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Kingdom Hearts: Origins

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Mar 18, 2012.

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  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena nodded her head and leaned forward kissing him.

    "Alright, but I'm fighting again, you know me I'm not quiting till my job is finished." She told him smiling. She glanced behind her at the portal unsure what to expect. She then looked at Will and Axel, the only two who havent gone through the portal yet. She leaned into Virgil giving him a hug. So much of her rather stay in his arms and he stayed in hers, but they couldn't, they had a job to do.
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel frowned, "Selena, I'll help as much as I can... but saving your asses is really going to kill me one of these days..." The red head looked at her for a moment, then remembered her holding a keyblade that looked like something Marluxia would wield. "You saw Marluxia? Did he give you anything to help? Besides the keyblade?" Axel hoped that he had, because they'd need all the help they could get to defeat Devlin.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Just the keyblade. He's with Angel, I'm not going to bother them. The way I see it, from here on out with Marluxia and Angel, it's just going to be the two of them, it's what they always wanted anyways." Selena said. She looked up at Virgil.

    'It's what I hope one day we have...' She thought to herself thinking about Virgil before turning to look back at Will.

    "We should get going." Selena said.
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel sighed, "Damn... I was hoping for the slight advantage... Oh well, see you in there Selena." The fiery Nobody recalled his chakrams and walked through the portal coming face to face with Devlin. 'I wonder if Isa has realized I left yet...' Axel glared at Devlin, "You went to far Devlin, now you're going to die." He pointed his chakram at the boy and smirked, "Get ready to burn Devlin!!"
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    He nodded at her briefly and took her by the hand walking together with her through the portal. The moment he saw Devlin he released her hand and walked in front of everyone else. " Devlin i hope you know what this means i mean honestly you had this coming. All you had to do was be honest with me and you couldn't even do that. You called yourself my friend and that even proved to be a lie." Virgil crossed his arms examining Devlin from head to toe, the expression on his face was first surprise but quickly turned into a grin. " Ahh i see your friends gave you a boost of energy. i like that i like that a lot. your gonna make me work for this aren't you."

    Virgil stepped forward a few paces and Prepared for Battle. He spun the blades and caught them in his hands placing them at his sides a white and blue aura flared from the tips of them. " Alright Devlin your move"
  6. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked at the others before going through the portal, knowing that his other half would hate being trapped by this but he was in control, he would be calling the shots. "For now my friend, until we need to control it, and then you will call on me just like you always have. I will be a part of you until you can control your darkness. It is a fact just like you need air to breathe. So good luck with your friends, and when you decide you need me, we will go on our own." William breathed into his head. "Maybe then, but for now I am in control and we are going with them." He breathed, stepping into the portal.
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena was the last to step through. She stepped through summoning both of her keyblades one for light and one for darkness. The portal closed behind her.

    "Devlin, it's over." She told him eyeing him up and glancing behind at all of his master's. She could feel so much darkness radiating off of them and even more than before off of Devlin. She knew this would be a hard battle, she knew her life would be put on the line, she feared that but also embraced it. She looked around her at all of her friends.

    She was ready though. Darian, Ashley, Will, Axel, Jordan, Virgil, and herself... she was ready as she was sure they were all ready.

    "7 on 8, we can take them..." She muttered under her breath with confidence staying positive in the situation.
  8. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    The Final Battle

    The wild one began to laugh heinously and screamed at Selena, "Yeah right! Believe me, if ee wanted to we could have killed all of you before you even got here! You're lucky as hell that I can't get in there otherwise I'd-" Devlin had cute him off. "So, this is it, huh? We have our schizophrenic friend Will...or is it William right now? Ah who gives a damn. We have my mizerable, pathetic, excuse of a brother! We have Selena, the Keyblade Master and blah blah blah. Then there's my best friend who believes I've been lying to him, when in all honesty my friend, I merely told you what I could. If I told you anymore then I'd have died. And so would you..." Devlin looked down at the ground, feeling a bit sad and angry now that his only friend had abandoned him.

    "And finally is the man of the hour! The reason ALL of you are here! The reason any of us, besides Virgil and Ashley, even have Keyblades! I give you all...Jordan!" Jordan stared angrily into the eyes of Devlin. He wanted to rush him right now but knew better. "Jordan, how does it feel? Will has attacked you in the past randomly in the past for merely helping a girl! And he's your friend," Devlin asked. "He was misguided by the darkness in his heart," Jordan snapped back. "Humph, fair enough. But what about Darian? He left you. He even turned his back on you at times. I think he doesn't even like you." Darian looked at Jordan then at Devlin and replied, "He's my best friend. And sometimes even the best of friends fight. And for that, Jordan, I'm sorry." Jordan smiled and looked at Devlin.

    "Ok. Well then there's still your sister and her boyfriend." Jordan tightened the grip on his Keyblade and said, "Watch your tongue Devlin." "She has been brainwashed as of late, I get that part! But when she came back to see you finally, what did sbe say? Did she say 'I missed you brother'? How about a little 'I love you bro'? No? What about 'Happy birthday'?" Devlin said the last line very smartly, knowing it would touch a nerve. It did. Jordan was biting his lower lip to fight the voice in his heae and not strike. Darian looked over at Jordan worried, not knowing what to do. "Better yet, when she was with Virgil. I know Jordan, you said something during your raged sense of mind, Virgil harmed you. And you probably don't remember but she helped him before helping you. She wanted to make sure her boyfriend was fine, her brother being second priority. Ooh, this one is my favorite though. When Virgil didn't look like he was in his right state of mind, you circled him to make sure he didn't do anything hostile. Not to you or anyone else. But your sister. But nooo! You were obviously going to attack him. So Virgil got angry and was gona beat you up, no, kill you! You said you wouldn't even touch him! And then guess what?! Selena even sided with Virgil!" The mad one in the back was severely pissed off and screamed, "Rip off his damn head!"

    Jordan had enough. He charged towards Devlin as fast as he could. It wasn't fast enough, however. Devlin caught him by his face and threw him back towards the group, Jordan landing on his back hard. He groaned in pain as Devlin shook his head. "You must let It out to win Jordan. Otherwise I cannot be defeated." Darian leaped in the air and tried to slam his Keyblade on Devlin while Ashley rushed to strike him. Devlin kicked Ashley in the face so he hard she fell on her back and was battling between unconsciousness and consciousness. He grabbed Darian by his Keyblade and launched him over to the other side of the clearing. "Oh yeah, I torgot I had a Keyblade too," Devlin said sarcastically. He summoned his Keyblade finally and got into his fighting position. His Keyblade had apparently increased in length by at least four or five inches and carried a more impressive shine on it then previously.
  9. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will drew his keyblades. He eyes them all untill he heard the comment about him. William chuckled in his head. "He is kind of right you know. You do seem a bit crazy when we switch control rapidly." Will tightened his grip on the keyblades. "If your not going to help just shut up!" He growled back under his breath. "Fine, it's your funeral." William breathed, pulling away and allowing him to fight with no restrictions. Will sprinted towards the group, knowing Devlin was the weakest target there. He leaped over him, landing on the wall and kicking off, pointing his keyblades up to act as a spear.
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Jordan!" Selena shouted rushing over to him to see if he was ok. She was pissed, beyond pissed, she was freaking furious. "This will help..." Selena said giving Jordan a hi-potion before standing up and walking forward. She stood with both of her two keyblades.

    "I had enough of your bull crap Devlin. First you freaking kidnap me, then you brain wash me, try using me against my brother and friends, and granted I was finally reunited with Virgil after many, many years. But you know what pisses me off the most is your trying to take over my brother." Selena spoke.

    "I may not have many of the details but I can make it clear, you keep feeding his darkness, the more his darkness is fed the more it fights to take over, if it takeover Jordan is gone, Jordan will no longer be Jordan. I will not allow that to happen. Jordan all my life has protected me over stupid stuff and now it's my turn to protect him over bull shit crap and you know why Devlin?" She asked. Suddenly she disappeared and appeared behind Devlin slicing at him with both of her keyblades in a quick motion that not even he would be able to defend himself over.

    "Because I Love Him, he's my brother and I'd like to see my brother celebrate another birthday with happier memories and he being himself." Selena told him standing behind him as he laid on the ground. She quickly got back into a defensive position.
  11. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin backflipped over Will and shot shards of black ice at Will in his back before turning his attention to Selena who was now speaking. He was about to say something but couldn't as she quickly attacked him from behind. He stumbled over and onto one knee before turning around slowly to face her. "No Selena. You are horribly wrong. It isn't that simple to feed It. It cannot survive off of hate. It merely utilizes Jordans negative emotions. Sometimes even the positive emotions. No, no, It feeds off of something much more critical. And if It doesn't feed soon, Jordan will die." That was enough of a distraction. He slammed his hand down onto his own shadow and disappeared momentarily, only to reappear under Selena and attacking her, sending her flying up. He landed on his feet and shot a nice powerful blast of dark lightning at her.

    Jordan slowly began to get up, holding the hi-potion in one hand, his Keyblade in another.

    "We must feed soon Jordan..."
    "We...we grow weaker each second..."

    Jordan was taking a while to catch uis breath and when he looked at the hi-potion, he was about to drink it. It was until he saw his friend Darian on the ground behind him that he knew he needed it more so then him. He walked over to him and placed it in his hands. "This cannot save me my friend. But perhaps it will save you," he told Darian in a low tone. Darian replied slowly, "But...Jordan..." Jordan ignored his plea and began to walk back to Devlin.
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena was caught off guard from the attack below her. She saw the next attack coming and put up both of her keyblades deflecting the attack back at him. She swung her body in the air to force herself to fall back towards the ground. She began falling towards Devlin. She shot back her lighter keyblade and sent it forward sending an ice attack. Selena landed on the ground.

    "Why does it matter to you? There's something in it for you." Selena said knowing that much.
  13. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    He threw a wall of fire to blocking the ice attack, although a few broken pieces scratched him, nothing big. He jumped back and looked at her with an angy look. "Wrong again kiddo! I don't get shit," he yelled, now shooting a barrage of fireballs her way. "It's all about my promise and keeping my Keyblade."

    Jordan quickly and quietly appeared behind Devlin and kicked him in his back before hitting him with what he thought would be a slightly powerful fire attack. Thanks to Axel, however, it turned out to be a fireball the size of Devlin. Devlin knew it was coming and quickly sidestepped out of the way. "Not cool Jordan! Hehe, literally," he said smiling.

    Jordan readied himself, not saying a word, waiting for Devlin's move.
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena blocked the attack and ran up next to Jordan.

    "You ok?" She asked him before directing her attention back at Devlin.

    "Then what is that agreement, even if I don't know, I think the one it involves has the right to know." Selena told him. "And had you stayed with the side of light, went under the teachings of Master Hishobi you probably would have your keyblade for forever, but you know what you don't deserve that if you're being selfish about it." Selena told him.
  15. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan shrugged, still struggling to breath. "Eh, I've been better."

    "What have I been selfish about! Do you think I enjoy this? No! This shit has ruined my life! I haven't seen my brother in years! I haven't seen all of you in years," he yelled back at Selena. One of the men behind Devlin stepped up a bit, minding the barrier that seperated him and the other six from Devlin and the others.. "Watch your tongue Devlin. Should you break the promise-" Devlin waved him off and groaned. "I know, I know. Selena, this is the only way your brother shall survive this whole ordeal."

    Devlin looked as though he was going to strike, but before he could, Darian jumped in front of him and hit him in the side with his Keyblade. "Leave them alone Devlin," said Darian, sternly. Devlin smiled and said nothing as the two began to battle, connecting Keyblades in quick, hard motions. It ended shortly after Devlin kicked him in the gut and shot a blast of darkness at him.

    Jordan frowned, knowing it was his turn now. He ran up to Devlin and punched him in the gut, making Devlin hold his gut for a secod. Jordan backed away quickly, feeling as though he could do no more. Devlin laughed and stood up straight, cracking his knuckles. "Not bad. Unfortunately, you're hungry. If you let It out though, you'll be strong enough to beat me. Hell, destroy me!"
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Hearing everything that Devlin had to say Virgil smirked slightly at the words Devlin chose to say about and directed at him. He thought to himself in quiet" True best friends do argue...but real friends are honest with one another." Watching Jordan run foolishly ahead at Devlin he couldn't help but shake his head. they had to work better if they had wanted to beat Devlin. Virgil already had Devlin's power scooped out for the majority of its entirety. " I'm going to let them sully about until i need to step in..." he muttered at first.

    At first that is until Selena was into the fray as the fight came to a stand still Devlin shot a beam of dark lightning at her and as swift as Devlin could raise his hand Selena was able to block the blast.

    " Foolishness Devlin!" Virgil compressed energy into the area behind him shooting him like a fireball at Devlin bypassing Jordan. With his fist extended he connected with Devlin's face. knocking him down to the ground forcefully. " Devlin i respect your power but you do not respect mine. You under estimate me with every fiber of your being and for that mistake it will be your undoing." He said as he stood above Devlin.

    "I'll do you this favor as your only remaining friend. Stand up and fight me I'll give you a fighting chance because you know you can't win this battle unless the peanut gallery over there decides to step in" Virgil stepped back a few paces quickly. He winked at Devlin and said something that he hoped would strike something. " You force me to use my keyblade i'll take you seriously" No one being has forced Virgil to summon his keyblade but his father to this point.
  17. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel hated when he was ignored, "Hey! Devlin, feel the heat?" The red head threw both chakrams at the ground. When they impacted they vanished briefly before exploding into a pillar of flame surrounding Devlin. "My flames are special, unlike most fire, mine is a selective destroyer, and I have it targeting you! If you touch em you burn, but if Jordan touches them he'll phase right through them! That's the power of the Eternal Flames!" Axel landed next to Virgil, but backed away quickly in fear of getting blasted.

    "Face it Devvy, you're outmatched!"
  18. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin was slow to get up. Not because he was badly hurt, but because he now had to face his good friend. He brushed himself off and looked at Virgil with an almost lazy look. "I really don't want to do this Virgil. You're my friend," he said honestly. He shook his head, looking down at the ground. He raised his head to the sight of several flaming pillars surrounding him. He smirked and wagged a finger at Axel. "Idiot," he mumbled before opening a portal below his feet and falling through it. He reopened it above Axel and shot him with blasts of ice before jumping away.

    "You're running out of time Devy," panicked the maniacal hooded man. He began to point at the deteriorating Jordan, who was on his knees coughing. Devlin looked at him then at Virgil and Selena. "Shit."

    With intense speed, Devlin ran towards Virgil and swung his Keyblade as hard as he could into his stomach. He grabbed Selena by the back of her shirt and threw her in front of Jordan. He jumped next to Jordan and growled, "Don't you give up on me, dammit. The fate of everyone here rests on you letting It out. NOW." Jordan breathed heavily and pushed Devlin. Jordan laughed and replied, "No."

    Devlin, now too angered to even think, kicked Selena. "Get angry you son of a bitch," he yelled at Jordan. Jordan continued to laugh. "You're not gonna beat my sister. Besides, I don't think you even know what to do to piss me off."
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel looked shocked as the ice struck him, sending him hurtling towards Jordan. The flame haired Nobody crashed into Devlin, who had rushed over to Jordan moments prior. Axel groaned, standing up weakly, he tried to stab Devlin with his Chakram but he didn't have enough power left to do so. The only thing he could hope for was that his best friend would save him once again from Devlin's wrath.

    "Sorry guys... heh... got a bit carried away there..."
  20. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Devlin struck h im with the keyblade in his stomach. The moment before impact Virgil focused the aura around his body in order to soften the blow but he felt it regardless. " Ooo Devlin you don't play fair" Devlin grabbed Selena threw her and attacked jordan. He even Kicked her when she was down and defenseless.

    " You..YOU.... YOU FOOL!!!" Virgil became enraged with anger. He began to immerse himself in the darkness once more. His fans protruded again from his mouth and it seemed as if nails were growing from his hands. " Devlin i'm GOING TO MURDER YOU!"

    He lunged forward tackling Devlin away from jordan spinning around on the g round until he pinned him to the floor. " You bastard dont you EVER LAY A FINGER ON HER I WILL END YOU!" The face Virgil was expressing was one of pure insanity even the sickest dark lord would cringe at the behavior. Virgil reached up and began pummeling Devlin repeatedly in the chest then started aiming for the face" BLOCK AS MUCH AS YOU WANT IM NOT GOING TO STOP UNTIL YOU NO LONGER BREATHE!!" This was it Virgil had completely lost his sanity . The blue flames engulfed the two only further burning with every hit that connected.

    " THIS WILL BE YOUR END!" He reached up and turned his blade backward meaning to stab Devlin in the heart. if someone didnt stop him now he would surely lose himself for good. But at that moment he stopped and his fangs went away." No... no i wont give you what you want." He leaned backwards and stood to his own feet. " Devlin I don't want to do this to you " He opened both his hands and his dual blades vanished into white and black particles. In his right hand a black and white keyblade clad in red shelling was summoned into his hand. literally oozing dark and light aura. " Run at me and you will die. this is not my fight. but Jordans fight. " He pointed the blade back at the group of hooded men. " This blade...is meant to stain your blood across the floor..."
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