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Kingdom Hearts: Origins

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Mar 18, 2012.

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  1. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    OOC: I haven't realized this before but Im not sure if you can't post with a character that was not accepted into the roleplay. And If We can doesn't that make it an open character to everyone?

    Darian looked at Marluxia as did Larxene and Ashley.
    Darian couldn't believe what he was hearing at the moment.
    "If you are referring to me with that name, I never did such a thing...I never knew you as a kid Lumaria. My true name is Arlene" Larxene said as a portal opened and a silver haired man walked through it with a long black cloak on. "Larxene, Marluxia, Axel, and Saix. You all must return The Superior of the In-Between wants a word with you all. " The man said as he mad all the nobodies disappear and signaled them to go into the portal.
    Ashley looked at the man as he called out names. "Darian this is our chance to get out of hear. Got it?" Ashley whispered to Darian.
    Darian nodded then looked at Selena. "What about Selena...what if she has really changed...do I tell her to come with us?" He thought.

    Darian looked at Virgil then at Devlin. Ashley looked at Darian. "On my queue follow my me." Ashley whispered.
    Ashley looked at Larxene as she got up from off the floor and enter the portal the silver haired man had came through.

    Ashley nodded as she opened and ran through it. Darian followed behind Ashley into the portal. Ashley then quickly closed it after falling to the ground. "I haven't tried to do that in years...We need to find somewhere to rest now Darian" Ashley said as the two start to walked off towards a castle.
  2. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    OOC: Apologies. Very busy.

    Saïx was a second away from calling his Nobodies until he was shoved out of the way of a falling part of the building. He fell on his side and looked over to where he once stood as shock ran through him. "Lumaria? Lumaria," he screamed as he swung his Claymore as hard as he could to break the structure, without doing harm to Marluxia.

    Devlin watched as his brother got away and Maleficent escaped. He roared loudly as he saw his castle collapsing as well. "Who the hell let them out?! I never gave them permission! So why the fu-," he stopped as he began to hear what was once a small snicker turn into full out laughter. "HAHAHAHA! Look at your face Devy! You're soooo pissed off, aren't 'ya? Hahaha," the hooded man from earlier screamed. His chains dangled from the ledge he sat upon that overlooked the battle, exhausting his horrid breath. "Now, we don't need them," he said, waving his hand as a portal appeared below Marluxia and Saïx that took them to the World that Never Was. He jumped down and grabbed Axel by his collar from Angel and threw him into the portal by Saïx. He wagged a finger at her and said, "Your brother is waiting. Give him hell." He slashed at her portal that led to Destiny Islands so it would lead straight to Jordan. He roughly pushed her in before making a portal below Virgil and waved him off. "See ya later kid!" He now turned to Devlin who was about to strike him but disappeared immediately and reappeared behind and twisted Devlin's hand around his back and laughed. "Nice try Devy. But you know better than that," he growled before shoving him into the same portal as Virgils. He looked at the collapsing room and sighed. "Time for some remodeling I guess."

    Jordan smiled at the hooded man and stood up. "Heh, thanks for that. I really needed a pep talk," he said joyfully. The hooded man stood behind him and nodded. He looked at the door in the cave and said, "You have company, I see. We'll talk soon Jordan, I promise you that." The hooded man disappeared and Jordan was left wondering what he meant until he saw a portal appear on the door. He jumped back and pulled his Keyblade out, ready to fight whatever may come out.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC:: Ummm... Selena's heart kind of reawaken, see my post a little back. She's staying back to stay with Virgil. But as for willing to find Jordan, not at all

    Selena went to fight back when she was pushed back.

    "Whoa!" She exclaimed. "Virgil!" She shouted to him when she watched him be pushed in a different portal. She looked up and watched the portal disappear before sensing something in the place she landed. She quickly jumped up summoning her keyblade when her eyes widened.

    "Jordan!" Selena exclaimed as her keyblade disappeared seeing her brother.
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia laid there for a moment before he realized he was in The World That Never Was. "No... NO! Isa, go to Xemnas, tell him of Larxene's traitorous actions against you, Lea and the kids. When Lea awakes.... tell him to forget about me. I have things I must do before we set your plan in motion. I'm sorry Isa..." Marluxia painfully lifted an arm and summoned a portal back to his castle, "Farewell... my friend." He turned and limped into the portal, closing it shortly after.
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan dropped his Keyblade at the sight of his sister, his Keyblade disappearing before it touched the ground. He smiled big and stared at his sister. "Selena? Haha, Selena," he exclaimed in joy. He ran up to his sister and gave her a big hug. He realized quickly he was doing too much so he backed off and just chuckled. "S-sorry. It's just, heh...been one hell of a birthday," he said remorsefully.

    Saïx looked down at his fallen friend, Axel before turning to Marluxia. "No, Marluxia! I will not lose another-" but before finishing, he was already gone. "Damn him," he said spitefully. He picked up Axel and slowly began walking to the castle. "Jeez Lea, you weigh much more than the last time I had to carry you from losing ANOTHER fight, haha."
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2012
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Sorry?! Don't be!" She exclaimed hugging her brother squeezing him tight.

    "Oh my, where's Will and..." then she paused. "Where's Angel?" Selena asked turning around remembering Marluxia's comment.

    "But now... we are together again... Angel and I."

    She didn't mind them being together. But she remembered the pain she went through and the trouble her father Master Hishobi had to go through to make it disappear.

    "By the way, Darian and Ashley escaped, but they disappeared." She gave him an update about their other friends. "But we need to find Angel, I'm worried about her."
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia gazed solemnly at the cocoon holding his Angel. "I'm sorry... my love, I'll be back in just a minute. I have one more thing to take care of..." He opened another portal and limped through appearing by Selena and Jordan.

    But we need to find Angel, I'm worried about her.

    Marluxia held his chest in pain as he watched the reunion, but he would not stand for them looking for Angel. "That... will not... be necessary... Selena..." Marluxia looked horrible, blood slowly dripped down his face, and he had cuts and bruises from the rubble that had crushed him earlier. Darkness was seeping from his very being as he spoke. "Angel... is in my care now... I have destroyed the links... her father created... and she remembers it all... I told you... I would never betray her... And I stand by my words..."
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2012
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena looked at Jordan.

    "Then what you told me is the truth?" She said crossing her arms and sighing.

    "Luma- Marluxia... even if you won't betray her, you have no heart. I can sense it most of your being is darkness. Angel has always been filled with light, your darkness could potentially destroy her, it will change her, she could very easily lose her heart like you have yours." Selena told him.
  9. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia limped towards Selena and smiled, "Don't you get it? Didn't you see the signs back at the castle? I don't have a heart of my own... but..." He grabbed Selena's hand and placed it on his chest. "As long as I have Angel... As long as her love for me is bright, her heart... and mine... are one." He slowly turned to Jordan and put a hand on his shoulder, "Be warned... Jordan... Devlin will not give up so easily, and your sister's boyfriend will not let up knowing that she may be in harms way. Protect her with your life... or you just may lose both of them..." The wounded nobody gasped in pain for a moment before turning and walking back through his portal, appearing by Angel's cocoon. "Angel... forgive me... for all those years of sorrow and pain... I'm so so sorry..."
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2012
  10. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan went to smack Marluxia's hand off and replied, "I care less about Devlin. Selena is safe. That's all I care about. And..." Jordan face turned to shock as he quickly turned to Selena, his goofiness returning. "Boyfriend?! The hell do you need a boyfriend for?! I mean-nevermind. We'll talk later." He shook his head and looked at Marluxia with a frown. "Angel is like a sister to me Marluxia. Hurt her, and I kill you," he said in a very serious tone. He sniffed the air and smelled a fowl stench come from Marluxia, not previously noticing it.


    Jordan licked his bottom lip but cleared his throat quickly afterward. "Remember what I said Marluxia. After all, he already suspects you."
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia, realizing he had left his portal open, turned to close it, but upon seeing Jordan lick his lips he seemed a bit hesitant. "Would it make you... feel better if you got to see her? Either way, you will have to deal with the fact that Angel does still love me" He laughed, holding a hand to his chest, "Don't get any ideas about eating me or her. I know... of what's in that heart of yours... it's just like your sister. Darkness stains both of your hearts." He paused for a moment, "Who suspects me?"
  12. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan looked down and chuckled before looking up at Marluxia.

    "Dooo not test us!"
    "We will feast on your darknessss!"

    Marluxia's shadow trembled for a brief moment. "You think I'd 'eat' you? I'm not a cannibal man, sorry to burst your bubble." He fflexed his shoulders and shook his fingers out and sighed. "Fine, sure. I have darkness in me. It's actually getting tiresome, hearing everyone call you out on it. And wouldn't you like to know about who suspects you." He shook his head and smiled. "I think I might take you up on that offer," Jordan said, taking one step into the portal.
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia grimaced before gesturing for Selena to come as well. "Don't be to shocked, but that's... my Angel." He pointed to the cocoon, and took his place on his throne. "Stay a while would you? I'm in great pain from saving your sister and your friends from Devlin's collapsing castle. So make yourselves at home, take a look around, I don't care. But don't you DARE touch Angel... Or I will give up my very being to kill you. Understand?"
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena could sense the connection. It shocked her to feel emotions, Angel's emotions. She stood there shock and turned when Jordan began speaking. She went to stop Jordan when he turned on her.

    "Boyfriend?!" She rolled her eyes crossing her arms as Jordan went on with his goofiness. She watched though as Marluxia offered for them to see Angel. Selena was most excited for that and started towards the portal.

    Meanwhile a different figure stepped out from the shadows and before Jordan had a chance to step through the portal, it closed in a flash of light.

    Selena stood there a little shock.

    "What just happened?" Selena asked looking at Jordan as Marluxia and his castle disappeared.

    "Marluxia... I'd like to introduce myself." A cloak figure stepped out of the shadows a keyblade appearing.

    "My name is Master Hishobi, I am Angel's father, and I must let you know she used to have a boy friend who cared a lot about her until he broke her heart. I hope you won't do the same." The man removed the hood revealing a familiar man but with a scar running across his cheek and nose.

    Master Hishobi, a legendary keyblade master, trained Selena, helped to train Devlin some, and the father of Angel.

    He stood in front of the cocoon his daughter slept in.

    "Tell me Marluxia, what are you? Light, Darkness, Twilight, or Dawn?" Master Hishobi turned around to face him.
  15. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Hishobi... Your daughter... my greatest memory is of her happiness... The day Relena kissed me and broke her heart was a day I'll never forget. I gave up my heart, for without her, I had no will to fight on. I will not make the same mistake twice."

    Marluxia at last looked up and into Hishobi's eyes, "I am nothing, a Nobody. But I am the darkness in her heart, and the dawn of her every day. That is who I am!" Marluxia's darkness flared up around him, taking on the form of Angel. He turned to it and smiled, "Soon my sweet Angel... you will return to my side. I will be here when the time comes." As if the shadow heard his words it nodded and faded away.

    "Hishobi, your daughter and I are connected, and no chains you build can prevent me from caring for her! Nothing will stop me from being with Angel again, not even you."
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2012
  16. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will smelled darkness coming from the hole and he sprinted, diving in, using his fingers to pull and tear his way towards his friend. "It's not him... it's... too weak..." His other half said, almost urging him to move faster. "It's closing, hurry!" It barked, forcing him to move even faster. But then his body stopped responding. "Wait, listen. You may get something interesting from this, but I will have to hide myself before they smell me." It spoke, the pressure at the back of Will's mind disappearing as he paused, barely able to see into the dim room as he listened, fighting every instinct to jump out and scream, swinging at the black robe he saw on the one person.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2012
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Marluxia, those feelings, you did not get to chose what you got. She has darkness in her heart." Master Hishobi said seeming hurt but he shook his head.

    "Before you jump to conclusion, it's alright, but I don't want you fighting the light, I don't want you fighting. I saw her chains I saw your plan, let this place be it. Live a life with no light and dark to judge. I want you to protect her and teach her to live the life of dawn versus darkness or light, let her be an angel of dawn. Ask Selena if you ever need help, she is trained in the power of dawn." Master Hishobi. He waled closer and laid his hand on Angel's cocoon. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a hi-potion and tossed it to Marluxia.

    "Take care of her." Her told her as he disappeared in a flash of light and a portal reopened for Jordan and Selena.

    Selena saw the portal reappear and she knew right away who it was. She smiled to herself glad to know he survived.
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia drank a bit of the high potion, feeling his wounds heal, he gave the rest to the cocoon holding Angel. "Selena, will you help us? Will you train Angel and I? Or will you return to Virgil and live out your days by his side? You're the only one who can after all." The pink haired Nobody chuckled before summoning his scythe and sliding towards Selena. "If you wish to return to Virgil without training us then strike me down where I stand, for it'll be far less painful then having to see my Angel... corrupted by the darkness like I am... or like you once were."
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena was all of a sudden bombarded by the question. She glanced over at Angel surprised to see her and feel the darkness and light emitting off of her.

    "What you're asking me would be the same of me telling you to train Virgil and I and leave Angel behind, forced to watch the love of those you're helping when you can't be with your own love." Selena sighed.

    "As a keyblade master though, I guess it is my duty." She spoke. She never revealed that to them, she was more than positive Virgil and Devlin didn't even know neither, she kept one pretty low profile.

    "Marluxia, I think for the two of you though, the only ones who can teach you how is each other. I will be there to help you, but I need to help other people as my duty." Selena told him.

    "If you're really the guy she told me about, nobody or not, then she will be fine and I feel safe she's with you if you're really going to this extent to care for her. However as Jordan said, that girl is my sister and I will strike you down if you hurt her." Selena told him.
  20. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    After hearing Selena speak Marluxia turned to Angel's cocoon. "Angel... Soon, you will be by my side once more, and then... Then we can finally achieve our goal from all those years ago." The Nobody smiled and turned back to Selena, "how do you plan to find Virgil? Or, the better question would be how will you stop him from controlling your darkness as he did before?" Marluxia stood still for a moment before smirking, "Jordan, how's that little beast inside you doing? I'm sure it's rather upset that I'm healed now." The pinkette lifted himself onto Angel's cocoon and sat atop it, holding it like he would his own child.
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