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Kingdom Hearts: Origins

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Mar 18, 2012.

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  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Acting I guess. Virgil though, he was turned into somebody like what he turned me into. If I was able to break free I'm sure he will. My Virgil is still in there, I've seen bits of him, it's just getting him back for good." Selena told Marluxia before looking over at Jordan.

    She looked up at Angel and when Marluxia was with her she felt munch more light for some reason, before she realized it. She smiled to herself.

    "Virgil, I know how to get you back, all I need is the brightest of light, All I need is love." She whispered to herself.

    OOC: and randomly in the background the Beatles show up singing "All You Need is Love"
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia looked at Selena and smiled, "I'm sure you're right. Doubt he'll ever warm up to me though..." He chuckled and nuzzled the cocoon briefly before his gaze returned to the older girl, "I ask that you stay here until Angel's transformation is complete. Will you stay here until she awakens Selena?" The pinkette looked at her with a straight stare, but his eyes held the slightest bit of hope in their gaze.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena smiled at him but shook her head.

    "I'm not going to, whenshe awakens, the only person who I think should be there. You'll be alright. We need to get going though." Selena said looking at Jordan. "Give her this though." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a handle of a struggle bat.
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia raised an eyebrow before taking the item from her, "Why would she need this?" The Nobody turned and formed a gate out of vines, and by empowering it with darkness, allowed it to work as a true gateway. "Very well, you have my keychain correct? As long as you have it feel free to call the gate to you, Angel and I will come to your aid. I trust you not to abuse it." He turned to her and put a hand on her shoulder whispering, "keep an eye on your brother... and don't bring him here again."
  5. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will heard them starting to leave and he turned, getting out as fast as he could. He turned and headed out onto the island, the small bridge creaking under his weight as he felt the pressure enter back into his head, the presence returning.to his head. "She's safe, and you knew, why did you want me to leave?!" Will barked, anger flowing through him, so much that he created a ball of dark fire and hurled it into the sand, leaving a dark purple and black scar. "I wanted you to be oblivious. We need to stop this whole thing. There's more going on than you realize and you and your friends are bigger players than you thought. Your friend Jordan for example, could very possibly be the turning point for Devlin's forces." It breathed, trying to coax him down.
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel slowly started to awaken, his eyes opened slowly to observe that he was moving. "I... Isa?"


    Marluxia's head shot up as an explosion rang out from the islands. "Was anyone else there? Selena, go see who intrudes, I must guard Angel..." He gave Jordan a dark look before engulfing himself and the cocoon in a ball of thorns and vines, lashing out like whips at any hostile movement.
  7. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan slammed his Keyblade against the wall and growled at Marluxia, "You don't know me and you don't even want to know what's in my heart. Hell, I don't want to know! If you DO want to know about this 'beast' why don't you bring your ass through this portal, you pink haired bastard!" He faintly heard Selena declare she was a Keyblade Master but ignored it.

    "Sheeeeee is a Masterrr?!"
    "She's been LYING to YOU!"

    He quickly turned around upon feeling another presence. He shot an immense shot of black lightning at Will and yelled, "And just what the hell do you think you're doing here?!"
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena looked over at Jordan seeing the blast before running over and jumping in front of the bolt her keyblade in front of her blocking the attack.

    "Jordan, calm down!" Selena yelled. She left through the portal closing the one where Marluxia still resided.
  9. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia reopened the portal, sending his own nobodies through it to aid the two, before looking at Jordan, "You kill me and you break Angel's heart! Even with the darkness in your heart you don't have what it takes to break a friend's heart! Your sister would stop you from striking me down for it's her duty to defend the innocent, even if they are of the dark! Would you strike down your sister to get to me Jordan?! Or will you shut up and grow up? You are weak and pathetic, listening to the darkness inside of you. You control your own fate, the darkness does not! Make your choice Jordan, learn to control the darkness, or submit to its will and strike at your own flesh and blood!?"
  10. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    OOC: So much has happened i've caught up but man i'm so confused. Please excuse the fact that i'm skipping to the collapse. i'd be typing forever if i didnt. BTW. i need Devlin to post.

    As the events took place before he could focus Virgil was thrown into a portal with Devlin, by the same man he saw before." No! you wont not this time!" But before he could reject it he was forced in. " Ugh this is BS if i don't get this blood thirst off of me i'm going to go mad. " He punched Devlin in the arm as they traveled along the path." Seriously this is your fault, what kind of messed up company do you keep. i want to kill them so bad...." Darkness started to engulf him again." Not to mention i'm now separated from Selena so i have no idea if shes safe or not or if shes with .....them.

    The more time Selena spent away from Virgil the darker his heart grew. it was becoming a race of time till he would be to far gone and it would be to late for any light to escape." All i have left is my Core Pride...and i'll be damned if they take that from me.." He clinched his fist tightly" Selena..i can feel you breathing," he acknowledged that he had a connection with her and could sense her though she wasn't close.
  11. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan grew more infuriated with Marluxia's words. Could he honestly strike down his sister to destroy this man who so angered him to a degree like none other? He flexed his knuckles and cracked his neck. He turned his back to Marluxia and scoffed. "I can see what family truly means now. It's even there with Darian and Devlin: abandoning those closest to you. Thanks Selena. Thanks for showing me the team you TRULY side with." He walked past Will and stopped behind him, sighing. He had only walked past him so that no one could see the tears that began to fall from his eyes. He was in great pain, both emotionally becof the abandonment and physically for a reason he did not know. As he walked off, Neoshadows began to fill the cave. They quickly began to attack everyone in their sight besides Jordan who had now left the cave.

    Devlin held his arm and said aloud, "Owwy! Heh, that kinda hurt man!" He patted Virgil on his shoulder lightly and said, "Don't worry man. I have a feeling...that bloodlust you got will be fullfilled." He pointed forward to a wandering and lost looking Jordan on the beach. "He's all yours. Just don't kill him."

    Saïx shushed Axel and laid him in his own bed. "Perhaps you won't be so reckless next time Axel." He walked out of the room and nodded at Xemnas who had walked Saïx to Axel's room. "I trust he will be fine?" Demnas nodded and replied, "Vexen shall attend to him shortly. He will then be as good as new."
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Jordan!" Selena exclaimed. She went to run after him when dark side nobodies appeared. She looked around before launching attacks at the heartless. Quickly she managed to take them out herself. She sighed afterwards before walking over to Will.

    "Are you alright?" Selena asked him. She sighed and hurt while also confused by Jordan's words.
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Oh Devlin your giving me a present and its not even my birthday yet.." he said with a smug look on his face. Virgil exited the portal and as Jordan walked not paying attention to where he was going he bumped right into Virgil. " Tch watch it pal" He said with a oddly bright smile on his face. Virgil had no business with such a kind smile on his face it was borderline creepy. " Have i missed the festivities ? By all means please tell me whats wrong man? you look down."

    "Don't worry i'm here to hear all of your troubles..." Jordan didn't realize how dangerous it was to be that close to Virgil in the situation he was in. " Come to think of it i wonder if you even remember me..."
  14. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan turned his head slightly to look at Selena with black, soulless eyes. "I'm trying," was all he could say, and could barely say that as it came out in a whisper. His back was covered in a black mist, very different from the usual darkness, as he continued walking. It wasn't long until he walked into Virgil, accidentally. He looked up at Virgil and stared into his eyes. "Virgil?" As he sajd his name, Neoshadows began to surround the group.

    "What the hell," Devlin mumbled. He hid behind the wall to watch the events before getting involved.
  15. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Oh look he remembers me, isnt that just swell..." Virgil looked at all the shadow's starting to take form into physical beings. " Either my case is getting worse or these lil fellas wana say hi. " So you look a little startled Jordan, surprised to see me? or were you to busy judging your own Sister. " Stepping aside he started to wonder to himself about jordan and all of his so called friends. " Your all the same you judge people based on what they can do for you but the second they are out of the picture they are out of your life just how you all treated me. Selena is the only one that gave a dam.
  16. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan blankly stared at Virgil and replied coldly, "Coming from a person who would tag along with Devlin for days on end. Not to mention being in that shithold you call home like a sheltered child, either to much of a chicken shit to come out or because Daddy wouldn't let him outside to learn what a life was. No one came to save the missing princess because she never came out of her castle enough for us to even care. Anything else?" His expression did not change as he stared at Virgil blankly. The amount of Neoshadows began to double around the group.
  17. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Ohhh!!! i like that answer !!!" Virgil sneered with a grin one fang peaking out of his mouth. it had become apparent that the darkness started to change his appearance slightly. " You speak as if you have me figured out when in all truth you know nothing. Poor jordan, trapt in his own emotions ...to stupid to realize the danger he has just put himself into. poor you oh boo hoo"

    Virgil cracked his knuckles and started to stretch firmly. before looking back at Jordan with the most intense glare as if he were staring directly into his soul. " Boy as i stand here you are no match for me. if you want to meet a early grave i'll grant you a final wish before you die. But for Selena's sake i wont take you from her. But i'll tell you what i will do..."

    Virgil continued to stare into his eyes and just as quick as that he winked, pressing his fist into Jordans stomach knocking some air from him. " Don't play with shit you don't want to mess with. I'm nothing that you have ever seen i'm unlike anything you have ever faced. Don't make me kill you because you cant imagine HOW LONG i've been waiting for the opportunity to ring you by your filthy neck." Virgil jumped back and leaned against the rocks. " You feelin froggy buddy, you mad? then leap. I warn you if you open these flood gates its gonna take an act of GOD to pull me off of you. So i'll ask you a question that i asked that silly witch....Choose."
  18. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan bent over and wrapped his arms around his stomach. He did not look at Virgil but did listen to his words. When he finished Jordan laughed. Not gasping for air after the brual hit. But laughing. His laughter grew louder and louder until he turned to look at Virgil. His eyes began to turn red but Jordan grabbed his head and screamed in agonizing pain.


    Jordan screamed back at the voice. "Shut up! I don't need you!" The Neoshadows attacked. Without being provoked at all, they attacked everyone in sight. And their numbers continued to multiply. Jordan collapsed onto his knees with his hands on his head, viciously being scratched at by the Heartless. Devlin frowned and ran out of hiding, upon being attacked by several Heartless. "Dammit, he's freaking out! Jordan, control It, NOW," he yelled to Jordan. Jordan, however, was nonresponsive and was still screaming.

    "The host MUST accept us!"
    "He must NOT fight usss!"
  19. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "Eh...Devlin don't baby him" Virgil walked over to Jordan who was in screaming in pain." Remove yourselves.." he said to the neo shadows. but they refused to acknowledge him. " I...Said....MOVE!!" he yelled and the blue fire engulfed him. The heartless jumped back away from jordan in outright fear of Virgil's mere voice." Foolishness...all of you. " He walked forward towards the heartless that backed away. " You can be my entertainment for the day.." He dashed forward grabbing two by the neck and squeezing down as they struggled until they dispersed into the air. " Feels good.." He continued to physically beat them down with his bare hands till there were no more left.

    looking down at jordan and Devlin he said swiftly " Get up.."
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena heard more commotion and ran to investigate find a ton of neo shadows and Virgil.

    "Oh no..." She whispered. She watched as Devlin appeared yelling at Jordan. Selena looked over at her brother worried as the darkness was fighting to take over him.

    'The darkness... it's a living being inside him, fighting for control, if Jordan gives into it, we're all doomed.' She thought to herself. She looked at Virgil seeing the darkness altering him. 'Virgil's darkness isn't much better...' She worried about her two favorite boys. Both she loved dearly, the one her brother she was about to lose forever to the darkness, Virgil was changing from the one she loved with her heart. She reached up and grabbed the necklace that Virgil made and gave her.

    'I have to do something...' She thought. She needed light, none of them had it, the only one who did it lost even most of her heart to darkness and it would take forever to get the light back. Then she remembered something. When Marluxia was near her, touching her, her heart lightened, her heart lightened because of love.

    'Virgil first...' she thought after coming up with her plan.

    "Virgil, stop!" She shouted running towards the two. She ran in front of him hugging him.

    "Stop, you're feeding his darkness, if he falls to his darkness we're all doomed, and you need to gain control of your darkness." Selena whispered pushing Virgil away after giving him a quick kiss. She looked back behind her at her brother on the ground screaming and crying.

    "What do you want with my brother?" Selena asked the living darkness within him.
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