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Kingdom Hearts Mushroom Theory

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Yacob, Feb 12, 2016.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Calling someone a bigot is name-calling, and I'm not going to put up with it from anyone towards anyone else on this forum. We've all managed to be civil with each other, and it's going to stay that way.

    You advanced this theory; the burden of proof is on you to explain it, assuming you actually want to discuss it with other people. We've explained why we disagree: for example, I believe that the mushroom heartless were put in the game as an homage to the scenes in the Disney movie Fantasia (and you can see how the White Mushroom Heartless resemble the picture from the movie that I posted), and that there didn't need to be any other reason to include them. If you want to prove your theories, you need canon to support you- interviews or direct confirmation from game creators, irrefutable evidence from the games, and so on. You are not providing this, sorry. I don't know how many times we can tell you that your points don't line up with each other, or that one fact doesn't necessarily prove another.
  2. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    ok I wont use bigot, that's fine.

    and I thought that I clearly explained that this stuff is esoteric. and you said that my theories are delusional but you can clearly understand it but yet you need confirmation form game creators who will never give it?

    and like I said the mushroom in FANTASia and WONDERland are both are bout psychotropics


    most THEORIES will not have confirmation from game creators because if they did they wouldn't be THEORIES. you are able to think for yourself anyway. I have sufficiently explained that the mushrooms are symbolic for keyholes or opening "gateways" as merlin said, to other worlds.
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    No one else reading this thread would agree with that. Not one person agrees with where you are coming from with this. I have never heard anyone, ever, while discussing Kingdom Hearts, put forth a theory even remotely similar to (actually any of) yours.

    I understand how you've convinced yourself that what you believe is true, but I see no evidence that any of it was ever intended by the game developers. A theory needs to have actual facts from canon to back it up. It may turn out that the theory misinterpreted those facts, but not every theory is right. Still, you need something: I think this theory is true, because of the words this character said, or because the creator said this comment in an interview, or because of these canon events, etc. You give us: I think mushrooms are symbolic for keyholes and gateways to another world, and you give us a mushroom scavenger hunt, the existence of a mushroom-resembling heartless, an observation on the appearance of keyholes in KH that is very debatable, and some unproven to be related information about shamanic experiences and drugs. I fail to see how this could convince anyone.

    And why wouldn't the creators give it up, if it were true and they were directly asked? This symbolism so hidden no one picks up on it, ever, does nothing to enrich their story. If they had meaningful backstory for small parts of the game that weren't spoilers, why wouldn't they share that information? Let me guess, it has something to do with the Illuminati.
  4. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    on one hand you say im delusional but you keep saying that these things weren't "intended" it seems like all you have is your uninformed opinion and bias (hope that's a better word than bigot) against ancient ritualistic, agricultural, astrological and etymological proof which you must not be able to grasp or something idk.

    also FANTASY and WONDER are both aspects of the mind so it should be clear that the idea is mind altering states of reality induced by mind altering substances is whats being alluded to.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2016
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I am not biased towards creators choosing to incorporate elements/symbols, whether from history, ancient myths, other examples of literature/games/media, or whatever, into their own works. People do this all the time. I do not, however, believe that Kingdom Hearts and mushrooms are an example of this. But there's no point in talking to you. I'm tired of trying to explain that your so-called proofs prove nothing.
  6. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    but you don't have a reason to think that im wrong other than you just "think" based off your gut reaction. maybe if you took the time to actually look into the history, etymology and ancient rituals and symbols, you might find more than just your gut reaction and it wouldn't even take long but anyway. its actually a long held theory that alice and wonderland is about mind altering substances, so much so that the BBC did an article on it.


    go head and check it out if youd like.
  7. Elfdemon

    Elfdemon Member

    Sounds like you're majorly on some shrooms mate.
  8. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    nah, only smoke weed.
    why dont u read and respond to my other threads?
  9. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    He said he smokes weed, so i think that's nuff said right there. many people like to toss around " weed does nothing to you" and sure health wise it doesnt but ther are other prolonging effects. and i've seen it effect people i know. i've literally had friends in college from DAY ONE i watched spiral down from weed alone from the people they were to the people they become, from substantial people of society. to people telling me idiot shit like " 2012 Is real the dinosaurs will come back and the pyramids in egypt are portals to the homeworld"

    You ever look at someone and you think they are joking but they are dead ass serious? yea that. i don't trust weed and i've watched it effect my friends so the fact that he does it. let's me make my own assumptions that hes another idiot pothead.

    and yacob if you got a problem m8, guesss what! that's a personal problem you barked up the wrong tree and you're treading on thin ice with me.
    Taboo Sho likes this.
  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Probably because they're all exactly the same. You argue in one, you've argued in them all.

    Who cares about Alice in Wonderland? Just because that world happens to be included in the Kingdom Hearts game doesn't mean that the Kingdom Hearts developers intended every example of mushrooms appearing in the game to be related to mind altering substances. Besides, it's not like Kingdom Hearts designed the appearance from scratch to portray the drugginess- the level is designed based on the movie, which honestly is only loosely based on the book, which was no doubt written by an author on something, but that's irrelevant to Kingdom Hearts. It's also designed to be colorful and exciting, to keep the attention of snot-nosed brats with no attention span.

    Nothing you've introduced as evidence proves that Kingdom Hearts intentionally set out to show that mushrooms=gateways to another world. I'm tired of going over the same ground over and over. If you can't understand that a symbol can mean something in one context and something else in another, or that sometimes small bits of code don't have real philosophically deep purposes, then you're the one missing the obvious.
    NeRo likes this.
  11. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    you obviously have a bias and a problem with me. you are obviously a bigot and you obviously are an idiot yourself.

    those "friends" of yours were doing harder stuff than pot and you know it. pot is recreational and just because you smoke a little here and there don't mean shit. cell phone use kills brain cells marijuana doesn't kill any brain cells. i don't have a cell phone but i bet you do.

    yea like i said, by itself its not really much maybe but all the clues together imply occult symbology.
    and i disagree it is implied that the mushrooms are gateways or portals to other worlds, its obvious to me but not to you.

    remember you brought up the French monarch yesterday, well the Merovingian's who use the fluer de lis as a symbol are the ones who pretty much run the matrix... you know like roxas's matrix in KH2 where we also see the fluer de lis.

    so the Merovingian who use the fluer de lis, run the matrix...or the fake world. do you see where im going with this?

    OH JUNK neo visits the Merovingian to get the KEY maker. could the KEYmaker be the fluer de lis itself? that's what im thinking.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2016
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Did this peasant just call me a bigot? for not liking stupid weed smoking potheads.

    Pleb check yourself. low life-form trash.
  13. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    no you are a bigot for attacking me for my opinion from jump AND delving into a straw man logical fallacy about weed to discredit me and my threads which was completely unnecessary and uncalled for if my shit is as nonsensical as you guys claim.
  14. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Everyone needs to cool their jets. Goddamn.

    No, I have no idea where you are going with this. Why would any discussion of the Matrix movies be relevant here? Why is discussion of the fleur de lis relevant here? This isn't even that thread. I don't understand why you can't pull actual facts from Kingdom Hearts canon to prove your specific points for this thread.

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