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Kingdom Hearts: Origins

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Mar 18, 2012.

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  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil seemed intrigued by what Devlin had just said" a fighting chance you say? eh...i think i'll make this something to remember then. i'll give them the benefit of the doubt and i wont use either my Roc kstar mode or ....Black Star" Virgil was gifted with 4 abilities each with its own strengths. The only thing that was able to rival his power was probably devlin, and the only person able to stop his power was Selena." Well i think i'll set the wheels in motion soon. Jordan is yours but i promise you if he raises a hand against me it wont go well, i wont kill him but i will make him suffer...they will all suffer. except Ashley of course shes...special. in fact i need her right now. now that i think about it. "
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "William, I ask of only one thing, you let Will have control. Jordan... Will... if you two are ready through that portal Devlin waits for us. I want you both to control your darkness, don't let it take over you, I beg it won't take over you, but we need to stop Devlin now, I'm afraid of what the future brings with him." Selena told them when she looked up and saw Darian and Ashley.
  3. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    "Heh, yeah I guess that makes sense. Even though that defenseless girl is no longer here, and I can't protect her anymore and SHE's protecting ME now!" He started towards the portal before stopping in front of it. He chuckled and yelled back, not looking at Selena, "And only two people said happy birthday to me, sis. You weren't one." And with that he walked through to confront his enemy.

    Devlin smiled and replied, "Haha! Virgil, you truly are a good person! And for that, I will bring you your second present of the day!" He opened a portal quickly and disappeared through it, just before Jordan came.
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Jordan-" Selena sighed and frowned. She looked over at Will. She sighed. "I'm sorry, Jordan... I truly am..." She whispered feeling tears roll down her cheek. She stood up though and summoned her keyblade.

    She walked towards the portal before walking through after him. She kept quiet though. Selena walked through and could sense Devlin just left, but not Virgil.

    "Virgil!" She exclaimed running over to him.
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil waved at Jordan in a lazy manner" Welcome Welcome one and all to my humble home. you like the drapes? i dont know i think i should have had them get lylak ya know i like that color" he said in a coy manner. he still sat at his throne alone in the room. " Bring em all in mate i'd just DIE for some company right about now..."

    As selena ran to him he looked her in the eyes'"Selena this does not involve you do not interfere...."
  6. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    William smirked. "I can help him. I can also promise him that he will return to you all if he learns. That being said." He breathed, letting Will take control. But the voice was still in his head. "I can help you, I can make you stronger!" It barked, almost making his head split in a migrane. He shook his head clear and looked at his friends. He had an odd feeling that he needed to join this other half, but he wanted to go with his friends. "I'll go with you... for now." he breathed, stepping towards the portal. Then William spoke through Will. "The decay continues, soon the barrier between the worlds will fall, and those born of darkness shall reign supreme." He said, voice stony and cold as he recited the prophecy. It then spoke once more to Will alone. "If you enter there, we will die. There is a dark being that will feed on us and turn us into an empty husk." It barked.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2012
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Virgil... what has happened to you? This does include me." Selena said looking at him. She looked back at Will now entering into the room.

    "Virgil, you've been stuck doing Devlin's bidding for far too long, you hate the darkness in you, you told me so. Come with us, let me help you defeat it, to do that though we need to stop Devlin." Selena told him.

    "Please Virgil." She gave him a kiss on the lips laying her hand on his cheek.
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Did I miss all the fun?"

    Axel, having left the castle when the others left his room, appeared beside Selena, his body still weak from the earlier battle.

    "I wouldn't miss this fight for the world!" Axel smirked as the group gathered together for the final battle. "Y'know, I'm quite interested in how this'll all turn out... It'd be a shame for it to end to quickly." He smiled cockily at Will as his chakrams infernoed into existance in his hands.
  9. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    The darkness inside of him started to consume him further. at this point there was little that could be done. as selena lips touched his the darkness began to slowly fade away..." I...i cant fight this." The darkness rejected selena and overtook him once more" Get off of me!" he pushed her back and a tear fell down his face. he didnt want to do it but he was loosing control of himself. Eyes bloodshot with hatred they began to glow red and the blue fire overtook his body. he fell from the throne to his knees" Selena...help me"
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena stood up. She looked around before running at him and pulling him into a hug. She felt her body burning from the flames but she wasn't letting go.

    "I'm not going to leave you, I'm never going to leave you, if you die, I'm going down with you, if you fall, I'll fall. I'm not leaving you again." She told him.

    "I love you."
  11. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan summoned his Keyblade and put it in front of Selena. "Don't get any closer Selena, we're losing him already. I say we knock some sense into him. Heh, unless you got a golden tongue," he said, saying the last part sarcastically. He slowly circled Virgil, dissecting every movement, hoping he wouldn't have to attack. It took him a moment to realize she said she loved Virgil. He shook his head and just continued circling.

    "Hello there Darian," said Devlin, appearing from the shadows behind Darian and Ashley. "I hope I'm not interrupting something, brother."
  12. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    William took control and transformed the second he heard Axel speak, preparing to fend off both Virgil and Axel. "This may be the end for us unless you choose to go with me!" He barked back to Will as he lifted the rusted shuriken keyblades and prepared to fight, looking at Selena as if he wanted to protect her. William slowly walked away from Axel and towards Selena, looking at Jordan. "I know you don't like me but we need to make a stand together if we want to survive." He said, eyes glowing yellow against his black skin.
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel through a chakram which circled around Selena and Virgil creating a barrier of impenetrable flames, "Let them have their alone time to settle this. For the record, William, I'm on your side this time!" He laughed lightly but could not find much more to say at the moment.

    "Ohh happy birthday uhh... Jordan... right? FIRE!" Axel launched a beam of energy at Jordan, granting him access to high level fire magic.
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " I love you" she said it calmed down the flames and his eyes fell to there normal hue." Selena...i lo" his words cut short by Jordan circling him with the keyblade" Selena....i told you they are all the same they treat me the same even now he points his blade at me....i had given thought of coming with you but this fool..." Virgil turned into smoke and vanished from Selenas arms and reappeared back on the throne in his lazy position. " Foolishness Jordan....Foolishness. " He pointed his finger at the group but more so at jordan" You dare point your keyblade at me." Virgil waved his hand in the air and one of his handed blades appeared. "Ivory.....i'll tell you want Guys... you make me summon my keyblade i might actually take you seriously. Jordan i warn you.....once you step into the fray there is no going back. Just because selena is here that doesn't mean i wont kill you.

    Virgil was overtaken with anger. he had intended to help them and the moment the keyblade was pointed at him he became overcome with a sense of hatred anger and betrayal. His face would only show grimace and rage at this point. and it seemed that not even selena could stop this.
  15. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan turned to Axel and smirked. However, it didn't last long upon seeing the strange beam coming straight towards him. He started to dodge but the voice in his head screamed to do otherwise. He reluctantly listened and took the full blast head-on. He could feel a burning sensation rush throughout his entire body and he enjoyed all of it. "Oh wow! I gotta say man, that didn't feel half bad," he said, giving a hearty smile. "Heh, what's your na-" he was cut off by Virgil who had begun to grow insane rage. He smiled and got close to Virgil's face. "Heh, shows the respect you barely have for my sister then. I, on he other hand, will not hurt you for the sole fact that my sister loves you."
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2012
  16. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darian turned around in fear as he heard that name. As Darian stood up facing Devlin he had his keyblade in hand with his guard down."What do you want brother...Im guessing you want a battle? Or my keyblade...or even to chain me to a chair and extract the light from my heart!" Darian roared as Ashley quickly grabbed his arm holding him back so that way he wouldn't strike Devlin.

    "Darian we aren't ready for this battle...even me and you couldn't take him on...especially with me in this state." Ashley said as she looked at Devlin.
  17. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " To hell with this jordan...." Virgil's eyes turned red once more and as quick as he said the words he had Jordan by the neck holding up above the ground slowly squeezing down suffocating him. " Don't you ever question how i feel about Selena!! But i'll give you this much Your tough man i like that but lets test how far your willing to go. " He tossed Jordan back. and looked at them. " I can take alot of things...but no one not even her brother will tell me about how i treat her!!" He spun both his blades and clashed them together standing in his signature fighting stance. " Its going to take an act of god himself to save you from this!!!"
  18. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    William eyed Axel before nodding and sprinting towards Virgil, the whole time his mind sprinting through the fact that he did not like this idea one bit. He spun the keyblades, the tips carving dark scars in the ground as he approached, going on the opposite side as Jordan. "We must work together Jordan, or else you and your friend Will have no chance of surviving this." He barked, letting the blades cover in dark fire as he prepared to fight for not only his life, but Will's as well.
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena stood back in fear, anger, and worry. She watched again as the two boys she loved fight each other.

    On one hand she was angry at Jordan, she almost had Virgil and his darkness put to slumber, then for going forth and fighting Virgil. She was worried though that in this battle Jordan's darkness may take over as he fed on the dark blasts from Virgil.

    Then there was Virgil, his darkness now reawaken and on full force. She loved him, but didn't like the fact how he was fighting Jordan.

    She did the only thing she could do.

    "STOP!" She shouted. She jumped between the two men two keyblades one in each hand. The one being from Marluxia the other her own original keyblade. She pointed them both at each other.

    "I cannot stand back and watch as the two guys I love fight each other with a possibility of killing the other. I cannot do that. Jordan, how dare you go fighting Virgil he's the man I love, and Virgil how dare you go fighting Jordan, my brother who has the flesh and blood as me. Jordan you of all people, I watched you observe that dark beam, you're going to allow the darkness in you to take over, you can't do that. Virgil, you're letting your darkness and rage take over you again. I beg you, please, PLEASE fight it." Selena said still not moving from her position or letting her guard down.

    "I don't want to fight both of you..." She lowered her head. "But..."

    "If I must I will." She raised her head her body had dark smoke coming off of her, the difference between everybody else's darkness, her darkness she could control for good.
  20. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil saw Will charging in and prepared to fight" Bring it!" He said as he prepared to counter attack but just as he was preparing to change into speed star Selena jumped in front of all of them. pointing a blade to his face. His fang's sneered up as she stopped him. " STOP!" Virgil was alarmed that she jumped in front of him." Selena Move! i'm going to strike him down!" but his words were soon cut off when she acknowledged him.

    Virgil how dare you go fighting Jordan, my brother who has the flesh and blood as me. Jordan you of all people, I watched you observe that dark beam, you're going to allow the darkness in you to take over, you can't do that. Virgil, you're letting your darkness and rage take over you again. I beg you, please, PLEASE fight it."

    " This just..isnt something i can fight its been etched into my soul.. and" He looked at a black smoke begin to take over her body. " no..no no NO! not you...You cant become the monster that i am. " He threw back his blades and grabbed her tightly " I refuse to let go you...you have to be the light for me..you must be the light in the darkness that i can see without that im lost...."

    The moment he finished the sentence his eyes went black as if he were dead and he fell to the ground body no longer moving. The fight between Light and Dark in his body made him weak. No one knew how long he battled his innerself for control at all times and at this point seeing selena overtaken he let his guard down.
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