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Kingdom Hearts: Origins

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Mar 18, 2012.

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  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Actually... I do." Axel poked Devlin's chest and leapt out of his 'grave' putting an arm out to Devlin. "So Dev, you have brother problems, bitch problems, psycho problems, and bad problems in general. Sooooo...." He summoned his chakrams and handed one to the younger boy, "I, as a fellow fire user, can transfer my powers to you. Without draining my own! Also people with pure intentions, even if they're beings of darkness, can avoid the power of the Cornerstone, pretty cool huh?"
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Maleficent made her way to a strange, tall looking castle as her skin-color changed to match with the dead-scenery. As she made her way inside the tower, she met in front of a tall, funny-walking bag that has no eyes or mouths... literally. As she came up to him, she started to discuss the plans with him in private. As the bag agreed to her deal, she smiled. "Wonderful. This completes the whole team."
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2012
  3. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil looked at Axel and just rolled his eyes. " i'll belive they changed when i'm holding there hearts in my hands and i absorb them into my being. " he said with a odd smile on his face.

    "Heh, the guy's pretty funny, gotta admit it,"

    "I'll pass bro not in the mood for comedics i just wana break stuff right now. " Virgil looked around the room and slouched down in his chair " im so bored im going to die"
  4. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin folded his arms as his expression changed to a more serious one. "Allow me to go near the Cornerstone, huh? Interesting. But I have doubts about such claims. I'll take my chances," he replied. He looked at Virgil and shrugged, "The kids are taking too long now, I agree. Something is holding them up."
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil stood up and looked back at Devlin. " If your going to the corner stone im going" he streched and yawned " Not like im doing anything in the mean time. He placed his hand over Devlins shoulder " Lead the way oh courageous leader!"
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel shook his head, "No. I'll go. I have nothing else to do, and I don't have anything against the kids. To behonest I'd really like to meet them..." The red head looked at Devlin for amoment and then smirked, "Permission to leave Devlin?"

    Last edited: Jul 2, 2012
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel looked over at the others.

    "If you guys then need me, I'll be at the gumi ship waiting. Don't take too long." She stated. She walked away and back into the castle corridors before running into the king.

    "Oh I see your up." The king said smiling. Angel nodded.

    "Yes, thank you sir for allowing us to rest here and more importantly helping me." Angel said to him. The king nodded.

    "No problem, though I tell you're bothered by something." The king said. Angel sighed and nodded.

    "We're being chased so we need to get going. It was an honor meeting you, your majesty." Angel said before going back to heading back to the gumi ship. She walked in and versus just sitting in the main area and waiting she went back to the rooms. There were thee rooms. One room had two bunk beds allowing for four people to sleep in, the other contained two beds, another contained one. Angel immediately walked into the one bed bedroom claiming it as her own when she laid down staring up at the ceiling.

    Selena stood there listening to the conversation.

    "I doubt a being of pure intention can get through. I tried but got hurt in the process. I had intentions of going to see them, nothing truly more than that. Though you know. You nobodies don't have a heart, so you truly have no darkness or light in your heart to be judged by the cornerstone, you don't have a heart at all to be judged by it. So you probably can get through just fine. I do think maybe we should go look and watch them." Selena proposed.
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Angel... Why ignore your hearts cries? It is an extension of you and it never steers you wrong. Your friends have weaker hearts... they don't understand the language of the heart, and even if they do they have yet to follow it. You were told by your closest friend, to listen to, and follow your heart. Would you let that person's words fade away? Or will you listen. You alone choose your fate... remember that.
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Maleficent and her new team finally came together along with Pete as her Raven starts flying around the room in Hollow Bastion. "So, this is the team. This is a wonderful bunch." "It is quite naturally that we try to go after our same goals together. Besides, the worlds will soon be ours for the taking." Diablo starts flying towards Maleficent and starts to talk in her ear in a caw. She understood it and smiled. "It seems that we have found the next Princess. Pete." "Yes Maleficent?" "I think it is time to throw an invasion..."
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2012
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel laid there listening to the voice.

    "They won't listen." She said rolling onto her side facing the wall. "Somethings not right. The way Darian looked at that girl, he reminded me of somebody, somebody I cared about a long time ago but I can't remember who he was. He used to look at me like that." Angel said as she felt tears roll down her cheeks feeling guilty for she couldn't remember who it was.

    "Angel?" A little girl stood in the doorway of a garden. There was a boy who was sitting on a bench who stood up quickly and looked back at the girl and smiled wide. "Angel!" He exclaimed happily. The girl, about 12 years old, ran towards the boy hugging him and embracing him before the two kissed.

    "I missed you so much." The little girl, concluded to be Angel, told the boy. "It's only been three hours, but I missed you." She told him.

    "I missed you too. I was telling poetry and I just couldn't do it anymore, I needed you, I needed to tell it to you." The boy said.

    "I'm here now at least." Angel said. The boy smiled and kissed her again.

    "Alright. I just wrote this one..." The boy led her to the bench and he stood in front of her as he began to read his poetry to her. Her eyes were shining in the sunlight and were struck in awe and wonder.

    After awhile the two of them laid in the grass facing each other. It was their favorite past time. They usually laid there in each other's arms not saying anything, they just laid there letting the world pass by.

    Angel heard bells in the distance and looked at the boy. As if he knew, the boy pulled Angel closer to him holding her together.

    "Lumaria." Angel said announcing the boy's name. "Lea and Isa are waiting." Angel told him.

    "So what, who cares about them." The boy, Lumaria said.

    "We need to go get dinner though. We told them we would eat with them and hang out tonight." Angel told him.

    "Angel, I don't want to, I'd rather stay here and never move with you in my arms." He told her. Angel smiled up at him and kissed him.

    "I know..." Angel stated kissing him again after. She pushed up and offered a hand. "We'll make it as quick as possible."

    The two began making their way out of the secret garden when suddenly Lumaria stopped.

    "Angel?" Angel turned around looking at him. "Remember when you asked me about running away? I've been thinking about it, and I didn't want you leaving your family and friends, and I was worried about being able to provide for you, but do you still want to?" Lumaria asked her. Angel walked over to him as he opened up his arms and held her in an embrace.

    "You have no idea how much I want to. I just want to run away with you, go somewhere where the world can't get us, it would be just you and me. Maybe one day we'd have a family and live in peace and harmony, no light or darkness." Angel told him.

    "I want to do that too. Live in peace away from these crazy worlds. Live in a world in neither light or dark, but perhaps twilight or dawn." Lumaria said.

    "Then it's settled." Angel said. Lumaria looked down at her. "At the end of the summer we'll run away. I know how to as well. On one of my father's ships we'll stowaway. Once we're at a world my father or anybody won't suspect looking, we'll get off and find another way off that world. We'll stay on the run until we find the perfect world. Between now and then we need to prepare ourselves though." Angel said to him. He nodded his head.

    "It'll be perfect." Lumaria said before kissing Angel. The two then walked out of the garden, there hands held romantically.

    Angel dreamed what would be one of many perfect dreams. She shortly woke up. She smiled to herself.

    "Lumaria... I'm beginning to remember..." Angel whispered. She laid a hand on her heart.
  11. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin nodded, agreeing with Selena. "She's right. That might be the case for Nobodies, but us NORMAL people, heh for people who use darkness anyway, we aren't so fortunate," he told Axel. He patted him on the shoulder and shrugged. "Eh, sorry about that fireball. I will be in touch with though. I have a feeling you might be useful in the foreseeable future." He turned his attention now to Selena and with a smirk said, "Ooh, that's some smart thinking kid."

    Jordan, after resting for a few minutes, looked up and watched Angel walk towards the castle. He jumped up and grabbed the books and began walking to the castle, to get to the ship. As he walked through the corridors and hallways, he started to pass a room with large doors. He stopped very quickly to slowly turn his head and stare at the doors. He took one deep breath and nodded. "Such power. Yet so much pain," he mumbled. He grabbed his heart and continued walking away. The further he got, the less it hurt. He finally made it to the ship and climbed aboard. He began to look through each room to find an open one until he saw Angel. He jokingly knocked on the door, even though he had already entered. "Hey," he said in a very nonchalant tone but with a smile.
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia groaned, his head began to hurt but he did not know why. "What... What is this?" As he looked up, Marluxia beheld what looked like a dream. "Is... is that? Me? But wait... I don't... Remember this." As he watched, he listened, he could hear Angel speaking, like she was pulling this out of the deep reaches of her heart. "Lumaria" "She... remembers?" The pinkette stood and hesitantly opened a portal, "Is this... the connection?"


    Axel nodded, "Then it's settled! I'll go pay the kids a visit! Ciao!" Axel opened a portal and vanished, reappearing in what looked to be a gummi ship. "Hmm... cozy... Uhh YOU?!" Axel looked at the girl lying on the bed, he knew her! He remembers her, she hung out with Isa and him! "You! You're Angel! Oh man! It's been so long!" He walked over to her and poked her, "Why'd you leave? You left Radiant Garden without a damn word! Isa and I were frieking out trying to find you! And... man... You broke my friends heart..."
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: KoD I'll have Angel interact with Jordan after Axel


    Angel looked up at Axel. She sat up looking at him.

    "Who are you?" Angel asked taking him in. Black cloak, annoying, and magically appeared on the ship. "You're part of that organization aren't you?!" She exclaimed. "Wait how do you know my name?" Angel stopped when her keyblade appeared and she looked at him interested.

    "Isa... that name... it was just mentioned, along with somebody named Lea and there was another boy, a boy I cared a lot about and still do but forgot, Lumaria..." She said confused recalling the dream. She looked at Axel. "But who are you?" Angel asked.

    Though she believed and thought she should be fighting Axel going off of his appearance he's part of the organization, but she didn't she didn't feel the need to fight him, nor did she want too. Instead she wanted to embrace him like an old friend or joke around or go hang out and catch up on old times. But why? She didn't know him.
  14. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel was shocked to say the least. "You mean... you don't remember? It's me! Lea! Though... now I'm Axel. Got it memorized?" Axel looked at her and smirked summoning his chakrams, "Remember these? They used to be frisbees! Now they're my weapons of flame!" The red head looked at Angel and sighed, "Y'know Angel... after you left... Lumaria was never the same... Soon after, Ansem the Wise and his apprentices started taking subjects for his experiments. They went after me and Isa first... Isa was scarred by one of the spears the guards had and he went first... I followed shortly after. Then... later, I learned that Lumaria volunteered to have his heart experimented on... I guess he felt that without you... he had no right to keep his heart." Axel looked at Angel, his expression now looking rather angry, "Now we're all Nobodies! Caught in the middle, we have no hearts, yet we still live! All we have is the memories of our past lives and the emotions they bring! Lumaria... can't find the good memories though... I'll let you figure out who he is now... but here's a hint, rearrange our names and add an 'x' and you'll get our Nobody names. I'm Axel and Isa... is Saix... Got it memorized?"
  15. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked over at Ashley and just smiled, holding his hand out. "If you'll follow me I'll lead you to the gummi ship." He said, trying to kind of make it up to her for whatever his other half had done. He then reassured her. "I promise you, whatever it was that controlled me before is gone. I am in full control right now, and I don't believe we had met. I'm Will." He chuckled, waiting for her reply.
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel looked at him confused.

    "I honestly have no clue what you're talking about." Angel told him rubbing her head for one of those supposed memories he was remembering. "Nothing, I don't remember anything you're talking about, sorry. But my heart trusts you." Angel told him smiling on the last part.

    Selena looked at Devlin, "I do what I can."
  17. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel looked, to say the least, heartbroken. Though he didn't have a heart... for some strange reason he seemed to feel emotions while around Angel, perhaps because they were good friends. "You... don't remember us? Oh... We-"

    "That is quite enough... Axel."

    Axel turned on the spot, seeing another dark portal, "Marluxia. Pleasure."

    Marluxia growled at Axel before turning to Angel, "You... We've obviously met before, but when? How do you know my somebody's name?"

    Axel raised an eyebrow, "Wait... you don't remember her either? Honestly Lu... Marluxia... how forgetful can you get? She was..."

    "Axel! I do not recall any of this. Nor do I recall asking your opinion. Now, girl... tell me... who are you?"
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Wait you! You I fought against you." Angel said her head hurting even more. Her heart also seemed a little hurt. Actually hurt a lot. She pushed it away though.

    "I don't know why, it came to me in a dream, as a small sliver of a memory." Angel said. She looked at him. "Marluxia... You're Lumaria, from my memory?!" Angel said shocked.
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia stared at Angel momentarily before speaking, "Yes... I was Lumaria before I let the apprentices take my heart. But... How do you know that? A better question would be, who are you?" Marluxia was a bit shocked honestly, this girl, knew the name of his somebody, and she has memories of him. "Could it be that... you... are the Angel from my past? The one person I fell in love with? And the reason behind my willingness to lose my heart? It... can't be... it's not possible..."
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel looked at him confused before looking over to Axel for a little help with this. She wasnt sure, she didn't have an answer.

    "I'm not sure. But I" don't know." Angel said just as confused.
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