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Kingdom Hearts: Origins

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Mar 18, 2012.

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  1. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin was about to speak of Jordan's potential but was pushed out by Marluxia quickly. Before he could say a word, the portal closed shut behind him. He scoffed and shook his head before staring at everything going on before him. "Ugh, SOOOO many unwanted guests," he said, seeing the Heartless and Nobodies there. He nodded to Virgil and replied with a smile. He now turned his attention to Darian directly, not noticing anything else. He smiled big and screamed, "Oh yeah brother! There he is!" Very suddenly he rushed Darian, tackling him into the hallway.

    Saïx, after unwillingly, being pulled through the portal sneered at Axel and growled, "I swear Axel that if we are stuck here now, I will personally kill you." He now looked at the enemies before him and looked them over, studying them before summoning his Claymore. "Alright then. Shall we?" He quickly rushed the Heartless, slamming his weapon down on them, and swinging at full power.

    "Heh, look at them. Fighting over nothing! Makes me so...mmmm....hungry. I'll just watch for now though." He licked his lips of the blood that was running down as he bit his lip in hunger. He watched the group battle patiently, waiting foe the opportune moment.

    Jordan sighed and crossed his arms as he sat against the large door next to the hooded man. "You act like you know what the hell this thing is in me. Hell, if you know, it'd be helpful if you told me or something," Jordan said, slightly angry. The hooded man looked up and shook his head. "I, sadly, do not. Just know that with it you are an unbeatable force. That is, if you can control it." Jordan chuckled and replied, "Eventually."
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia smiled before disappearing with Angel's cocoon.

    Axel rubbed his neck, "Sorry Isa, Ow!" Axel yelped as he was downed by some of Larxene's nobodies, who continued to pile up on him, until out of nowhere, a scythe decimated them all.

    "Are you okay... Lea?" The pink haired nobody spoke swiftly as he had little time.

    Axel looked up hesitantly at his savior before responding, "Lumaria?"


    Marluxia turned to Saix, "Tell Xemnas about Larxene's treachery Isa, she must be punished."
  3. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Delete this post please
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2012
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    OOC: XD All of you are now starting to say trader instead of traitor. A trader of what? HAHAHAHAHA!

    "Silly boy." Maleficent had her hands on Darian's face and turned his head around to have him look into her eyes. "Do you really believe that I would attack your world? Now, who was the one who meant to attack and destroy everyone in your homeworld to begin with? Would you actually believe the a traitorous little girl or would you believe me, the one who has great intentions to reunite your friends? They even torment you as you fell asleep, bringing pain to your own body, your own heart. May I show you what they had done?"Maleficent had Diablo leave for Hollow Bastion at her castle as her Defenders used their shields and blocked Selena's attack, repelling her. They then shot out a big blast of fire ball at her to knock her out of the way. Maleficent then show everything of what has happened from her staff while she summoned DarkBalls and more Defenders to keep everyone busy: The destruction of Twilight Town by the hands of Devlin's heartless, Devlin with his Neoshadows, the discussion between Virgil and Selena, and bits and pieces of the conversation of Virgil, Selena and Devlin.

    " I have a feeling you might be useful in the foreseeable future...I do what I can...I'm proud of you, but I would have played with them a little more, let them feel your wrath, and you should have let me know and I would have come along. And you would believe someone who even accept the darkness just like that and said that she would even toy around with you and your friends some more? One of my allies were spying on them to see what they were up to and unfortunately, this is what the results came out to be. " Maleficent continues to show Darian the events that her Wizard who was spying on them had show to her. ashley wont be a problem... oh and i'll play with them alright. Darian is going to know true terror when im done with him. "Need I show you more?" maleficent smiled as she moved her eyes to the left to signal her Wizard who was hiding in the shadows to leave at once and it left.

    "Do not be fooled. It is time that you end this game that they have created. Your true source is Devlin. They now have ordered power over the white husks and the beings of the dark." Maleficent raised up both of her hands with glee. "It is time that I show you how to use the power of darkness the correct way! My first gift to you! Let your heart use that anger and make it become power! Save your friends! You will be able to use it... to create a new world!" Her magic starts to tamper with Darian's heart, unleashing the darkness in him so that he can gain more power as green flames surround the two of them and then died out.

    "Now, let me show you of what I am capable of. I know the ways of darkness my dear. I assure you. I would never stoop so low to kill someone's parents or to even separate family. Darkness is not evil at all and is not bad if you know how to use it and control it. I am no ordinary sorceress." She smiled as she had the thrones of Devlin to take shape, becoming a big platform for her to stand on. As she turned into a green wisp and went to the platform, she had the platform to keep afloat. "AWAY!" She threw the first spell, a dark thunder spell that was heading straight for the nobodies and defeating them.
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil leaned onto the wall folding his arms in a coy manner as he watched Ashely stalk about the room. " indeed it has been awhile...though its good to know you remember me of course i had to let you go for a while you werent complete. Even still you were my greatest creation. Your almost as Demonic as i....though your not quite there. " Virgil Slouched down on the wall a bit in somewhat of a deep thought. " Don't forget that you belong to me. Selena must not know about who you really are to me. It would cause.....complications. " The way Virgil spoke could strike fear into the most terrifying soul as he latched onto each word with such murderous intent.

    " I do have a assignment for you however. I'm going to release you back and i want you to learn as much about Devlin as you can.. though he has given me no reason to doubt him , lately he has been how you say...distant. " His hand began to glow with a blue fire. flames road from his palm. " i'm going to give you something, well more like turn on something that has been dormant within you. you have a inate ability to manipulate Dark Flame as i do as you may or may not know its the fire that doesnt go out. if anyone gives you trouble do not hessitate." He walked over to her till he was directly behind her. " When i release you back i want you to act like i kidnapped you, play the innocent cute girl for a while...Lets play with things for a bit shall we." He placed his hands on he shoulders and a blue flame engulfed them both." Awaken.."

    They were sent back into the main room with the others. " get off me girl" he said as he tossed ashely aside looking at her quickly giving her a nod.' He stepped onto the scene with force and loudly got everyones attention as he watched his nobodies vaporized. " I dunno i'm gonna be the one to ask the question here. but wizard chick You come into MY domain, attack MY girl. i must say my lady your asking for the death sentence here. Devlin i want you to handle Dari boy here before i slap him down for his idocy. while i escort our guest out." He drew both his blades with a sick smile on his face. " You have your options of course you can leave or you can die. ...a dark aura engulfed with flames surrounded him. " NOW CHOOSE!!!"
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia grimaced visibly, "you had to piss him off didn't you. I'd say you're as good as dead if you don't scurry your little witchy ass out of here. Oh and Virgil, while you were gone, she attacked Selena."

    His work done, Marluxia spread out his arms and pushed Saix and Axel back a few feet, "This will be entertaining."

    Axel frowned and looked towards Saix for an explanation after being pushed back by Marluxia.
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Oh? A test? I will surely put you up to the test! Wretched boy. You just don't know when to back down do you. Virgil, let us see who you truly are. Can you really show that you are trustworthy?" Maleficent sent the Defenders toward Selena and Virgil as she was about to fight them. Soon, Maleficent had her own dark flames surrounding herself. Say, I wonder if you and the other black cloaked fools wouldn't mind falling into a world where I rule as I take your power away? Mind if you become my Heartless?" She then lifts up her staff in the air as she smiled. "INTO SLEEP YOU WILL FALL FOREVER!" Maleficent starts to laugh as she used her Dark Fira to create a poisonous pool of flame in the room, only harmless to Darian.
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena was stumbled back from the attack.

    "Darian, what would Jordan say and do if you hurt me and attacked us, Jordan was pretty good friends with Virgil?" Selena called over. She could play the calling game pretty good.

    She saw the heartless coming at her. She summoned her keyblade and ran at them taking down as many as she could before stumbling some.

    "Damn it..." She muttered the injury she received from Maleficent did do some damage to her. She looked up at heartless diving towards her. Her eyes widened when the piled on top of her.

    "Follow your heart..."

    Selena heard the words. They were words she could imagine Angel saying but then she realized it was her own voice, it was the advise she gave to Angel for the others.

    'What happened...?' Selena asked herself as she felt the darkness pulling in her heart in a different way, almost like her heart was being taken straight from her.

    'What have I become...?'

    'How did I...?'

    To everybody else the heartless made it seem as if Selena had disappeared into a pool of darkness. All of a sudden a strange beam shot up through the heartless.

    "To hell do you think I'm letting pathetic weak creatures of the darkness drag me deeper into the darkness than I've already dove." Selena appeared standing there. Two keyblades in hand. Her black keyblade and a copy of her black keyblade but white.

    "Hey Darian, what happened to the leader kid who protected all of his friends, the kid who was practically my brother, a kid who wouldn't let anybody tell you what to do. Yeah sure, I said somethings I regret, but darkness in its purest made me say it, but I'm back now. I'm sorry to say I must side with Virgil though, Devlin... eh it's kind of complicated." Selena said.

    "Now where was I?" Selena asked before running at Maleficent dodging heartless in the process sending an attack at Maleficent.

    "Oh right, kicking your butt."
  9. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...


    Darian looked around as he heard the voice he couldn't tell what it was it had sounded like the behemoth within him but with a softer voice.
    He looked at Maleficent as she rampaged about, and watched Selena as destroyed endless heartless, He was so in shock of what was going on that he hadn't even realized that he was surrounded by Nobodies. But before he could attack, Maleficent's amazing attack had saved him.
    Darian had jumped back behind Maleficent as he heard Selena begin to speak to him.

    "Darian, what would Jordan say and do if you hurt me"
    "I could careless!" Darian raged as he jumped over Maleficent and began cutting through endless nobodies.

    "Hey Darian, what happened to the leader kid who protected all of his friends"
    Darian then stopped as he heard Selena say that. "I...I'm"
    "The kid who was practically my brother"
    Darian then stared at her with a endless look as he fell to his knees and the dark clouded keyblade disappeared.
    "A kid who wouldn't let anybody tell you what to do"
    "I..I'm..still here." Darian said as the Oathkeeper keyblade began to glow even brighter.

    "Follow your heart!"
    Darian then stood up and looked at Virgil as he threw Ashley out of portal and closing behind himself as he walked through it. "Virgil...leave her alone" He said as he walked past Selena and on the side of Ashley. "You okay?" Darian asked as he held his hand out helping her up to her feet.

    "Yeah I'm fine...I can defend myself remember" Ashley said summoning her keyblade.
    Ashley looked at Virgil as he sprung into battle. "Darian we need to watch each others backs okay...we're alone in here." Ashley said as she summoned her other keyblade.
    Darian nodded after hearing her speak and then went off into attacking multiple nobodies, as did Ashley.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2012
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Insolent child!" Maleficent lifts her staff and shot a Dark Fira spell at Selena and had her platform to move to the right so that Selena will miss. The fumes in the area was getting stronger and stronger, sending the poison into the pores in her enemies. "I hope that all of you enjoy a nice death." Maleficent continue to have her heartless combat the nobodies as she lifts up her staff once more and slams it, summoning more heartless. "There is no escape! I will destroy the whole palace if I must."


    Pete was at the bottom part of the Beast's Castle. As he continue to look around, Belle was trying her best to hide. She had a good hiding spot and she was about to try to escape once again, tiptoeing in the basement. However, a rat accidentally knocked down a pot and Pete turned around to see Belle. "Heheheheheh. Now we are one step closer to achieving our goal!" Belle resists as the Beast finally caught up with them but the heartless interfered and delayed him from saving Belle. The castle then became dark as Pete's laughter echoed in the castle and the Beast was roaring Belle's name.
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia cursed, holding his chest with one hand and his scythe in the other. "Selena! Tell me, do you know who we are?" He gestured towards Axel, Saïx and himself, "Do you remember all those years ago?" Marluxia wanted to try something, though he wasn't sure it'd work. He reached within himself and found the shared heart he had obtained from his bond with Angel. He looked through the memories until he found one of Lumaria, Lea, Isa, and a young Angel who was clinging to Lumaria lovingly. Using all of his power, Marluxia brought the memory to the surface, revealing for just a moment the scene he had found.
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    oOC: Summoner you just god mod some, you havent allowed a single hit, hit Maleficent. Especially with the stronger people(Selena, Virgil, Marluxia, Devlin)

    Selena manage to make contact with Maleficent despite her attempt to dodge. She moved her keyblade allowing another fireball to shoot out at Maleficent.

    Landing on the ground, Selena turned around to face Marluxia, confused seeing the scene.

    "Wait you're the guy Angel fell in love with, Lumaria. Master Hishobi covered your bond though... Wait a minute! You were cheating on Angel with some yellow hair girl, you made Angel cry and depressed, Master Hishobi had to mess with her chains in her heart so she would forget about you."
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia cringed at that memory, but he looked up and summoned his nobodies to assault Maleficent. "Angel never did learn the truth... Relena," he turned and pointed his scythe at the blonde haired Nobody, "Wanted Lumaria for herself, so she kissed me in front of Angel to separate us. Not long after that I gave in to the darkness. I gave up my heart because without Angel I was nothing. If her heart was broken, then I didn't deserve mine." Marluxia smirked, "But now... we are together again... Angel and I."
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2012
  14. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will had finally made it down the decayed platform and across the island. What stood before him looked almost nightmarish. A flame scorched island, seeming like it was held onto the island by the rickety bridge that stood before him. A very empty wind passed him, shaking his scarf and hair, sand brushing his open skin.

    He was about to step onto the bridge when the voice of his other half floated on the wind. "This is it. This is your crossroads. I know of your dream to travel the worlds. You can either stay with your friends, or embrace me and we will go for her ourselves... if that is what you wish. None will be able to come with you, and it will be the greatest challenge you've ever faced, but if your will is as strong as I think, we will prevail." The voice shook Will to his core as he withdrew a step. He wasn't ready to be alone, with nothing but... this creature as company.

    "I... can't just yet." He breathed, feeling the wind push on his back, almost as if it was transferring his voice to the other. "Then go, prepare. Spend your time with your friends. But I warn you, the longer you hold off, the more this crossroad will decay, as will the amount of time we have to save your friend. I will be here until the end, when the door opens..." The voice cooed, chilling Will again as he snapped his head up, arms back on the railing where he was overlooking the water, turning to see the Island still in one piece. He took a deep breath and headed towards the hole that Jordan had crawled into, mind full with what his other half had just revealed to him.
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    OOC: I didn't think that was god modding by just having Maleficent to try to move out of the way. My bad.

    Maleficent clasped onto her arm as she was hit and saw that Selena threw a spell. Maleficent used another fire spell so that she can stop Selena's spell. "Darian. If she is truly your friend, she would not let you fall in harm's way. Especially for your dearest friend next to you. Friends do no betray one another. She would truly tell you why she has to betray you and side with your vicious brother but she did not did she? All of them, ALL of them are monsters. it is high time that you take the best action. A leader not only protect his allies... but a leader must also stop those who would put his allies in danger." She saw that more nobodies had appeared and was coming after her. "White husks!" She swung her staff once more, using her weak but effective attack that knocked the nobodies into different directions.

    "A forest of thorns shall encase your soul." Maleficent ends up lifting up her hands, casting a spell that made thorns appear and made it harder for her foes to fight.
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "You just crossed the wrong hothead witch, you want to play with fire? I'll GIVE you fire!" The red head leapt into the air, pushing Saix, Marluxia and Selena out of the way. "You won't forget THIS!" Axel appeared directly in front of Maleficent's face, but instead of hitting her, he spun his chakrams in his hands, causing a massive, fiery explosion that destroyed the heartless and the nobodies. Axel wasn't done, he pointed up as one of his assassin nobodies appeared and suicide bombed the witch's staff.
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "IMBECILE!!!" Maleficent turned into a raging pinwheel, destroying her own platform but also the Assassin who was attempting to stop her from destroying her staff. The suicide attempt then became ineffective against her form as she span in a rage and explode back on the floor in human form, tired from the explosion that Axel and herself had caused. "You want a quick finish? Then let me give a gift to this place." Flames start to surround her as she was in a rage and a black portal appeared behind her. "METEORS OF HEAVEN! UNLEASH THY FURY!" She kept on charging as she starts to shoot large, dark meteors in all directions. As the meteors kept on flying in different directions, the walls that support the room ends up crumbling down and even the roof was crumbling away. Maleficent became tired from using her spell and had her staff to glow so that she can escape.

    "I hope that you are pleased with yourselves..." Maleficent then became a green whisp, spinning around as she was tired and weakened. Before she left, she went on toward Darian and whispered in his ear. "If you ever need aid, seek me in Villain's Vale, a castle in Hollow Bastion." She then withered away, finally appearing in her own throne room tired. As she looks at her staff, it was almost cracked and it was losing power. "They are... disgraces to the forces of evil...I will enact my plan. I will have them all face against each other and have them kill each other off. That way, I will gain the power of darkness that they possess." She then sat on her throne as Diablo came flying in with a woman in gold falling on the floor. Pete came into the room as he smile. Maleficent then nods in a relief.

    "I will not be defeated so easily. I will gain the power to rule all worlds once I acquire all seven maidens. But first, rest. How all of the results are depend solely on the boy. Testing all of them did prove one thing. The girl will need to be destroyed along with the man. Still, Virgil has a certain aura about him..."
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2012
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel groaned in pain, the explosion took a lot out of him. He looked up and frowned, "Isa, the berserkers, summon them! Buy us time!" Axel himself collapsed, his body leaning against Selena's.


    Marluxia did not like the way things were turning out, he summoned vines to hold up the roof but that was all he could do. He watched Axel fall onto Selena and remembered the time Axel first met Selena. He dropped his guard and followed her like a lost puppy, much to the despair of Saix.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2012
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena caught Axel's body raising an eye brow before looking over at Virgil.

    "Virgil, we need to get out of here!" She exclaimed over to him.

    "Lumaria..." Angel's voice rang through his head. Meanwhile back at the castle in Hollow Bastion. Angel could be seen some through the vine cocoon. She slept peacefully as changes were occurring to her unknown to other except to a point by Marluxia. Her heart called to Marluxia though for comfort, her heart could sense the disruption he was going through. Her heart stirred in worry and concern for him even if it wasn't Angel exactly talking to him.

    Selena looked all around before putting her hand up and a dark portal opened up. She looked around the room.

    "Come on, this is not going to hold up. It goes to Destiny Islands." She could care less about any disagreements amongst the group, amongst Darian, Devlin, Virgil, Ashley, Marluxia, Saix, or Axel, she cared about just getting out of there quick.
  20. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia groaned under the pressure of the building, his vines would not hold out much longer. "Isa, go, now! Get out of here!" Marluxia's vines slowly began to fade as the ceiling came crumbling down. "Isa!" The pink haired nobody dove at Saix, pushing him out of the way as a large part of the ceiling crashed down onto Marluxia, where Saix had just been.
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