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Kingdom Hearts:Runaways (Actual Roleplay)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Jul 9, 2009.

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  1. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Jordan If your going to tell a story tell it the right way ok"Darian said smiling
    "I was the one who took out 5 and you took out 4"Darian said while laughing
    Darian looked around the room
    "Wow almost everyone is here"Darian said
    Darian began walking towards the door
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Yea yea. I'll see you later." Mich started to run back towards his house, but dark clouds came & started to rain weird, black stuff. "Huh? Why the rain have yellows eyes? MAN! It's pouring down real fast!" Mich then saw a car & started to chuckle. "Heh. time for my sticky fingers to work."

    Draco started to walk in the rain without any care about it." Draco then saw the rain pouring down & some of them had yellow eyes. "Aw man. Great. This just ruins my day even more." Draco heard some people screaming, but didn't took the time to go to it. "Whatever. They will be in trouble anyways..." Draco ended up back in front of his house, but saw that the door is wide opened...
  3. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    Tukiko was listening to everyone talking about the missing kids. These types of subjects always seem to creep her out; I guess it's because she's young too and she'd be scared to get snatched up. But it wouldn't stop her wondering what was happening to all of them. Maybe there's some creepers on the street. Tukiko shudders at the thought of this. "Hey guys, since you're all talking about the missing kids I guess I'll go and help Dariens mom out."

    Tukiko got off the couch and headed into the kitchen, but everything was already taken care of. She definitely didn't want to go back in the living room and hear about the kids, so she decided that she might as well mop the floor. The would for sure keep her occupied since it takes her forever to clean.
  4. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darian noticed that Tukiko had left
    "Tukiko wait"Darian said walking towards the kitchen door
    "Whats the matter Tukiko?"Darian asked with a worried look on his face
    Darian walked in the kitchen and looked in the fridge and took out some orange juice
    "Want some?"Darian asked smiling
  5. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    "Nothings really wrong it just worries me how so many kids are disapearing. How come they haven't come up with the person behind all of this? I'm just scared if one of my friends gets taking away too." She said in a whisper trying not to look as afraid as she felt.
    "I'd love some orange juice though, it might help me stop feeling so nervous." Tukiko said trying to press a smile on her face. She kept pondering on the thought of the missing kids as she began to walk towards Darien seeing as he had asked her if she wanted orange juice and she suspected that she might as well go over and get it; after all she had nothing better to do.
    "Hey Darien, what do you think is behind the disapearance of all of these children."
  6. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan heard Tukiko's question and thought about it. "Well I've heard rumors lately of what might be behind it," Jordan said. "Some say 'the darkness is coming back and is starting with the island' and stuff like that. Pretty wierd huh?"

    Jennifer walked into the kitchen and also got some orange juice. After saying thanks to Darian she came back into the living room and asked, "But what could this 'darkness' be?"
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Mich started to play with the door & started to bang on it & started to make a beat. "Oh yea. This always works." Mich started to have a song in his head & before he knew it, he had the door opened. "ALRIGHT! MOBBING TIME!" Mich jumped in the car & started to take his toothpick & started to play with the car. He started up the car & was smiling. He started to drive off & the owner of the car saw him. "COME BACK YA THEIF!" But Mich didn't hear him & a dark shadow attacked the owner & took his heart...

    Draco started to walk in the house, seeing that the sink was overflowing & a paper was on the table. "Aw man. This is a drag. now I have to clean up." He saw that the paper had a little bit of blood on it saying:

    "Draco dear. I have to leave for your father. Something urgent had came up. Please... Whatever you do... don't talk to no strangers or anyone who wants to harm you. I had already cooked for you & your food is in the microwave. I'll be back in about 4 days."

    "So? I don't care. Stay there & leave me just like dad had did. No one don't care anyways." Draco turned the sink off & tried to find a mop. He then heard some people crying for help & heard someone knocking on the door. "DANG IT! WOULD SOMEONE WOULD JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!"
  8. Burnin'-Axel

    Burnin'-Axel Flurry of Dancing Flames

    Jennifer had asked what the darkness could be. Reyson had no idea what it could be so he gave it his best shot.
    "Could it be an eclipse maybe? Or that some really big plane or something'll block out the sun? Eh....I think that they're just trying to mess around with everyone, get a few laughs maybe. Anyway, it's not like everyone's saying that kind of stuff right?" Reyson said. "I'm gonna get some juice too. You two want anything?"
  9. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    "Yeah pretty weird alright." Tukiko told Jordan in a loud tone just so he could here her from in the other room. After getting herself some orange juice Tukiko started walking back into the living room. Her feet would barely lift off of the floor because she was so nervous. She had to act calm though around her friends. Tukiko knew that she was probably just taking these things to seriously, that's all. After all what were the chances that any of her friends would be taking too? None, that would never happen in a million years...

    Tukiko made her way over to the couch once more. She was still nervous but she was slightly more calm thinking that nothing wrong would happen to all of her loved ones. The only thing that was eating away at her now was how Jordan had said that some people claimed the darkness is coming back. Darkness, I haven't noticed any she though, Reyson had to be right about this; people were just pulling a mean joke. What happens if he was wrong though... One question still lingered on her mind that she just had to ask. "Hey Jordan, how could darkness coming back relate to children going missing anyway."
  10. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan raised an eyebrow when looking at Tukiko. "Are you ok? We're not freaking you out or anything are we," he asked. He shook his head and said, "That's a good question though. I heard that the island, no, this ENTIRE WORLD was engulfed by Darkness once before. I don't believe them because we're still here." Jordan yawned loudly then laughed a bit afterwards.
  11. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    "No of course you guys aren't freaking me out. How could you be? Look how calm I am, can't get any better!" Tukiko said forcing a huge smile across her face so big that her eyes were barely open, not noticing that her glass was shaking in her hand from all of her anxiety. She started listening tentively again once Jordan said that one time their entire world was engulfed by darkness, looking sort of horror struck. "Hmm maybe the darkness did take over our world once... And then somehow it got out of it and here we are today... Wait that kind of sounds crazy now that you think about it. I mean how could you get out of darkness" She said while putting one hand behind he head while the other one held the glass still shaking.
  12. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan chuckled a bit but stopped and sat next to her. He held her trembling hand and made her sit the glass down. He smiled and said, "Ok, new subject. What are we going to eat?" Jordan looked to Darian to see if he knew the answer. He loudly sighed, disappointed that he would have to wait a bit longer for food.
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Mich started to drive into the front of his house, but then saw that it was up in smokes inside. "WHAT THE FREAK!" Mich started to run inside of his house & saw some tiny meteor moving objects with yellow eyes starting to mess with the oven. WHAT THE... GET OUT OF HERE!" He took out his water gun & started to spray at them & they started to run, but he was able to destroy them when he took a bucket of mop water & threw it on them. "AW MAN! MY PARENTS IS GOING TO JUMP ON ME! THEY WON'T BELIEVE ME OF WHAT HAD HAPPENED!"

    Draco opened the door & saw a man crying for help. "DRACO! PLEASE! LET ME GWAAAAH!!" The man was then stabbed through the chest & was turned into darkness. "WHAT THE HECK..." The man's heart was leaving him & went into a soldier heartless & evolved it into a large body. "WHAT THE HECK?! WHAT ARE YOU?!" Draco then slammed the door & started to run for the kitchen as the Large body knocked down the door. "Draco went & got himself a knife, but then the knife started to glow. "WHAT THE... WHAT'S GOING ON?!"

  14. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darian Looked at Jordan
    "Whatever my Mom Cook's"Darian said
    Darian walked in the Living room and sat down on the chair and began flicking through channels not even caring that the others were watching Television
    "Hey Umm Guys we should go to the park"Darian said looking at the door
    Darian looked around at everyone in the room
    "So...?"Darian asked
  15. Burnin'-Axel

    Burnin'-Axel Flurry of Dancing Flames

    Jordan and Jennifer didn't respond.
    'I'll take that as a no...' thought Reyson. Reyson walked into the kitchen and served himself some juice. Reyson came back with a glass of juice when Darian said that they should go to the park. Reyson took a sip of his juice and said,
    "Sure. we don't have anything else to do right now right? Well...unless anyone else has a better idea?"
  16. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "So You guys coming or what?"Darian said
    Darian walked towards the door and opened it
    "Lets Go All Aboard Who Is coming Aboards"Darian said smiling
  17. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    "Yeah, I'd love to tag along too. I need some fresh air!" Tukiko gleefully said as she got to her feet leaving her unfinished orange juice behind. The one thing Tukiko loved most was going to parks, they always seemed to bring her in the best moods; cloud watching was also a favourite past time of hers and it was always easy to do that there. She was desparate to do something fun and as she started walking towards the door the thought about missing kids completely flew out of her mind. "Come on everyone let's go!" Tukiko shouted as she made her way outside into the cool days' refreshing air.
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Jessica sat deep in thought.

    "I'm up for the park." Jessica said. She stood up and walked over to the door. She opened the door for everyone who was coming. She looked over at all of them.

    "Plus don't worry no one is going to get us, they'll have to deal with us." Jessica told them. She said with a smile.
  19. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darian Stood Up and Walked outside
    "This is going to be great"Darian Said
    Darian Climb on top of his fence and did a Flip off of it
    "Whew thats tiring"Darian said
    "Lets go guys!"Darian said
  20. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan sighed. "Sure. Not like I wasn't already relaxing outside before I came here," he said sarcastically but with a smile. He got up and followed the group. Jennifer quickly followed Jordan so she wouldn't be left behind. "I should have brought my metal bat for self defense," Jordan joked. "You never know if more crazies pop up." Jennifer nudged him in the side signaling him to stop.
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