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Kingdom Hearts: Runaways (Remake)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, May 1, 2010.

  1. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Dude, I put below it that there's a difference! Do I really have to find another keyblade?
  2. _Roxas_

    _Roxas_ New Member

    Cool! Can I join? =)


    Name: Alexia
    Age: 14
    Weight: 38kg
    Height: 1.5 metres
    Abilities: Can control weak heartless [she doesn't know], can use darkness and light and can summon a duplicate of her keyblade so she has two.

    Weapon: Lunar Eclipse

    Side: Undecided
    Personality: kind, cheerful, selfless, tries to help everyone, acts like a completely different person sometimes
    Bio: In a far away world a prohecy was told that a set of twins would be born, one will enherit the powers of darkness while the other light. However one of the twins died from birth so the one question remained....which was the surviving twin?

    She was born in an unknown world that hid from the rest. She recalls that her mother died from birth while her father abandoned her in that forsaken world. For Alexia's entire life she was feared by the villagers as they were unsure of which twin she was, the one of light or darkness. Since she had no father the town's vleader looked after her since she knew her mother, nothing more. When she was finally 7 years old the villagers could no longer contain their fear as they decided to was about time to destroy her. When they burst into the room the town's leader tried to reason with them but they killed him on the spot in front of her eyes. She snapped as her powers finally awoke. Her hatred summoned heartless to her side as her hair grew longer and her eyes turned a rose red. "How dare you hurt my sister...you'll pay!" she spoke as her voice completely changed.

    In a blink of an eye the villagers were wiped out and when she gained back control she saw their copses laying in front of her. She doesn't recall what happened but all of her light started to fade away as the darkness began to grow...Alexia never realised it but there was someone else inside her...the twin sister that was supposed to have died.

    She left the world as she completely forgot about this event. She now spends her time helping others and searching for these so called 'keyblade weilders' to ask questions since she feels connected to this new chaos. She also starts to question herself if she truly has a heart or not...she feels empty inside and can't describe why.
  3. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Hey Darian, I edited my templates so they show their appearances. Are they ok?
  4. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    ok accepted Roxas cool..
  5. _Roxas_

    _Roxas_ New Member

    Yay!!! ^_^
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Ok guys, first off I think we're all confusing each other's posts. We need to come up with something to straighten all of this out. Second off we need to find away where all the characters that have keyblades, get keyblades. Like my character didn't fight the heartless. She was helping out Hope's character, I can't just have her magically get a keyblade popped in her hands.
  7. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    I agree with this. This thing is getting way convulted. I'm having trouble figuring out whats even going on. Are all of the characters involved currently keyblade weilders?
  8. All I know is that knightof darkness (darian) said that me and noz needed to wait until he gave the okay for us to use our Keyblades and stuff. Reo has had his for a while so has Jii so...yeah :-/
  9. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Well I made a post about me getting my keyblade. I stated that I had to fight a heartless for the first time and my keyblade came that's how I did mine... Sooo I don't know about the others right now
  10. I was only wondering because I expected some sort of awakening posts or something for everyone else that didn't start the RP with a Keyblade.
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Listen, two choices, but main point is this RP is out of control. It's not organized and it's leaving Hope and I in the dust. We need to organize this and here's where I'm looking at.

    This is way out of control, and this needs to stop unless all of you are fine with it, but if you guys continue from here I hate doing this because I don't do this often, but I'll have to drop out.

    Choice 2 though being that we delete this one started already and start over, with a tad bit more organizations and we wait before jumping into fighting and keyblades and stuff so that we can actually build into the plot.
  12. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Hmm. Dawn's right. This rp is getting out of control and to tell you the truth Darian, I can't keep up with the rp that much. I vote for choice 2.
  13. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Right I think we should start over and when we reach 5 pages then talk about our keyblade. B/c at first it started at school and then lunch then it started to go off. It should start off at the lunch again or school either way works good though.
  14. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    Yeah, lets just start over, this is too confusing
  15. _Roxas_

    _Roxas_ New Member

    well...if it IS reseted...maybe we could add tags or quotes on where the character is like..."____ walked towards school" or something so we can keep track on where everyone is?
  16. I would have to agree with vote number two. We do need more organization.
    It's not that it's getting out of control it's probably that most of us aren't reading before we freaking post.
    I was going to say the same thing. Good job, Zero.
    Read the thread before you post.
    Having the tags would be a little bit hard to arrange. Having to constantly change it would mean that we have to take in the fact of the events going on and then something else that happens.

    I would've simply proposed that knightof darkness(darian) have to write up a summary of what's going on in an attempt that we can gain a better hold of what's going on.
  17. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    I think I'm going to drop out of this one, if it's going to start over. I didn't have problem following the plot as it was, but have it your way then, lol.
  18. Reiko

    Reiko New Member

    Um, I guess I have a fresh start since I'm just entering?
  19. It's not that it's confusing it's probably because no one is reading the thread before they actually make posts.
  20. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    hey, I've been gone 4 awhile, someone want 2 bring me up 2 speed?

    so r we just letting this RP die or what?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2010

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