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Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days' started by Plasmos, Jan 16, 2009.

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  1. wolfy2491

    wolfy2491 New Member

    <is a hard core noob when it comes to video games. But how do you play multiplayer on the DS? Isn't that how you can play the new one? (Don't smack me if I'm totally wrong. lol.)
  2. RoxasxKairi

    RoxasxKairi New Member

    Guys, I got the game!! :D

    I am excited to play it! I am still trying to find my DS charger. ;)
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Um... please don't bump. That's bad. I'll get someone to close this.
  4. MSTie3000

    MSTie3000 New Member

    wrong wrong and wronger!!!!if ur talking about multiplayer then u can play as all the orginizatin people!!!i was xemnas just a second ago!!!
  5. i beat the game but Xion is a boss at the end
  6. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the SPOILER ALERT. . . .
  7. Well actually Riku is the Final boss
  8. Xion The Boss

  9. Ranperre

    Ranperre New Member

    I read you COULDN'T play as Xemnas, Luxord, Demyx; but I've PLAYED as all of them. Maybe I'm late to the thread, but every organization member is playable, as well as (SPOILERS?) Donald, Goofy, King Mickey, and Sora
  10. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Thank you for ruining my enjoyment for the game.
  11. jdeib963

    jdeib963 New Member

    Yeah really, no one likes a spoiler...er
  12. Goobok

    Goobok New Member

    Yah you can! you just have to unlock them... Heheh
  13. Goobok

    Goobok New Member

    FYI you have to complete the whole game, and then you CAN play as All the organization members. Even donald, goofy, and I think the king and riku. PS. Xemnas's weapons are called Etheral Blades.
  14. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Dude... check out the date that i posted it.

    Yes. that is correct. Even Sora too.
  15. Princessmayfly

    Princessmayfly New Member

    and you can playu as any creater on mission mode
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