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Kingdom Hearts: Daybreak

Discussion in 'OOC and Sign Up' started by King of Darkness, Sep 11, 2015.

  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

  2. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    I'm sure Sho wouldn't mind tuning down the band to make it more fair.
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I don't know what you're talking about(said jokingly). Deimos has developed alot since the days of old. He's technically already dead, so there's that.

    He's fair game for a challenge, but I'm not gonna make it easy to win.
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Again, not really complaining. Though could I get some links to his backstory?
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Most of it was in the story of Origins 1 and II not in the bio, since it was added as time went on. i'll find posts and drop the links here.
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Thank you.
  7. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Though i think i need to speak on this. These Origin characters have little to do with the story. You don't have to have been in or read either of the RP's to fit in. this is essentially a new IP with older characters. The story itself im sure will remain it's own thing. Knowing about Virgil i can sum it up in a few words.

    He was Evil, then good, then evil, then both, then got romanced. Then used the powers of light and darkness to harness a higher tier of power to trump what they were fighting.

    Basically He was born to be a super meta human. His father subjected his body to all sorts of experiments which is what gave him his powers. he lingered in darkness most of his life, then found light was worth fighting for, both powers melded into one and he now walks the path of twilight. that's really all there is to it. i did mention it to KOD that he was previously using both powers and KOD did say himself that Sophia was the only one so it's not like i sprung this or planned it, They wanted me to bring him back and trust me i refused because i didnt want to do it without Destiny. Even now it feels strange without Selena there is no Virgil. But she's not coming back and i have to trod on, But i don't intend to make Virgil stay in this RP too long i'd like to flesh out my new OC .
    Taboo Sho and Desert Warrior like this.
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Name: Deimos Lancaster

    Created from Darkness, Fueled by Hatred


    Personality: Snarky and off the handle. Ever since his trip to the void, Deimos has been far more violent then he was in his past life. Though every ounce of loyalty to Jordan remains, his mind tends to stray off more often then it should, causing him to think and act rashly.


    The Ultima Gauntlet: Original created by his master, Deimos absorbed and utilized many of the dark powerful hearts of the void to upgrade his Gauntlet into a vastly superior form. While still maintaining its ability to create and destroy matter, it is now capable of utilizing an ability Deimos calls Gear Shift, which switches the Gauntlet between four different "Gears" each offering unique abilities, while also adding extra weaknesses.

    Powers, abilities, and strengths:
    Gear 1: The first level of the Ultima Gauntlet, simply increases Deimos's ability output by 2.5.

    Gear 2: The second level of the Ultima Gauntlet. It increases Deimos's pain threshold by 150% at the cost of only having 50% power.

    Gear 3: The Penultimate level of the Ultima Gauntlet. It grants Deimos to the ability Blood Oath, which is used to activate Fourth Gear, however until Blood Oath is performed, Deimos is at a constant .5 ability output.

    Gear 4: The Final Level of the Ultima Gauntlet. Upon activating the Blood Oath, Deimos releases the stored up power of the Void to unleash absolute pandemonium. For 120 seconds(2-3 of my posts), Deimos becomes almost completely invincible and can hit like a truck. His ability output is increased to 1000.0 and he becomes a harbinger of destruction. However, when the buff expires, Deimos is severely debilitated. His ability output drops to .01 and the slightest touch could take him out. It's a risky move, and if even one opponent is left standing, Deimos is doomed.

    Jordan's Guardian:
    Acting as a Magical Guardian, Deimos's ties aren't to the physical realm. With this being said it must be noted that Deimos possesses the following attributes:

    Accelerated Healing Factor: As he is not of this realm his body can heal from wounds faster than normally possible. You could rip his arm off and he'd be able to continue, the same goes for all of his limbs. However though this enables him to heal himself that does not however mean he does not feel pain from the blows. He is immune to natural causes and illnesses thanks to the super regenerative cells within his body. However if his head is removed from his body he will in fact die. The brain acts as a control center and if it is severed the body loses the function to know what parts of the body to direct motion and healing to, causing him to perish.

    Enhanced Durability: Though his body parts can be removed, it's not as if it's easy to do so. Regular physical attacks do little to inflict damage to his body. Able to physically withstand almost any force with minor injury and/or reconstitute the body after having most or all of the bodily tissue destroyed.

    Deimos is Jordan's shadow and his Guardian Heartless. His life is tied to Jordan's. If Jordan dies, then so to does Deimos.

    Weakness: Light and Light magic are Deimos's only physical weaknesses. He is however, prone to getting cocky, which in turn will lead to him making mistakes in battle, allowing his opponent to gain the upper hand.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2015
  9. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    I think the the realm of fairness i think i should bring up that it's not fair on any level for Deimos to be unkillable aka Invincible. Had i known that was going to be a thing i would not have joined the RP, because that's God Modding.

    @King of Darkness Please respond i'd like to make sense of all this.
  10. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    That is pretty unfair to just not be able to die, period. And what does "almost completely invincible" even mean? Sounds like he'd be completely invincible and do god knows what for 2-3 posts.
  11. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    That's my gripe, it's just not fair to the other members. There are tons of way's to go about doing something like that. but just saying i can't die isnt gonna work out, that's breaking a big rp staple right there. I mean you could go the route of wolverine with insane durability. But just " i can't die" complex i don't think is fair for any RP.

    I thought since it's your RP i'd take it up with you.
  12. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    No, no, I understand. I'm talking to Sho about it and seems to be fairly reasonable about the situation.
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    have things been settled i demand to see a updated template.
  14. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    It should have. I talked to him about it yesterday
  15. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos wasn't even done when I posted him. And until his profile is 90% completed(everything but the bio), the one here will not be updated(there is so much I need to add it isn't even funny). It'll be done by Monday.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2015
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    So you just gonna lie, man what is the world coming to.
  17. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    To be honest Vox, he did tell me when we were planning out our characters that this was a rough draft. I still have the message, if it means anything.
  18. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Name: Dame Kelianne "Keli" Mairin
    Born of: Light
    Role: Knight of Light; Lieutenant Officer of the Light Contingent of the Royal Twiligh Guard; a friend and guard of Princess Sophia


    Weapons & Equipment:
    Sol Blade; the primary weapon of any of the Knights of Light a unique class of weaponry known as the Sol Blade. These blades are norma swords of the medieval styles. In Kelianne’s case, she has opted for a sword crafted as a Falchion, a one-handed weapon, 30 inches of which are blade measuring approximately two inches wide, with the remaining six being dedicated the hilt. The blade is of a discrete curve along the front edge, culminating in a pointed end. The hilt features a full frontal handguard, allotting an extra defensive measure as well as versatility to the weapon’s offensive applications. Where it would seem as a normal weapon, however, a Sol Blade is one that has been basked within the unyielding Light of the Cornerstone of Light, permitting it a near unshakable potency, particularly against the powers of Darkness.

    Protega Class Armor; Kelianne wears an Elite-issue set of armored plating typically reserved for royalty and high-class warriors of the Realm of Light. It is a common armor that would have once been worn by Keybearers, consisting of relatively lightweight plate mail worn over her usual leather-padded garments. Each individual armored plate has been infused with a long-term Protega enchantment, which has been compounded with a second enchantment to the suit as a whole. This effect allows for the lighter weight armor to function as or more efficiently for defense as heavier armors worn by lower-caste soldiers, while maintaining the speed and mobility needed to keep up with the fast pace of battle.

    Reflection Shield; a kite shield of a roughly triangular shaping, the Reflection Shield measures approximately two feet across at its widest.It’s crafted from a material akin to Kelianne’s armor, and is deeply embedded with magic drawn from the same forces as the Reflect spell. The face of the shield is modestly decorated, bearing a blue plane upon which a silver, 8-pointed star is featured; these simple features are framed within a silver trim.

    Celestia; TBR

    Powers & Abilities & Strength:
    Magic; a Light-born warrior, Kelianne’s magical prowess is intrinsically rooted within spells and techniques under the spectrum of the Light essence. Consequently, the array of magics to which she has grown accustomed to using and with which she holds high proficiency are those focused on the defense, healing and empowerment of herself and others. Her offensive repertoire is, fittingly, comprised of such spells and skills that brandish Light essences as concentrated projectiles.

    Pitched Combat; Kelianne’s primary training and experience as a Knight of the Royal Guard has gifted her with a relatively high expertise in the martial arts. Over the course of the past decade, her tenacity in battle has been honed through a variety of armed and unarmed forms of combat. The military martial style of the Royal Guard has compounded the practices of several worlds from both the Realm of Light and the Realm of Darkness utilizing a range of styles and techniques deemed “of highest essence” to practical combat. Through this training, Kelianne is well-adjusted to combat in most environments, ranging from the open battlefields to the narrow corridors of the castle.

    Pervasive Light; Uniquely so, Darkness does not seem to hold the traditional influences over Kelianne as it does over others of Light. Where many others born under the essence of Light are left not only physically, but mentally and spiritually by the force of Darkness, Kelianne is constantly bathed in a Light that prevents the corruptive nature of Darkness from taking root within her mind, soul and Heart.

    Weakness: While indeed protected against the corruptive nature of Dark powers and presences, Kelianne is nonetheless physically vulnerable to them, her body apt to be damaged as much as the next Knight of Light's. Furthermore, she is rather limited in her long ranged combat capacity, thus relying more heavily on mid-range techniques and her closed-quarters expertise.

    Bio: An orphaned child, Kelianne was found by the Knights of Light as a lone, unevacuated survivor of an assault on Traverse Town in the closing days of the last conflict against the Darkness. Not strange enough of that the girl had actually survived the onslaught, in one physical piece, she remained untainted by the overwhelming Dark presence that still flooded the town. Though this caused great debate among the Knights that had rescued her, she was determined fit for adoption into the first stable and caring home that could be found.

    That home would be found in that of a young Sergeant of the Knights by the name of Avon Mairin. His own ambitions of fathering a family having been doused by his prospective wife’s passing, he relished the opportunity to raise a child of his own. Though some of the Knights in his company were quick to complain, the commanding officers, and even royal magistrates, agreed that finding a suitable home elsewhere at that point would have been too difficult a task. Thus, Mairin was granted custody of the child who would, from that day, be known as Kelianne Mairin.

    When the Realm of Twilight was established and the truce between Light and Darkness brought to fruition, the family of two was relocated to the castle there. While her father, by then ranked as a Lieutenant, tended to matters of the King and Queen’s safety and security, Kelianne grew up assisting the castle attendants and caretakers, performing much of the menial work under the supervision of experienced maids and nurses.Upon the birth of the young Princess, Sophia, Kelianne found much of her time dedicated to assisting with her caregivers, a role she would retain for several years.

    It was at age seventeen that Kelianne ceased in her role as a nursemaid. Over the course seven years, her tenacity in play and roughhousing with the children other Knights had been marked. By her own ambition, and with the support of her then Captain surrogate parent, enrolled into the Knights of Light Academy, seeking, specifically, a role amid the Royal Guard. After a grueling, year-long training and education process, she was ordained into Knighthood and began service under Knights of Light.

    Her tenure as a Knight began in the Realm of Light, wherein she served for a year in the King of Light’s Court before being transferred to the Realm of Twilight. Over the course her years serving in the Realm of Twilight, she has served in several positions within the Royal Guard: Main Gate Guard (MGG), Outer Ward Patrol (OWP), Inner Ward Patrol (IWP), and Main Keep Sentry (MKS). Likewise, she has received numerous promotions over the course of her tenure, most recently being promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.

    Since age 25, she has served on the Royal Twilight Guard, the task force designated exclusively to safety and security of the Royal Family of the Realm of Twilight. Her branch’s assignment: security detail for the Princess, Sophia. Her most recent promotion to Lieutenant has made her a key figure in the chain of command of the Royal Twilight Guard, in which she now commands the other Knights of Light assigned to Sophia’s security contingent. She was one amongst a small number of others that were with Sophia amid the assassination of her parents, and proved vital to her survival that day.

    Character Themes:
    Main Theme:

    Battle Theme 1:

    Battle Theme 2:
  19. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I haven't caught up yet, but are there two Deimos?

    I think Sho's post jumped the gun. I thought the plan was actually for someone to crash the banquet not for everyone to run every which way.

    Bruh, this post right here is overkill and ridiculous! Nor do I understand it!
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2015
    Become likes this.
  20. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    That is Oblivion Coffee man. Think Anima's overdrive from Final Fantasy X but instead of punches, it's a bunch of bullets from a keyblade.

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