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Kingdom Hearts: Re-Birth [OOC&SU]

Discussion in 'OOC and Sign Up' started by Remedy, Feb 25, 2012.

  1. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Okay the next time I talk to him I'll pass the message, also should I just make an intro post in the grey area.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    So... how many balances are there?
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Four strong-
    ~2 real: X and Rozel
    ~2 Fake: Blade and Zia
    World Balances Alive and known with a little more importance(or rather ones I see with importance)-
    ~Leon: Radiant Garden
    ~Sora: Destiny Islands
    ~Laila:Whatever her home world is
    ~Mickey: Disney Town/Disney Castle

    Known but not important-
    ~Mulan: Land of the Dragons(announced in the previous RP)

    Known and Already Killed Off(throwing in worlds I'd imagine being killed off already)-
    ~Mad Hatter-Wonderland
    ~Genie- Agrahbah
    ~Phil- Olympus
    ~Terk- Deep Woods
    ~Pinocchio- Monstro/...(drawing blank on the world just of Pinocchio

    Unknown(but willing to release)-
    ~Hayner: Twilight Town
    ~Elizabeth Swan: Port Royal(If for reasons you go there, don't make her defenseless, this was based off her attitudes from when she became a pirate)
    ~Simba: Pride Lands
    ~Sebastion: Atlantica
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I had already wanted Fatin Arte to go to Port Royal anyways since I kept on having her talking about it.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Here's the thing, nobody can really identify who the balance is. Not even Rozel, X is really the only one. Xahikru can for reasons to be announced later in the RP, it has to do with his connection with Hikaru and his connection with X.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ... is it possible that someone takes over Remedy characters in case he is unable to come on for a certain length of time or something... or remind him in case he forgot?
  7. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Mind if I join this rp?

    Well here! ZAP! This is my main OC

    Name: Zac

    Age: 15

    Race: Human

    Possistion: Keyblade weilder, apprentice,

    Weapon(s): Gearshift (A key blade with a grey cog as the teeth, a gunmetal blade connecting to the teeth and handle, with it having several smaller gears on it, which turn when the blade is swung, the handle is a metallic red, similar to the handle of the ends of the earth. The keychain is a silver cog), gun blade (a katana-like weapon with a tommy gun fuse with it, and the handle working as the trigger as well, being slightly bent to be similar to the grip of a rifle).


    Gear Grinder: Zac starts to spin his blade in a clockwards motion, and then throws towards an enemy as it spins at the enemy causing damage, similar to strike raid. (though he is wide open when the blade is tossed)

    Limit; Sentry: Zac pulls out his bullet blade and protects his partner at all costs, shoting enemies all around.

    Physical Apperance:

    Zac is very tall and lanky, being skinny and making people believe he is weak. He has brown, shaggy thick hair, hazel eyes, white skin, and big "puppy dog" hands. He typically wears a grey vest over his red shirt with funeral shoulder pads on the sleeves of his shirt, denim jeans with red lower leg armor, black fingerless gloves with red fist armor and black shoes.

    Photo appearance:

    Personality: Zac is very kind and caring, and can crack a joke whenever he can. Though he can be oblivious, and not so much up for social activity, but in battle, he switches to strategist mode and focuses on his opponents. He is wry passive agressive and doens't say what is making him feel down, mad, or he holds an unnecessary grudge. Zac is also a bit of a spaz, and no one can really predict what he says or what he will do or how he is feeling.


    Zac typically keeps his past a secret. He has lived in Radiant Garden since he was born, and lived with his family. His father was once a keyblade weilder, so he asked his father to train him. He was able to be trained well enough to at least wield one, which was the Gearshift, but typically uses his Gunblade till he fully learns how to use the keyblade in combat, knowin only basic attacking and a move he made called the gear grinder.

    Homeoworld: Radiant Garden

    Strength: Close range and longe range combat.

    Weaknesses: Zac isn't the fastest when it comes to his feet, those his arms move faster and swifter. Basically he isn't nimble or agile, making him an open target sometimes.

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