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Kingdom Hearts 3: Fate Decides

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Remedy, Mar 28, 2011.

  1. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    "NitonXao, what do we do now? The fight's gotten intense and if we go in we might get killed," Daxma thought to NitonXao. They were in position but they were in position but they were able to communicate through their minds.

    "Throw both your Flails at them and wrap them around Ultimecia and Nikki. I'll position my Keyblades to an X like Nikki's doing and I'll strike them both. They'll see that Darkness is at it's best alone," NitonXao thought back.

    "Alright. Tell me when." Daxma's Flails appeared in his hands. NitonXao's Keyblades appeared in his. NitonXao watched and waited for the right opportunity. He put his Keyblades in position. Daxma span his Flails, ready.

    "Now!" Daxma then threw his his Flails at both Nikki and Ultimecia. He used the wind to push the Flails to move faster so they couldn't be dodged or blocked. They then wrapped around the two, just as planned.

    NitonXao then jumped down from the roof he was on and charged at the two with incredible speed. Darkness surrounded the Keyblades as it's X formation grew power.

    "Hello! Isn't this fun!?" NitonXao shouted as he began to strike Ultimecia and Nikki.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2011
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Ultimecia had her wings in front of her, feeling the blast but still was able to keep herself stable to keep on fighting as she started to stagger. Before she can retaliate, she and Nikki were surrounded by flails and she looked up to see NitonXao attacking. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sneaky sneaky." Ultimecia eyes glowed once again as she teleported, leaving behind feathers and avoiding the attack of NitonXao. "Fun indeed." She then appeared behind Daxma on the roof and grabbed him behind his neck. "How many lokusts will keep on swarming around? How irritating. Still, I think that surprise attacks would keep everything entertaining." Ultimecia used the Thundaga spell, starting to send electricity through his body and attempting to harm him. The emperor and Mushu felt Nikki's power. The Emperor interfered with NitonXao's attempt and took out a scroll. The Emperor shot an attack at NitonXao and the attack was getting ready to transport NitonXao to an area that used to house Oogie's Boogie's mansion before Ultimecia control stopped working.

    "You are the perfect candidate for me to achieve complete Time Kompression for a girl such as yourself. Still, I think the princess of heart would be more suitable than you are. As for you two little boys, I think I will have a date." Ultimecia started to smile as she started to charge up a spell. "It was nice knowing you." She used Maelstrom once more on Nikki's party, attempting to weaken the party once again. Mulan felt the full blast and she ended up having a curse placed upon her that prevents her from using any attack. Ultimecia laughed once again as she left the Land of Dragons for Halloween Town, attempting to take Daxma with her to do battle with NitonXao and Daxma.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2011
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nikki got hit by the attack where the control fell off her and just like the burst of power and Disney Castle she fell forward.

    "X!" A girl fell forward hearing an older man call to her. She looked up and her eyes widened as something was stabbed through the man.

    "Master!" The girl pushed herself up some and saw the man fall forward dead. Her eyes remained wide tears falling down her face.

    "How are you X? Your master is dead, your wielder is going to become one of us. What are you going to do?" The girl looked up at the man who killed the other man who was her master. She stood up slowly a kingdom key came to her hand and she walked forward and picked up the keychain from her master's keyblade as it changed into a blue keyblade with a crescent moon.

    "I will defeat you, I'll save him and avenge our master." The girl told him. The cloak person laughed and the two started to fight before she was knocked down again and the man rose his hand as her body began to glow and a chain came from her heart to his hand before they were all re-arranged and broke apart.

    "Good luck with remembering. When your heart is ready, be warn you shall be the weapon of our organization." The cloak mansions as the chain disappeared and the girl closed her eyes slowly

    Nikki laid on the ground her keyblade's key chain burst of light and a kingdom key appeared instead.
  4. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    OOC: Might not use colors for a while.

    IC: "Son of a...!" NitonXao shouted. He was then hit by the Emporer's attack and was suddenly in a place he had not recognized. He looked around and noticed Ultimecia was holding Daxma by his neck. "Daxma!"

    "Let me go you whore!" Daxma shouted. He then grabbed Ultimecia's arm and did a back-flip to where he kicked Ultimecia in the jaw. He then knocked her grip lose and jumped next to NitonXao. Both of them made their weapons appear.

    "Daxma you alright?"

    "Yeah I'm fine. Next time, don't shout when you're doing a sneak attack."

    "Yeah, yeah. Just shut up and focus on the enemy."

    "I know."
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "oh... now that hurt. Doesn't matter." Ultimecia started to smile as she started to teleport and popped up next to NitonXao, having her arms wrapped around his chest. " I wonder which one of you would be a great monstrous force for me? One of great flames raging within or maybe a wandering soul such as your brother?" Ultimecia started to walk next to Daxma and had her hands on Daxma's face and looked into his eyes. "Even so, only one of you shall leave alive. Can you feign bravery?" Ultimecia then teleported all the way high up to the entrance next to a small, beginning part of a broken bridge that leads back to the graveyard in Halloween Town.

    "Let your Survival Trial begin and end in time..." Ultimecia started to charge up as she used dualcast, allowing herself to cast magic twice in a row and then used Knight's Arrow, shooting twice as many magical bolts that started to rain down on the nobodies, curving and tracking them (XD it is actually 50 bolts in my mind).


    The Emperor started to open his eyes, only to see that the area was a mess. He did see Mulan and chen, who he was worry about since they are injured but he also saw Nikki, who passed out. "Are you alright, my child? Wake up."
  6. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Zol fell to the ground with an impact that caused the air to get knocked out of him.
    He couldn't help but just lay and watch the events that unfolded in front of his very eyes. Suddenly Ultimecia and the organization members disappeared. Nikki fell to the ground and seemed to be knocked out cold. Zol scrambled to his feet, air suddenly filling his lungs. He knelt down at Nikki's side.
    "Nikki! Nikki! Wake-up!" Zol shouted only to have her sleeping face, remain emotionless, "Will! come help! She's badly hurt."
    For the first time he noticed a long cut across her for head, and a small amount of blood in the corner of her mouth.
  7. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    "You're a whore," Daxma said. He put a barrier around him made up of the wind, stopping the bolts from reaching him.

    "Honestly woman, I don't care about what you say," NitonXao explained. A barrier of fire surrounded him, stopping all bolts from coming through. "Let me ask you something. Why do you keep messing around with what we're doing. What's your plan?"

    "What's the real reason you brought us here?"
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "All worlds coming together as one under my rule. And you two shall bow down to me along with your leader." Ultimecia started to use Blizzaga and created a living, statue version of herself with very few of her abilities to help out in battle. "Instead of questioning me, you should tell me why the two of you are so eager in toying and playing in many worlds? To me, I am assuming that both of you would rather be starving dogs who fetches off of his master's plate instead of being soldier's who have minds of their own. I shall remedy that." Ultimecia then took a pose, waiting to see what the two nobodies will do.

    "So they have been here." "Yes. Most likely. If Donald's spellbook is here, then that must mean that his majesty is not far off." Aerith smiled and walked up next to Yuffie. "Still, I find it strange. It is not like the nobodies to just go on and make a base out of nowhere. I wonder if Donald was doing his best in stopping them." "Why worry? We know that we will keep lookout for them. I believe that they are still safe." "Guys, we'll be going but thank you for all of your help." " Thank you Rikku. Good bye. Come back anytime!" Sora and Rikku waved back at the two and they went and turned their keyblades into gliders and they went into gummi space. "Hey Sora. I think we should split up." "Huh? But... Rikku..." "We cannot look like this. Besides, the longer we take, the more it will be harder to save our friends." "We need to stay together! I mean...what if!" "Sora. You know that I can take care of myself. You should start trusting your friends."

    Riku laugh as he was teasing Sora, leaving Sora for the Beast's Castle. Sora wanted to follow him but he did not bother. He started to head for Port Royal, seeing as to how it is closer to Disney Castle.

    Kairi and the valkyrie kept on fighting but Kairi ended up getting hit in the face and fell backwards. "Stop denying. THis is how it is meant to be." The valkyrie had the sword pointed at Kairi, getting ready to take her heart and Namine. "I... I think not." Kairi smacked the sword away from her face and she jump up and spin, slashing at the valkryie, shooting two pearls at her. The valkryie started to stagger and her helmet fell off of her head. The valkyrie started to lay on the ground and started to stare at Namine and Kairi, fading in and out. "Why do you keep on..." "What I need to know is why you keep on trying to take away Namine?"
  9. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will ran forward, ripping a potion from his pocket and ripping the cork off. As he slowly opened Nikki's mouth and poured the healing fluid in he hoped that it would work. "Come on Nikki, wake up, wake up!" He growled, starting to fight his shaking hands. "The King would never forgive me if you died..." He said, voice quavering as he emptied the vial. He looked at her and prayed that the only thing he could do right now would work. Will didn't even want to look at Zol, the fear in his eyes seeming to be a weakness to him but when it came to Nikki he always came to help her, no matter what.
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nikki moaned slowly opening her eyes and looking up at Zol and Will. Her eyes zoomed in on his face.

    "I knew you..." She whispered. Before anybody could ask questions she spoke again.

    "Quit staring at me like I'm dead." She said sitting up her head still hurting.

    "Are you all right?" Mulan asked. Nikki nodded her head. "Thank you, are you all ok though?" She asked the four world inhabitants.

    "We are well, and I thank you for bringing back our emperor." Chen answered her.

    "If you need anything? We're at your service." Mushu told them.

    "Thanks, and it's no problem. I do ask one thing, if you ever come across a guy with big ears, his name is King Mickey. Please tell him Nikki, Will, and Zol are looking for him." Nikki told them.

    "We will." The emperor told them. Nikki nodded and slowly stood up stumbling some.

    "We need to get going." Nikki said as the memory that came to her while unconcious.
  11. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    "It's simple! Xalias is strong, and he helps us get stronger. As for toying in other worlds," NitonXao started.

    "Is because it's fun!" Daxma finished. "We do what we can to have fun and kill time. We have no hearts so why should we care!?"

    "That's the joy of being a Nobody! We don't care what we do! But, there is one thing Daxma and I care about." NitonXao took his stance with his Keyblades.

    "It's when someone tries to ruin our fun!" Daxma separated his Flails into two, having four Single-Sided Flails. They then grew another end each, giving Daxma four Double-Sided Flails. Daxma grabbed two of them and the other two floated around him. "Let's begin, shall we?"
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ‪KH2-Tension Rising-Nightmare Remix‬‏ - YouTube

    "Mmhmeheheh. Interesting. And here everyone says that nobodies are supposed to be intelligent. You are better off as heartless. Very well then." Ultimecia's color started to darken, her hair started to flow and started to lift up into the air to match all that is of Halloween Town. The ice version of the sorceress started to fly down and used thundaga on the two boys while Ultimecia started to use the power of time to make it look as though there are two of her when there is actually an illusion underneath her as she walked as though there is a floor underneath her. "The two of you lack realism. If you truly love killing." Ultimecia eyes started to get darker and she started to charge up as the wind and air started to get heavier. "Then let me grant you the reality of dying."
  13. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will sat back on his heels, looking at Nikki like she was a ghost. "Don't scare me like that and we wouldn't be looking at you like that okay? Now care to explain what that power was?" Will asked her, standing back up. As he wiped a bit of dirt from his face he looked up at the inhabitants of the world. They looked at them as some sort of heroes, yet all they were was a ragtag group of children trying to rescue their king. It seemed odd that a hothead like him, the studious one like Nikki, and Zol could be looked at as heroes.
  14. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Daxma put a wind barrier to block the Thundaga spell so he and NitonXao weren't hit. NitonXao couldn't help but laugh. Even though Ultimecia's power rose, the thought that she could kill him and Daxma was more of an impossibility to him.

    "Do you really think you can completely kill us!? That is too rich!" NitonXao taunted. "You see, if you manage to eliminate us, we'll just come back as Somebodies! Our Heartless have already been eliminated, so defeating us wouldn't only make us stronger! And if you kill us as Somebodies, we'll come back as stronger Nobodies! You can't win! You'll only be making us stronger after each of your victories!" NitonXao shouted.

    "You could say we're Saiyans. If you know what I'm talking about," Daxma added. Fire exploded around NitonXao, raising his strength.

    "So what'll it be? Defeat us and make us stronger, or give up and stop what you're doing?"
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nikki shook her head and started walking off towards the direction of the gumi ship. She wasn't even sure what was going on. All she remembered was hearing what sounded like the unlocking of a keyhole to a door, maybe a door in her heart and then she left for some distance place, a place where she wasn't in control because it was a place where she was reliving a past, a past she didn't know, it was a past of a forgotten memory.

    "We need to get going..." She said running off unsure what to think but such odd range of questions: What? Why? When? Where? and How?
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    " I think I will stay in fighting. Besides, I already know that nobodies that can be destroyed will become back as one with the flesh... however." Ultimecia eyes glowed as the wind started to get even heavier around the two. "There are exceptions as to where you two will experience perfect annihilation." She started to cast Tornado, making NitonXao and Daxma swirling up into the air. She, along with her ice statue, cast Knight's Arrow into the middle of the tornado, aiming to make sure that it will hit the two along the way. "Your souls will be mine."

    Sora and Riku finally made it to their destinations. While Riku saw that everything has became... fancy, Sora experienced that the whole town of Port Royal has changed.
  17. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Daxma laughed at the fact Ultimecia wanted to trap them with a Tornado. It did affect NitonXao, but not Daxma.

    "You need to stay in school. Do you not know that Tornado's are part of the element of wind? Wind is MY element!" Daxma shouted. He absorbed the Tornado, increasing some of his power. He and Daxma dropped on the ground. While Daxma absorbed the Tornado, NitonXao used Blackfire to stop the Knight's Arrow attacks. After he landed back on the ground, he used his fire and Blackfire attacks at the ice statue.

    "You shouldn't make things so easy for us. Wind doesn't work on Daxma, as well Fire and Ice not working on me. At this rate, you'll never have a chance to win. So just give up!" NitonXao shouted.
  18. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    "How bout' port royal?" Zol asks. It was meant to be more of a rhetorical question, because he had already made up in his mind that they were going. It was a gut feeling. He ran to the Gummi ship and flipped it on. He stuck his head out the door.
    "Well come on."

    OOC: If you honestly hav a hard time thinking of something you may make you post less than 6 lines.
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Oh really. In that case," While Ultimecia was charging one spell, she cast Quake, shaking the earth and making the ground collapse, sending an after shock through the two nobodies. Her ice statue then cast Thundaga on the two as the ground was shaking. "No matter how much you are ignorant in your pride, you will see that I will always be in the lead." Ultimecia kept on charging her second spell and flew back towards the entrance. "Souls deserves to obey."

    Sora kept on walking on, only to see that Will Turner was under the attack of the heartless. "Will!" "Ungh... Sora?" Sora started to fly up towards the air and started to fight some of the Air pirates. He started to turn around and thundera on the heartless, obliterating them. Even though they disappear, the Tornado Steps and the Rapid Thrusters appeared. The Rapid Thrusters did not hesitate and they started to spin rapidly, hitting Sora upside his head and pushing him backwards. "OH COME ON!" The Tornado Steps and the Rapid Thrusters started to spin all towards Sora, aiming to finish him with speed; he engulfed them in flames with Firaga and they disappear in the wind, releasing the hearts.

    "Will. Are you ok?" "Sora... I just cannot believe that you have came back. How unexpected." "What happened here?" Will finally was able to recover, gaining his footage and then was able to speak. "The witch... she has taken over." "Witch?" "Yes. The terrible sorceress Mohana. She had came during the time when me, Elizabeth and Jack went on ahead to find the Dead Man's chest. And James Norrington, he has been assassinated. She came to power as that lowly Count Beckett claimed to the people that she is an ambassador. Elizabeth went on ahead to try and figure out what had happened but she has been kidnapped. Now, they are holding a celebration; some kind of parade for her I suppose."

    Sora started to look around but he also heard some cheering in the town. "Do not worry. I will help." Will Turner was able to stand up and brought out his pistol. "Please. Let me assist. Besides, I have even seen some of those white beings in the area too. Nobodies I think is what you call them."
  20. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    While to the spells were continuing, NitonXao and Daxma smiled. They jumped away from the thunderbolt and floated in the air. NitonXao was supported by Daxma's wind.

    "I think it's time we stop playing around. What say you Daxma?" NitonXao asked, still smiling.

    "I say I agree," Daxma replied. Daxma's Flails separated and grew another end until he had eight Double-Sided Flails. NitonXao surrounded his Keyblades in Fire and Blackfire.

    "Let's get this party truly started!"

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