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Kingdom Hearts: Origins

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Mar 18, 2012.

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  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil let go of selena's hands immediately and was startled by Devlin. He jumped up and put his hand on Devlin's shoulder " Sup bro!" he said awkwardly" So whats the plan, im itching for a fight....but then again that all depends if things lead to that. do you think i should go pay them a visit?" I intended to set up a few things here for them but i dont think they will be coming this direction for a while but i think if they see Selena it might set there ""motivation"" on the right track"

    Virgil straightened his clothes for a moment and wiped the sand off " Marluxia showed up quickly and Virgil was interrupted so he took the initiative and shoved marluxia" I was talking asshole!"
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena shook her head and picked up the keyblade Marluxia threw onto the ground. She held it up in front of her watching it transform in a solid black kingdom key.

    "I can tell this thing has a ton of darkness." Selena commented about the keyblade. She looked over at a sand crab walking across the sand before pointing it at it and to her surprise and enjoyment she watched as the crab transformed into a crab looking heartless.

    She looked over at the three other men there.

    Mickey turned and nodded.

    He turned and a duck wearing sorcery clothes came on board as well as a dog wearing knight clothes.

    "Your majesty, who all needs help?" The duck asked

    "All of them, though Donald, I don't know if you'd be able to help this one." Mickey said pointing to Angel. The duck, Donald nodded and raised a staff in the air when floating green leaves appeared above everybody, healing and refreshing them. Jordan still remained asleep though.

    "Googy, can you show them all to a room for them to rest up in?" Mickey asked.

    "Sure, your majesty." The dog, Goofy said picking up the sleeping Jordan.

    "Darian..." a silent whisper was heard causing the king to look over at Angel. She appeared to be in dismay.

    "On second thought, take those three. I'll take her with me to the cornerstone and try to contact Master Yen Sid."Mickey said in a bit of a rush.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2012
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia ignored Virgil's shove and proceeded to walk over to Selena, "Excellent... this power could be quite useful... You... are Jordan's brother are you not? I'd say that keyblade there has the ability to remove hearts... meaning you can take your brother's heart and lead him into the darkness, just like you and Devlin." The nobody turned to Virgil for a moment and examined him, "You... don't wield true darkness. You simply create your own form of it don't you? Reminds me of something Vexen would do, yes... he may find an interest in you at some point. However, Selena is needed immediatly, while Jordan is still under the power of darkness." He gave a nod at Virgil and added, "You two seem to have a connection, so I can take you along for the ride as well. You'll get to pound some sense into the kids, toy with them, I really don't care what you do with them honestly. As long as Jordan's heart is consumed by the dark, I'll turn a blind eye to whatever you do with them."

    Fianlly, he turned to Devlin, "Devlin, I predict you'd have your objections, however I promise when this is done and I get my chance at power, The Organization will leave you to your business, no more interruptions. You have my word."
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Your almost correct sir. i do in fact wield darkness in its purest form but i'm also able to ..." Virgil raised his hand and a dark orb appeared in his hands. " Create it.." it vanished into smoke swiftly as he closed his hands. Selena goes no where without me. So you might as well prepare to take me with you. " Virgil could feel his blood thirst rising. there was a unstable darkness starting to stir up inside him and it was soon to be released." Your call......when your ready i'm ready"
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin crossed his arms at Marluxia. He he nevere really had a taste for him, but he did like him a helluva lot more than some of the Organization members. "What happens to Darian is of little concern to me. But," he started. He unfolded his hands and shot Marluxia a dirty look. "I'll help you with your problem with Darian, IF you leave Jordan to Selena. And for her to NOT claim his heart. Him falling to the darkness is great and all, but his heart stays where it is. That's not part of the plan." Devlin looked at Virgil and at Selena, smiling and nodding in approval of each of their actions before turning back to Marluxia. "Now if there's nothing else, lead the way."

    Jordan took the hand of the man who helped him up. "You're the guy from Twilight Town. The one who gave me the Keyblade," Jordan said in a nonchalant tone. "Yes and no," the man replied. "The Keyblade goes to those who are destined for greatness, such as yourself. I merely helped speed this process up so you could be recognized as a truly worthy candidate for the Keyblade." Jordan smirked and shook his head. "Alright then, here's another question. Where am I?" The hooded man replied, "Why, in your conflicting heart of course."

    "What? What do you mean 'conflicting' heart? What kind of conflict would there be in here?" Jordan was taken back by such a comment that he even took a step back from the man, not noticing the black surrounding began to engulf him starting at his leg again. "There is something within you that is trying to take control of you, but you mustn't allow it to. You must take control of this darkness in your heart and use it as your own. You must use your strength and courage to keep it down, as it does take advantage of all weaknesses. Like fear." As he said the last word, he pointed at Jordan's leg to Jordans horror. Thinking about what the man said, Jordan closed his eyes and slowly lifted his leg off the ground and away from the darkness.

    "Heh, not too hard. I'll have this tamed in no time," Jordan said arrogantly. The hooded man shook his head. "It will take much much time for you to control it. The darkness in you is much more than the small residue that lies even inside of Devlin. This is the...you would not understand, not just yet. When you are ready, I will tell you. But for now, you must learn to resist it." And with that, the hooded man disappeared, leaving Jordan alone with his inner demon.

    Darian perked up to hear Angel, and to say his name at that. He looked up to hear King Mickey say he was taking her only. Although the King was gaining his trust, he hadn't gained all of it yet. "Will she...She'll be in good hands, right?"
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena nodded her head to Devlin and Virgil. She looked down at the black keyblade and watched it disappear before looking to Marluxia.

    "Lead the way." Selena said having mix feelings about him.

    Mickey looked at Darian and smiled at his care for her.

    "You can come along, I think you can help. I'm contacting an old friend, I'd trust my life on him." Mickey explained before nodding to Goofy and leading Darian off the gummi ship.

    "Just follow me." Goofy said to Will as he carried Jordan's unconscious body. Goofy led the way into a very large room with two bunk beds. The room overlooked a courtyard down below and the room was very neat and tidy.

    "I think this room should work." Goofy said before laying Jordan down on the bunk bed.

    "I'm sure the king wants you to get rest." Donald spoke out next before the two left the room.
  7. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will plopped onto a bed, still clutching his rib as he nodded his thanks to the duck and dog. When they left the room though he reclined on the bed and closed his eyes, relaxing for a second. "Everyone ok?" He asked. After a few seconds of no response he opened his eyes to the black creature that had infected him floating over him, his back on a cold slab of stained glass. When Will rolled to his feet the creature changed from it's original form to the form it had taken with Will's body. "Welcome my friend... or should I say... roommate? I mean we do share the same body now." The creature breathed, eyeing Will up and down, analyzing that he was in no shape to fight.

    "What do you mean... share???" Will barked, anger in his voice. The creature chuckled. "Consider us two sides of the same coin, one light and one dark. I am the dark, you are the light. You were someone who survived a heartless touching your heart, but not without consequences. It created me. A stronger, more bloodthirsty half to the coin. You are more hotheaded, slowed down by your emotions, where as I kill what moves, whether it be heartless, the nobodies you saw, or your friends if they get in my way." The creature cooed.

    Will gritted his teeth and drew one keyblade, preparing to strike when he saw the creature replicate his move to the exact detail. "Don't you get it? I am you! You can't fight me!" The creature barked back. "I guess you're more thick headed than I thought. I'll give you some of my abilities for now, but I warn you. The more of the abilities you use, the more likely I will take over. Choose wisely between the animal and the human..." The creature spoke, slowly disappearing before Will felt a dark fireball cover his right hand. "Shoot it..." The creature's voice echoed, Will lifting his arm in compliance as the fireball shot from his hand. Then Will awoke, laying in the bed in the castle, the door being shut by the dog and duck. "Weird..." He breathed.
  8. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan had tried to exhilarate as many emotions as he could, to practice his control over his demon, should any feeling arise. The only feelings he had no touched yet that he could think of were pure happiness and his strongest anger. Before he could move on to happiness, he began to see a crack of light break through the black around him. Originally relieved, Jordan ran towards the light, only to feel immense pain as it touched his skin.

    "NOOOOOOOOO! Stay awaaaaaay from the light!"

    Jordan listened to the voice and quickly backed away into the protection of the dark. The light began to get closer to Jordan, causing him to sprint into the opposite direction. He continued running until he subsequently tripped, the light growing closer and closer to Jordan. He closed his eyes tightly and awaited the worst, only to ooen his eyes at the sight of a ceiling. He looked around and noted that he was in a bed, a bunk bed to be exact, and took a breath of relief. He looked at the bottom bunk to see who he was rooming with and much to his liking, it was Will. "Heh, what's up Will," Jordan asked in a tired voice but with a smile.

    Darian gave a big smile to the king, having great gratitude for such a kind person and whose words completely reassured Darian for the best. Carefully, he scooped Angel up into his arms and followed the king out.
  9. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked up, panting a touch when he grinned. "Just trying to survive this whole ordeal. Learning new things every day..." He breathed, looking down at his right hand before looking back up. "How are you holding up man? I know this has been hard with losing Selena and everything. Just remember, we won't stop man, we got this." He said, jokingly saluting his friend. "Or we'll die trying." He breathed lightly, barely audible as he turned over, nursing his bruised rib,
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    As Darian carried Angel, the king followed them into a throne room. The king first stopped and turned to face the two.

    He turned around and walked up to the throne stand and pushed a button under it. The platform began to slide open revealing stairs leading down below.

    "Just this way, this is the most sacred place on this world, it's our sacred Cornerstone of Light." The king explained walking down. In the center of the room was a giant glass orb. The inside of the orb glowed lightly.

    "The cornerstone of light protects this world from darkness. It prevents darkness from attacking this world, even landing on it." The king explained. He hurried over to the cornerstone.

    "Master Yen Sid." The king called out. Shortly after a figure began fading into view. The person was tall and older looking. He was dressed in blue robes with a blue hat on his hat had stars and moons. The old man could only be described as a sorcerer a strong one at that. As the man, Master Yen Sid, raised his head he looked at the unconscious Angel.

    "What is it that you call my need?" Master Yen Sid asked.

    "I found those two and two more travelers being attacked in Traverse Town by the heartless." The king told him. Master Yen Sid nodded his head. He walked forward towards Angel and Darian. "What's wrong with her Master Yen Sid?"

    "Her heart is being shrouded in darkness. It's trying to smuggle her heart of powerful light, almost like a blanket over a fire." Master Yen Sid said. He slowly went to place his hand on her heart for the dark smoke begin smoking around her as she appeared to be put through more dismay to the point where she let out a whimper.

    "The darkness is strong and is doing a very good job of killing her heart. I can tell she must be trying to fight it. She's too weak though." Master Yen Sid explained. He looked up at the cornerstone of light. "The cornerstone of light will take too long unless we can figure out something else that can provide her light." Yen Sid looked at Darian.

    "You, your heart I sense is both light and dark, it is a bit of a stronger light however. About the same strength as my heart, my guess you're also a keyblade chosen one. Yet you can somehow touch her without the darkness threatening to do more harm to her." Master Yen Sid said. He looked closer at Angel.

    "Tell me about your friend." Master Yen Sid requested from Darian.
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia nodded, "Very well, the boy may keep his heart if you so wish. Ahh... Devlin, I believe I failed to mention that the wretched king had come to their aid. I beleive he may take them back to his castle in order for them to recover. Selena and ... Virgil, correct? I need you two to locate them within the castle, beware the Cornerstone however, its immense light could surely spell doom to dark beings like you. Devlin, your brother made a fine host... however Jordan ejected me before I could consume his power completely. I need that power or else Xemnas will never fall..." Marluxia opened a dark portal to Disney Castle and gestured Selena and Virgil in first. "You two were friends with them, I'm sure you can fake friendship for a time. Do whatever it takes to earn their trust and when you do, then we spring our trap. Selena can have her brother, I'll have Darian, and Virgil can have his revenge..."
  12. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan gave a warm smile before nodding in agreement. "Heh, you're telling me," he said reflecting on all of the events that had transpired in the last 24 hours, not to mention whatever was happening inside him. Him jumped off of his bunk to wretch out before attending to Will's second comment. "Oh don't worry, I know we'll get her back...or die trying." He's tone changed to a more serious tone as he began to do squats and push-ups to get in shape before looking around the room to find a bookshelf. He slowly browsed through the assortment of books until finding one that he liked and sat down to read it.

    Darian looked down at Angel and looked back to Twilight Town. He remembered how at one time she was pretty shy and quiet around him. But he still always saw her as a bright and special person who could possibly achieve great things. In the last day, everything he e'er thought about her and more had been shown. He looked up with great confidence and even a smile at Yen Sid before replying, "Well she's smart and pretty brave, I can tell you that. In fact, there was a moment I thought about giving up on all of this, I thought it was too much for me. But she brought me back. She's practically the reason I'm still standing here. There's no doubt in my mind that she'll wake up. She's...she's too strong to fall to whatever darkness may have her."

    Devlin scoffed and gave Marluxia a dirty look before sarcastically saying, "Oh well thanks for telling us that little bit of information NOW. Geez, the cornerstone? That only complicates things..." Devlin scratched the back of his head and sighed before beginning to walk into the portal, stopping inches away to say one more thing to Marluxia. "Oh yeah, I think I should get my brother. Little catching up to do and whatnot, y'know? Besides, I'm the only one who hasn't seen this power. As for Jordan's powers, they aren't yours to take. Trust me, it might be a little...overwhelming for you." He laughed loudly before entering the portal and ended up in a courtyard. Not only did Devlin feel the rays of the sun overhead, but there was a warm presence he could feel below him. "Yuck. So that's what the Cornerstone feels like, huh?"
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: darkness with bad intentions can't go to Disney Castle, people, meaning Devlin can't go nor and other of that group.


    Master Yen Sid slowly nodded his head.

    "What kind of power would you say your friend had?" Master Yen Sid asked when he turned around and slowly above the cornerstone a flower began to form. He looked at Darian.

    "Put her up there in that flower. The light from the cornerstone is going to help fight whatever darkness in her heart and will also fuel her heart back with light. However the process is very long. Unless we can find her special light. Everybody has something which we can classify as special light. That light they could easily fuel their power off of. By providing the presence of that light it'll awaken a special power to help her heart fight more." Master Yen Sid said. He stopped and appeared to observe Darian before nodding.

    "Put her in there and summon your keyblade after."

    Selena went to walk towards the portal before feeling something burning that pushed her away from the portal having her land hard on the ground.

    "I can't pass through." Selena said pushing herself up some.
  14. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Darian looked in a bit of shock at the mans request, but reluctantly did so. He believed that what the man said was the truth, however he had never summoned his Keyblade on his own power. He laid Angel ever so carefully onto the flower and took deep breaths as he extended his arm forward. He closed his eyes and and tried to summon his Keyblade, to no avail. "I...I just can't," he groaned in both anguish and anger. All he had to do was summon his Keyblade. He had done it before and it felt so easy before. Why not now?

    Devlin looked back at Selena and sighed. "Why the hell-" he was cut off short upon feeling a burning sensation run down his entire body. He smirked and looked up at the sun, now speaking to himself, "Oh Cornerstone of Light, never do you cease to amaze me." He slowly made his way back into the portal and started laughing. "Oh my, imagine how he must be feeling right now! Like a rat trapped in a cage," he said aloud. He looked at Marluxia now and asked, "Any other plans?"

    Jordan had knocked off two books at a very quick speed. He went to read a third but felt a cry for hunger in the pit of his stomach. "Will, dude, I'm hungry. I'm gonna look for food. Ready fpt our next adventure," he asked jokingly before getting up and standing by the door.
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Your keyblade, is it of light or darkness? Who fuels your light. What has allowed it to be summoned before?" Yen Sid asked.

    Deep in her heart, Angel could feel something warm and protective. As she looked around she was confused where it was coming from until she saw light orb slowly drifting down from the space above her.

    "Light?" She asked confused. She reached out and touched it watching it absorb into her if she touched it. Suddenly she heard a loud roar. She quickly jumped back when she saw a giant dark beast appear out of the darkness. She quickly readied her keyblade to get ready to attack.

    OOC: The dark creature, heartless thing (where there's like a human heart is a hollow chest of a heart)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2012
  16. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Darian began fumbling over his words with the multiple questions being asked. "I...I don't know. I think...light maybe? But light is suppose to feel safe and...and warm, right? It never feels like that. I usually feel..." Darian stood there looking at the ground, face showing no emotion. "Cold. Cold and...anger." His hand began to light up, but also began to give off black sparks that looked like electricity. His eyes turned white, as he put his hand out once more. This time, his Keyblade appeared in his hand, switching back and forth from being dim to being bright.
  17. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Marluxia led his hands out guiding them to the portal. Virgil seemed unsure of this and rightfully so, as Selena tried to pass through she fell to the ground. Virgil darted over to her and helped her up. " Father told me of this Corner stone. with that around it seriously complicates things. As bad as i may want revenge even i know its a bad move. " Virgil let go of Selena and put his hands on Marluxia's jacket grabbing him almost by the neck. " Look...i don't exactly trust you and you almost harmed Selana. So i'm gonna ask you again" he said sternly letting go of Marluxia with force. " Got any other bright ideas...Bro?!"

    "Honestly if you don't have anything for now i'm gonna head back to the castle." he said while waving his hand and a seperate portal appeared. "So its on you now....But when we get out chances....I'm going to break Darian down........they all will pay." he said clinching his fist as black smoke filled his arms.
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Somebody has messed with your heart as well..." Master Yen Sid spoke. "Darian, where did that keychain come from and what is it's significant." Noticing the fairly hand made keychain on his keyblade.

    Angel stared at the monster in front of her, fear stricken. She gripped the handle of her keyblade tighter though and pushed forward off the ground and went to strike the creature before getting pushed away. She slid off the platform quickly stabbing her keyblade in the side of the tower as she hung off the edge struggling to pull herself back up.


    It's Your Destiny...​

    Fade into the darkness...​

    Become One!!!!​

    Angel gritted her teeth and with all her strength pulled herself up.

    "I don't think so..." She said readying to fight more.
  19. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will stood, heading towards the door. "I'm in man. Just gotta go a little easy." He said, holding his rib still. "But yeah, me too. And maybe we can find some sort of healer to fix my rib." He joked, chuckling lightly as he strode out the door with Jordan at his side. Will's mind wandered back to what had happened a few minutes ago. He had seen the creature that had taken him over, spoken to it even! And it said they shared the same body? What did that mean, he had a heartless inside of him? "That's exactly what it means..." The creature's voice chuckled in his head. He quickly shook his head, trying to get it out of his mind.
  20. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Silence boy! You haven't a single clue as to what you are truly capable of, and if you kill me the others will kill you." He turned to Devlin and sighed, "You really don't see it? You're his brother! You can lead him away from the world and everyone else will follow. Oh... and tell your... friend to keep his hands to himself or he won't be seeing the full extent of his abilities." The man conjured his impenetrable thorns and curled into them like a ball, waiting for Devlin to do his thing.
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