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Kingdom Hearts: Origins

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Mar 18, 2012.

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  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Angel, listen to me. That item that you gave Darian, would it happen to be the keychain that his keyblade uses? If so then that may be the item that connects you to Lumaria. I need you to try something... reach down, deep into your heart, and find the power you used against me. Once you find it, I need you to look even deeper, and find Lumaria. Once you find him, combine with his memory, and your magic... will be more powerful then ever before!

    Now... as for the memories... I sort of remember one day... my Angel's father came to the garden... and we had a slight problem with our appearances... Angel was so frightened that I had to use my vines and plants to calm her down. Her father eventually discovered what we were hiding... granted Angel didn't do a good job at hiding it... She had said, we're playing dress-up. Her father didn't seem to care that her appearance was altered, he was confused as to why mine was though. Later on, Angel was worried about her appearance, she had said she wasn't normal... I told her, that I really didn't care if she was normal or not... no matter what she was, I'd still love her...
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel heard Marluxia speak again she turned to Jordan.

    "We need to get him to the ship and go. I'll run ahead and make sure everybody is there." Angel said before running off. She ran to the ship continuing to listen to Marluxia.

    "It is his keychain, but how do I go about getting it back?" Angel asked. She ran onto the ship and found Ashley and Will, Will was asleep Ashley appeared to be resting she stopped and looked in at her.

    "You've supposedly have traveled a lot, so you should know how to heal, Darian is hurt and to gain my trust slowly I want you to do as I tell you, please help him out." Angel told her trying not to be rude despite her tone.

    She ran into her room, it was a small room designed for the captain with a single bed, storage closet and. Mirror. She locked the door behind her to make sure that she would not be bothered as she looked into the mirror.

    "Reach for the power... Marluxia I can feel it but how do I find Lumaria's memory that way?" She asked. She closed her eyes feeling the power ink her heart. It was powerful. Then she saw it, it was a single locket in her heart surrounded in darkness. "Insee something but it's surrounded in darkness and I can't reach it!" Angel said struggling with trusting to reach out for it.
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Angel, you must grab it, reach out and grab it! With it your connection should be renewed and then, you can wield the power you once had, while with Lumaria. Marluxia stood and raised one arm up, summoning a small ball of darkness. In his other arm, he summoned his scythe, and placed it onto the ground. Grabbing a ring from the scythe, he pushed the darkness in and guided it to Angel. I will use my power to protect you Angel. Now you can grab the locket, with no fear of the dark. It will not hurt you... I promise.
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel felt vines wrap around her body in the vision. She felt stronger nd she reached out and grabbed ahold of the locket when there was a flash of light.

    So much went by her in a few seconds. Her earliest childhood memory of meeting Lu,aria for the first time when she was 9, getting a tour around town and him showing her his garden. Then hanging out on weekends growing up with him. She saw a vision of the night when Lumaria expressed his love to her and she realized that the emotions she didn't know how to describe was love for him too. She realized that night she always loved him and only him. She then saw a secret power awaken in her revealing they were the powers of a child of light. Her father instructing her that the power of light is the power of love and due to the connection she formed with Lumaria gave him part of her his powers and vice versa.

    Angel opened her eyes as she stood on in the dive of heart. She looked at the locket held in her hand and opened it up seeing a picture of a man, woman, and a baby then on the other side was a picture of a younger Angel and Lumaria. She looked at the mural as darkness and a ton of flower petals covered it up. She looked up seeing somebody else there.

    "Lumaria?" she saw the pink hair boy there, his beautiful blue eyes. His caring smile. She wanted to run into his arms and embrace.mnever let go as they would kiss but the petals on the mural blew up into a tornado around Lumaria causing her to look down at the mural. She saw two angels laying on the ground below a cherry blossom tree, vines wrapped around them holding them together. Around the edge were thorny roses. She looked closer at the Angel seeing that it was her and Lumaria. She looked up as the petals disappeared and she found Marluxia standing there.

    "So you really are my Lumaria?" Angel asked shocked some.
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia nodded, "Yes, I am Lumaria. And you... are my Angel." He walked towards her and looked her over, "You really have changed... and even as a Nobody... I longed for the day I'd see you again. Angel.. I can teach you. Teach you how to once again wield my powers. Then... we can finally achieve our dream... my promise from so long ago. We can run away and be together... forever." Marluxia wrapped his arms around Angel, resting his head on her shoulders, while secretly channeling his darkness into her.
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel stood there still unsure how to react. She loved him, so a distant memory revealed to her. The emotions she was feeling it was like a repeat of the memory she had about questioning love, but this time she understood it better as love and this time more of a teenage hormone.

    She was relaxed but also anxious. What had completely gotten over her, she wasn't sure but she was happy and excited, but felt better being in his arms. She felt better and felt more love with him than she did ever with Darian. So what she thought she had with Darian was all a lie, a mask, but by who was it created, and why from her memories she knew she loved him and then even now she loved him.

    She stood there and after awhile she hugged him back closing her eyes laying her head against his chest. Just like before when he made her lay her hand on his chest, she heard no heart beat.

    "I'm so sorry, Marluxia...."
  7. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan was about to respond to Angel, but she quickly ran off just as quickly as she had arrived. He shook his head and sighed. "Kids," he mumbled. He slowly picked Darian up and slung him over his shoulder and walked to the ship. "I know you can't hear me, but do you think you can stop passing out every five minutes? Heh, getting annoying now," he said to the unconscious Darian, slightly joking. Jordan arrived on the plane and walked into the room with two beds and laid him on one of them. He took his own jacket off and laid it on his own bed and went back to Angels door and knocked on it a few times. "Angel, come out, let's get out of here." Silence. "Angel, open the door," he said, louder than before and knocking again.

    Realising she wasn't coming out anytime soon, he walked over to the ship controls and frowned. 'Like hell if I know how to fly one of these things,' he thought. He quickly smiled and went over to the bookcase and started browsing through the selection. He muttered book titles for a few seconds until finding a book titled "Tips and Tricks For Driving Gummi Ships!". "Childish name but hey if it works, no arguments here." He walked over to the ship controls and had his book opened on his lap as he began to start takeoff. He quickly read and skimmed through the first few pages before looking up at the controls and applied what he had read. He felt the ship slowly lift off the ground as he began to take it out of the station.

    He looked to his right and saw something that requested destination data. Jordan flicked the holographic machine to find a random planet and came along one that had beaches and looked quite peaceful. "Destiny Islands it is," he said smiling. He picked the destination and flipped a switch that read autopilot and let the ship do the rest.

    As he began to hear people boarding the ship, Saïx saw this as a chance to escape and opened up a portal to his room where Axel was. He went through it, and closed it behind him. He gave Axel one of his rarely seen smiles and said, "That was her."
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2012
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia simply smiled, he had easily infected Angel with enough darkness, though only a few changes in her appearance were actually noticeable. "Angel... your friends are leaving..." Marluxia summoned his nobodies and spoke, "You will obey not only my call, but that of Angel as well." The nobodies nodded and disappeared along with Marluxia, "I will see you again soon my Angel... Call my nobodies whenever you want with a snap of your fingers. They will help you learn the basics of my powers."
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel looked at him then thenobodies and nodded. Something seemed wrong but a bigger part of her, her secret new found darkness found it all to be oh so right. She looked back at Markuxia.

    "When will I see you again? I want you to teach me, I want you there by my side, I need your guidance to help me... I may barely remember those distant happy memories, but my feelings I feel they are real, and they are powerful." Angel told him.
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia was silent for a moment before responding, "Listen for me... on the islands. That is where our time will begin. Return to your friends, and take a look at how you see things as the new you. Farewell... for now." After what seemed like an eternity, Marluxia's presence disappeared from Angel's dive.

    Axel smiled, "I FEEL happy Isa! I actually feel it!"
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel looked at him and watched as he left. She sighed and turned around as she was engulfed in light. She opened her eyes and picked herself up off the ground standing up. She exited out of her room quietly and heard Jordan controlling the ship. She quietly made her way into the room Darian was a sleep in. She summoned her key blade and watched as Darian's appear. The key blade then began to glow as the key blade transformed and something began to float in the air.

    "I'm sorry, Darian, you and I aren't meant for each other." She said taking the good luck charm from her father. She looked at it as her key blade and Darian's disappeared. She held the charm in her hand when suddenly she felt a jolt as if something hit or shot the ship. She quickly ran to the front where Jordan's at.

    "Where did we take damage?" Angel asked before running up next to him and taking over controls looking outside seeing the strange creature ships. The logo on them with a heart and x in it, the symbol belonging to the heartless.
  12. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Ashley couldn't help but hear what happened in the hallway and followed the gang to the gummi ship and snuck her way onto the ship. She had hid in the room in which Jordan had put Darian in.

    Ashley began to hide in a nearby closet near Darian's bed as she watched Angel walk in.
    "I'm sorry, Darian, you and I aren't meant for each other."
    Ashley couldn't believe anything she was seeing. Ashley walked over to Darian and began trying to wake him up.
    "Darian..Darian...get up! Come On!". Ashley walk to the front of the ship and looked at Jordan and Angel and said "So you guys were just going to leave me?"

    "I'm sorry, Darian, you and I aren't meant for each other."

    Darian began to looked around the endless room of nothing as he heard Angels voice. "Angel....what do you mean...I thought....I..." Darian said as he fell to his knee's.
    "Betrayal and Love come hand and hand. Don't fall for it. Love is your greatest weakness, and with your lost you've become stronger." The cloaked person said as he appeared the same way he had disappeared before. "Awake now Darian" The cloaked man said as the floor under Darian became an endless abyss. Darian tried reaching for the ledge nearby, but his hand went straight through it.

    Darian sat up in the bed and began to look around as he realized he was in the gummi ship. Darian got out the bed and walked to the front of the ship where the others were. "Whats going on?" Darian asked as he looked at Angel.
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " You know what i'm sick of this. im sooooo bored im gonna die" Virgil punched a hole in the nearest wall " Im going to go ensue some anarchy..." he vanished as the sentence finished. " it was only a matter of tme before Virgil was sick of waiting for the meeting to happen. Quickly in the Gummiship a viel of darkness covered the inside of the ship. A voice was heard in the room " Jordan.." then the darkness faded quickly into Virgil's hand and the lights were returned" Sup bro!" he motioned past him and grabbed Darien by the shirt" " I think you need to be more concerened with yourself right now bro!" He vanished and re-appeared behind ashley and she vanished with him.

    They floated outside the ship in two dark orbs standing besides Virgil they were both put into a unconcious state. " This should keep you both quiet for now. as for you guys " he pointed at the gummi ship and opened his palm and a large beam pulsated from his hand and phased into the ship." Seems legit" He took both his new prisoners back to the castle. he appeared right in front of Devlin" yo hold her real fast he shoved Ashely into his arms. He waved his free hand and 1 black chair's showed up. he shoved Darien into the chair and locked him down into it. it was the same chair he held selena in.

    " So yea wake up scrub he tapped Darien's face" He put his shoulder around selena and leaned on her" so yea that just happend."
  14. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will's other half snickered before speaking. "I guess I should let you wake up and help your friends." He said, clicking his fingers and causing Will to snap awake, seeing a bunk bed above him and feeling the ship being rocked from attacks. He jumped up and ran into the next room, finding himself in the hall with the flight room to the right. He ran into the flight room to find Angel and Jordan. "Angel, do we have any weapons on this thing to fight back with?" He asked, feeling another blow rock the ship.
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The Wizard that maleficent sent to spy on Devlin and the gang has seen everything and started to report all of the information back to her. "Hm... what an interesting bunch. I think it is high time that I start coiming into the scene and... interere with them for a little while." As Maleficent looked back as to how everything is going in her staff, she saw that her heartless ships has encountered the children. "The dreaming Keyblade lackeys. Heartless! Annihilate them!" Maleficent starts to warp out of the room in Hollow Bastion and the heartless ships starts to charge straight for Angel's ship, firing beams.
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel turned back to look at Darian seeing him staring at her. She had a sense of guilt but not too much of a care for it.

    "We're under attack." she simply stated the obvious. Suddenly she froze sensing something or rather somebody. She turned to see a dark man in the haul of the ship.

    "Hey!" Angel exclaimed summoning her keyblade she was too slow when he disappeared and Will emerged.

    "There's guns built into the ship." she said touching multiple controls. "You should be all good to go." Angel said before running to the back room. She sighed as she snapped her fingers once alone.

    "You called humble lady." Angel stood there shock seeing the nobodies and nodded.

    "I need you to go after that man who kidnapped Darian and Ashley. Feel free to leave Ashley behind but get Darian back here this instance. He may have a key to unlocking my memories, plus I can't have another friend go missing or I can't go to be with Lumaria." She told them.

    "Yes master Angel." the nobodies said before disappearing. She ran back to the front.

    "We need to get rid of these monsters then get to Destiny Islands. Once there I may be able to get Darian and Ashley back."

    Selena watched as Virgil reappeared.

    "Ever hear of patience is virtuous. Well nonetheless, I'm proud of you, but I would have played with them a little more, let them feel your wrath, and you should have let me know and I would have come along." Selena said as her dark side came out some.
  17. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will plopped into the seat, feeling a blow rock the ship yet again as he gripped the controls and turned hard, dodging a few of the beams. He started to press the triggers on the controls, firing beams to finally push them back again. When he finally started tapping controls before an aiming target popped up on the screen, allowing him to turn and take a few ships down. "Angel, I know just randomly shooting things may be my forte, but piloting isn't!" He shouted back, commenting on his rocky piloting skills.
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Well i know im not the most patient person in the world but this was urking me. but trust me. ashley wont be a problem i doubt it in the least. oh and i'll play with them alright. Darian is going to know true terror when im done with him. Besides they would be stupid to pursue here. "

    Virgil looked at Darian and tightened the chains around his body. Devlin keep a hold of that girl i dont think she will rebel. if she does i'll kill her. " he said it with such a stern face that it was almost frightening.
  19. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan heard his name uttered and quickly turned around to the sight of his friend being taken. He couldn't even begin to speak before the man took Darian and Ashley. He reached out to where they once were and showed a face of confusion. 'That voice...nah, couldn't be,' he thought to himself before shaking the idea out of thought. He watched as Angel ran away and he was left with Will. "Well buddy, looks like it's just you, me, and guns. Let's get to it," he said cheerfully before jumping into a seat and beginning to shoot at the surrounding ships.

    Saïx chucked at Axels comment and replied, "Let's not start speaking nonsense now, Lea. We still need hearts to feel real happiness. However, I think we can both agree that if we didn't have a true initiative when it came to retrieving our hearts prior to seeing Angel, we do now."

    Devlin frowned upon seeing Virgil disappear after speaking of anarchy. "What the hell is that guy planning," he mumbled. It didn't take long until Devlin got his answer, as Virgil returned with Darian and a girl he had not seen before. His expression turned to anger as he watched Virgil practically manhandle his brother. He pushed Ashley to the side so he could summon his Keyblade, slicing through the chains with ease. He picked Darian up by hia collar and glared at Virgil. "I respect you, you know this, and for the most part your actions. My brother, however, is off limits. Only I can spill his blood." He looked at Darian and lifted him higher up before throwing him to the side. "Humph, pathetic."
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena watched as Deflin just threw Darian's body. She made a face and looked over at Virgil.

    "I got it, I'll grab controls you worry about shooting." Angel sitting down in the pilot seat and switching off auto pilot before grabbing controls.

    "I hope you're buckled up or this is going to be one crazy ride." Angel said when she switched a switch to turn on boosters as they were flying 10x's faster. She pulled the ship up over the line of enemies before speeding through the next group the last group following them.
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