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Kingdom Hearts: Origins

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Mar 18, 2012.

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  1. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will felt Jordan's hand and smirked. "One more moment my dear." He said, stepping back into the ring, latching the door and turning towards Jordan. "If you say so. Then let us play." He said, rusted versions of Will's shuriken keyblades appearing in his hands. He stretched and rolled his shoulders a bit before looking back. "As you can see, I am using Will's abilities, but in my own way." He chuckled, letting darkness ebb into the blades before lifting one and pointing it at Jordan. preparing to fire a dark beam.
  2. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil let go of him swiftly allowing devlin to fall to his feet. Virgil's eyes quickly went back to there regular hue and turned around. " So the circus is in town today is it? I can almost promise you. " he said stepping in front of Selena placing his hands in front of her" If you so much as make a look at me the wrong way i wont hesitate to end you where you stand. You don't know me and i don't know you but you bunch of freaks piss me off just being here."

    He quickly pointed to the over excited one hoping around " You! the hell is your problem you think you can kill us then i implore you to try you freak! im honestly getting fed up with all this business, first organization now this bunch of circus freaks. If you have something to say i suggest doing it quick while you still have breath to do so."

    Virgil stood with his arms crossed he knew there was no turning back but he had no intentions of backing down.
  3. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    The crazed one turned around quickly and quicker than a blink of an eye he stood in front of Virgil. He was practically close enough for their noses to touch, as breathed heavily into his face. He exuded a foul odor everytime he would exhale, and began to smile, knowing Virgil would not like it. "Listen kid, I'd love to break you in half, and show you what you really look like in the inside, heart and then some, but lucky for you I can't. If you live long enough, I'll see you later," he said sloiwly, beginning to hunch over again as he walked off with second man. The man grabbed the crazed one's chain once more as the two disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

    The third man stood there still until the others left. He walked over to Devlin and helped him off of the ground and even brushed his shirt of dirt. He put one finger up and wagged it, showing his disappointment. Devlin chuckled and replied, "Heh, stalkers. What can you do, huh?" The man showed no sign of liking what Devlin said, making Devlin chuckle more. The man's hidden eyes turned an abnormally bright red before being hidden under his hood once again. He turned and began to walk off into the portal.

    Jordan summoned his own Keyblade and gripped it tightly, not knowing what to expect from this dark copy of his friend.

    "Idiot!! Hee's charging for a beeeeeam."

    Jordan held his head from the shrieking voice he had just heard, and immediately sprinted to his left.
  4. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    The beam ripped into the wall, leaving a form of acid scars on the wood as Will turned, lifting the other keyblade and shooting a second beam, striking right in front of Jordan, causing him to stop. "Now that I have your undivided attention." He chuckled, dark fire flowing into his blades before he hurled one at Jordan, the blade flying at an unimaginable speed while he lifted his other blade, preparing another beam to fire.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel looked at him and shook her head.

    "Darian... something is out there and it's targeting us. I fear if we stay in one place too long we're put in danger. We need to find the guys and leave." She told him. She knew that yes the state she's in she should rest and regenerate some strength but something was out there, her heart feared it.

    Selena stood there confused and standing next to Virgil she could smell the small stench the person let off as it practically made her gag. She watched as they all left and she turned to Devlin in confusion.

    "I think we should head to the castle without any intrusion and discuss somethings." Selena stated glaring over at the organization member.
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "Listen kid, I'd love to break you in half, and show you what you really look like in the inside, heart and then some, but lucky for you I can't. If you live long enough, I'll see you later,"

    the fumes leaving his mouth were stagnant but Virgil's expression did not change. He was never intimiated int he least bit. the man behind him tugged on the chain and before he could be pulled back Virgil whispered a few words silently to him. " I'd like to see you try..." the men left and one stayed by to help up Devlin. it soon became apparent that they were disapointed in him. The cloaked figure waved his finger in disgust then vanished.

    Virgil stood not turning his face to Devlin.

    "I think we should head to the castle without any intrusion and discuss somethings."

    Virgil literally waved his hand and a portal opened. " Yes i couldn't agree more" he said with a slight distaste in his voice." from his body language it had become obvious Virgil was upset with Devlin for now more reasons than one. Virgil placed one foot into the portal and stopped. he raised one hand " Come Selena" and he vanished into the darkness headed to the castle.
  7. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan stopped dead in his tracks.as the beam went past his face. He looked over at Will and saw him shoot a large ball of dark fire at him. He jumped back to dodge it but unfortunately, it brushed his left arm. He immediately grabbed his arm, not saying anything about it but the pain in his face showed it all. He saw Will standing the same way he did before when he was going to shoot a beam at him. This time, Jordan ran towards Will and jumped behind him and swung his Keyblade as hard as he could into Will's ribs.

    Devlin felt much calmer now, seeing as the mysterious trio had now disappeared. He smirked at Selena and said, "Don't worry. Like I said, once you're out here, on the outskirts of that castle, there's no portaling out of here unless you get into the castle. And I have to give the ok." He saluted Axel and said, "Sucks to be you." He wanted to say something to Virgil but he could feel that there was tension there so he said nothing. He sighed and disappeared in a cloud of darkness and mumbled to himself as he arrived at the castle, "Ugh, this is gonna be boring."
  8. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will felt himself falling backwards so he turned his right hand into a fist, calling the keyblade back to him as the beam shot in the air. He rolled on the ground back to his feet and stood, smiling at Jordan. "It seems you are learning. I can tell you have an other half, just like your friend. But I know more than yours does I believe." He said, lifting his keyblades to strike as he let dark fire cover both of them, his legs starting to churn as he began sprinting towards his foe.
  9. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan's expression turned into anger now with each word his friends dark half said. "I told you once already, there is no darkness in me," he shouted, sprinting towards Will. Just when they were within touching distance, Jordan did a quick spin and got behind Will. He kicked him in the back with incredible strength and spun his Keyblade so quickly, it looked like just a black blur. He moved towards his enemy slowly, making circular motions on the ground with his Keyblade. He felt more pain strike him in his heart before he could strike, causing him to take a few steps back and fall to one knee.

    "Grah!!! The CORNERSTONE is weakennning usss."

    Jordan held his head tightly, wanting the voice to stop talking. 'What the hell's happening,' he thought to himself.
  10. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will rolled, smirking. "The cornerstone is weakening your other half because it is not using you to shield itself, as I am with your friend. And those abilities would only come from darkness. No human is that fast." He growled, teleporting behind Jordan, a grimace of pain appearing on his face from the Cornerstone. It was starting to affect him the more he uses his powers. He then swatted Jordan forward, both blades, slamming into his back heavily.
  11. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darian looked at Angel. "Okay...Your right, we have no choice....Plus it seems like your decision is made" Darian said as he walked over to her and helped her up. "Lets get going....We have to find the others" Darian said looking out the window, to see a girl pacing back and forth. "Wonder who she is..." Darian thought.

    "Darkness!!! Darkness!!!!!!!.....Back.....Back!!"

    Ashley continued pacing back and forth as she began to feel the power of darkness rising nearby. She had known that she could do much with her dark powers due to the cornerstone. "Wonder whats stirring up in there" Ashley said as walked to the door and summoned her keyblade. "Yup...I knew it was them"She said as she cut down the door, in what had seemed to be a single strike. She then walked through the corridor to see Jordan and Will battling one another. "What are you doing!" She yelled as the two boys still raged on.
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel watched the girl inside. Standing there she could feel something bothering her heart, her heart feared what she sensed.

    "Come on!" She exclaimed summoning her keyblade and running into the room. She stopped seeing Will and Jordan fighting. Jordan was internally struggling against something she sense, Will was being controlled by something.

    She closed her eyes and knew precisely what.

    "Jordan! Will!" She exclaimed running in and stood between the two arms spread out. Her keyblade pointing at Will.

    "What's going on?! And who are you and why do you have control over my friend?!" Angel shouted looking at Will.

    Selena followed after Virgil through the portal and watched as it closed behind her.

    "Who were those people and how does Devlin know them?" Selena asked confused crossing her arms.
  13. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will smirked, letting his keyblades disappear. "We'll save that for another time. For now I'll let your friend come back to the fore." He said, closing his eyes. When his eyes opened back up it was Will who was in control, looking around and wondering what had just happened. He then focused on the keyblade pointed at his throat. "Angel, can I ask why your keyblade is pointed at me? And what happened to this place?" It looks like it had started to get torched." He said, stepping back slightly.
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel sighed and lowered her keyblade.

    "We'll talk about it later. Until then, we all need to leave. I sense something is after us, more importantly I also feel all of us oppose a threat everywhere we go. We need to leave asap continue searching for Selena, find a new home, and hopefully we will be safe and other's we'll be safe from us." Angel told them as her keyblade disappeared but somebody walked in.

    "I sure hope I can steal a moment to speak to you people however, particularly you. I recognize who you are now. Angel, Master Hishobi's daughter." Angel turned and looked at the blue sorcerer who had walked in. He looked around at the others.

    "My name is Master Yen Sid. I had lived at Mysterious Tower on a separate moon around Twilight Town, I have relocated it. It now resides around a world called Destiny Islands. Go there and once you arrive I will seek a way for you to come meet me." Master Yen Sid said before disappearing.
  15. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darian ran behind Angel as they reached the room that Jordan an Will were fighting in. "Jordan!! what are you doing?" Darian exclaimed as he noticed that Angel had stepped in between the two. "Angel..."Darian said softly before she ran off to stop the two from fighting.

    "Angel's right...we need to stick together and find Selena....we don't have time to fight each other" Darian said looking at Jordan, thinking about there unfinished fight. "We have...-". "So who the hell are you two?" Ashley asked cutting Darian off in mid sentence, while looking at the Angel and Darian.

    Ashley looked at Will then at Jordan. "C'mon boys you don't have to fight over me...your......friends....are right....you need to stick together" Ashley said with a fake smile. Angel looked at Darian and then winked at him before looking at Angel's keyblade.
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: ermh, powerplay or mistake?


    Angel turned and looked at Ashley taking into account of her.

    "And who are you?" Angel asked raising an eye brow.

    'Besides a cocky annoying bitch, I doubt Jordan and Will were actually fighting over her.' Angel thought to herself before inwardly grinning, 'now I'm starting to mentally sound like Selena.'

    Angel walked closer to Darian.

    "Something's not right with that girl. There's something off about her. She seems... dark almost much like how Devlin felt..." Angel whispered to Darian.

    "My name is Angel, this is Darian, and you've met my two other best friends Jordan and Will. It's nice meeting you, but the FOUR of us must really get going." Angel said crossing her arms, she did not trust that girl at all.
  17. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked around, still confused when he heard the blonde girl mention him and Jordan fighting. "We were... fighting over... a girl? But I don't even know you!" He said, looking at Ashley with his hands in his hair. His mind was so boggled he didn't even know what had happened. "The last thing I remember was eating in the hall with Jordan, speaking to the Queen. And now I'm... I'm here!" He barked, a very distant chuckle echoing through his head.
  18. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan was still on his knees, now panting from the fight, especially that last blow. He slowly got up, not hearing anything the others had said. Jordan was sparked up now, fighting his inner 'demon' was more difficult then ever. He kicked Will as hard as he could in his back and growled, "Get up! I'm not done with you!" Before he could give Will even a chance to respond, he kicked him again while he was down and raised his Keyblade high, ready to slam it down on Will.
  19. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will rolled, looking up at his friend with question in his eyes. "What the hell are you doing Jordan?" He barked, tensing to roll out of the way of the blow. He felt his rib, which had just recently been fixed, ache as he tensed from the kick he had been delivered. "Seriously what is wrong with you? The last thing I remember was we were talking in the dining hall and now you're trying to kill me!" He shouted, calling his keyblades in case he needed to defend himself.
  20. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan slammed his Keyblade into the ground, just missing Will and turned to face him. He continued to pant heavily as he stared Will in the eyes. He didn't see the eyes of whatever dark thing was once there but instead the eyes of his old pal. He held his Keyblade at his side and replied, "Will? Not that...'other' guy?"

    "NOOOOOO!!! Kill HIIIIM! He defied usss. He must be put in his PLAAAAAAACE!!!"

    Jordan looked to his right and screamed, "Shut up!" The way he had said it was almost as if there were someone there.
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