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Kingdom Hearts: Origins

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Mar 18, 2012.

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  1. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will hit hard, feeling his back crack loudly and his shoulder dislocate as he bounced and hit it. He stopped and stood up, clutching his arm in pain and looking over to what seemed to be a switch of roles. Devlin's eyes had changed, back to what he remembered from long ago, yet Jordan looked like the demon inside of him. "I told you that he would harm you. I knew it the second I became a part of you and saw your memories of him. He is worse off than Devlin, than Virgil... Than even you and I." William breathed, trying to speak sense. "We need to leave, seeing as your friend has become a monster, and the nobodies are trying to reclaim their tool." He said, speaking of Devlin. Will's eyes watched Jordan's actions as he attacked not only Axel, but Devlin as well.
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel roared in pain, "Stop with the fucking kicking!" He looked up at Will and limped up to him, "Please... if you have even the slightest bit of sympathy in your heart then save Devlin... We don't want him... We just watched him to... learn his secret... Please you gotta help us..." Axel had finally, after endless struggling, lost his energy. The red headed nobody collapsed, but not before setting fire to the forest.
  3. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Jordan STOP!" Virgil pushed him down with a forceful shove shooting 4 balls of darkness onto each limb preventing movement. " Jordan you either stay down or i'm going to put you down" Virgl placed a foot on Jordans chest and looked back at selena and nodded. " Jordan you of all people should know your sister she would never leave you that easily you know better than that!" Virgil reached down and slapped him hoping to knock some sense into him. " Im not a fan of you but for selenas sake i'll keep you put. " He looked back at devlin and gave him a look of conformation.
  4. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will went forward, grabbing Devlin and tugging him away from Jordan, more towards Axel. When he reached Axel he tossed Devlin at his feet, eyes angry as his transformation started to reverse from his pain. He looked up at Axel. "Take your puppet, I don't want him anywhere near me." He growled. "Mmmm... the anger, it tastes good..." William breathed, almost lightly to Will, almost eggingly. It sounded like he wanted more, but then Will looked back to Jordan, both fear and pity in his eyes.
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan looked up at Virgil and smirked. "Pathetic," he said in what almost sounded like a completely different Jordan. A Neoshadow smacked Virgil away allowing Jordan to get up. It was almost as if the bonds that held him down weren't even there. He brushed himself off and started walking towards Devlin again.

    Xigbar dropped next to Axel's unconscious body and picked him up by his collar and threw him into a portal out of the forest. He signaled for the others to follow and waited for them to make their way through first before him. He looked at Jordan and gave him a salute. "Good to see you again kiddo," he said before disappearing through the portal.

    Jordan ignored him and continued his path to Devlin. He summoned his Keyblade and rushed Devlin with intense speed. Luckily, he rolled out of the way. He got to his feet and smiled at Jordan. "You still don't want to let It out, do you? Or is this the process to bringing It out? Either way, give me all you got!" Jordan slammed his Keyblade into his gut. Devlin held his stomach and was immediately met with a shot to the face from the Keyblade. He stumbled backwards, holding his bloody nose before Jordan began to viciously punch Devlin in his kidney until he began to cough blood. Jordan then hit Devlin in the face with the back end of his Keyblade, making him fall down.
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " A neo shadow really? is that all you have to muster you weak punk ass" Virgil was getting really sick of people underestimating him. " You wana play games we can play games" Virgil rushed behind Jordan Firstly sliding past him using his keyblade to slice his legs. forcing him down to his knees. " Your an ameteur at your own darkness and now i'll show you why." Spinning he keyblade in hand he furiously threw more cuts Jordan each more devastating than the next. Anticipating a counter attack Virgil reached backward spinning his keyblade behind him and with force slamming it across jordans Arm causing mass amounts of damage.

    Finally flipping the blade backwards to hits hilt he jabbed it into the chest of jordan and Virgil whispered silently " Vorpal Orb" a Sphere of white energy surrounded Jordan. " Ignite..." a blue fire engulfed the Sphere enclosing Jordan inside. " No human escapes this unless i deem it so. This is the gift and curse my father gave birth to i am a monster unfit for this world do not force me to go further The Power of the black star i turn the shifting dreams of ideals into reality. i wish it to be true it is so." Looking at Jordan examining him " You can't use your arm so don't do anything stupid il]l break the other one but for selenas sake i was told to stop you that is all. "Your foolishness ways will come to a end...

    Looking at Devlin closley Virgil looked almost sad he placed his hand on Devlin and restored a bit of his energy.

    At that moment One of the spirals around his eye started to dissapate. he was consuming to much energy things had to end soon he was running out of power.
  7. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan had his eyes closed the entire time Virgil attacked him. When he was in the orb he merely looked at Virgil and shook his head. "You're much weaker than I thought," he said. Jordan took a deep breath and smiled and Virgil. "I advise you to let me out Virgil. You're going to make me let It out. Selena wouldn't have wanted that, right?" Jordan looked into Devlin's weak eyes and smiled.

    "Virgil...you're my best friend, right," Devlin asked, refusing the boost in energy, but still getting up. "Can you do me a favor?" He pointed at the orb, hoping Virgil knew what he wanted. Devlin laid back against a tree and breathed very slowly, waiting for Jordan who would undoubtedly get out, one way or the other, and kill Devlin.
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel woke up feeling slightly dizzy, he looked around and sighed, lying back he wondered out loud, "How did this happen...?" The red head attempted to sit up but was denied by Vexen.

    "Number VIII calm yourself! You are in no shape to move whatsoever and the Superior has ordered myself and Saïx to watch you to make sure you don't do anything stupid." The blonde haired man frowned at Axel before answering, "You couldn't stop it... Axel..." Vexen hated saying the member's name, but did so to put him at ease. "That boy Jordan, was fed darkness. He was either going to let it out or die..."

    Axel looked at Vexen, then at his friend, before once again slipping into unconsciousness.
  9. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil looked back at Devlin with sad eyes. "Very well do as you will" Virgil's eyes gleamed at the orb surrounding jordan. " Release" He said in a somber tone and the orb vanished into nothingness. " Do as you will. " Virgil stood a little bit always from Devlin as he slouched down under the tree. But he had lost all respect for Jordan with this being done. Patting Devlin on the shoulder Virgil quickly darted over to Selena's body " i know your better than this. " he tried many release spells but all proved ineffective. " Dammit i have to use the remainder of my energy"

    He focused a concentrated blast of pure energy into his palm. he gently placed it onto her chest " Release" her paralysis was undone. but at the cost of Vrgils power. The lines circling the Black star's in his eyes vanished. he fell backwards slightly tired and worn out. He blinked once and when the eyes re-opened Both stars were gone. all that was left was his keyblade which rested in his other hand.
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Kingdom Hearts Music - Sora's Sacrifice - YouTube

    Selena opened her eyes. Her body sore and still stiff, a common after affect from any paralysis spell. She sat up and quickly caught Virgil. She looked up over at Devlin and Jordan. She heard what Devlin did, she could see what her brother was becoming. She closed her eyes.

    "He's gone..." She whispered. She looked over at the other's all beaten up before looking down at Virgil. She knew what she had to do now, if it be her self conscious intelligent decision or her gut telling her to give up, but she knew now who the enemy was going to be.

    Devlin was the hero all along, sure he just need somebody to release who he was once more but years ago she was certain he did what he had to do, he foresaw this coming so he did it. She closed her eyes, the hero keyblade wielder... no... keyblade master, was going to do what she probably would have done, he's sacrificing himself.

    She still didn't understand though, what was to be released in Jordan. It was evil, but would they be able to rescue the old Jordan, would she get her brother back or at the very most destroy what he will soon release. She knew though none of them would be able to take him on now, they were all weakened and exhausted. Even her, Virgil may have released the hold, but still her body remained pretty stiff and sore and her own powers from when she performed her paralysis attack took away from her what she had already lost in power. This was going to be the end.

    "Will, Darian, Ashley..." She called them over in a mere whisper. She looked down at Virgil. "We need to go, there's nothing we can do." She told them as she created a portal to Traverse Town. There in the small town they would need to regain strength, they would need to train and become strong again, for the next time they confront their friend he will be the enemy.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2012
  11. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Finale Post

    Much had transpired in so little time. Virgil had succumbed to darkness, and been pulled out by Selena, fought against his best friend and found a new rival. Virgil looked at Selena somewhat regaining his composure. " Yea....we need to leave" he said as he coughed up a bit of blood as it trickled down his mouth." He stumbled to his feet walked a few inches and dropped to his knees again. " This power...i have to learn to control it i can't be in this state again.." He stood back up walking to the portal he stopped and turned his face to Jordan. The intent in Virgil's eyes was no longer a murderous intent but One of Determination.

    " The next time we meet...you will scream for mercy.." He stepped through the portal and set on a new journey to become a better fighter a better person and a better master of all that he knew.
  12. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Asley was helping up an unconscious Darian and helped carry him to the portal. She did not understand what was transpiring around her but knew it was not good. She looked at Selena and Virgil and nodded to the both of them before proceeding through the portal.

    Jordan landed on his feet gracefully and walked up to Devlin. "You want me to bring It out, right," Jordan asked, his back beginning to be clouded in darkness. Devlin chuckled and smiled at Jordan, blood on his teeth and lip. "I guess I did, didn't I," he replied. Jordan headbutted Devlin and growled at him as It finally came out. From Jordan's back erupted two long tentacle like beings that had a face almost like that of a serpents. That bared long ferocious teeth and had the most intense red eyes you had ever seen. It was the full embodiment of the Darkness itself. Devlin fell back, trying to craw away. "Th-The Darkness...y-y-you di-di-did it," Devlin stutered. Jordan cockedhis head to the side as the Darkness began to hiss and snarl at him. To Jordan, however, they were speaking clear english. Jordan looked at both heads of the darkness and smiled. "Yeah, I hear you," he replied to their hisses.

    The left side lifted Devlin up by his collar and brought him up to face Jordan, eye to eye. Before Devlin could speak, the right headed Darkness struck. He stabbed straight through Devlin's stomach and retracted. It repeated this but in a different spot two more times. Devlin gasped and screamed in agonizing pain, hoping the pain would end. "Don't worry Devlin. I still have to feed, remember?" Jordan's right tentacle striked right through Devlin's chest, ripping out his heart and eating it. Jordan dropped Devlin's now lifeless body and looked back at Selena and Virgil. He looked back at them with burning red eyes.
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena was horrified. She stood up her keyblade in hand just in case it went to charge at them.

    "I'm sorry I failed you Jordan. But I promise, mark my words, I will bring you back." Selena told the new beast in front of her. She looked back to make sure everybody was now through before she pointed her at the creature a beam of light, not as strong as what a beam of light somebody of the light could make, shot out at Jordan to cause some harm and to keep him off their trail. Slowly without looking away Selena kept an eye on Jordan and stepped through the portal. Once through the portal she looked around where they were at, an abandoned house, perfect for them to take refuge in for however long they would need. She collapsed down on a chair and looked up at them.

    "Well then..." She began to speak.
  14. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    William started screaming, showing fear for the first time. "What did I tell you! He is the real threat and he just took our only chance at feeding and strengthening! We need to leave before he sees us as a source of food next!" Will's head started hurting from the voice as he stumbled a bit, watching as his best friend killed Devlin. He then lifted one keyblade shakily, preparing to defend himself while clutching his aching head. He then heard a slight whisper from Selena. He wanted to help his friend but he knew he had to run. It was more important to live than to sacrifice himself for a current lost cause.
  15. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    The End

    The Darkness Rises

    Jordan looked down at his work. He had finally fed and now felt complete. He looked up at the dark sky, feeling slightly empty now. He had no regrets nor did he pity Devlin. "He brought this end upon himself. Besides, it was my life or his," Jordan reasoned to himself. His right tentacles came up to his face and slowly opened his mouth and let out a small hiss. "Yes. I do believe we'll be fine from here on out." The left one hissed loudly and snapped at Devlin before looking at Jordan. "I would hope not. They know better then to cross me now. Although I do wish I could have joined them," Jordan replied now turning to look at where his friends had once been. Tears began to fall from his eyes, thinking of what he once had and how it was all gone now. The tentacles rubbed themselves against Jordan's face in an attempt to wipe his tears. They each hissed and began snarl and growl. Jordan growled back, "No. I have control of this body, as well as this heart. Whether I'm sad or not doesn't matter. These memories and feelings...they're mine alone." The Darkness understood and retreated back into Jordan's body causing there to be holes where they had once came out of. He stared back up at the sky and breathed out. "Selena..." was all he could say before another tear fell. And with that, he disappeared into a black mist.

    The Heroes Stand

    "Well then..." Selena looked all around at her beaten up group of friends.

    "We fought hard, and though it may seem we have lost we have not lost. This battle is not over." Selena told them. She stood up and walked over to the window of their new home. She looked out onto the dark streets of Traverse Town, it was raining making her mood even darker than it needed to be. She looked over at a puddle of water than shone brightly reflecting the light.

    "Jordan has fallen to something we could never expect or ever want. And what we ever known as Jordan may seem to wash away, but don't let it wash away, but let it work as a motivation. We need to begin to train so we can fight back and bring back Jordan we all knew and loved." She looked back at Virgil and nodded.

    "Devlin I now know though was a great keyblade master. Despite what may have occurred he sacrificed his life for something we may not all know. We need to fight back for Keyblade Master Devlin's sake." She told them. She reached into her pockets pulling out the last of all her hi-potion tossing one to all of them.

    "So I make a toast." She held her own hi-potion up in the air. "Starting tomorrow we train, you will all part take in the mark of mastery, we will all then search for the next keyblade warriors of dawn as we will be master's of dawn, we will search for these warriors and train them till the day we will fight again." Selena held it up and waited as everybody toasted before gulping the hi-potion down.

    With her new found motivation in her heart and the refreshment of her health power she felt ready, she would test them in the mark of mastery and they would find more fighters to fight alongside them in this small little town until it became time to go after Jordan and to bring him back.

    The Seven Stand Tall

    The seven men from earlier stood in a circle in a cave within a mountain that overlooked Devlin's castle perfectly. "God damn it! Why the hell don't we do it? We can kill them RIGHT now! They're vulnerbale and are at their weakest," screamed the wild tempered one. Another man laughed at him and replied, "You fool. What would that accomplish? Jordan must have an enemy to compete against. Otherwise his power will waver." The wild man scoffed. "Please, gramps. He will have many foes combat him in the future. Especially that brat So-" "Yes, but we must allow history to play out, without interference. Time is not to be tampered with, Drona," the older man snapped back. Drona was speechless and laid back against the cave wall. The old man continued to speak, "Until the time is right, I believe it be best we stay hidden from the children and even Jordan." In unison, the seven agreed. Their master would soon arrive. And when he does, the battle for all worlds would begin.

    End of Part One


    Braig stared out of the window and watched Angel, Lumaria and the other two boys play outside. He looked back at Xehanort who was currently on his computer. "Ugh, where do you want him," Braig asked, carrying a small child who couldn't have been older than four or five. Xehanort looked back at Braig slightly before sighing. "Just lay him there. Go retrieve Even," Xehanort said, pointing to the ground where two other boys laid.​


    Braig groaned and laid the boy down and replied, "Yeah, yeah, I know the drill. But, you don't think this is at least a little wrong?" Braig had obviously began to doubt Xehanort's work. Xehanort always figured he did at least.
    I'd like to thank everyone for helping this RP be the success that it was, especially being that this was my first completed RP ever (yay :D:D) So, special thanks to:

    "Hell we don't even know this kid! Why not get someone like that Lea kid, or even Lu-" Xehanort sighed loudly and replied, "If we want a subject with an unbiased opinion of us, it must be a stranger." Braig scoffed and rolled his eyes. "As if their hearts ain't biased. We kidnapped them! They're probably terrified!" Xehanort groaned and stood up to argue with Braig.
    Taboo Sho: Marluxia & Axel
    Holy Shizz, Sho. He can play the hell out of Axel, I can tell ya that, haha. He's been a pretty cool friend this entire time, kindly giving me that nudge to post so thank ya Sho ^_^​

    "Fear is just one factor the darkness feeds on. It is this that will help us understand it! And if we do this right, we'll actually be able to have one of these boys host the Darkness!" Braig stopped talking. "Host the darkness? Like be able to use-" Xehanort groaned again.
    Vox: Virgil
    Destiny: Selena & Angel
    These two have been an incredible help to me as I have never made such a successful RP, especially Destiny. These two are such incredible RP'ers and it was my honor to have them help my RP come along​

    "Have you not been paying any attention to our research? There are those who can use the powers of darkness, then there is ONE who is capable of enough for hosting the entire entity that is the Darkness. I have gathered that, possibly, one of these boys is the one." Braig watched as Even walked into the room and whisper something to Xehanort before giving him something else. Even looked at Braig for a moment before walking off.
    Curtis8494: Will & William
    Curtis is my bro and it was great to RP with him. Hey, this guy knows how to play one hell of a schizophrenic psychopath :p

    Xehanort put the item in his pocket for later and started up his machine. The machine acted as a portal that connected directly to a realm that was below that of even the Realm of Darkness. This realm reached an entirely different level of dark beings and was where the entity, the Darkness, rested. Xehanort called it, the Void. Braig shook his head and sighed before crouching next to one of the kids.​

    G.SummonerBWM: Maleficent & Pete
    Granted, he didn't get to do as much as I thought he would but hey, the Devlin's castle battle was pretty awesome :p

    And Finally!

    So who do you want first? Darian, Jordan or Co-" Xehanort looked at him. "Cole. We will do him first. I would enjoy seeing his body take pressure from the Void. He and Jordan portrayed little fear of anything when you watched them, correct? That's peculiar for children at their age. I say we do Cole first, Darian second, and Jordan last." Braig nodded and picked up the white haired boy. He gave him to Xehanort who looked down at him with a smile. "You are about to be apart of something great my friend. Something great indeed." And with that, he rolled the unconsious boy into the Void, and awaited the results.​

    Abyssal Knight: Darian & Ashley

    So uh....he's meh best friend in real life....and....uhh....he helped me come up with this RP.....yeah that's it :p But hey! His name in the credits is different! :D
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2012
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