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Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Help Thread

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep' started by VentusSearcher, Sep 10, 2010.

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  1. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    Well it is true that I didn't find all of Xehanort's Reports, I'm still missing #5, so should I go looking for that report or go looking for the secret bosses???
  2. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    K, what you have to do is find all the Xenort Reports(Sorry the name slippd my mind).And then complete all the stories and complete one more with another charecter.
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    You have to get that report. Once you get it, beat the last boss for whatever character gets it, and then beat the Final Chapter. Once you've beaten that, then you can attempt to fight the secret boss in the Keyblade Graveyard. If you beat him, then you can fight the other secret boss in the Land of Departure.
  4. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    it all sounds a little confusing burt I'll do what I have to, thanks guys :)
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    As I found out, maybe you do not need to defeat the two secret bosses to get 100% journal completion. While winning each Command Board in the Mirage Arena to get Ultima Weapon, I managed to get the Character Files part of the journal completed. What I was missing was all the 100 Acre Wood characters. While it is true that I defeated Vanitas' Remnant before that, I believe it is possible to get the Mickey Mouse icon without beating him.
  6. Rin Amaya

    Rin Amaya New Member

    I need help in melding, i'm currently playing terra. I'm trying to create renewal block and i already have the items that are needed, maxed. T_T
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    You need Curaga and Block. The reason why the game won't let you use Block is because you only have one. Before you make Renewal Block you need to buy yourself another Block command. Do that and then you can get Renewal Block.

    And if you decide to use an item to get an ability, using Curaga and Block to get Renewal Block will yield these abilities:

    Shimmering: Dark Screen
    Fleeting: Magic Haste
    Pulsing: Combo F Boost
    Wellspring: Air Combo Plus
    Soothing: Item Boost
    Hungry: Treasure Magnet
    Abounding: EXP Walker

    You can also use Esuna instead of Curaga. But it will yield different abilities.

    Shimmering: Fire Screen
    Fleeting: Attack Haste
    Pulsing: Finish Boost
    Wellspring: Combo Plus
    Soothing: HP Boost
    Hungry: HP Prize Plus
    Abounding: Link Prize Plus
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2010
  8. Rin Amaya

    Rin Amaya New Member

    oh and another question, i was planning on finishing the whole game in proud mode to get the secret ending, but i already finished ventus in standard mode. if played ventus again on proud mode will i be able to get the secret ending?
  9. Raven

    Raven New Member

    Actually, and I'm not 100% sure about this, but I think just beating the last chapter on critical or proud mode is the only thing necessary to getting the secret scene. Like I said I'm not absolutely sure, so I think you would be better off completing Ven's story on critical mode if you don't mind.
  10. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Ok I really need some help! Iv'e beaten the game on all the standard modes, and I just beat the game on proud mode, and got the last Xenort report I was missing, but it didn't give me the option to do the final episode? So do I have to beat the game on standard mode, and then beat the with one more charecter on standard mode.
  11. Raven

    Raven New Member

    @VentusSearcher: The final episode is only offered when you have met all the requirements and save your game after beating the final boss in any story line. At this point, after you saved you file, you will be asked to make another save file but this time for the final episode.

    The requirements for the final episode are:

    -Beaten all 3 characters storyline
    -Collected all 11 Xehanort Reports and the 1 Xehanort's letter.
  12. Oilimas

    Oilimas New Member

    Secret ending

    I am sorry if there has already been a reply to this.
    I am aware that in order to see the secret ending I have to complete all the reports.
    However someone told me this is impossible to do on single player?!
    Is this correct, or should I just restart and play on Proud mode?
    Many thanks
  13. rixec

    rixec New Member

    from exp i first started on standard mode for secret ending thedn after beating all three storys i realized how much harder it would to be to unlock the secret movie its not impossible to do with a just single player its just more and i mean more difficult than proud mode,i started mine over leaving ventus with a completion in standard mode,terra and aqua completion in proud mode,right now im fighting the MF which i can fight with ventus as well which is starnge since his is standard and not proud mode completed but its easier than standard and just make sure that if you start over in proud mode do a bit of level grinding at the beginning for each character for the upcoming boss fights, i did and it helped me a bunch,good luck any questions feel free to pm me.

    i just beat MF but i didnt get the blank points since i have to complete ventus on proud mode so i was orginally wrong to do need to beat all 3 on proud its much easier than it sounds, just grind and grind till about level 50 or hugher for the secret bosses, good luck
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2010
  14. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    First off, don't double post. Second, you don't need to be VR or MF to unlock Blank Points (For standard mode). I got the mickey mouse head by the character files on Aqua's journal before defeating VR. So basically the two secret bosses are the only things you do not need to do to get 100% in the journal.
  15. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    I'm not normally one to ask for help in KH games, but we all have to be humble sometimes, no?
    So basically I'm working on filling in the trinity reports and everything is complete except for the item collection which is at 98% or 99%, I can't remember. As you can imagine, this is frustrating as all hell as I have all commands and recipies. Is there a type of item I'm forgetting?
  16. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Have you gotten all the types of ice cream? And also, have you gotten the Pete D-Link?
  17. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    yup and yup. It's the damnedest thing, I can't figure out what I'm missing....
  18. zman67

    zman67 New Member

    ok here is my problem. I finished terra and ventus in standard mode, and i just found out to unlock "blank points"( the ability to fight the final two bosses) u must beat the game fully( reports completly finished) if your on sandard. i started my aqua file as proud, and am currenly playing that file. my question is i guess is this, should i start a new terra and ventus file on proud, and if i dp should i save over the old standard file, wich is not complete in full, only the story is. What should i do? PLEASE GIVE YOUR OPINION!
  19. Rin Amaya

    Rin Amaya New Member

    I did the same thing, the only difference is i only did ventus on standard mode. when i was done with terra and aqua (proud mode) i was unable to get the "blank points". I had to replay ventus, i don't think saving over the old file has any significance. i already deleted my save on ventus in standard mode, before i even started playing him on proud mode, and it still showed that i completed his story in the trinity archive.

    hope i was able to help. :)
  20. xxCHANCExx

    xxCHANCExx New Member

    This is just me, but I did the same thing lol, I just keep my old files just because and started new files on critical mode.
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