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Kingdom Hearts: Origins

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Mar 18, 2012.

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  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil had a smug look on his face " Don't be selfish Devlin, you think your the only one that wants revenge here?! Put away your toyblade and quit acting like a drama queen. I dont think Selena here likes you swinging him around like a rag doll. have some respect at least. " Virgil walked past Devlin purposely bumping into his shoulder as if he shoved him. he walked over to Darians body and picked up him sitting him back in the chair.

    " Virgil made sure he was secure once again turning his head back at Selena and giving her a nod that things were ok. " Devlin lets just get one thing clear. No one will make Selena upset around me. Friend or not, got that?!" I want to rip his guts out right in front of him but you don't see me doing it. You aren't the only one around here that desires this so i say while we have the chance we have a little fun. why not ask him a few questions besides the chains i just wrapped around him are now chained to his nerves. You cut these and the story will end faster than you think. So i suggest you calm your self. feel me?" Virgil made it his objective to look devlin in his eyes" No one is off limits to me....got it"

    Virgil went back over to selena rubbing her shoulder to let her be at ease. " When he wakes i want you to be the first one he sees."
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Well Virgil, I wouldn't say that's entirely true." Marluxia's voice rang out clearly in the throne room as a dark corridor opened, signifying his entrance. However, Marluxia himself never stepped through the portal. "Unlike Axel, I'm no fool. I know of the power that radiates around your castle, and therefore I implore you to come see me... Devlin. We have... much to discuss, and to be quite honest we don't have alot of time. So do be quick about it."

    Marluxia closed the portal, but not before sending a Nobody to Devlin with his location, and a message that said not to tell anyone else. though Marluxia as quite sre he wouldn't. "It's only a matter of time..."
  3. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will plopped into a seat on the left, tapping a button that allowed the turret to sink below the ship into a turret mode, allowing him to shoot all around them. He rotated and started shooting behind them, buckling up as he continued to pull the triggers. He started to knock out a few of the ships when he felt the turret start to rise again from the speed increase. He continued to shoot until it snapped back front and he was sitting next to his friends once again. Then it clicked. Darian was taken, and it was while his other half had been distracting him. "Damn..." He breathed, looking over at the others. "So we have something chasing us, and we're down one member. What do we do now?"
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Maleicent traveled through darkness while the heartless is still attacking the worlds as she made her way to the entrance of Devlin's castle. She tapped her staff onto the ground so that she can summon her Defender heartless as her escorts. "Time to see their inferiority." Maleficent starts to walk inside the castle, opening the door for her to go inside.

    Pete was in the entrance of a large, gloomy castle as the heartless starts to attack. "BEAST!" "BELLE!" "HAHAHA! Another Princess soon to be ours!" Pete saw that the Beast was getting ready to wrestle with him as Belle attempt to run from the heartless. "Not this time you furball!" Pete punched the Beast in the face to send him flying into a wall but Belle managed to escape for a bit, going into hiding. Pete ran after her on the West Wing. "Maleficent will surely have the upper advantage."
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    The nobodies had appeared in hiding within Devlin's castle looking for an easy way to obtain their task but upon hearing Virgil's remark they disappeared.

    Angel kept control of the ship and soon the small world came into view.

    "Were almost there..." when the ship got hit again causing Angel to lose control and crash land on a small beach on the island.

    "Is everybody ok?" Angel asked when the smoke started to die down. She looked outside as they landed on a secluded beach. The world reflected that it was night time so nobody probably noticed they crash landed. She pushed up out of her seat before turning to look over at Jordan and Will.

    They lost Selena, now they just lost Darian and Ashley. The ship that they used to travel, the ship that was supposed to help them find Selena, and would have been how they would have went after Darian and Selena was completely destroyed.

    Angel pushed the door open going out onto the beach to examine the damage. She wish she didn't when she saw the damage. She kicked the gumi ship out of frustration.

    "Master Selena, we were unable to obtain they boy Darian, he is trapped." Angel saw the nobodies and she nodded slowly dismissing them as they disappeared before Jordan or Will would see them. She walked back into the ship.

    "Now what?" Angel asked looking between the two boys.

    Selena looked at Virgil and nodded.

    "Perhaps we should do this in the dungeon, Virgil." Selena said. She looked back at the girl and she grabbed ahold of her chin and held her up face up to look at her.

    "As for her, such a powerful darkness, and a unique light in your heart. However... Virgil, examine her heart, you're skilled at that." Selena stated. "I believe the light is merely just a disguise."
  6. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darian began to become conscious again after being thrown around like a human rag doll.
    His vision still unsteady he could see what appeared to be his brother and an injured Ashley being held by her face from an unknown person.

    "Wher-re am..I?" Darian said as his vision slowly cleared up. Darian looked around again to see Devlin and Ashley being held by Selena. "Selena....your alive!" Darian said as he tried getting up, but he hadn't realized he had been chained to a chair. "Selena...get me out of this chair...Devlin's right there, why are you just standing there." Darian said looking hopelessly at Selena.

    Ashley looked Selena dead in her eyes as she heard those words come from her mouth. She then heard Darian's voice from across the room. "Da....ri..an...help..." Ashley cried out.
  7. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin listened to Virgil and showed no attempt to hide his disgust with Virgil. His Keyblade began smoking as he began to bite his lower lip. He was about to speak until he heard Marluxia call out to him. He listened to his request and scoffed. 'Who the hell do these people think I am? I should-' Devlin stopped in his thought as he felt three presences outside the castle. He smiled and said to Virgil, "You do realize we have company, yes?" Devlin looked at Darian and rolled his eyes. "Please Darian, just shut the hell up and sit there like a good boy."

    Jordan slowly pulled his way out of the wreckage, scratched up in some places. He looked at the damage the ship had taken and shook his head. "Well aren't we a lucky bunch," he said. Unbeknownst to Jordan, his scars started healing themselves as he stared up at the moon. He stood at the edge of the beach and sighed. "I just don't know anymore. First Selena, now Darian. And now look at us, nowhere close to saving them. I just feel so weak now." Jordan had stopped concentrating on the demon within again as he began to radiate darkness. The sheer power of it increasing every second.
  8. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will pulled himself out as well, the stench reeking from the smoke and from Jordan making his head reel and his other half start shouting in his head. "Him! I want Him!!!" Will shook his head and stood, looking at the other two before speaking. "Any plans captain? Other than maybe finding a new ship?" He asked Angel, keeping his eyes from straying towards Jordan for fear his other half may start to take over. "All I can see to do is fix the ship or find a new one, and keep moving." He replied, stretching slightly.
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Angel shook her head.

    "Unless this world is a major world traveling city, they aren't going to have another gumi ship. Most people don't know other worlds exist, and they shouldn't. This world is small and peaceful, they're not going to have ships. All we can do is keep our eyes on the sky and hope somebody traveling to this world we can hitch hike onto. Which in itself is a risk." Angel said sighing. Then she realized something.

    "Or maybe not!" She said before running to the edge of the water examining the moon closely. She squinted her eyes and grinned wide.

    "That man, Master Yen Sid I believe was his name, said to come visit him at Destiny Islands that his small little moon of a world was currently residing there. And look it you look really carefully, you have to really be looking for it, you see a slightly crooked structure, and looking even closer it looks like a tower. We just need to figure out how to get up there or a hold of him!" Angel said smiling.

    Selena looked back at Darian and began grinning.

    "Im standing here because I can, would you prefer me if I sit? And what about Devlin, do you two have some sort of sibling rivalry I didn't know about?" Selena said as she began to toy with Darian.

    OOC: Selena is starting to remind me of Larxene
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia groaned at Devlin's extremely short attention span, "Devlin, this matter does in fact force me to turn to you. The kids should already have arrived at the next world and we must speak before they reach that wretched keyblade master. If I did not need you I would not call for you. You have your own matters to attend to, however this affects both of our plans. Therefore I ask that you come right away."
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Maleficent continue to walk on until she finally made it towards the door. As she made the door cracked a bit, she can see that inside, Devlin is torturing a boy. "What a pity. Family may not be the strongest bond after all. The girl... she is surely a twit. Betrayal will not get you anywhere." Maleficent starts smiling as she continues to just stand there by the door, watching as they continue to ramble among themselves. " And that awful black-cloaked man. Seems to me that he is working to his own devices. Wonder if there are others such as him." Maleficent continue to stand there as she starts to think. "I wonder... what to do?"
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2012
  12. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin rolled his eyes and shook his head. "A little more than that Selena. More of a....promise," he said, glaring at Darian. Years ago, Devlin had wished so much for his brother, such as becoming just as strong, if not stronger, than him. That feeling has not dissipated, but now remains dorment inside of Devlin, who expects that if Darian does have some power, he let it out on his own. He opened a portal to Marluxia's designated location an sighed. "Fine, pinky. I'll humor you." As he started his way to the portal he stopped and looked at the door. He smirked and said to Virgil, "And Virg, you got company." And with that, he walked through the portal, closing it behind him.

    Jordan turned his head slightly and said, "Yeah, because it's completely possible for us to do that, right?" He scoffed and faced the sea once more.

    "Awwwwww, feeling gloooom?"
    "We can help you get UP theeere. You merely must emBRACE US!"
    "We only wish to HELP YOUUUUU!"

    Jordan chuckled and mumbled, "Yeah right, sure you are." As Jordan began to hear the voice once again, he stopped radiating the intense amount of darkness that he had done so moments before.
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia adjusted his position upon his throne and gestured for Devlin to look around. "Welcome to Hollow Bastion, my home. Let's get this over with shall we? The children have arrived at the Islands and that wretched keyblade master is currently residing there. We must keep them from meeting up with him." Marluxia looked the boy in the eyes and continued, "How do we prevent them from meeting up Devlin? Use Selena, or Virgil? Anything come to mind?"
  14. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin strided into the rather large throne room, allowing his cockiness and arrogance to show. He raised his hand slowly, up to shoulder length and a chair arose from the ground, tailored to Devlins liking of course. He sat down and listened to every word Marluxia had to say to him. He yawned and stretched out in his chair. "I must say Marluxia, you really are a bit of a stalker, aren't you? Well in any case, if I want anyone to go, I'd wish it to be Selena and Virgil. Virgil would not let me alone go with Selena so it might as well be the two of them. However, how they carry out this battle must be done very precisely, otherwise we'd have a major dilema on our hands." He sighed and began thinking for a few seconds on what to say next. "Tell me Marluxia, what is it you want with these children?"
  15. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia raised an eyebrow about being called a stalker but waited for Devlin to finish before speaking. "You say it like you haven't done it as well. I know you were at the Twilight Town confrontation. As for my interest, I have need of a strong keyblade wielder to dethrone Xemnas. If your brother hadn't had that other beast within him I could have used him, however, we've both seen how limited his abilities are. You always were better then him at everything so it's not surprising."
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel looked at Jordan. She crossed her arms.

    "And you had some sort of other brilliant idea of getting off this world to find Darian and Selena?" Angel asked. "I'm just saying, he'd be our ticket out of here." Angel said. "Whatever though, do what you two want. I'm going for a walk." Angel said frustrated at the mean time, her unable to notice, a mood swing occurred with her as she stormed across the beach away from Jordan and Will.

    She walked across the beach before coming to a stop staring at a water fall she found. She slipped off her shoes stepping into the small little pond and sitting on the edge her feet in the water. She laid back staring up at the sky before closing her eyes.

    "Why is my life so difficult?" She asked aloud as she kept her eyes tight.

    Selena turned towards Darian and rolled her eyes about what Devlin said.

    "Some strange promise." She said turning towards Virgil feeling the presence as well. She summoned her keyblade and shot a dark ball of energy as it flew towards Maleficent's hiding spot revealing the witch hiding.

    "Who are you and what do you want?" She asked keyblade still in hand.
  17. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin folded his arms and closed his eyes. "I don't think I've seen ANY of his abilities, although I have heard SO much about them. And besides, I wouldn't have let you touch him anyway." He opened his eyes and gave Marluxia a devilish grin before standing up and pacing the room. "And besides, your request is out of the question. The only one who can currently destroy Xemnas, if they wanted, is Jordan and he's off limits. Although William seems to have a second persona who may be able to at least give Xemnas a fight."

    Jordan scoffed and waved Angel off. "Whatever. Just being a realist." He walked past Will and patted him on the shoulder before going off. He came upon a cave that hid beyond some bushes and went inside for closer inspection. He looked around the cave and marveled at all the drawings along the walls. Obviously the kids enjoyed to draw here. What caught his eye the most was the large door that sat and the end of the cave. He examined it carefully and was just about to touch it until he felt a familiàr presence behind him. "Long time no see," Jordan said in a nonchalant tone as he. "I just felt I should check on your current progress," the hooded man from before said.
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia chuckled at Devlin's remark, "You wound me Devlin, have you not been paying attention? Jordan has power, I'll agree, however... have you really forgotten who you trained when you were still pure? I have someone who exceeds even Jordan." The Graceful Assassin smirked and spoke, "I have Angel, Devlin, I will train her, empower her, and then destroy Xemnas alongside her."

    Marluxia paused and stared questioningly at Devlin, "What do you want with Jordan hmm?"
  19. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will felt irritated, knowing that they were making no progress. He shook his head and headed up a ladder, finding a platform that overlooked the water. He wondered how they would get up to that man's tower when it was on the moon. He shook his head as he felt a pressure at the back of his mind. "Come on, let me in. Let me show you something..." The voice breathed in his head. He put his head against the warm wood railing, wishing it would just go away. "Funny, you think I'm something you can just shake off. Simple boy, we're attached now. We are the same person." It cooed. He growled in anger and turned, seeing that the island looked like it had fallen to ruin. He then noticed his other half floating a foot above the small island with the tree hanging over the water, beckoning to him. Will slowly started towards the ladder, curiosity getting the better of him.
  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Maleficent walked up towards the center along with her Defenders, smiling as she was amused by what Selena said. "How quaint. A rabble asking questions as she serves the gentries." Diablo starts to fly into the room, landing on Maleficent's shoulders. "I can't help seeing as to how so much is going on, why, I felt left out. I have decided to... be everyone's fairy godmother to make dreams come true, seeing as to how even someone such as you went so far as to even use betrayal to make ends meet. Would all of you like to have a gift?" Maleficent gave a soft laugh. " The poor boy. Suffering such a fate. Family just cannot bind hearts together in love." Maleficent just made her way to the chair that Darian is chained to and had her hand on his chin.

    "I wonder, what are those strange creatures in white and the strange humans in the black cloaks?"
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2012
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