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Kingdom Hearts: Origins

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Mar 18, 2012.

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  1. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    "Grrrrr........GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Jordan looked up at the dark sky and screamed as loud as he could, rivalling even that of a Banshees screech. He released a very satisfying sigh and his screaming stopped. Still on his knees, he hunched over, breathing very heavily. "Selena...." he said remorsefully.

    "Ooooh, she speakss DIRECTLY tooo usss..."
    "Telll her-"

    "To come out...to come out and feed," Jordan said. Devlin backed up from Jordan and watched from the side. "I see. Can you hear It Jordan? It's been talking to you, hasn't It? Hehehe, It needs to feed or YOU die. Surely....HE has told you."
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "ENOUGH!' Marluxia sat in the air above them staring at them in utter shock and disbelief. "I will not have you idiots arguing and making so much chaos while my love sleeps! All of you hold darkness within you, but what does that matter? Devlin, you serve your masters, because you cannot defeat them. Perhaps... if you all work together for one task... take out your 'masters' then you can all return to normal. Virgil, you can remain with Selena, Jordan would have his sister, Darian would have his... girl... toy... thing... as well as his brother, and Devlin, you'd have your freedom. I'd say that just about covers it..." He looked them over in disgust at such disorganization, disappearing into a storm of thorns and roses to let them think about what he said.
  3. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    The darkness that surrounded Virgil simply faded away the second Selena embraced him. " i..i.." He tried to say words but she kissed him just as quickly and went to check on her brother. Virgil shook his head in disbelief. " Did i...did i cause this? Jordan?" For once in a long time Virgil actually felt bad for something he had done. The darkness in his heart was getting worse at a steady pace. to the point he was doing things that he found hard to remember. He then saw Marluxia spout nonsense about working together.

    " Eh...this doesn't concern me. " slid his hands into his pockets and started to walked away.
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: Sho how on earth does that relate with anything, I would have just written my conclusion paragraph about taking care of Angel. Plus...

    Angel and Marluuxia- Hollow Bastion
    Darian and Ashley- Unknown
    Devlin, Virgil, Jordan, Will, and Selena- Destiny Islands.


    Selena looked at it.

    "Why my brother though?" Selena asked before turning and looking over at Devlin who spoke. She turned and gave him a glare.

    "Who is HE, who talked to my brother, Devlin?" Selena asked glaring him down. She looked back at him.

    "Jordan..." She spoke softly. "Remember when we were kids how we'd go on out adventures in Twilight Town, all of us. Every time I was bullied, you'd go beat up those very bullies. Well Jordan your darkness is bullying me, I need you to PUSH THEM AWAY!" Selena shouted jumping back keyblade ready just in case.
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan gasped at Selena's final words, memories flowing through his mind. Time after time, he'd defend his sister from every person who'd even try to harass her. He grabbed his chest and mumbled lowly, "No one hurts Selena. Ever."

    "Hehehehe, we'll be back."
    "You must feeeeed."

    Jordan began to cough and slowly rose up, stumbling a bit. He smiled at Selena and said, "I stopped it." "NOOOOOOO," screamed Devlin. He began to pant rapidly and was at a lost for words. "This...this wasn't supposed to happen. You're not supposed to be ok! They said you'd turn! They said you'd accept it!" He began to pace back and forth angrily before stopping and clapping his hands together and smiling. "Alright, I got it! One more. The big showtime! At my castle kids, whenever you're all ready. Oh, and bring that slacker of a brother of mine too." He opened up a portal and walked through leaving it open behind him.
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Devlin!" Selena shouted at him. She clenched her keyblade and went to run after him.

    "You're going to die!" She shouted angry. She came to a stop just outside the portal though. Her blood boiling in rage, but if something were to happen to her nobody would be able to protect Jordan and keep him safe, plus how was Virgil. She turned around and looked back at Virgil.

    "Virgil?" Selena walked up to him her keyblade disappearing. She sighed. "How are you doing?" She asked him walking up in front of him.
  7. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "Virgil looked down at her taking his hands out of his pockets" Im glad to see your ok." He looked at her with the kind smile she knew was familiar he brushed her hair aside and slowly slid his finger across her cheek. He pulled her close hugging her tightly. " Take care of Jordan i assume your going to stay here. I have to go with Devlin now and make preparations Duty calls. This darkness inside of me i'm not sure how long i can keep under control. Its funny really ya know, when your around i feel no pain no sorrow. But i still have to go.

    He turned starting to pull away from her but he himself was refusing to her hand go. finally he took a deep breath and waved everyone off walking towards the portal devlin left open. Part of him was hoping she would stop him.
  8. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan walked up behind Selena, feeling much better now. "So, Virgil is the guy, huh? Hmm.....ok. He has my approval." Jordan smiled and patted his sister on her shoulder.

    Devlin looked around what was once hjs throne room and smiled. "Well, well, well! Looks like they cleaned this place up a bit. Hell, they even made it bigger and better!" He examined his and Virgil's newly shined and finely made thrones. They had a much grander look then previously and were much larger. He turned and saw his friend walk in and smiled. "Virgil! My good friend! Come, come! We must prepare for our big 'finale'!"
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena frowned watching him leave. She wanted to stop him, she didn't want him to go, she worried about him, she loved him. And for the third time she watched him disappear.

    "Soon Virgil... soon..." She whispered before looking back at Jordan giving an approval for him. She sighed.

    "We have to talk." She said looking back over at Will. "I have some explaining to do." She told him serious.
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia's Finale

    Marluxia sat upon his throne, watching the events unfold. "Angel.. my love, it seems that darkness may claim victory in this fight after all. It seems Devlin has called for one final showdown between your friends and himself... alongside Virgil. If Selena chooses to fight and dies, it would destroy Jordan's very being, drowning him in despair and darkness. I'm sure that... even with darkness, Virgil will protect Selena like I protect you." He turned to the cocoon and smiled lightly, "You give me the will to fight on my sweet Angel..." Turning briefly toward the gate, he had the feeling it would never be used. He could feel the shadows growing and with all the negative energy, Angel would not come out the way her father wished. Marluxia stood up and walked over to the cocoon, stroking it with the back of his hand.

    With one final look at the orb showing the group, Marluxia spoke once more, "No matter what the outcome of this fight is my love... I will always protect you."
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Maleficent finally have Belle encased in ice as she had Belle sleeping. "We now only need four more Princesses of Hearts in order to open the door. "Yes. This is perfect." "But what about the kids? We cannot just let them do as they please." "As I said before, fear not. Their power are inferior to ours. Let them destroy each other if they wish. It only help us the more to conquer more worlds. As for our next attack," Maleficent smiled as she set her sight on another world. "I think that we should delay that man." Pete laughed as he saw the castle. "I guess we will destroy them after all..."
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil walked into the main room looking at Devlin. The moment he left Selena the darkness in his heart started to take over again. a immediate change could be seen in his appearance and body language. He walked past Devlin touching his shoulder." So do tell me, what are these preparations you have in mind bro? " He slouched down onto his new throne kicking his legs up so that one leg rested on the arm rest. " I like the new pad. I really do, So are we getting ready for the final fireworks? and if so what needs to be done first."
  13. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Ashley had opened an emergency portal seconds before Devlin's castle collasped. Darian and Ashley had just made it through the portal as the castle began collasping. Darian and Ashley looked around as they seen a large body of water ahead of them. "Wow...this place actually looks safe...where are we Ashley?" Darian asked as he had seen her about to fall but he came to her aid before she hit the ground. Darian looked at her as she looked at him and smiled. "Some day huh?" Darian said as he and Ashley sat in the sand looking at the water.

    "I have no idea where we are Darian but I guess it's safe...I just thought of the safest place I've ever been and opened the portal. First time I've ever actually made a full portal...but it still need some work." Ashley said as he put her hand on Darian's hand and kissed him.
    Darian looked at her and pushed her off him as her lips touched his. "I'm sorry...I can't..." Darian said as stood up and walked closer towards the water. "Wonder where the others are....I wonder if she's alright" Darian whispered to himself.
  14. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked over at Selena before looking back down to his smoking hand. "Lets just say we may not see each other for a while after this." He breathed, looking at Selena. He let his temper cool down as he started towards the others. "We should go back to the others." He said, eyes flitting back to the dark scar on the ground. It reminded him that he may have to leave quite soon. That and that he had something darker within him. Something that seemed to take control when he was weak and push him further. He shook the thought from his head and smiled at Selena, walking back towards the whole, trying to mantain the masquerade, that everything was all right.
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena shook her head.

    "You both don't have control of your darkness but I'm going to teach you." Selena told them. "Let me explain though..."

    "Since I was 13 I had control over the keyblade. Gained the keyblade from Devlin as well as my darkness. I was always darker but I had gained more darkness it was impossible to control until Master Hishobi, Angel's father one of the last keyblade masters took over in training me. He taught me how to control it and use it for good. When I was 15 I became a keyblade master passing my mark of mastery test." Selena told them.
  16. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan nodded at Will's arrival and crossed his arms, now facing Selena. He frowned, not trying to hide his frustration. "So that's it huh? You're a 'Keyblade Master'. And I can bet you didn't tell me because you swore not to, right? Tch, unbelievable." He turned his back to the two and stared out into the sea, thinking about the situation.

    Devlin thought for a moment before snapping his fingers and replying to Virgil, "Anything you want bro! You are the smart one. However, this time, I thought we'd give the children a...decent fighting chance."
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2012
  17. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will smirked slightly, something having changed in him. "You see, dear. It's not the fact of him controlling his darkness, it's the fact of him getting stronger abilities. And the only way he can do that is feed. I will guide him. I will teach him, and eventually he will gain control, or be corrupted completely. Think of it as a sink or swim policy." He chuckled. "By the way, I am William, your dear friend's other half. I am technically a creature but since I combined with him we now are two sides of the same coin." It breathed, stepping lightly, almost stalkingly, around the room.
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel sat bolt upright, "SAIX!? Where is he?" The red head frowned angrily at his best friend, "Where is he? Why are we here and not helping the kids?" Axel could've gone on and on if Xaldin hadn't walked by the room.

    "Shut it Axel, before I impale you with my spears!" The tall dreadlock haired nobody scowled at the red head before disappearing down the hall.
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "William, I'm well aware, Jordan has the same thing, I had the same thing. Feeding though is not the answer, except to strengthen you which I'm afraid will not be occurring on my clock." Selena said calmly.

    "Jordan I didn't swear anything, I didn't want to be viewed differently. Everybody loved Devlin and wanted a keyblade they believed him all powerful destined to save the town. I didn't want that, I wanted to be treated like little Selena, the little girl her big brother defends. Not the girl who has defend her big brother and friends because she's a keyblade master. After becoming a master, I never even used the keyblade, not until the night Devlin attacked." Selena told him.
  20. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will shook his head. "You don't get it. This is different, his abilities are tied to mine. Feeding will strengthen his abilities, therefore mine as well, and allow him to kill Devlin, which he ever so wants to do right now. Have you ever realized how much your friend hates dear Darian's brother? It's almost like he wronged him in some way. But we all know it's just because he left and became stronger. He became evil yes, but he also became strong. " He cooed.
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