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Kingdom Hearts: Origins

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Mar 18, 2012.

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  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel could hear Darians voice but looked around in confusion when a door appeared. Slowly she walked over to it and upon it opening up she was blinded by light.

    Slowly she began opening her eyes see Darian raising his head up from after kissing her.

    "Darian?" She said slightly weakly and exhausted. She looked around in confusion seeing yen Sid and Mickey, as strangers.

    "Who are they and where are we?" She asked confused still not taking note of being in Darian's arms.

    Selena grinned and went to follow after him before she suddenly stopped.

    "I... I... Can't..." as Selena tried fighting against the darkness in her light. However she gave in,

    "I can't wait..." she said grinning.
  2. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darian was to busy weeping to had realize Angel had opened her eyes, but when he heard her voice he looked at her and could only smile. He then walked over to a nearby bed that had a star cover spread on it and a pillow with a charm laying on it. "Your okay...were safe..."he said before laying her on the bed and removing the two charms that where on the pillows. "Were at Disney's Castle...we'll be okay here for a while." Darian said as he pulled a chair from a table that was within feet from them.

    Ashley looked at Jordan confusingly, the tensed up as Will grabbed her hand, she began to blush as he kissed her hand. "Nice to meet you Jordan and William." Ashley before falling to her knees. "Where is this place anyway?...I need to rest" Ashley said to the boys. Ashley began to look around. "So how long have you guys had your keyblades?" Ashley asked looking at Jordan.
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel sighed and followed his friend back to the castle, though he couldn't get over this feeling that he was being played... but who? Larxene maybe, or even Marluxia. "Hey uhh Saix? Do you think that Devlin is trustworthy? I mean, we could beat him if he attacked but what secret is he hiding? He got pretty riled up when you showed up... what's that about?" The red head stepped in front of his friend and blocked his exit, "You aren't leaving till you give me an honest and straightforward answer. No riddles or any of that crap ok?"
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil appeared behind Devlin grabbing his shoulder. " sup bro so whats going on i'm a tad bored...give me something to do" Selena had re-awakened Virgil's darkness and his eyes were glowing a crimson read almost like a demon. Dark energy was literally flowing from his body at this point. " I'm eager to start this little reunion of sorts you know...so lets hear it Dev whats the plan from here on out.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel sighed still exhausted.

    "That's good I guess." She said. 'It'll at least give me some time to clear my head and figure out what happened to me...' She thought to herself.

    "Where's the others?" She asked him shaking away from her thoughts.

    Selena followed through grinning.

    "I wouldn't mind testing out this new found strength of darkness neither." Selena said.

    'Stop!' Selena exclaimed in her head getting frustrated at the darkness.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Maleficent had her Wizard spy in the area, hiding within the shadows. "Do not get caught. Just remember to stay hidden. No unleashing any assaults. Just gather information on the girl." Maleficent continue to look at the event of the girl, Selena and an interesting fellow that she was with. Pete came back as he smiled. "The last ally is now waiting. Still, I do not believe that he will be that useful." Maleficent turned to him and just stared at him. "Well then, I suppose that I will visit him myself."
  7. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan's previous smile disappeared upon hearing Will saying his full name. "It's Will. Not William. He must've hit his head on his way here," he said, joking slightly. Doubt began to rush through Jordan as to whether or not to suspect his friend for something else but hearing Ashley speak drew his attention. "This is...well, some castle. If that helps." He gave her a warming smile before continuing. "As for our Keyblades, about a day. And if you need rest, you know I could take you inside the castle if you need." Again, unable to help from doing so, he smiled at her.

    Saïx frowned and shook his head, looking downward. "Must there be so many questions with such obvious truths? Of course Devlin is untrustworthy. Wouldn't you get a bit touchy as well if you were hiding a rather large secret and, to my understanding, being constantly harassed over it? And if you want the truth, I believe if Devlin tried, we wouldn't last ten minutes." He looked up at his friend with a serious expression. "Was that the response you wanted?"

    Devlin summoned his Keyblade quickly and jumped away from Virgil, pointing his Keyblade at his heart. Upon seeing who it was, Devlin grabbed his chest and started breathing heavily. "Virg? What the hell man," he whispered, giving his friend a punch on the shoulder. "Why the hell are you out here? And...what's up with yo," he asked, noting the red eyes and high amounts of darkness radiating from him.
  8. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will grinned at Jordan. "I can handle this Jordan. I'll take her to one of the guest quarters." He said, grimacing a bit at the fact that he was noticing it wasn't Will. He just strode over by his friend, voice changing ever so slightly as he spoke quietly. "I'm very confident I can handle this, now get lost!" He spat at his friend, turning back towards Angel and smiling. "Shall we go, my dear?" He asked.
  9. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan was ready to shake off Will's abrupt show of rudeness until he was spat on.

    "Despicable! Kill this beast! Disrespect will NOT be tolerated!"
    "This man is NOT your friend! Kill it slwooowly...make it SUFFFEEEEEEER!"

    Jordan, now struggling to fight back the being within, got up and yelled at his friend, "I would suggest you never to do that again you little bastard. Less something bad happen to the both of us" As Jordan's anger rose, as did his darkness as well as the sudden burning pain he started to feel. Unbeknownst to Jordan, the Cornerstone's ability began taking affect.
  10. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will stopped, smile widening. "So you're the smell I've been following. So much darkness in one little shell... makes you have such a wicked heart to devour..." He breathed, turning back towards Jordan before stretching a little bit. He then cocked his head towards Ashley. "Excuse me for a moment, I need to have a word with my friend here." He said, pulling Jordan into what looked like a small sword fighting arena. He flipped the latch and locked the door before turning towards him. "So... you figured out I'm not little Will. But let me tell you something. I'm better. I can teach you something about that darkness within you, like why it's hurting right now." He breathed, smile widening.
  11. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan paced himself, waiting for this enemy to strike. It was when he said Jordan had darkness within him that he began to get angry. He slammed his hand into the wall and yelled, "There is no darkness inside me." He pulled his hand away and looked and where there was once a perfectly thick wall. There was now a gaping hole there double the size of his own fist. Jordan showed no change in expression until he felt more pain. He held his heart feeling much weaker then previously.

    "NOOOO!! The host must NOT falterrrr!"

    At that moment, Jordan felt the pain quickly dissipate until there was none, although he was still angry.
  12. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will shook his head. "That burning feeling? Right around your heart? That's darkness being attacked by the cornerstone of light. Now, why so angry that your little friend had a secret of his own? It's not like you told him you have darkness within you. It just goes to show that not everyone is as they seem." He said, flipping the latch on the door. "Think about that when the other boy's brother, the traitor, comes to mind." He finished, stepping outside of the door and smiling at Ashley.
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    That was all the motivation Axel needed, as soon as Saix had finished he turned and opened a portal to Devlin's castle, closing it before his friend could follow. After searching for a time Axel located Devlin, "Devlin! When has the Organization questioned you? What are they looking for? Tell me please!" Axel was doing his best to plead with the boy, if he knew what Devlin was hiding, he'd have an edge on Xemnas, which is something he'd very much like to have.
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Virgil looked Devlin dead in the eyes and said with a sick grin" I dont know....bro Selena has a way of bringing out the worst in me!" Virgil turned to axel immediately " So pointy hair why are you here? i don't think you should be waltzing inside of other people places unannounced. eh? Virgil stood against the wall with both his arms crossed still having that sick smug grin run across his face as if he could pop at any given moment." Seriously all of this organization bs is annoying me makes me want to do away with all of them honestly. So dev is there something you aren't telling me?
  15. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan flexed his hand, almost begging for Will's double to strike. Unfortunately, or fortunately, for him, he did not. Jordan shook his head and sighed. 'Whatever this is inside me is no darkness. That book on the ship didn't say anything about the darkness being able to speak,' he thought. He walked out and placed a hand on Will's shoulder. "Where you going bro? You didn't think I'd let you out of this sparring ring without 'sparring', did you?"

    Saïx reached out to Axel before he left but to no avail. He only had a guess where he could have gone and could've gone after him. Instead, he merely frowned and walked off. He gave no thought to the matter, nor did he say a word.

    Devlin began sweating horribly at the sight of more people. He leaped towards Axel and gripped him tightly by the throat and lifted him up against a tree. "Just...just...shut the hell up! Alright?! If you don't want to die, any of you," he looked around at everyone as he said that in a whisper. "Then...stay here..." The hesitation in his voice was a clear and evident sign of something no one there was familiar with in Devlin. A sign of fear. He slowly let go of Axel and put a finger to his lips, backing away from the group slowly, disappearing in the bushes.
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil punched the air so hard there was a air bang so hard it split the earth underneath him. " Devlin..no one walks away from me......No one leaves me when im talking to them, and NO ONE BACKS AWAY FROM ME!" Virigl snapped his fingers angrilly and like that he was gone in a mist and appeared directly behind Devlin. " Where do you think your going huh!" he grabbed Devlin by the neck and pulled him up. " Do you wana desert me like the others did do you want me to look at you as i look at them! How you gonna keep a secret from me huh! ME of all people. im on YOUR side here not those bozo's. So ill ask you again. What is going on!"
  17. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin struggled to get out of the grasp of Virgil's, and to no avail could escape. "Li-Listen Virginia, if you just...give..." Devlin began shaking horribly and turned pale. He tried his best to look confident and calm before clearing his voice and saying aloud, "Oh. I...I didn't see you all there. Are...are you missing someone?" Behind Virgil were three hooded men like the one Devlin spoke to earlier. One stood rather taller than the others, with the chains on his sleeves reaching up to his shoulder. Another had their chains tightly wrapped around their arms, and had his arms folded, leaning back against a tree. The final one had loose chains that dangled from the wrist, touching the ground, as he stood hunched over, trying to laugh subtly by covering his mouth but couldn't as he was laughing too hard. "Hahaha, look at Devy, being pushed around! Hahahaha, what a loser," the third screamed, jumping up and down like a child. "This means he failed right? We can just rip him and the others to shreds right? Right?!" He began jumping more rapidly now and an insanely strong amount of darkness began to radiate off of him. The one against the tree grabbed the more insane one's chain and pulled him into a portal. Before the wild one could utter a word, the portal shut. The tall one simply stood there, shaking his head in disappointment.
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena ran through next and looked at the three strangers in confusion. This giving enough of a break for a bit more of the real Selena to come through.

    "Virgil leave him be." Selena said turning to the strangers keyblade in hand. "Who are you?" Selena asked not trusting any of the three strangers in front of her.

    Angel pushed herself up out of bed and she had to catch herself first before stranding up.

    "We should probably find the others." She said.
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel wasn't one who appreciated being grabbed, let alone choked, so when Devlin ran off Axel was quick to follow. "Devlin! Tell me what... Who're you? You aren't part of the Organization. Get out of here, this is Organization XIII business." While Axel was speaking, he was also attempting to contact Saix. The Organization had its way of communicating with one another when they were in a tight spot, and this looked to be one of those times. "Little Devlin here has something the Organization wants, if you know what's good for you you'll scram."
  20. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Ashley nodded as will said that they had to talk. She walked around and paced back and forth from the door in which Jordan and Will went in and where she had stood before. "I wonder whats going on she thought" She said as she heard Jordan hit on the wall.

    Ashley then looked at Will as he came out the door looking at her and smiling. "Ummm....you okay dude?" She asked. Ashley began to feel a strong presence of darkness.

    Darian looked at Angel as she worked her way off the bed. "Angel!" Darian said in worry as he ran over to assist her.
    'You should rest, but if you really want to go see the guys then lets go." Darian said smiling.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2012
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