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Kingdom Hearts: Origins

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Mar 18, 2012.

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  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel laughed, "It's amazing! You both can't remember!" Opening a portal to Saix's room, the red head poked his head through and found his friend, "Psst, Isa! Check it out! I found Angel!"

    Marluxia noticed that Angel was being hurt from the overflow of memories. "Ahh... are you... are you alright... Angel?"
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: So my quick post on an iPad of three lines is only two? Damnit, I'll fix that.


    Angel held her head some more. She slowly nodded but it didn't seem to help her in the least bit.

    "Who is your Angel? I'll see if it sounds like me. I'll try to tell you about my Lumaria." Angel told him. She slowly sat back down on the bed her head hurting. She wasn't even quite sure how much more she could handle. Their were memories trying to push through, but they were failing to do that. The memories felt like they were building and building ready to burst at any second.

    "You look like Lumaria. He had pink hair and the brightest blue eyes. He was very caring and protective of me. He told beautiful poetry, we hated being a part. We'd lay in the grass holding each other. We were making plans to run away..." Angel said holding her head as a pain shot through her head and she let out a little scream throwing her head into her hands. She needed to know.

    "Your turn..." She said through gritted teeth.
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia nodded, "My Angel was... the most beautiful thing I had ever seen... She had brown eyes and well... looked a lot like you... she always came with her father to my home world to hang around with me and my two friends, Lea and Isa. She sometimes talked about her best friend... Selena I think... and her favorite thing in my garden was my cherry blossom tree..." Marluxia absent mindedly sat down next to her, as the memories came flooding back to him.
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel quickly stood up.

    "Selena?! That's my best friend, practically my sister!" Angel exclaimed. "That's impossible! You couldn't, and I couldn't. And I fought you because you were hurting my friend, and your darkness attacked my heart... and..." Angel shook her head. She glanced back at Axel standing in the room.

    "You couldn't possibly be Lea that my memory mentioned. You can't possibly be Lumaria." Angel said shaking her head.

    "He just can't. He can't possibly be the boy that my heart reached out for seeing that memory, feeling that memory. I fought him! He..." Angel began to rethink her rambles. She shook her head.

    The point in Twilight Town and finding the petal she was curious then and wondered what it was, the petal reminded her of a distant memory.

    The fight, she didn't want to hurt him, she didn't at all, her heart didn't want to, her heart called to him.

    The moment when she saw those visions she was upset by them, she was a little worried about them.

    When his darkness began reacting with her heart, it felt pain and it was afraid, very afraid, it was afraid of what it has become.

    Seeing the mural in her heart she was shocked but not too surprised as it felt natural there.

    Suddenly the voice, the voice speaking to her heart, surely the voice her heart and herself were so open to.

    "You..." Angel shook her head.

    "You're the one who's been communicating with me. Reaching out and speaking to my heart, aren't you?" Angel asked in her heart wondering if he received it.
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia's head shot up, ... Yes... yes I am the one who has been speaking through your heart... Angel... I think... That you can still run away. Run away with me like my Angel had always dreamed of doing! Your heart trusts me... I need you to trust me. I understand if you need some time to think... but if you decide to run... Marluxia opened a portal and slowly walked into it, You'll know how to contact me. Farewell Angel, for now.
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel stood there confused. She looked over at Axel. She was going to speak to him when suddenly she heard the door open to the gumi ship.

    "Axel... Lea... Somebody... Nobody... Friend... Whoever you may want to get out of here." Angel said pushing him towards his own portal and out of view of whoever entered. She saw the door knob turn on her door as she jumped towards bed.

    "Hey" Angel looked up at Jordan.

    "Hey, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be showing your new friend Ashley around?" Angel asked still slightly P.O.'d about that, but she was more shaken up about Marluxia than anything.
  7. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Ashley looked at Will. "Im sorry but...I want to talk to Darian about something...I gotta hurry before he gets going...thanks anyway" Ashley smiling at Will and winking at him before running to to the castle after Darian.

    Darian began wandering around the castle. Ashley not following far behind.

    Darian couldn't stop thinking about what had went on moments ago. "Why?...what made me protect this girl?"
    Ashley continued following Darian, watching his every move. "Darian...I'm injured...i need to rest".
    He looked back at her before saying "Im sure Angel will let you bunk with her". Darian then had realized he was at his room door. "Or you could rest here while I go and get you a few potions".
    Angel look at and replied saying "...Okay...I'll rest here."
    Darian then opened his room door as she walked through it. "Ashley..."
    "Yeah..?" She replied. Darian looked down the hall before saying "You can rest there on the bed...I'll be back okay."
    Ashley looked at Darian and nodded. Darian closed the door behind him before he began walking down the hall.

    "Go Back!...Follow Heart!"
    "Leave me alone!" Darian yelled out as he began to stumble down the long hallway.
    Darian grabbed his chest as fell to his knee's. "What are you....who are you." Darian asked as his left eye began to turn completely white and the other a dark violet. Darian then passed out.
    Darian's body began to glow white then, dark violet then, a mixture of the two. His aura was so strong at that moment that even the weakest of being felt it from extreme distances.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2012
  8. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    OOC: That means I'm up finally?

    Jordan shrugged and replied, "I don't even remember the kids name. She found me training, she got attacked by a bunch of Heartless and I saved her," he said with a smile. He leaned against the wall in her room and shook his head. "You don't like her, I'm guessing? She seemed...decent, to say the least. Any reasoning for your distrust? Other than the fact that your boyfriend looked interested, heh."

    Saïx turned quickly around at the moment of hearing his old friend. "Lea? Is that you," he asked, inching closer to the portal. Just when he did, Axel and Marluxia fell out of the portal and onto him. He shoved the two off and stood up, brushing himself off. "You have some explaining to do, both of you! Now talk," he said to the both of them before folding his arms.
  9. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel opened his mouth to speak when Marluxia grabbed Saix's coat, "Isa! You are the final piece, go in the portal! GO!" Marluxia pushed Saix through the portal before closing it and opening his own back to his castle. "Farewell, Lea..."


    Axel just stared as Marluxia shoved Saix and then disappeared himself... "What am I getting myself into...?"
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel shook her head.

    "No it's not that..." Angel sighed. "There's something about her Jordan. She's dark. I mean we're all dark, I can sense darkness in my own heart, but she's an evil dark as in the darkness Devlin uses." Angel told him. Angel sighed when she stopped sensing something.

    "What is that...?" Angel asked sensing the energy drainage around her. She looked over at Jordan when she heard a large thump.

    "Go look, I'll be right there!" Angel exclaimed closing the door on Jordan and locking it turning around to see another man.

    "And I'm assuming you're Isa." Angel said crossing her arms looking at him. "I don't remember anything so please save me the head ache." She told him.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2012
  11. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan turned his head and looked down as if listening for something. "Yeah, I can feel it too," he muttered. He quickly turned around at the sound of a thump but was quickly pushed out by Angel. He stood outside the door and looked at it scoffing. "Well happy birthday to me," he said sarcastically.

    Saïx turned and started to walk through the portal but it closed suddenly in front of him. In anger, he yelled, "Damn it Axel!" He turned to face the two teens with a disgruntled expression. It wasn't until he actually took a good look at Angel did his expression change. "Angel? Is that you?" He walked around her to look her up and down. "I see. You've forgotten everything, haven't you? Or at least, hopefully, just me and Lea. I would hope not of Lumaria."

    "Come on Isa! Your slowing up!
    "Maybe it's because I'm in no rush.
    "Alright, but Lumaria might be mad if we show up late!"
    "We live down the street Lea."

    "Hey kid, get outta that window!"

    Jordan shook his head and looked at the door. He knocked on the door and said, "Angel! What's wrong?"
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2012
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "I'm ok, go, go investigate that thing." Angel said looking at Saix. Angel shook her head.

    "I don't know who you are..." Angel said. She crossed her arms. "I'm assuming you're Isa." She sighed.

    "Isa... I have these pressures in my head and heart wanting to explode, they're memories, I know that now. I had one escape in a dream I just had. You and Lea were mentioned and I saw Lumaria. But I don't know what that dream meant, what that memory is. I know the emotions in that dream are real, I still kind of feel them. But I don't know." Angel told him.

    "Please help me understand." Angel called out to Marluxia. "I don't know the meaning of this, I'd like to know, I'd like to know those memories." She told him a little confused on even what she was saying.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2012
  13. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan face turned to frustration for reasons he couldn't quite understand. Nonetheless, he started his walk to the castle to find whatever strong presence that was coming from there. He finally found the source to be his best friend, who was radiating different colors. He jumped next to him and put an arm around him. "Darian, you alright man? What's wrong?"

    Saïx shook his head and sighed. "Well I guess that is understandable. Lumaria is obviously a more prominent memory and emotion in your heart." He paced back and forh for a few seconds before stopping and standing in front of Angel. He extended his hand to her and said, "Come with us Angel. We can help you recall your past memories if you give us the opportunity."
  14. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will just shook his head and decided to head towards the ship. As he passed through the castle his mind wandered to what they said that his other half had done. "Maybe if you learned to watch you'd know..." The other half's voice echoed in his mind. "And how do I do that..." He barked back. The voice chuckled. "Stay concious you idiot. You need to pay attention to what I do while in your body, that way you can pass it off as your own actions when needed." He cooed, chuckling before fading away as Will entered the ship.
  15. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Darian, you alright man? What's wrong?"

    "Darian...awake!"A cloaked person said as they extended their arm to Darian.

    Darian began to look around, but couldn't see anything but darkness and a extended hand. "Who are you....what are you?" Darian asked the cloaked person.

    "I am you...I am your existence...your soul...you he-...your life...I am you".

    Darian grabbed it's hand as it pulled him up to his feet. "Why do you keep telling me to Go back?...what is back...where do you want me to go?"
    "To the Beginning of the Dawn and the End of Twilight" The cloaked person said before bursting into light.

    Darian shook his head and opened his eyes to see Jordan with his eye's still the same as before he had passed out. "Jordan...help..." Darian said before coughing up blood and passing out again.
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    As Maleficent went back on her rampage of taking over some more worlds, many heartless ships were out in space. Some went south and some went east. As they start to travel, one world full of animals were about to start to be covered in darkness while another world that looks like it is entertained by a circus also were about to be attacked by the heartless. The villains continue to go on their mad search as they start to destroy each world. Jafar went on to the Land of Dragons and Ursula to a world full of pirates. Each world started to fall to darkness and one invasion took place at a world where the dwards lives...
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel stood there unsure. She sighed and shook her head.

    "I can't go. I have a quest and mission here I must do. I cant go with you, I want to remember to figure out the reason for these memories and emotions, but I cant." Angel told him, " I'm sorry."

    "Marluxia, please though help me remember, re teach me those memories..." Angel reached out to him.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2012
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Re teach? You've used the abilities once before, and they sparked something in your heart... When you fought me, you held back. That is why I was able to take refuge within Darian. Your memories though... are another problem in and of themselves. You not being able to remember loving my somebody, and instead loving Darian... someone rearranged something inside you... Try and remember... remember what kept you and Lumaria together, and when you find it don't let go. All you have to do is remember. Think of something that you may have given to Darian,or possibly to Selena. Something special, something important that had a grasp over your heart. Anything, it could be anything, from a ring, to a flower. Look deep, and you shall find what you seek, trust me... and believe in your heart.
  19. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will was outside of the ship but didn't go in, mind still full. He wondered why this thing had chose him. The the area got dark, so dark he couldn't see, and the voice echoed around him. Suddenly he was back on the station of serenity. He heard the chuckle and snapped around, turning to see his dark alter ego standing there, eyes glowing a bright yellow. "So, you're starting to realize that I am a separate entity within you. That's the first step. But you also seem to have light in you. You are a being of the twilight now. A half breed, unaccepted by any but his own kind. But you have me to keep you company so it's ok..." He chuckled, Will's anger increasing with each word.
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "But, I don't know those memories or connections. I did give something to Darian, it was given to me by my father, he made it for me on one of his business trips. That can't be anything special. Lumaria... Marluxia, help me understand, please teach me, anything anything at all, I need help bringing back these memories, and only you can. Please, teach me of my past that you may remember. Let us both learn..." Angel looked over at Saix.

    "I'm sorry, I need to help my friends, please Isa, keep in touch and Lea too... Lumaria... Marluxia and I both need to learn but from each other." Angel said before frowning.

    "Forgive me forgotten friend..." Angel said before running out of the room to find her friends.

    Angel soon found Darian and Jordan.

    "Where's everybody else?" Angel asked looking around.
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