But... your majesty... if this place ends up attacked again." "Do not worry. I was able to keep the world from falling into chaos. I will do my best again to serve in the king's absence." She then turned around and left out of the room. "Let her go. She may not show it but with everything that had happened, she is not trying to show her grief." "Sora. Riku. You must go on and find out who is responsible for this. As for me, I am afraid that the darkness is approaching. I say that you go on to Radiant Garden. Heh heh. Also, I went and had Chip and Dale to do a little bit of tinkering with the gummi ships." Sora couldn't help but wonder what to do. "Donald...Goofy...the king...please be ok."

    Queen Minnie found her way to the gummi engineering room, seeing that Nikki and Will were preparing to leave with Zol, whom she do not even know. " I wish that I can keep all of them from this..."
  4. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Daxma stopped walking through a rose garden. He felt someone's existence completely vanish.

    "That fool. Malix is dead. I knew he was weak. It seems he couldn't sustain his life anymore. Oh well, I guess that means NitonXao is rank 2 and I'm 3. Perfect," Daxma said aloud to himself. He didn't care whether Malix was alive or dead. He then continued to walk until he arrived to an outdoor court (a trial court). He saw a large lady in an outfit with many hearts on it. There were also soldiers that looked like Playing Cards. He saw they held spears.

    "Ah, so you have finally arrived, have you?" The lady asked.

    "Finally arrived? You were expecting me? And who are you anyway?" Daxma asked her.

    "SILENCE! Do not play dumb with me. I know you are the one stealing my emotions. And you should know not to pretend to not know the Queen of Hearts!" She shouted back, revealing her name. "Now, since you are here, we can begin the trial."

    "Trial!? What for!?"

    "That is it! I have had enough of your lies! Guards! Seaze him!" The Queen shouted. The guards charged at Daxma with their spears.

    "Hmph, a fight? Whatever." Daxma readied his Flails for strike.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Your majesty," Nikki turned around to face her.

    "Were going to get to the bottom of his kidnapping. We'll figure out who this new organization is. Just wait." Nikki told her saluting.

    "We can take your gumi ship, we only need one gumi ship." Nikki told them.

    Nikki made her way to the gumi ship Zol referred to and hopped on it taking a look around the gumi ship. There were five seats, three them appeared like theyve never been used or at least not very often.

    She took a seat in the one closest to the pilot ship. It was one that was used before, but wasn't that too stiff.
  6. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    OOC- Curtis I'm going to assume Will is going to get on the ship with them, so please don't consider this power-playing, because if Will isn't on the ship I don't really have anything to post.

    "Okay." Zol said watching Nikki hop in the ship. He quickly followed her into the ship to see her sitting in the "passenger" seat.
    Zol turned and looked at Will and Nikki, "Where to? I mean there are so many possibilities to where the King could be. Where do you think the Organization would hide him?"
    Xalias looked at the pathetic little creature, glad he got to have a fight, Even if it was a small dragon. Mushu blew flames from his mouth, trying to intimidate Xalias.
    "Ah fire, huh? That's my forte you see." Xalias said snapping his fingers, willing a wall of flames to surround Mushu. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Mulan and Chen racing towards the door of the castle, he quickly made a wall of fire around them to.
    "Well, well, well. Now just what do we have here?" Xalias retorted, his eyes glowing orange.

    OOC #2- Also Zol asked what world, don't say Olympia/ Underworld... because that is where the king is at, so we try like two worlds before they actually go to Olympia/ Underworld.
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "En guard!" The witch started to have four of her nightwalkers to start attacking Xalias, doing a vertical spin attack while the other eight surrounded Mulan and Chen around the fire. The eight jumped over the fire and was ready to claw them while the witch raised her hands in the air, using her time magic to control the wall of flames that was surrounding Mushu and turned it into several orbs.

    "Well. Radiant Garden it is then. I wonder if Leon and the others are doing alright." Sora started to become anxious as he was ready to see how much the town has improved and to see his friends. Riku was also ready as he threw his keyblade into the air, turning it into the glider. "Ah. How mysterious. Hm... it brings back some memories for some reason." Merlin started to walk on in the garden as he was ready to communicate with the magic that he put in the gummi ships. "You must go and see Aerith and the committee. They might know what happened to Donald's and Goofy's location... maybe." Sora nodded as he and Riku changed into their armor and they took their gliders into the air, getting ready to leave for the next world. "There's one thing for certain. At least Kairi will not end up involve in this." "Yea..."

    Kairi started to brush her hair she was looking out of her window, ready to go on to bed. "A valkyrie? What is a valkyrie?" Kairi continues to look on as she kept on thinking on what she had experienced. "And what is this that I am feeling from that volcano?" Kairi turned off the lights and looked at the ceiling, kept on wondering about the many imaginations flowing through her mind until she fell asleep.
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "The closest worlds to here are Hollow Bastion and Twilight Town to the east. Atlantica and Caribbean to the west. Destiny Islands to the south. To the south east is Land of the Dragons, Olympus Colliseum, Beast's Castle, and Neverland. To the north East is Traverse Town. To the South West is Pride Lands, Agrahbah, Holiday Towns, Deep Space, Monstro is said to live there. To the Northwest is Castle of Dreams, Enchanted Dominion, Dwarf Woodlands, Deep Jungle. To the north is Wonderland." Nikki named off the different worlds then pulled up a map.

    "If I were to guess where a group of nobodies would be, I would imagine it being something twilight, like Twilight Town, but that could also be easy to guess. So I guess any world has a possibility. So how about we try..." Nikki closed her eyes and her finger landed on the map. She opened her eyes and looked at the world, Land of the Dragons." Nikki stated. She looked at everybody else.

    "Your gummiship Zol. You want to take off?" Nikki asked him.
  9. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait," Hades said. "You have one of those Key things?" He asked.

    "Yeah, but I don't use them for any good. So don't ask," NitonXao replied.

    "WONDERFUL! Instead of us fighting, you can help me with my problem now! Have you ever heard of the Wonderboy, Hercules?"

    "Yeah. The Demi-God who's known as the world's greatest hero?"

    "Yes! That's the one! All you need to do is kill him! Do that, and I'll help you and your Organization. All you need to do, is sign this little contract," Hades quietly finished saying. A contract and a pen appeared in his hands from fire. NitonXao took a few minutes to take, read through, and sign the contract.

    "Looks good. Now, when do I get to fight him?" NitonXao asked.

    "Eager aren't ya kid?" Hades grabbed NitonXao by the arm. "Follow me. I know exactly where he is." Hades and NitonXao disappeared through Hades' fire.
  10. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked at where she pointed and looked at it. "You sure the Land of Dragons? Maybe I should go check Twilight Town while you guys are in the Land of Dragons?" He asked them. As he looked at the map he felt like both areas he had spoke about were ominous seeming to him. It seemed like both places were important. "You know what, nevermind what I said, let's just head to the Land of Dragons." He said, looking out into space.
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The screens on Zol's, Will's, and Nikki's gummi ship and the mind link towards Sora and Riku started to static. "Eh? Is my magic working? TESTING! TESTING! OH! Eh heh heh. Will? Nikki? Strange nobody? Can you hear me? I hope so! Anyways, I have tinkered with the gummi ship's power a little bit. Heh heh. Don't worry. I do not believe that something would cause any casualties... I think... just know that in case you come across any enemy ships in outer space, your gummi ships are able to use offensive magic against them. OH! Sora and Riku are going to Radiant Garden. It is crucial that you work with them in order to solve this incident.You hear that Sora and Riku?" "Yes Merlin." "Have faith children. OH! And as a little bit of gift... I also left some transformation spells in your arsenal. It should be in the ships... I hope. Anyways, ta-ta. I will be keeping in touch every now and then to keep on an update between the five of you." While the static stopped, Sora and Riku was half-way towards Radiant Garden. "Such a nice wizard, yes he is..."
  12. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Daxma took care of the 'Guards' with no effort. The Queen was stunned by how quickly all her Guards were defeated.

    "What have you done!? You dare defy me!?" The Queen asked Daxma.

    "Shut up fatass," Daxma mocked. The Queen of Hearts gasped. "You're annoying. You attacked me without physical proof of a reason. Who the hell gave you the right to be a Queen?"

    "How DARE you! I will..." Daxma interupted her.

    "Shut up. You pissed me off. Say goodbye," Daxma said. He put his Flails up, ready to kill the Queen of Hearts.
  13. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Zol looked at the static screen.
    "What the heck? Who was that? And, what exactly did he mean by 'Transformation Spells'?" Zol retorted shocked by the voice, "Anyways prepare for lift off!" he said in a sarcastic tone. He flipped a few switches, smashed a few buttons and they were on their way to the Land of the Dragons. Suddenly the ship shook with enormous force as they were getting near to their destination. Zol jerked the seering wheel to the left and did a barrel roll to see a laser go flying by.
    "Great just what we needed." Zol said. He pushed a button the said 'Fire' and bullets went sstreaming out the back of the ship to destroy the enemy ship.
    "Well, that's my new favorite buttton." Zol said as he gently set the ship down in a camp. They were in the Land of the Dragons.
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nikki nodded about the button and looked around the camp.

    "where is everybody?" Nikki asked looking around the camp before standing up and stepping out of the ship. She crossed her arms and looked around the camp.

    She stepped forward when suddenly abunch of strange creatures appeared. Her keyblade immediately came to her hand.


    Nikki blinked when a random memory popped in her head.

    "Those are nobodies?" she asked in a whisper when one started charging at her she held her keyblade up and slashed at it. "Guys!"
  15. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will was already at her side, both keyblades whirling around him as he struck out at the nobodies. A few fell quickly but they seemd to double as they kept reappearing. "Hey kid, you gonna help?" Will barked at the boy that had come with them. As he killed a few more of them he realized they had stopped appearing. "Only a few left Nikki." Will said, taking down two with a spinning attack. He rolled to the side to avoid another attack by the nobodies, uppercutting a nobody to his left.
  16. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    NitonXao and Hades appeared in the stands of tge Olympus Colosium. In the ring fighting, was the legendary hero, Hercules, and the multi-headed beast, Hydra. There were people shouting "Hercules!" over and over. But no one was around.

    "Umm...where are the voices coming from?" NitonXao asked Hades.

    "Y'know I don't even know myself," Hades said, putting his finger on his chin. A few moments later, Hydra was defeated and then was sent back to the Underworld.

    "Thank you! Thank you!" Hercules shouted, waving at the cheering...fans. Hades then began to clap while walking toward Hercules. NitonXao followed.

    "Bravo Hercules. Simply stunning as always," Hades said sarcastically. Hercules got into his fighting stance.

    "What do you want Hades?" Hercules asked.

    "To give you, a real challenge." NitonXao walked in front of Hades and brought out his two Keyblades and got into hkx fighting stance.
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Keep the queen alive." As Ultimecia told her heartless that she sent to Wonderland that was hidden the task, six Large Bodies appeared and surrounded Daxma. One of them grabbed the Queen of Hearts while the other five started to swing at Daxma at close proximity. "This will be quite the contest." Ultimecia in the Land of Dragons was still ready for Mushu, Xalias, Mulan, and the others to make their next move...

    YouTube - ‪Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden -Dual Mix-‬‏

    "Whoa..." Sora and Riku landed behind a house and started to revert back to their original form. What they saw was more progress on the city. The castle was still the same but the marketplace has expanded. The central Square has also started to become remodeled and the Committee base has been moved to a new location. "Wow. I cannot believe it. I wonder if they are doing ok." Riku started to look and saw that there was four neoshadows who had their sights towards the Committee. They started to go into the ground and started to stealthily go to their destination. "Heartless." Riku started to run towards the direction while Sora was oblivious to what Riku had found. "Huh? Riku? WAIT!" As Sora followed Riku, they heard a yell. "OH HO HO!! NO! NO! Ye not gettin' me money! It is all mine! Grab yer own bag!" As Riku and Sora turned around the corner, they saw Uncle Scrooge struggling in a fight over his money against the same four neoshadows.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2011
  18. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Zol looked at the Nobodies surrounding them. He quickly reached for his whips. The whips seemed to come alive, lashing their sharp tongues at the nobodies. He watched as one after the other fell to the ground dissapearing into thin air.
    Xalias slowly walked over to Mulan and Chen, while holding Mushu by his throat.
    "Looking for something?" Xalias said as the wall of fire containing them grew higher.
    "Is it you? You who killed the emperor?" Mulan asked with fear in her voice. Xalias just chuckled.
  19. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Daxma span his Flails rapidly before striking the Large Bodies. He quickly jumped into the air and launched 100 Wind Raids at the Heartless. The Heartless were taken out with no trouble.

    "That was lame. Too many faties. Oh well, she's out of my hair. Now all I gotta do is destroy this castle and I'm done," Daxma said to himself. He summoned large bursts of wind, raising the Queen's castle into the air. Daxma threw it around until it was completely destroyed. "I'm done here. Nothing is interesting. I'm gonna go to Olympus Colosium and see how NitonXao is doing." Daxma then left to the Olympus Colosium. When he arrived, he noticed NitonXao was standing next to Hades, God of the Underworld, getting ready to fight the legendary hero, Hercules."Oh yeah, this should be good," Daxma said to himself, smiling.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2011
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nikki slashed at the nobody. With the help of the others, the nobodies were all defeated.

    "I have a sneaky feeling about all of this guys. Lets get going." Nikki said to the two boys starting out of the camp she came to a creek bed and looked to the right seeing a large building and city.

    "The emperor!" A man was running from the direction.

    "Hey, what's going on?" Nikki asked the man.

    "The emperor... he's been murdered! I heard the news and went to look and noticed the great Chen and Mulan trapped!" The man exclaimed. Nikki stared at the man when she heard the name Mulan her head became dizzy and began to hurt.

    "So Mulan is the guardian warrior of the Land of the Dragon?"

    "Yep, if she were to be killed, the world would die. One person was chosen from every world to play that role. Usually its the princess of heart of that world, but can be a significant figure of that world. If that role though were to die the world would fall to darkness or whoever killed them."

    "What if they died of natural cause?"

    "Natural cause, when its natural the world will know and thus chose a new significant role before their death. It's if they're murdered. It was the safeguard put in place after the heartless showed up. It's the role of you and your wielder to protect the worlds."

    "We will master."

    Nikki stood there holding her head from the stronger memory she had just recieved. She could not see any figures, she just heard her voice and an older and wiser voice.

    Nikki noticed the man had already ran off, probably to spread the news more. She looked back at Will and Zol.

    "We have to go, NOW!" She exclaimed taking the knowledge that she could understand from the memory.

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