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Kingdom Hearts:Runaways (Actual Roleplay)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Jul 9, 2009.

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  1. Burnin'-Axel

    Burnin'-Axel Flurry of Dancing Flames

    "....up.....ke up...wake up dear"

    Reyson drowsily opened his eyes. "Reyson, we're here", said his mother.
    Reyson took a look around, "Huh? Where are we again?"

    "We're at Darien's house. Remember? You said all of you were going to come here?" replied his father. He sighed "I swear, you forget many things nowadays..."

    "But...we-" Reyson was a bit confused. 'Was it a dream,?' he thought, 'if it was, why didn't it feel like one?'

    "Reyson, you should probably get going now. It looks like some people are already here." said his mother, pointing at Tukko and Jennifer.

    "Alright. I'll see you guys later then." Reyson left the car and walked to Darien's door to see what was going on. As did, he noticed something.

    If it was a dream...

    why did his feeling that something strange was going on still remain?
  2. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Come on Jordan we have to go to my house"Darian said
    Darian ran to his house
    "Oh Hey Reyson whats up"Darian said
    "Oh Wow tukko hello"Darian said
    Darian looked at them both
    "Well umm you guys can go and sit if you want to"Darian said smiling like as if he weren't tired
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Draco started to head outside, going to the park with his hood over his head. "Too hot. So tired. School's out & it's going to get even boring. I need something exciting." Draco was in the park, deciding to just sit on the bench & just get even more bored than ever. "I... I... I can't wait to leave this small city. Actually, I can't wait to leave this small world." But then, something caught his eyes as he saw a person in a brown cloak looking at him for a while. "What in the world do you want? Do you have a staring problem or something?" The person just chuckled & walked off as he too off at the direction that Draco used to come to the park. "Great. Weirdo's."

    Mich got off the bus & waved at his two best friends goodbye while he was running back home. WHen he went inside the door, he felt the cool air in the house. "MOM! DAD! I'M BACK! Huh?" Mich saw that the T.V. wasn't on & that there was a letter on the table. Mich walked up to it & the letter read:

    "Michtan. Your mother & I has left out of town for something very important. It's very urgent, so you will be in the house alone for a few days. Just remember to please not to go & play with someone's vehicle! We don't want to hear any trouble once we come back. Your mom cooked, so you should be ok for today. Our neighbors will be watching so no funny business. - Your Dad."

    Mich started to smile & started to have a crazy face on. "ALRIGHT!! IT'S PARTY TIME! WHOO HOO!!" Mich ran up to the radio & had it blasting high & started to put on his swimsuit to go swimming...
  4. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    Tukiko turned around and saw Darien. "Oh, hey Darien" Tukiko said, a little embarassed from getting there while he wasn't home. She was glad though that Jennifer had told her that he was gone to get Jordan. However, Tukiko still couldn't believe that she snuck out of her house while both her parents were still in there just to get to Dariens to early.... Oh well, at least she was there now; she could deal with her parents punishments when she got home.

    Tukiko went inside Dariens' house to go sit down on the couch since her feet were killing her from sprinting to get here. As she sat there she noticed that this was one pretty comfy couch, and felt like just sprawling out on it with a blanket and going for a nap, but she couldn't right now. It would look odd to have one of your guest sleeping on your couch. Might as well do something she thought, "Hey, Darien is there anything I could do while I'm here. I'd be glad to help out if anyone needs it!"
  5. Burnin'-Axel

    Burnin'-Axel Flurry of Dancing Flames

    Reyson followed Tukko into Darien's house. He had just passed through the door when he heard Darien say,

    "Oh, Hey Reyson what's up?"

    "Hey Darien," replied Reyson, returning Darien's smile, "nothing new to talk about for me." Reyson looked at Tukko, "You look tired Tukko. Did you run here?" Reyson then looked around a bit then said, "Me and Tukko the only ones here besides you and Jennifer?"
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "I'm in the kitchen, thanks for ignoring me!" Jessica called out. She stepped out carring out plates for Darian and his mom. She set them down and walked over to the others.

    "I would say in a bout a few more minutes everyone should be here, agree?" Jessica asked leaning against the wall. She looked down at her watch and estimated the time for everything. She looked back up.

    "So... how is everyone?" She asked them.
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Mich started to run out of the house with his swimsuit on yelling & screaming as other kids was playing in the streets. "YEA! VACATION! VACATION! VACATION! HOME ALONE ALL BY MYSELF & ALL OF YOU WUSSES CAN KISS MY BUTT!" Mich forgot to turn the radio off, but didn't care & ran all the way for the swimming pool. He saw some kids partying there & some playing beachball. "ALRIGHT! CANNON BALL!" Mich jumped into the pool & splashed water at most of the people. "ALRIGHT! GUN FIGHT!!" Mich took out his water gun & started to shoot at the people playing ball in the water. "HAHAHAHAHA! I'M MAD! MAD!" The other older kids got upset & threw a ball at him up in the head & before him & the others knew it, they was having a water/ball fight. "HAHAHAHAHA! SUCKERS!"

    Draco gotten real bored & heard a lot of yelling & screaming. "Oh man. What's going on? This is such a pain." Draco started to head towards the swimming pool & saw that there was a water/ball fight there who was having a lot of fun. "Oh no. Not that kid..." He saw Mich taking down a kid with his water gun & had slipped. "When will he grow up? That boy will never get through life." Draco then looked up at the sky. "Something tells me that their fun will be over soon..."
  8. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darian was sitting there on the couch looking at the T.V. wondering why the children kept going missing
    "Well ummn Tukiko......you can umm....i dontknow what you can do but umm maybe you should help Jessica and my Mom"Darian said
    Darian got off the couch and Looked at Reyson
    "So umm Reyson have you heard from anyone who came last year?"Darian asked curiously
    Darian heard something fall Upstairs and he began to run up the steps before Reyson could reply
    "What was that?"Darian said looking around
    Then Darian saw a Flash of light in His Mom and Dad's Room
    "Probably Just my Dad" he said Softly to himself
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Jessica looked in the living room and saw Darian run upstairs. She smiled at Darian's mother.

    "I'll be right back." She said. she jogged out and went after Darian. She ran and stopped next to him.

    "I heard a loud noise. What happened?" She asked him. She looked around and saw the light in Darian's room. she blinked at it confused. She looked back at Darian confused.
  10. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Nothing just my Dad Making another one of his Machine's"Darian said
    Darian turned around and began walking downstairs
    "Umm guys anyone else come in while i was gone?"Darian asked them smiling
    Darian stood there looking up the steps at Jessica
    "You coming down?"Darian asked laughing
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Jessica lookrf back at the room. She looked back down and grinned.

    "Yeah, yeah, I'm comin." She said laughing coming down the steps.

    "So Darian, who's all coming?" She asked him sitting down on the couch. She took the remote and flipped through a magazine and set it down. She glanced at the newspaper at the article about the kids going missing.
  12. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Well im not really sure...My mom said some kids from last year and some new kids that we will get to meet"Darian said
    Darian walked to the Door to see if someone was coming He saw no one
    Darian left the door open and went and sat down on the couch
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "New kids?" Jessica asked confused.

    "Since when? I don't remeber any new kids. I usually watch new people move in. I don't remeber any new kids." Jessica said to him. She looked over at him. She looked back at the article. 'I wonder why they keep going missing. I wonder if that can happen to me.' Jessica thought to herself.
  14. Burnin'-Axel

    Burnin'-Axel Flurry of Dancing Flames

    "New machine huh?" Reyson said with a grin, "He's always working on something isn't he?" Reyson sat down on the couch and listened as Darien called to Jessica. When she came down, he heard them talk about some new kids coming besides the kids from last year.

    "Yeah Darien, what new kids?" asked Reyson, "I haven't really noticed anyone new to come around here." He laughed a bit 'Then again, I wouldn't really want to notice...' he thought. "Only thing about kids I've heard of is the missing ones."
  15. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan sat on the arm of the couch and whistled. "Maybe Freddy Kreuger got everyone. That's why the kids are gone," Jordan chuckled. "Oh did you guys hear about me and Darian beating up some wierdo kids the other day?" Jordan hopped up onto his feet. He then said, "Me and Darian were out in the middle of the island when they tried to ambush us."

    Jennifer asked, "Doing what?"

    Jordan replied, "I was.......er.......doing something important. Darian just tagged along for the 'adventure'."
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2009
  16. Burnin'-Axel

    Burnin'-Axel Flurry of Dancing Flames

    Reyson laughed "Yeah, maybe he had Jason 'tag along for the adventure' too eh?" 'But really,' Reyson thought, 'it's really wierd. A lot of kids are missing and there are no real clues to where they've gone. Hope they get found.'

    Reyson turned over to look at Jordan. "Tell me Jordan, who took out the most wierdos this time?" Reyson asked smiling.
  17. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan laughed and asked, "Do you have to ask?" He showed his fists and said, "Righty took out 3, Lefty took out two. Darian only took out three." He stretched his arms out and said, "Yup, people get wierder everytime. And they were saying something about how 'The day is near at hand' or something like that. I don't know."
  18. Burnin'-Axel

    Burnin'-Axel Flurry of Dancing Flames

    "Haha, Lefty needs a bit more workout. Don't know what'll help Darian though" Reyson said with a quick grin. The grin vanished quickly though, "Those guys' weren't just wierd, they were freakshows...." Reyson said shaking his head, "'The day is near at hand'? Those guys need lives....or should get out on their front lawn for once."
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Agreed, but it has me thinking, I go to the middle of the island often myself just a casual walk and I've seen some weird people, never truly encountered them, but still, they've never been there before." Jessica said.

    "I wonder though do those guys have to do something with the missing kids, a lot of kids break parents rules and go to the middle of the island anyways." Jessica continued.
  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Mich saw Draco & started to run towards him in delight. "HEY MAN! What's up?! What're you doing here?" Draco sighed & thinks that something is wrong with his head. "Seeing you acting like so stupid. Why you just go back home like a good boy with those beedy eyes & stay home?" Mich was steamed up & can't believe that he said that. "What's your problem?! There's no reason for you to act like a jerk. You need to have a little bit of fun." "Yea yea. Save it for someone who cares. You is nothing to me anyways." "WHY I OUGHTA..." But before he was able to punch Draco, he saw that it was starting to thunder. "AW MAN! I HAVE TO GO BACK HOME! See ya later Drac." "Yea yea. Bye Dumbo."
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