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Kingdom Hearts: Origins

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Mar 18, 2012.

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  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena closed her eyes. Devlin was getting pretty upset about this, she was beginning to question why. She closed her eyes as darkness began radiating off of wether.

    "Paralysis." She breathed extending her hand out at Devlin. She held Devlin in the air unable too move. She's never done that move, she wasn't supposed to. It took a lot out of her and she found herself breathing hard.

    "Tell us why, Devlin." She ordered hold Devlin in the air unable to move or perform any magic. So no dark portal would allow her to escape, and while she held him in the air there was no physical movement or escape. He could only talk and that's all she cared about.
  2. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin looked down, depressed and saddened. He began to cough blood from all the punches Virgil had delivered on him earlier. Very slowly, he raised his head to look Selena in the eyes. His eyes filled with that of the old Devlin, the one many remembered and not the being he had became. He looked from Selena to everyone else present before finally staring at Jordan. His mouth opened but no words came out. He came to terms that he had failed and that the world they all knew would collapse on itself at any moment now. Devlin, it seemed, had lost. His head fell down in shame with his only words being, "I made a promise I wouldn't tell. I made a promise that I'd do everything in my power to bring out the power that lies deep wihin Jordan...no matter what. And there's only one way, as I see it. But you know what...I refuse." He glanced over at the men and screamed, "I REFUSE!"

    They made no movement and merely stared at Devlin. All of them looked at Jordan who was now lying on his back, breathing so rapidly, it was like with each breath was the first time he had ever breathed. One of the men, who was about the height of Jordan's walked up, still minding the impenetrable barrier and crossed his arms. "Then Jordan dies," he said coldly.
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Even with all the pain, and all the blood dripping down Axel from his earlier fights, he limped over to Jordan and used his body to shield the younger boy from harm. "Do... what you will... to me... but you will... not hurt... Selena's brother... I swear it... on our past friendship... though I never met these kids, I did meet Angel... and... If she was willing to protect them... then damnit so will I!" Axel called his weapons to him, and glared at the men, this was his one shot... at redemption.
  4. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    The man, or more than likely biy, laughed and yelled to Axel, "Please! A Nobody like you is exactly what I said! A nobody! Trust me, if I could, I'd go in there and end your pathetic 'life'." Jordan looked up at Axel and said lowly, "Th...thank...you..."

    "Oooh, you messed up big time on this one Saïx! Both Marluxia AND Axel are gone," the hooded boy said to him. Saïx shoved him out of the way and proceeded to make his way to Xemnas' room. "Ok...well, good luck bro! If you need me, I'll be nowhere near here," the boy said before taking off in the opposite direction. Saïx entered the room and saw Xemnas and Xigbar speaking. "Xemnas, we have a problem," Saïx said, trying to sound as calm as he could.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena looked at Devlin seeing the old Devlin. Then she heard the comment and she dropped Devlin.

    "You will not touch my brother." Selena told him jumping up keyblade in hand. She was weak and exhausted but she wouldn't let them hurt him.

    "You have to go through me." Selena told them.
  6. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    "Well there you go Devlin! Do it! It's the only way," yelled the wild one. His eyes turned a bright red through his hood, and even the red in his jacket turned a burning red, as did the others. They all put out their hands to give Devlin the strength he needed to stand. "Do it," screamed what sounded like an older man from the group.

    Devlin panted and slowly stood up. He could feel the intense power and darkness rushing through his veins. He held his head down and said directly to Selena, "Selena, how much do you love your brother. Enough...to die?" He glanced over at Jordan who was staring at this confrontation, helpless to do anything.
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Devlin..." She closed her eyes. "I would die for him, I'd die for any of my friends, especially Jordan. But I won't be dying not today not for a while, and you don't need to either. Devlin do not fall to the will of the darkness, I see it in your eyes it's a struggle but don't fight it you be the one in control make the darkness fall to your will. Command it." Selena told him.

    "Guys we need to fight them." Selena said looking at the cloaked people. "This is it now or never, for Jordan... For Devlin." Selena told them.

    "You have the light on your side." A voice spoke as another cloak person appeared. Selena turned to them shock and watched them removing their hood. It revealedaster Hishobi.

    "I'm not letting any of my own blood'd friends die because they all have been my children." Master Hishobi told them summoning his keyblade.
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel's eyes widened in understanding, "Devlin, do you mean to say... Selena has to die for Jordan to survive? There has to be another way!" Axel moved in front of Selena, and covered her and Jordan in a protective shield of fire. "No... no... I won't let you!" Axel lunged at Devlin, his chakrams at his side. He tackled the boy to the ground, stabbing a chakram into each hand. "You attack either of them and..." He wrapped his arms around him, "And I'll combust us both to nothing!!"
  9. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil stood at the edge of the barrier looking at all the hooded figures. His eyes pinned mainly on the wilder one of the bunch. " You want any of them you have to get past me first" he said as he whipped his keyblade in front of his chest. " ive heard what devlin has to say and i have yet to get started. " He pointed his keyblde and the very edge of it gleamed with light." You all are the scum underneath my feet but i appreciate your overconfidence makes it easier to crush your spirt when time comes.

    Virgil turned around to face the others' Selena's right now is the time we strike!"
  10. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    She was distracted. This was just what he needed. He wouldn't have to kill her now because he had the perfect plan that would make everyone happy

    He disappeared from under Axel and kicked him in the back. He then shoved Virgil to the side and sprinted next to Selena and cut her side with his Keyblade. He kicked her away and hit her with a beam of darkness that looked powerful but really wasn't. Devlin was sure that he had 'won' everyone over now, except, hopefully, Jordan. When he had cut her side, he had in fact used a much more powerful version of the paralysis magic she used on him. This magic stopped her from moving and speaking. The weak beam of darkness was so he could knock her down and give the appearance that he killed her.

    "I did it! See? She is dead," he yelled to the group. They seven stared on, not sure what to think. They all immediately looked at Jordan for his reaction.

    Jordan was already standing, hands down to his sides. He slowly walked over to Selena, expecting a reply. "Selena?"

    OOC: You guys can try, but Devlin is about to be all Jordan's :p
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel turned to Selena in pain, "Devlin... you... no... NO!!!" The red head called hundreds of assassins which all attempted to destroy the barrier. "PINPOINT ON PART! MASS SUICIDE BOMB!" Axel nearly screamed out as all the assassins self destructed on one part of the barrier, and Axel himself charged it, the combined effort allowing Axel to get through. "I'll burn all of you!!!" Axel jumped up and exploded in a massive burst of fire. He failed to save Angel's best friend, but he'd attempt to save the rest.
  12. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Rated M for Mature

    "Grr, dammit Lea," screamed someone from above. The cavalry had arrived. Saïx tackled Axel away before he could explode as the two landed hard on the ground. "Always getting yourself into trouble. Get up," Saïx said sternly, lending him a hand up. Quickly afterwards, Xigbar came down from a portal as well, followed by Xaldin and Lexaus. "Heh, fireball! Good to see ya," Xigbar said, smiling. He looked at the seven with a scornful look. "Who're these bozo's," he asked, raising an eyebrow.

    "Humph, we're done here anyway," said the hooded boy. Quickly, the seven disappeared in unison.

    Jordan shook his sister, after not getting a response the first time. "Selena?!" He stood up and stared at Devlin who looked more than satisfied with the situation.


    Jordan screamed extremely loud. He began to completely radiate darkness to the extent that he was covered in an aura of it. Neoshadows began to appear everywhere and even three Darksides emerged from the shadows. Xigbar looked at Jordan and smiled. "Well what do you know. It's the kid," he muttered to himself.

    He looked at the other Organization members and issued for them to combat the Heartless.
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel looked at Saix and frowned, "I failed... again Isa... I failed to save Lumaria, I failed to save you... and now I failed to protect Selena... Damnit Isa!!!" Axel cowered at the scream that erupted from Jordan, "He's been consumed... Selena was the only one who could calm him..." Axel raised a hand, summoning hundreds of assassins, which jumped in front of Axel, however Jordan's neoshadows would easily destroy them if they wanted to. "I lost... we don't... have feelings anymore... I can't go on..."
  14. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan continued to scream, the barrier shattering in essences of darkness which were quickly being consumed by Jordan's body. The sun above dimmed so much, it could be mistaken for night. Darian ran over to Jordan and shook him. "Jordan, snap out of it! There's nothing we can do," he said to his friend. Jordan stopped screaming and looked at Darian. He punched him so hard in the chest that he sent him flying through two trees. Darian was knocked out. Jordan now began his slow walk to Devlin, not allowing anything to slow him down or stop him.

    Saïx watched Jordan in fear and confusion before looking at Axel. "We have to go, it's the only way we have any chance of surviving," said a scared Saïx.
  15. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "No Isa! Selena would rather see Devlin survive then have him murdered at the hands of her own brother." Axel threw a chakram at Jordan and grabbed Devlin, "Come on what's the matter with you? MOVE!" Axel yelled at the boy that had tried to kill him many a time. "C'mon, we can save him later, we need to get you to safety Devlin!"
  16. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will hit hard, rolling before slowing and letting his keyblades slide away. He slowly stood as he heard an earshattering scream. He turned to see Jordan slowly starting towards the monster that they once called a friend. Will called his keyblades to his hand and looked around, seeing the other enemies still standing. He wanted to attack but he still wanted Devlin. He started towards Devlin, his transformation starting. But there was something different this time. Will was in control. He was the one using the darkness. He reached Jordan's side and turned towards his friend. "Together until the end." He said, smirking as he turned back towards Devlin.
  17. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan looked sharply at Axel, catching the Chakram without having to even look at it. The white in the chakram turned a pitch black color as he threw it at Axel's hand. He looked at Will and kicked him square in the chest. "He's mine," he roared at Will before running at Axel and Saïx.

    Saïx groaned at Axel and summoned his Claymore and swung at Jordan. Jordan's speed and reflexes were too much. He perfectly timed it to jump and land on Saïx's Claymore. Saïx looked at Jordan shocked at swung his weapon, hoping he'd fall off. Jordan jumped and kicked Saïx in the face before punching him and Axel rapidly in the chest. Jordan hadn't broken a sweat and cacked his neck loudly, looking to finish Saïx and Axel.

    Dein noted this and shoved the two out of the way and opened his arms out for Jordan. "It's just you and me, ok? You don't have to hurt anyone else! Just you a-" Devlin was cut off due to the fact Jordan had grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up high into the air.
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena felt the spell and she closed her eyes from the pain. At first she did think she was dead, but then realized when she could everything what really happen.

    'Devlin what did you do? Why?' She thought to herself. She struggled to break free but she couldnt. She wanted to shout stop, but she couldnt she knew what was coming and there was nothing she could do.

    Devlin didn't kill her but made it seem so and in a away saved Jordan's life so he wouldn't die, but now... Now what happens to Jordan? What is happening to Jordan?

    'Virgil!!!' Selena shouted out hoping Virgil would hear her. 'Protect Devlin, Jordan is going to do something he'll regret, our Devlin is back the one we grew up in, Jordan is going to kill him!' Selena shouted out.
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "AHHRG!" Axel screamed in pain as the chakram pierced his hand, and the grunted in pain at the many punches at Jordan's hands. "J... Jordan... you... Selena would be... ashamed that you fell... to darkness... Imagine what she'd say if she were here... She died to STOP you from being controlled." He coughed up blood and darkness and limped over to Selena. "Selena... I... I'm sorry... I couldn't protect you or save your brother..." Axel turned around and stabbed Jordan's back with both chakrams.
  20. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan's expression did not change. He flexed his shoulders out and the chakram fell from off of his back. He looked over his shoulder at Axel and replied, "Sorry. But you're obviously to weak to even make me consider killing you." He threw Devlin high up so he could turn around and kick Axel in his kidney. He turned back around quickly as Devlin was falling and kicked him so he went through a tree in the distance. Jordan leaped over to him and quietly landed next to him. He crouched next to him, breathing strongly and not saying a word. Devlin laughed and said smartly, "Thank you sir, may I have another?" Jordan punched him in the face, replying, "Fuck you."
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